Akihito shook his head.

"I need to personally withstand the attacks of the acid ants, feel the power of their acid attacks, and the pain caused by the corrosiveness of the acid. I believe this will help in future battles."


What she said makes sense...

"There will be no problem. Once you are injured, you can upgrade and recover by eating some meat."


Indeed, they are all only LV.1 now, and they can be upgraded as long as they eat a little meat.

So an acid ant stepped forward, secreting dark green acid from her mouth, the acid flowed down her jaws, and finally dripped on Chitong's forelimbs.

After the acid fell on the shell of Chitong's forelimbs, it bubbled up and sizzled.

"How about it?"

"The defense of the shell is being dissolved, and the acid can continuously weaken the physical resistance."

"Does it hurt?"

"Well, the pain is very obvious."

Huh, does that mean it hurts?

But I can't hear it from the sound.

Lin Yu also stretched out his forelimb in a strange way, and then touched the dark green acid dripping on Chitong's forelimb.

The moment it touched it, a sharp pain like a severed finger hit, and the pain continued to rise.

Ahhhhh! !! !!

Pain pain pain pain! ! !

It hurts! ! !

Lin Yu quickly shook off the acid on his fingers, and the pain began to ease after the acid was thrown off.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but after just touching it, she found that some part of the shell of her forelegs had been corroded, and it looked a bit like peeling off the paint. The shell that was originally pure white and translucent also had some flaws .

If you want to restore it to its perfect state, I'm afraid you have to wait until the next upgrade.


Chi Tong seemed to be frightened by Lin Yu's actions, and didn't react until then, and his tone suddenly became a little nervous.

"I'm fine."

Woooo...it hurts me!

"Are you all right?"

Chitong also shook off the acid on the forelimbs, and moved closer to Lin Yu.

She saw Lin Yu's injured forelimb.

The "paint peeled off" shell ruined the overall beauty of the white ants.

"Unlike me, Mom didn't have to test for acid."

Although his voice was still soft and waxy, Lin Yu could clearly hear a trace of anger.

Chapter 59 The Daughters Go Hunting

The power of acid is stronger than Lin Yu imagined.

Once touched, it will bring great pain to the target, and at the same time, it will continue to corrode the opponent's surface defense.

In addition, acid can invade the target's body through the bite of acid ants, causing secondary damage.

Then she tested the skill "Acid Splash".

As the skill name describes, after the skill is activated, the acid ant will spray acid from its mouth.

The acid can be sprayed out in a ball, and the spray range can reach about 50 meters, and the flying speed after spraying is not slow, at least not slower than the fireball released by the goblin wizard.

The acid can also be sprayed in a fan-shaped covering, but although this method covers a wide area, the spraying range can only reach more than ten meters.

However, no matter which method is used, after releasing the "acid splash", most of the acid stored in their abdomen will be spit out at once, and the concentration of the acid that is secreted will be much lower.

The skill "Acid Splash" can only cause effective damage to the enemy for the first two or three times.

But even that is pretty strong.

Lin Yu was very satisfied with the test results.

Ant colonies finally have the ability to attack remotely!

And acid is highly corrosive!That way it won't be so difficult to run into someone in armor like that goblin king next time.

Wait, speaking of acid ants, they can actually cooperate with iron ants...

Let them ride on the back of the armored ants, the armored ants are responsible for protecting the acid ants, and the acid ants are responsible for providing firepower!

Whoops, always feels a bit like a tank.

It's a pity that you can only shoot two or three rounds, but think about it. An iron armor ant can ride more than one acid ant on its back. If one ant shoots two or three rounds, five ants can shoot more than ten rounds.

Who can withstand a dozen rounds of acid attacks?

At least none of the monsters seen so far should be able to withstand it.

Even Chi Tong is the same.

But it sounded like she was a little angry because of something stupid I just did.

Suddenly stopped talking.

Then I don't know what she said to Xiaolei, but the crybaby also quieted down.

Although they really wanted to apologize or something, but their quiet appearance seemed a little scary.

What should I do? Most of the topics were raised by Chitong before, and then I answered it by myself. It is already very difficult for me, a social fear, to talk to people...

When she was struggling——

"Mom, I'm taking my sisters out hunting."


"I'll be back in the evening, don't worry mom."

"But there's meat at home..."

"If it's meat, give it to the other sisters. I'll hunt for more meat and come back."

After she finished speaking, she stretched out her forelimb and tapped Xiaolei on the head, and dragged her away amidst Xiaolei's whimpering, followed by 10 iron-clad ants and 20 acid ants.

In addition to the fully grown weak ants, worker ants and army ants, there were 10 acid ants and 8 iron ants left in the cave.

Although most of the army ants and weak ants outside the cave also went out, there were still enough to guard the goblins, as well as the ant nest and queen.


Sure enough, I am angry...

But she has gone away, and the apology will be discussed after they come back.

But...Speaking of which Chitong was able to call other ants over himself, is it because of aptitude A that other ants are obedient?Or is it because she is currently the strongest in the ant clan?


No, the ants are invincible and loyal, and their behavior in response to Chitong should also follow this principle.

In order to become stronger, go out hunting with Chitong, and then protect me better. ——Should I understand it this way?

Right now, there is nothing to do in the second ant nest, so Lin Yu focused on an acid ant following Chi Tong.

In fact, the angle of view can also be placed on Chitong and Xiaolei, but thinking that Chitong might still be angry, so he hesitated for a while and put it on an acid ant at the end of the team.


Chi Tong led a group of armored ants and acid ants to the north. In order not to waste time, they walked quickly.

But because of the huge difference in size, the acid ants couldn't catch up with the armored ants at all, and were left behind by a certain distance.


Chi Tong's soft voice sounded, startling Lin Yu.

But she breathed a sigh of relief when she thought that this voice was addressed to all the ants including the acid ant she was "possessing".

I thought I was discovered... Scared me to death!

Hey, no, why should I be afraid of this?

"The acid ants climbed on the backs of the iron-clad ants. We'll leave the rush to us, but I'll leave the task of finding the monsters to you."

So, all the ants obeyed the order of the eldest sister and started to form a team by themselves. Judging from their numbers, one iron armor ant would ride one or two acid ants on its back.

The acid ant attached to Lin Yu also started to walk towards an iron armor ant.


"Sister, just ride me."

Follow the voice and look...it's the head of the big sister Chitong!No, Chitong eldest daughter?

Eh? ?Did she discover something?

I didn't keep staring at you all the way, why did I find out?By the way, have you found it?

When Lin Yu was in a daze, the acid ant attached to her nodded and followed Chitong's words and climbed up her back.

The line of sight suddenly raised.

"Come again! I can still be ridden!"

There was a strange cry from the side.

It turned out to be Xiaolei. There were already two acid ants standing on her back, but she seemed to think it was fun. She was lying down to let the third acid ant crawl on her.

The third climbed up.

The fourth also climbed up.

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