But how could the goblins of classless LV. 1 beat the army ants of class D? Only one army ant can take down these 30 goblins without much effort.

After several unsuccessful resistances, these goblins became honest.

There are a total of five such mining passages, each with twenty or thirty goblin miners, and each with three army ants and about ten weak ants to oversee the work.

Adding up the five passages together, the daily output of magic stones is about a hundred, large and small, most of which are low-level fire-attributed magic stones. However, as the passages continue to be mined, some There are not many middle-level magic stones, but their color is obviously redder and brighter than low-level magic stones.

Lin Yu inspected every passage, and nothing special happened except that a goblin was dealt with because he made a small gap in a magic stone by mistake.

And just as Lin Yu lay on the weeds and continued to watch his daughters work boredly, news came from ants in the east.

The fruit on those fruit trees is ripe.

Chapter 67 There are sweet and sour fruits to eat

/Red fruit: Sour and astringent when immature, hard to eat, sweet and sour when ripe, and will emit a strong fruity aroma to attract surrounding monsters. Taking it can restore a certain amount of health, and taking it multiple times can speed up the recovery of health.

It seems that it's not just fruit, it can restore health or something... I don't care!I want to eat!

I haven't eaten anything tasty for a long time, and a bird is almost fading out of my mouth!Ah, just to describe!I don't have a yellow accent.

Anyway, here I go!


As soon as the red fruit is chewed, the juice explodes in the mouth, and the rich fruity aroma also dissipates.

So sweet, sweet and a little sour.

The taste is like a combination of orange and apple, but the aroma is more like mango, but stronger.

Ah...I always feel so happy...

My ant life has no regrets, and I am satisfied even if it ends here... No, my ant life has just begun!I want more, more sweet and sour fruits!

"You guys, go and transplant those fruit trees."

The fruit tree is a small tree, and the trunk is not considered thick. Two armored ants should be able to carry it back to a fruit tree.

A total of 10 iron armor ants and 10 acid liquid ants were left in the second ant nest.

Originally, Lin Yu didn't intend to keep so many iron ants and acid ants at home, but because Chi Tong insisted, he agreed.

There were 3 fruit trees, so Lin Yu sent 6 iron-clad ants out, and after thinking about it, 6 acid ants followed them just in case.

During the time when the armored ants and acid ants rushed over, the fruit trees attracted some monsters, but most of them were wild boars and small monsters. Just as Lin Yu had guessed before, the fruit trees and the small pools can wait for rabbits Harvest points.

But right now the ant colony does not lack such a little source of food, so it is imperative to transplant fruit trees.

The attracted monsters were easily killed by the army ants and weak ants protecting the fruit trees.

Under the rapid march of the armored ants, they arrived at the location of the three fruit trees in less than an hour.

The strong and sharp jaws of the iron armor ant dig up the fruit tree and the soil clods attached to the roots below, and after they are laid down, they use the jaws to clamp the trunk one after the other for transportation.

Through the eyes of the armored ants, Lin Yu saw the red fruit on the fruit tree, and couldn't help swallowing.

It only takes a few seconds for the green fruit to turn into a red fruit. If Lin Yu hadn't kept the ants staring at the fruit tree, other monsters might have caught it first.

The aroma of the fruit along the way attracted other monsters, but unlike the northern region, there are very few types of monsters here, and their levels are also very low.

Most of the monsters attracted were Granville wolves, but because of the hunting for more than a month, these wolves had already understood that the ant colony was a neighbor they couldn't afford to mess with, so they just watched from a distance and didn't dare to come over.

Fruits seem to be more attractive to herbivorous monsters such as wild boars and mountain deer. Even if they see the huge size of the armored ants, there are still guys who are not afraid of death rushing towards them.

Then of course it was killed.

It's just that in the next part of the journey, the transportation team encountered a difficult opponent.

It was a flock of wild birds.

These wild birds flew straight over when they smelled the fruit, and then flew away with a fruit in their beaks.

"Ah! My fruit!"

"Damn stinky birds, spray acid! Acid kill them! Ah, be careful not to spray on the fruit trees!"

Lin Yu who reacted quickly let the acid ants attack the wild birds.

In order to prevent the acid from being sprayed on the fruit trees, the acid ants seemed to be restrained in their attacks.

However, the fan-shaped splash of acid did attack several wild birds.

The wild bird that was attacked uttered a cry and then fell straight from the air, obviously dead beyond belief.

