/ Health: 10/10

It is already the same as Lin Yu's current upper limit of HP. If you look closely at the size, you will even find that it is a little bigger than her.


There is no way to use that skill anymore.

But seeing the thirty "warriors" lined up neatly in front of him, Lin Yu felt a sense of security in his heart.

Time to explore that passage, she thought.

She established contact with a weak ant with qualification D, and then ordered her to take the other twenty weak ants without qualification to the only entrance of the cave to explore the entire passage.

What about the remaining nine weak ants including one with D qualification?

To protect me of course!

I am the queen ant, your mother!If the enemy bypasses you and comes towards the cave, wouldn't I be in danger!


The weak ants with aptitude D led a group of twenty weak ants behind them, walking at a moderate speed through the dark passage.

All the way there was a one-way street that went up diagonally, and I didn't see other creatures.

After about a few minutes, the passage came to an end.

There was nothing at the end, no, technically just a caved-in mound.

It looked like the road ahead was buried by mounds of dirt.

The weak ants lost their target and stopped in place.

What will be ahead?ground?Also, the mound buried the passage was done by my mother during her lifetime?

Through the connection with Weak Ant, Lin Yu was able to see the current situation.

After hesitating for a moment, she gave the order to the weak ant team to dig up the mound.

The weak ants started to act again after receiving the instructions, but because the passageway is not big, it can only accommodate four weak ants, so only the front four weak ants work, and the rest of the weak ants just stand by for a while watch.

"Hey, don't just watch, let's move the sand back together."

After giving another command, the remaining weak ants started to act.

I don't know how deep they have to dig to get through the passage, but if they are asked to move later, they can only move to their current cave.

And... isn't the cave a little too small?

Thirty weak ants can fill up one-third of the space, and the corpse of the mother next to it is even more crowded, and the remaining space must not be able to hold much sand.

Some want to expand the size of the cave, but how to expand it? Do you dig directly into the soil wall?

I don't know if it will collapse after digging, and what to do with the sand dug out...

So complicated...

In short, let's talk about it after the channel is opened.

Chapter 5 What is outside the ant nest?

The weak ants are worthy of the ant tribe, they are natural diggers, and after only a few minutes, the passage was opened.

The moment the passage was opened, a faint light shot in from the gap.


Is it on the ground?

Lin Yu felt his heart pounding.

A little excited, a little anticipation, but more nervous.

While she was in a daze, the weak ants knocked down the last earth wall, and then a hole appeared for four weak ants to enter and exit, and a faint light was thrown directly into the passage along the hole.

Looking from the exit, the top of the head is not a blue sky, but a "ceiling" made of rocks.

And after the passage was opened, Lin Yu could hear a slight "baji" sound coming from the ground, and at the same time, she could smell a faint smell of blood.

someone?Or animals?

She didn't act immediately, but listened to the "baji" sound for a while, and then found that the middle of the "baji" sound was mixed with the sound of tearing something from time to time, as well as a slightly rough panting sound.

The voice does not sound human.

It seems that some kind of animal should be eating, and the sound is still some distance away.

If you're eating, you probably won't notice this way, right?

By the way, it tastes delicious... I want to eat it too...

If you take a sneak peek, you won't be noticed!

Lin Yu asked all the other weak ants to stand by, while she carefully controlled this weak ant with qualification D to poke its head out of the hole.

A lot of stones, and stone walls, is this a stone cave?

No, that's not the point.

Lin Yu quickly looked at the source of the "baji" sound.


In the center of the cave in the distance is a bear-like creature with two long fangs in its mouth and thick brown hair on its body.

From Lin Yu's point of view, the bear's body was at least three or four times the size of his mother's corpse, and compared to her ant colony, it was even more gigantic.

The big bear was tearing at a bloody prey below him with its bloody mouth open. It seemed that it was concentrating on eating and didn't notice Lin Yu's gaze.

Looking at the bloody bear under the creature, which looked so miserable that he couldn't recognize what it was the prey of the creature, Lin Yu lost the desire to eat in front of him.

While Big Bear was eating, she carefully observed the entire cave.

There are small piles of animal bones scattered around the cave, and there is nothing worth paying attention to other than that.

The area of ​​the stone cave is large for the size of the weak ant, but from the perspective of the bear, it doesn't look that big, and the width is only the size of four or five bears standing side by side.

However, the length of the cave is roughly estimated to be more than ten times the width, which is quite long.

Sunlight slanted down from the extremely tall hole in the distance, making the whole cave a bit brighter, at least brighter than the small ant nest underground.

Although I have only been in the ground for a few hours, I still prefer an environment with light.

Well, it's not because I'm afraid of the dark, if I say no, it's not!


After looking fearfully at the bear-like creature tearing flesh in the distance, Lin Yu retracted his ant's head.

It's just a probe, but a lot of information has already been harvested.

The first is to reconfirm that this world is a different world, not the original modern world.

Then there's the current situation.

Let's just use the cave I'm staying in now as an ant nest. The entrance of the ant nest is located in the corner under the wall of this stone cave. The entrance is not big, but it's not too small either.

The owner of the cave is that huge bear. Although it is impossible to see its status panel, no matter how you think about it, it is a guy who cannot be provoked, right?

I'm afraid that the sum of the ant colonies is not enough for it to slap a few times.

The existence of the ant nest cannot be known to it, um, the entrance of the ant nest must be buried again.

But speaking of which, there wasn't much food in the ant nest, and those eggshells couldn't support the consumption of thirty weak ants and myself.

Uh, speaking of which, these guys have become about the same age as me, and their appetites may also increase...

However, there is still the corpse of my mother in the cave. It looks fresh and fresh...

You can consider giving it to the children. My mother is my mother, not your mother, so you can eat it, um, yes.

What, why don't I eat?

I can't eat it, no, no, no...

That's my mother anyway, well, although my mother seemed to want to eat me before she died... But!No way, no way!

I am a filial daughter!

Well, I just don't want to eat dead insects...


Because of mental barriers!It doesn't look delicious, the taste must be weird and unpalatable, and maybe it will burst when you eat it?

I thought of going to a strange place... In short, let's get back to the topic first.

Food is a big issue, but perhaps this bear can be explored while it's out hunting.

This seems to be the only way.

Finally, there is intelligence about the ant colony itself.

Although it is an ant colony, the size of himself and the weak ants does not seem to be small.

For that big bear, the weak ant should be the size of a bear's paw.

If it were ants in the original world, the size of an ant might not be as big as a hair of that big bear.

However, it is not clear what the size of the big bear is in this world.


Lin Yu ordered the weak ants to bury the entrance of the ant nest with sand until the entrance changed from the size that four weak ants could enter and exit at the same time to the size that only one weak ant could enter and exit.

Then she asked the weak ants to take turns staring at the big bear outside the entrance of the anthill.

It doesn't take too many ants to stare at the big bear, so Lin Yu asked the remaining weak ants to come back.

The psychological activities of the weak ants are still blank.

Which means they are not hungry yet.

I'm not hungry either...

If you can't go out and explore, what do you do next?

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