"Feel sorry..."

Eh? ?Why do you apologize?It's just that the saliva is on the eggshell, as long as you don't give it to your mother, it's fine!

She looks like she's depressed...

Lin Yu subconsciously launched the skill "Unique Skill - Ant Queen" to observe the other party's psychological activities.

Mental activity shows... "Hungry" "Like"

Not depressed?Eh, why?

Lin Yu was stunned.

"Because my mother is beautiful, I won't be sad if I get rejected."


beautiful?Am I beautiful now?It's understandable when I'm still a human... Wait!etc--

I didn't speak just now!

why!Why can she hear what is in her heart!

"As long as the mother observes with that skill, the daughter can hear what the mother is saying."

what!cancel now...

The activation of the effect of "Unique Skill - Ant Queen" has been cancelled.

What kind of trouble is this skill!I can only see their mental activities, but they can hear their own voices directly!Such... so strange!

Sociophobia's soliloquy is heard...

wow...so shameful...

turn off!Be sure to turn it off!

If I don't turn off the effect of this skill, I will die one day...

Well, in fact, I feel a little bit of death now... the two months of ant life is over.

"I'll keep it a secret for mom."


"It's the fact that Mom isn't as cold as she looks."

"is it okay?"


Wow, she is so sensible!

Fortunately, the effect of "Unique Skill - Ant Queen" is used on her, if used on that crybaby, it will be dangerous!

But... Although her voice sounded young, she spoke with a very mature feel.

It's not like the words that a newborn child can say at all.

Speak Chinese!Why do you speak Chinese?

Wait, if it's her, maybe I can speak in the same tone as a normal person?

"Why do you speak Chinese?"

Ah... the tone is still so cold... As expected, it still doesn't work...

Because I have always spoken in such a cold tone, it seems to have become a habit.

It is probably because of this reason that I have not had many friends all the time. No one would make friends with a person who talks little, speaks coldly and has a paralyzed face, right?What's more, it's still a beautiful girl who has been crowned with the nickname of the school. It's already considered good if the girls don't envy themselves.

Hey, you mean boys?Even if those guys approach me, they don't just want to make friends. I'm not a fool!


"Chinese? Is it the language my mother uses?"

"You don't know? We are talking in Chinese now."

"Well, I will use it naturally, and there are some unfamiliar words..."

"A word you don't know?"

"Well, there are many, such as comics, movies, coffee shops, video tapes, electric fans..."

It's all from the original world...

"Also, what does lily mean?"

Eh!Why are you asking this all of a sudden!

Hmph, but when it comes to this, my mother will be energetic!

"Lily is..."

Ah, wait, I almost said it with the flow.

Although she speaks very maturely, she is still a newborn child, and she always feels that she cannot tell her these things.

"...It's just a flower."

After finishing the answer, the other party remained silent for some reason.

"Is there any other words to ask?"

"I will ask my mother if I think of it in the future."

Lin Yu saw the other party raised his head again, and moved closer with the eggshell in his jaws.

After this conversation, more than half of that eggshell can be said to be covered with saliva...

However, it was probably due to familiarity with Lin Yu that Lin Yu would no longer subconsciously back away from the opponent's approach as before.

But the large piece of saliva-stained eggshell fragments in front of her still made her scalp tingle.

"...Mom is not hungry, if you are hungry, you can eat first."

"Ah, it's because it's got mine on it... I thought Mom didn't mind."


How can you not mind!That's saliva!Even if it's a beautiful girl's... hey, if you think about it, it seems acceptable?

But you are an ant, and you are still a very big ant.

So sorry, the things that don't work just don't work.

Then Lin Yu saw the tentacles on the top of the armored ant's head slowly drooping in front of him, and the red eyes also became a little dim.

Seems to be really depressed now.

"if it is like this..."

She lowered her ant's head and was about to walk back with her own eggshell fragments in her mouth.

It looked very pitiful.


Ugh... what a headache...

"Wait a moment..."

"I'm suddenly a little hungry."

The daughter turned her head when she heard the words, her eyes lit up, and the two tentacles on the top of her head straightened suddenly.

"Really? Mom doesn't mind?"


Actually, I don't mind.

But who told me to be a gentle and considerate mother?

So the armored ant bit the eggshell fragments again and handed them over.

"Aren't you going to put the eggshell down?"

"It's going to get dirty, and I want to feed mommy."

Eh? ?

This always feels...so shy.

And what's the matter with the feeling of eating Pocky?

I mean, I'm not used to being so close to people...

After hesitating for a while, the white ant finally opened its mouth to the eggshell covered in saliva——


It still has a wonderful taste like potato chips, which is also mixed with some eggy smell, which is not delicious.

Those saliva have no taste, their function is just to make the eggshell feel sticky...

clack clack...

After eating half of it, the armored ant let go of the second half of the eggshell, and Lin Yu ate the other half as well.

Even burped after eating.

"Is it tasty?"

The armored ant looked at her expectantly.


Chapter 55 Name or something, whatever

Since they can speak, they have to be named for the convenience of communication.

But, name it...

I always feel like I have really become a mother...but I was called a mother several times by them.

As for being called mother?

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