While Mitsui was thinking, there was movement outside the castle.

He hurried to the window on the second floor of the castle and looked down.

Although the fog obscured his vision, he still had a general idea of ​​the enemy.

It really is an ant!

Wait, that's... ants? ?

I thought those ants called army ants were big enough...but the size of these ants is too big, right?

Launch identification.

Iron armored ants...so strong...absurdly strong, with double-digit strength and physical resistance, and a frighteningly high life value. What's the matter with this attribute? ?

Especially the giant armored ant at the head, not to mention higher attributes than the rest of the iron armored ants, it seems to have very powerful skills.

In addition, it seems that there are other species of ants besides the army ants, but they are covered by fog and cannot be identified.

Damn, they attacked.

There are a lot of them! !

No, according to their powerful attributes and numbers, the undead are definitely not opponents...

Must escape... At least I must stay away from the battlefield first.

It's just that Mitsui later discovered that there were ants in any direction, and these ants actually surrounded the entire castle.

If you want to escape, you have to break through the encirclement of the ant colony, and you need to be strong enough to do this.

By the way, if it's that B-class undead!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly ran to the lobby on the first floor, and he threw the B-class undead on the throne after it was transformed.

If the timing is correct, it only takes a while for this B-rank undead to wake up.

But at this moment, the gate of the castle was suddenly smashed open with a bang, and the huge movement frightened Mitsui to hide in a hurry.

It's the biggest armored ant, damn it...how could it be it?

Logically speaking, the queen of the ant colony should be the largest, but the queen should not leave the ant nest at will. Right now, the strongest ant in the colony should be the armored ant.

The B-class undead are enough to deal with it, but the problem right now is... that undead has not yet awakened!

Once the B-class undead are killed during the awakening period... he will be finished.

The more than 50 undead in the hall can only stop them with all their strength.

Chapter 75 Awakened Tier B Undead

Considering the physical resistance of Class B undead as high as 20 points, it should be difficult for this group of ants to cause effective damage to it.

Although the acid spit out by those acid ants needs to be paid attention to, the 6-point abnormal state resistance of the B-rank undead should be able to reduce most of the damage caused by the acid.

The only one who could possibly harm it is the Iron Armored Ant at the head.

It has some interesting skills.

In short, forget about the other ants, you must try your best to stop the iron armor ant.

At this moment, the archers and the undead began to attack. Under their arrows, the relatively weak weak ants and army ants suffered a lot of casualties. In order to protect the acid ants, the iron armor ants couldn't help but slow down.

But the purpose of these weak ants and army ants attacking the castle doesn't seem to be to fight the undead in these halls?Once they entered the hall, they began to scatter.

They... plan to search this castle, so, is it me?As long as I find and kill me who is manipulating the undead, everything will be easy.It seems that the queens of these ant colonies are different from ordinary monsters in that they have not weak intelligence.

Although he guessed the purpose of the weak ants and army ants, Mitsui didn't panic.

The number of undead in the hall is not all, he also left a small number of undead guards in other places.

Therefore, when several army ants and weak ants were searching for the stairway where he was hiding, a long spear suddenly passed by, and the bodies of the first few army ants and weak ants were cut in two, blood spilled all over the ground .

Three undead appeared at the stairs.

There are also three undeads at the other three exits of the hall, all of which are melee undeads carrying spears or shields. Their strength is not weak. It is basically impossible for these weak ants and army ants to break through their defenses matter.

If you don't deal with the undead in the hall and the B-rank undead first, it's impossible to find and kill yourself, Mitsui thought.

Whether he can escape smoothly depends on whether the B-rank undead can wake up as soon as possible.

And at this moment, after the archer's undead shot a wave of arrows, the armored ants suddenly launched their skill "Clash" and rushed over. Although the undead in the hall tried their best to stop them, with their strength It's basically a mantis' arm.

The undead were smashed into pieces, and their formation was also torn apart.

The huge Iron Armored Ant rushed in along the torn hole, and its target was the B-rank undead!

Because you have the "Appraisal" skill, you can also see that the state of the B-rank undead is not right?It seems that the iron armor ant in the lead also has a lot of wisdom. I originally thought that these ants would deal with the undead attacking them first, so I really can't take chances.

However, the time should be about the same.

He saw the armored ant jump up to the circular platform, opened its sharp and huge jaws, and bit the undead in golden armor.

Just when the two jaws were about to touch each other, two flashes of light suddenly flashed in the sockets of the skeleton's eyes, and it stretched out two skeleton arms, one left and one right to support the iron armor ant's double jaws.

wake up! !

Mitsui, who was watching secretly from the side, suddenly felt excited.

kill it!Get rid of these damn ants!


