Under Lin Yu's command, the army ants went up to meet them.

The result was similar to what she had expected before, six or seven army ants could suppress a big goblin to death.

But what Lin Yu didn't expect was that the two tall goblins holding spears at the entrance of the cave also rushed over.


Shouldn't you go into the cave and report to your boss at this time?We're attacking your tribe, huh?

They thought that these two guys could be a little smarter than other goblins, but they were both fools.

Anyway, look at their properties panel...


name: none

Race: Goblin Warrior

Qualification: C

Class: D

Level: LV.19

Health: 320/320

Mana: 60/60

Skills: "Attack Enhancement", "Bite", "Gunshot", "Concentration"

Attribute: Strength 8 (+1)

Agility 3

Intelligence 2

Physical Resistance 1

Elemental Magic Resistance 2

Ailment Resistance 2

/ Goblin Warrior: Goblin alienated species, good at using weapons, is an excellent attack on low-level monsters, impulsive and irritable, and has a strong sexual desire, usually breeds with ordinary Goblins, and produces There is a chance that the individual is a Goblin Warrior.


Wow, the level is higher than Big Goblin!Sorry for underestimating you...

However, the ability of an individual is limited after all. It’s true that army ants can’t beat you one-on-one, but what about five if one can’t?

If five can't do it, ten can always do it, right?

Then twenty army ants went up and entangled the two goblin warriors.

The war between the ants and the goblins is intensifying.

Blood was scattered everywhere as if they didn't want money, and stumped limbs and arms were everywhere.

Lin Yu asked the weak ants and army ants whose health had been reduced to less than one-third due to the injury to withdraw, and then put the other ants on top, so that the casualties of the ant colony could be minimized.


The war lasted only a few minutes, and the goblins had suffered heavy casualties.

Of the more than 1000 goblins, nearly 300 have died, and most of them were killed by army ants.

Three of the eleven big goblins were seriously injured and could not recover, and the remaining eight big goblins also suffered a lot of injuries. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before they were defeated.

As for the two goblin warriors, they are worse than the big goblin. Because their physical resistance is only 1 point, and the quality of the spear handle in their hands is not good enough, they were bitten off by the army ants when they found the right opportunity, so they were unexpected. simple.

The tendons of the hands and feet of the two Goblin warriors were bitten off, and they were seriously injured, unable to recover.

And at this moment, the goblin in the cave finally noticed something was wrong.

"Garba?" (Those idiots outside seem to be noisier than before?)

"Gaba? Gaba! Gaba!" (Could it be that the big guys are fighting? Go out and see!)

Walking out of the cave were the two special goblins in clothes that Lin Yu had seen through the weak ant's perspective before.

Through identification, Lin Yu saw their racial names——

"Goblin Wizard" and "Goblin King"

Chapter 47 Ant Colony VS Goblin Tribe (Part [-])

name: none

Race: Goblin Wizard

Qualification: B

Class: C

Level: LV.6

Health: 300/300

Mana: 120/120

Skills: "Inspiration", "Bite", "Meditation", "Magic Talent", "Fireball", "Fire Shield"

Attribute: Strength 2

Agility 4

Intelligence 12 (+1)

Physical Resistance 2

Elemental Magic Resistance 2

Ailment Resistance 1

/Goblin Wizard: An alienated species of Goblin, a mid-level monster who is good at using magic, has stronger thinking ability than ordinary Goblins, and also has a strong sexual desire, usually breeds with ordinary Goblins, and produces individuals There is a very low probability that it is a goblin wizard.


name: none

Race: Goblin King

Qualification: B

Class: C

Level: LV.10

Health: 550/550

Mana: 80/80

Skills: "Attack Enhancement", "Defense Enhancement", "Attack Enhancement", "Bite", "Slash", "Full Concentration", "Sword Ability", "Shock"

Attribute: Strength 11 (+6)

Agility 5

Intelligence 4

Physical resistance 2 (+2)

Elemental Magic Resistance 2

Ailment Resistance 3

/Goblin King: The ruler of the Goblin tribe, a alienated species with a very low probability of being produced only when the Goblin group reaches a certain size, a mid-level monster that is good at close combat, and its thinking ability is stronger than that of ordinary Goblins , In addition, they have a strong sexual desire, and they usually perform breeding behaviors with ordinary goblins, but they have no reproductive ability.


Wow, it's a C-rank monster!So strong!

And they all have an attribute above ten points, the intelligence attribute of that goblin wizard is higher than mine, and it can do magic!

Fireball?Offensive magic?so envious!

And that goblin king is also very strong.

What kind of trouble is the power at 17 o'clock!I feel like I can be killed with just a wave of the sword in my hand...

If they fight alone, no ant will be able to defeat these two goblins.

There is no outstanding individual in the ant colony yet.

But as the saying goes, a good goblin can't stand a lot of ants.

The previous goblin warriors only needed ten army ants to defeat them. If these two C-class goblins were to be defeated, twenty ants should be able to defeat each goblin, right?

That's 20 D-class army ants, no matter how strong the C-class guys are, they can't beat so many, right?


When Lin Yu was observing the status of the goblin wizard and goblin king, their faces were already full of anger because they saw the tragic situation of the goblins.

"Gaba!!" (Damn ants!)

"Garba! Gaba!" (Come out! Kill them all!)

The tall goblin in rusty armor suddenly roared into the cave behind him.

Then Lin Yu saw a group of equally tall green-skinned monsters running out of the cave.

They are big goblins and goblin warriors, the numbers are 8 and 6 respectively.

These "elite monsters" obeyed the instructions of the Goblin King, and screamed and threw them into the battlefield.

These big goblins and goblin warriors who entered the battlefield are stronger than those who can't recover, so the ant colony has to allocate more army ants to deal with them.

More than half of the [-] army ants were assigned to deal with these big goblins and goblin warriors, so ordinary goblins could breathe.

However, the ant colony is still suppressing the goblin side.


Lin Yu saw the goblin wizard raise the bone stick in his hand.

There was a faint red fluorescence on the wooden staff, and the red fluorescence suddenly flew out of the wooden staff, and then bet on the big goblins and goblin warriors.

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