But the rest of the wild birds were not frightened. No, it might be that the aroma of the red fruit was too alluring. After eating the fruit they took away, they flew back to continue picking the fruit.

Fortunately, there are enough fruits on the fruit trees, and these wild birds don't waste food, they will eat up the fruits before eating the second one.

So after rushing back to the second ant nest, there are still many fruits left on the fruit tree.

Although they came to the ant nest with many ants, these wild birds seemed to have lost their minds and flew over regardless.

Lin Yu asked the armored ants to lay down the fruit tree flat, while the other army ants in the second ant nest jumped on the fruit tree, and pounced on the wild birds when they flew down to grab the fruit.

Gradually, these wild birds were killed one by one by the army ants.

It was only then that Lin Yu finally couldn't help but threw himself on one of the fruit trees, eating the red fruits one by one with great joy.

He didn't lie on his back on the fruit tree and sighed contentedly until his belly was bulging.

What to do with these fruit trees next?

If it is placed on the ground like this, it will attract birds to peck it later.

Well, let's carry it to the ant nest underground.

There are already several magical soils underground, and it is not a problem to plant these three fruit trees.

It's just that the height is not enough, but this problem is also very simple, just let the lovely worker ant daughters rush to work and expand the room height!

But speaking of it, magic is really convenient. As long as it is planted on magic soil, it will be no problem at all even in the ground where there is no sunlight and the air is thin.


Immediately afterwards, while ordering the worker ants to start rushing to work, Lin Yu asked the weak ants and army ants to pick off the red fruits on the fruit trees first.

The red fruit was sent into the cave and piled up into a pile of hills.

Lin Yu didn't pick all the fruits. She still doesn't have a way to preserve these fruits. Once she picks too many and can't finish them, they will rot.As long as the fruit is not ripe and falls off automatically, staying on the tree is the best choice.

The plucked red fruit was given to each of the armored ants and acid ants who participated in the carrying work.

Watch them eat the fruit into their mouths.

The acid ants chewed at least a few times before they finished eating, but the huge armored ants swallowed it with a single grunt, and they probably didn't even taste the taste.

"Well, one ant is one, and the ants have a share. Mom, I am very fair."

There are only 12 iron armor ants and acid liquid ants involved in the transportation work, so there are still a lot of fruits picked.

Lin Yu divided the pile of fruit hills into four parts.

Part of it is your own.

Part of it is for Chi Tong.

Part of it is for Xiaolei.

The last part is for the armored ants and acid ants who went out to hunt.

Well, in this way, everyone has a share, and my mother is not partial.



Considering that other plants might be planted in the future, Lin Yu named the anthill rooms that were transformed into magic soil to grow wild vegetables and mushrooms as Baicao Garden.

After the army ants worked together to move the three fruit trees into the ant nest and placed them in the herb garden, it was already dark.

The ants of the exploration team are also back.

Lin Yu ran over to meet him early.

"Mom! I'm back!"

"Mom, we're back."

"Welcome home."

Although there were two frighteningly large black ants in front of him, Lin Yu was no longer as afraid of their size as he was at the beginning, and...

She's enjoying being greeted with them now, it feels like real family she's seen on TV before.

"By the way, do you want something to eat?"

"Little tears are full!"

"Xiao Lei and I ate it when we were hunting before."

"Where's the sweet thing, do you want to eat it?"


"Well, you'll see when you come and see."

Chapter 68 The next target is you!

Another ten days passed.

The development of the ant colony is smooth sailing.

Although there are casualties in the hunting process of some ants every day, they have been controlled within an acceptable range, and neither the acid liquid ants nor the iron-clad ants have died so far.

And not only the armored ants and acid ants, but also the strength of the army ants is also getting stronger.

As for the number of ant colonies.

In the past ten days, Lin Yu has been promoted to another four levels with Chitong's daily experience feeding.Lin Yu laid a total of fourteen waves of ant eggs by using the mana value that had naturally increased before the upgrade and the mana value that had been fully restored after the upgrade.

Spawning is done after Chitong and Xiaolei go out.

Although there were no individuals with qualifications above C in the [-] spawnings, the number of ants had increased a lot.

A total of 2000 eggs were laid in the fourteen times, including 600 eggs of weak ants, 600 eggs of worker ants, 400 eggs of army ants, 160 eggs of armored ants, and 240 eggs of acid ants.

The increase in the number of ant colonies has made the speed of exploring the forest much faster, and the ant nest network has extended farther, and even the third ant nest in the northern area has begun to be put into construction.

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