Closer to home.

The magic value has returned to zero.

Although I ate a lot of wild boar according to my hunger, the experience points I gained were very little.

But there are still many experience packs out there.

There are 16 experience packs called Big Goblins, 8 experience packs called Goblin Warriors, and 1 experience pack called Goblin Wizard and another big experience pack called Goblin King!

happy happy~~

Lin Yu walked out of the cave surrounded by [-] army ants, and the newly laid eggs were guarded by another [-] army ants.

As for those poor females in the cave.

Except for the mother goblins, the females who were not disabled were released, and the disabled female Lin Yu was thrown to the ant colony to eat.

Of course, out of obsession with cleanliness, Lin Yu asked the ants to take them to a nearby small pool to wash them before the ants ate them.

After walking out of the cave.

Lin Yu saw those goblin cubs and mother goblins being brought to an open space in the middle of the goblin shed.

After the war, the ground of the Goblin tribe was blood-stained red at a glance. The corpses of the ant clan had been buried on the spot, and the mutilated corpses of the Goblin tribe had also been piled up into piles of corpses of different sizes. , or... in the food pile, there are injured army ants lying on the food pile and feasting.

The strong smell of blood gathered on the battlefield almost soared into the sky.

The smell of blood might attract other monsters, but Lin Yu had already investigated the environment around the goblin tribe in the past month, and there were no powerful monsters nearby.

I'm afraid that the smell of blood will attract monsters from farther away, but the goblin tribe has survived in this place for so long without being exterminated, so the ant tribe should be able to handle it.

Slightly suppressing the worries in his heart, Lin Yu first walked in front of those "experience packages".


The goblin was still weakly begging for mercy.

Lin Yu ignored it, she stabbed her sharp jaws into the neck of Big Goblin.

The experience value has only increased a little. After all, it has been upgraded to C-rank, and the big goblin of D-rank can no longer provide much experience.

Immediately afterwards, he helped 10 big goblins to end the pain.

/Experience value acquisition meets the conditions, and the level is improved.

/Level LV.1 is upgraded to LV.2, and all values ​​are restored.

/Choose one of the three gifts: ① Maximum HP +10, Maximum Mana +10 ② Maximum Mana +15 ③ Maximum Mana +10, Strength +1

/Please choose your gift.

The value is different.

The gift reward has tripled when it became classless. Is it because of the promotion to C class?

Well, choose the second one.

/boon established.

Mana cap has been increased from 102 to 117.

I always feel that adding points to myself is dangerous, and the health value is only 60 points so far... The health value of the army ants is two or three times that of my own.

Eh, by the way, isn't there a "magnification" skill?

A powerful skill that can temporarily increase the health attribute and strength attribute!Should be pretty strong... right?

Anyway, try it out.

Activate the skill "Enormous".

After the skill was activated, the body of the white ant began to grow bigger and bigger.

The height of the line of sight is also increased.

When it reaches a certain level, the change stops.

Lin Yu, who was originally only the size of a weak ant, found that he was now taller than an army ant, that is to say, his size after becoming gigantic had tripled.

The magic value consumed 10 points at one time.

She then looked at her health and strength attributes.

/ Health: 60 (+180)/60 (+180)

/Strength 2 (+6)

tripled! !So strong! !

What kind of cheating skill is this!Hmph, I can never be an African who can draw this kind of skill!

Ah, magic value!The magic value is constantly decreasing!

Cancel!Cancel the skill!

/Cancel skill activation.

After canceling the skill, the white ants returned to their original size.

Mana at this moment: 105/117

In just a few breaths, the magic value decreased by two points.

Like the skill "Magic Shield", mana points are consumed not only to activate the skill, but also to maintain the skill... and the consumption speed is so fast...

That's right, if you can maintain it all the time, it's really cheating.

And if the body is large, although it looks very strong, it is also easier to be attacked.

Well, that's about it for the skills test.

However, some mana points were wasted due to skill testing, so the "spawn" skill can only be activated twice at the moment.

It will take more than 12 hours to recover the wasted [-] mana points...

Although the mana can be fully recovered by upgrading, but this wastes nearly one-third of the mana.

Forget it, take this extra day as a holiday for my stomach.

Now... what to do with these goblins?

Lin Yu rode the army ant daughter to the goblin cubs and mother goblins.

Count a little.

Including the mother goblins found in the cave, there are more than 50 of these mother goblins, and they are all pregnant. As for the mother goblins who were not pregnant, they should all have died in the previous war.

There are more goblin cubs, more than 200 in total.

Speaking of... should I say something to them?

Notify them that they have been ruled by the ant tribe and become captives?But these ordinary goblins probably don't know the meaning of rule and capture, after all, they are stupid.

In conclusion... put it as simply as possible.

"Chi! Chi!" (Be obedient! It's okay!)

"Chick! Chick!" (Disobedient! Die!)

Wow, it seems to have the feeling of communication between goblins!

How about it, do you understand?

She looked at the goblin cubs and mother goblin.

"Gaba!" (Be obedient!)

Suddenly a mother goblin made a sound.

"Gaba!" (Be obedient!)

Immediately afterwards, the other mother goblins also screamed strangely.

After that, the goblin cub also screamed with a sharper voice.

Although there are some psychological barriers to the behavior of domesticating and slaughtering humanoid individuals like goblins like pigs and sheep, Lin Yu does not regret his decision.

Although wild boars and rabbits can also be raised, after observation, wild boars and rabbits do not have the terrifying reproductive ability of goblins.

Therefore, in order to keep my children, and even future children from starving to death, I must do this.

She planned to use the original large and small wooden sheds of the Goblin tribe to build a pasture in this open space.

Its name is Goblin Ranch.

Chapter 53 Mom!



"Mom, wake up..."

let me sleep a little longer...


Who... Looking for Mom early in the morning!And you found me here!

Lin Yu's waking up breath was immediately filled with a wave, and he opened his eyes suddenly and stared.

Then she saw two big dark ants, one big and one small, retreating back to the wall as if they were frightened.

"Is mom angry? Huh..."

After seeing the situation in front of him, Lin Yu's anger dissipated all of a sudden, and he became sober.


what! !

Who are they calling mother?who?me?

Could it be that...

Could it be that!

Did the eggs laid yesterday hatch?

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