/Choose one of the three gifts: ① Acquire the skill "Magic Perception" ② Acquire the skill "Camouflage" ③ Acquire the skill "Master Spearmanship"

/Please choose your gift.

In short, first check the skill description as usual.

"Magic essence perception": After activation, the existence of magic essence can be sensed, and the approximate level and strength of the target individual can be judged by sensing the magic essence content of the target individual.

"Camouflage": The skill holder can change the content of his panel at will.

"Spearman Master": Effectively play the role of the gun, and when using the gun as a weapon, the power of all spear-related skills will increase.


The magic essence in the first skill... By the way, it was also mentioned in a certain skill I acquired before.

Ah, found it.

"Magic Shield": When the skill is activated, a transparent shield made of magic essence will be generated outside the target's body, which can resist the attack from the enemy.

The magic shield is made of magic element...

And if I remember correctly, the description of the previously identified magic stone also mentioned magic essence, which probably means that magic stone is a kind of ore rich in magic essence?

Apart from being able to judge the strength of the target level, is there any use for the ability to perceive magic essence?

I do not know...

However, "Appraisal" is enough to judge the strength of the target level, and "Appraisal" can also see some more detailed things.

Then the next skill is "Camouflage".

The skill effect is said to be able to change the content of its own panel at will...

The content of the panel can only be seen by individuals who have the skill "Appraisal" except for themselves?

And if you guessed right, the "identification" skill should be a reincarnation privilege that all reincarnations have.

I always feel that this skill is created for reincarnators...

Well, then choose it!

What?There is a third option?

Can you see its name?

Ants become spear masters, isn't it similar to the previous "sword talent"!

Although the name seems to be an advanced skill of talent skills, but a skill that cannot be used is useless no matter how powerful it is.

In short, the decision is "disguising".

/boon established.


After Lin Yu finished selecting the gifts, she checked her status panel. Except for the addition of four skills, among the other attributes, the upper limit of intelligence and magic value increased the most.

Among them, the upper limit of magic value has increased from 177 to 302, and the intelligence has increased from 18 to 30.

She couldn't help but try to use the skill "Camouflage".

As long as you think about it, you can modify the text on your panel.

The name can be changed to something else, such as Chitong, Xiaolei, Mitsui Yuya, or even a new name.

Then the ant queen of the race can also be changed to a human, even if it is changed to a secondary name like the undead spider queen.

Next up is qualifications...well, changed to SSS!

Class words... also SSS!

The attribute is directly pulled to an exaggerated tens digit.

Skills can also be changed at will, and the "unique skill--Queen Ant", which symbolizes the reincarnation, can even be erased directly!

Then Lin Yu saw a certain skill in the skill column.

"Spawn" was gently erased.

Although he was deceiving himself and others, Lin Yu suddenly felt relieved of a heavy burden.

That's great, I don't have to do that kind of thing anymore.

Chapter 80 Is the mother about to lay eggs?

"Mom, the number of dead and injured ants has been counted."

"Mom... so many sisters died."

Xiaolei looked very depressed, she seemed to be about to cry.

Lin Yu didn't know what to say, so he could only stand on tiptoe, stretched out his forelimb and touched Xiaolei's head.



She pretended nothing happened and turned her head to look at Chi Tong.

"The results of it?"

"A total of 2233 ants participated in this battle, 550 died, and 323 were seriously injured or disabled. The rest of the ants were also injured."

Most of the dead were weak ants and army ants, a few were acid ants, and one of the armored ants died in the battle with the B-rank undead.

The death of so many ants made Lin Yu feel a little distressed, and even the joyful mood of acquiring powerful skills before became dull.

"Did you bury them?"

"Well, let the other sisters help with the burial."


"Okay, stop crying."

Chitong also stretched out her forelimbs and rubbed Xiaolei's big head. Under Chitong's soft comforting voice, Xiaolei slowly stopped crying.

She then looked at Lin Yu.

"Mom, what about those monster corpses and undead corpses?"

"How many monster corpses are there?"

"Close to three thousand."

"Can I still eat it?"

"Some are relatively fresh, and they should have just died, but most of the monsters are somewhat rotten."

"Well, the more rotten ones will be distributed to everyone first, and the rest will be collected."

Don't be picky eaters, mom, I will watch you eat!

However, Chitong and Xiaolei can be eaten fresh. After all, one of them killed the enemy's general, and the other also protected our general, so it is reasonable to give some privileges.

eccentric?I didn't!

No hard-talking either!

"As for the dead bodies."

Lin Yu glanced at the detached skeleton body of Mitsui Yuya next to him.

"It's also buried, and his is buried in another place."


Chitong left with little tears.


Then Lin Yu asked the less injured iron armor ants, acid liquid ants, and army ants to form a team to go to the second ant nest to meet the worker ants.

Whether it is digging underground ant nests or repairing castles, they need their help.

In addition to the worker ants, Lin Yu thought about it and asked them to bring some goblins to work as coolies. There are still many stone ruins in the castle that need to be cleared.

After assigning the children their respective tasks, Lin Yu strolled around the castle.

Because I can see my children all around, and I have acquired the skill "Immortal", so I don't have to worry about safety at all.

There are not many trees around the castle, but there are quite a few ruins. These ruins may be reused as building materials in the future.

Seeing that there was nothing to be concerned about, she led a small army of iron ants and acid ants into the castle.

After entering the castle, the incomparably spacious hall was in a mess.

Not only is there gravel and sand on the ground, but it is also stained with large amounts of blood and those green viscous acids.

Lin Yu rode on the back of an armored ant, and led the rest of the ants behind him to explore the castle.

There are many corridors in the castle, but all the corridors are full of sand and dust, and the windows are even more dilapidated.

The castle has four floors. In addition to the main entrance hall, there is a larger main hall and a side hall on the first floor. In addition, there are some large and small rooms that look like kitchens and dining rooms. In the middle of the castle on the second floor is a spacious atrium, but it is overgrown with weeds.

There are more small rooms on the second floor than on the first floor.

The layout of the third floor is similar to that of the second floor.

In addition, Lin Yu also discovered that the castle has a basement level. Apart from two huge rooms that should be used as warehouses, there are several rooms and two rows of prison cells on the basement level. The basement level is better preserved.

The entire castle looks spectacular from the outside, but the inside of the castle is hard to describe...

Almost none of the rooms are clean and complete, and there are no furniture such as beds and wardrobes.

Only a large room at the end of a corridor on the third floor of the castle has been cleaned of gravel and sand, and even the dust is much less than other rooms.

Lin Yu guessed that this room was prepared by Mitsui for himself, because there was a "bed" in the middle of this big room.

The so-called "bed" is actually a layer of hardwood boards of different lengths and thicknesses on the ground, and the boards are covered with thick hay.

Sure enough, there is no bed...

But forget it, at least it's better than sleeping in a cave.

That's right!I'm going to bed, it should be late at night now?I always feel tired after a fight.

Although I wanted to take a bath before going to bed, but because I didn't have such conditions, I had to give up.

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