At this moment, the Iron Armor Ant's jaws flickered, and its strength suddenly increased.

Unprepared, the hands and arms of the B-rank undead were bitten at once, and the golden armor armguard on the skeleton's arm clicked lightly, and a gap was torn out by the bite.

The B-rank necromancer found that it couldn't break free from the bite of its two jaws, so it suddenly let out a piercing howl.

Hearing the cry, the Iron Armored Ant fell into a trance, and then loosened its jaws.

Although the trance state was only for a moment, it was enough for the B-rank necromancer to break free from the double jaws. Immediately after breaking free from the double jaws, it stretched out its hands and lifted the big sword inserted on the round platform with both hands.

The thick and heavy sword sliced ​​through the air, striking the iron armored ant vertically with astonishing power.

At this time, the armored ant recovered from its trance, and seemed to understand the power of the sword. It jumped back, trying to avoid the attack of the undead.

However, the speed is not enough!

Halfway through the retreat of the armored ant queen, the necromancer had already changed its vertical attack, and instead reversed the blade of the sword, stepping forward and at the same time swinging the big sword upwards!

There is no way to dodge.

The agility attribute differs too much, and the armored ant cannot dodge the attack of the undead.

So at the moment of attacking the body, the armored ant activated a certain skill, and the originally dark shell suddenly had a metallic texture, and the big sword slashed on the shell, making a clang-like sound of gold and stone.

It actually resisted the attack of the B-rank undead?That was a slash with 50 points of strength, what did it do?

After being surprised, Mitsui quickly checked the opponent's panel.

"Iron Armor"...should be the reason for this skill, right?

Physical resistance directly increased to... 63 points? ?

It's an exaggerated skill, but it's not enough to rely on this skill alone.

Sure enough, just as Mitsui thought, seeing that his ordinary slash couldn't break through the defense, a layer of shimmer was attached to the great sword of the B-rank necromancer, no, it was two layers of shimmer.

The Necromancer used the skills "Slash" and "Rapid Slash".

The big sword slashed down again with the sound of hunting wind. Although he had been conscious and tried his best to dodge, but just retreated half a step, the ear-piercing howl from before came out again from the skeleton's mouth.

At the moment when the armored ant fell into a trance, the great sword turned into a flash of white light and flew across.

A swarthy forelimb was immediately thrown into the air, and scarlet blood also sprayed out, spraying on the golden armor of the undead.

Very good!

Although it's a pity that he couldn't cut off the ant's head all at once, but cutting off one of the opponent's forelimbs has already gained an advantage, and the next step is to continue to expand this advantage until it completely kills the opponent!

Mitsui was excited.

This is the key battle that determines whether he can survive, so he naturally put all his mind into it.

Cutting off the forelimbs can not only affect the opponent's actions and attacks, but even the pain it brings can greatly reduce the opponent's fighting state.

Thinking of this, he saw that the armored ant grew rapidly...


It stopped after its size increased three times. At this moment, the armored ant has become extremely huge, and its remaining forelimb is even much taller than the B-rank undead.

After becoming bigger, the armored ant swung its other forelimb fiercely, and the forelimb bombarded the arm of the undead, a strong force struck, the hands of the undead couldn't help but let go, and the two-handed sword was blown away all at once. .

The skill was activated almost immediately after the forelimb was cut off...

Mitsui Yuya's excited expression gradually froze, a little unbelievable.

Is this armored ant as painless as the undead?

And what's the matter with this skill, in addition to the increase in body size, the life value and strength have also increased three times at once...

Chapter 76 You are also a reincarnator, let's go to a coffee shop for a drink together?

After being knocked into the air by the great sword, most of the strength of the B-rank undead could not be displayed.

However, if the armored ant gets bigger, its movements will become more clumsy, and it is almost impossible to catch the B-rank undead.

As long as we can reach the place where the greatsword was thrown...

With the strength of a B-rank necromancer, it is still possible to defeat this armored ant!

And then, something unexpected happened.

I saw those acid ants riding on the back of the armored ants suddenly put down the fight with the undead, and sprayed acid at the position of the B-order undead and the giant iron armored ants in the distance!

Thirty acid ants sprayed acid in a fan shape, and the acid immediately covered a range of dozens of meters around the B-rank undead and the giant iron-clad ants.

what are they doing?

Even their generals are attacking together, is this crazy? ?

It was not only the B-rank undead that was attacked by the acid, but also the giant iron-clad ant. If we really want to say, the damage suffered by the giant iron-clad ant was much greater than that of the B-rank undead.

Its back has been corroded by acid, and the blood is even dripping down the carapace.

Mitsui Yuya opened his mouth wide and couldn't understand it for a while. He didn't understand until he saw the ground, and his heart trembled.

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