After finding Lin Yu's side, he followed Chi Tong to join the ranks of observing the spawning.

Lin Yu ignored her.

Except for the worker ants of the logistics team who were working, the other Ant Forest Languages ​​did not plan to send them out to explore the foggy area.

After all, a battle has just ended, and they are more or less injured, and those red fruits have been used up to rescue the bleeding ants, so they can only wait for their health to recover automatically.

So he could only stare at Chitong and Xiaolei in boredom.

About three hours later, the abdomen seemed to be growing to its limit.

coming soon...

Lin Yu was a little nervous.

New species of ants appeared after being promoted to rank C before, so there should be new species of ants this time too, right?

And qualifications!

So far, there are only Chitong and Xiaolei, one with A qualification and one with B qualification.

There should be a daughter with high qualifications this time, right?

Finally, the abdomen swelled to the limit.

The next moment, a golden mana spread under the abdomen, and then a large number of ant eggs of different sizes appeared around, even occupying nearly half of the entire large bedroom for a while.

Appeared!Golden magic circle!

In other words, ants with A qualification appeared! !

While eating the raw meat, Lin Yu couldn't wait to check it.

First count the number, exactly [-] eggs.

Then there are the types of ant eggs.

Weak ants, worker ants, army ants, iron-clad ants, acid ants... Ignored the familiar types of ant eggs for now, and Lin Yu looked at the two new ant eggs that appeared.

One is khaki-colored eggs, which are slightly larger than army ant eggs, and the number is 20.

The other is gray, about the size of an army ant egg, and there are only 5 eggs in total.

Although I always feel that it is not as shocking as when the armored ant eggs appeared before, but this is a new ant species!

In short, first identify it.

First up are those khaki-colored eggs.


name: none

Species: digger ants

Qualification: C

(Omitted below)


/ Digger ants: Digger ants that are particularly good at digging soil. They usually act alone and are rare in number. In addition, digger ants with low qualifications generally do not have independent intelligence and only have self-awareness.

Twenty pieces are all C qualifications...I always feel a little disappointed.

But the description below is good at digging... Is it an ant species belonging to the logistics team?Cooperating with the worker ants should greatly increase the speed of building an ant nest network?

Hmm... But if the digging speed is fast, it might be useful in battle.

In short, she is also a good daughter.

Then there are those gray eggs.

There are very few of them, so they must be very strong!It must be so!

Maybe the egg with A qualification is inside them!

Activate "Appraisal"


name: none

Race: Stalker Ant

Qualification: B

(Omitted below)


/Sneaking ants: Ant species that are good at stealth and assassination. They have excellent speed and attack power. They usually act alone. independent wisdom.

Whoa whoa! !

With great speed!

It was because of Chitong's slow speed that he was in a hard fight with that B-rank undead before!

And they will stealthily assassinate, although I don't know how to sneak, but if it can make the enemy not notice the ability to bypass the opponent, this time the battle with Mitsui Yuya may become easier.

First let the digger ants dig the soil to the bottom of the castle, and then the sneak ants come out of the dug passage, sneak into the castle to find Mitsui Yuya and assassinate...

In this way, the castle may be taken down without the use of dead ants.

But the imagination is beautiful, and it is not clear how their specific strength is.

Among the qualifications of these five sneaking ants, there should be A qualifications, right?

Let me see... eh?

All B qualifications...

But the magic circle is golden...

Lin Yu froze for a moment, then looked at the other ant eggs.

Weak ants, worker ants, army ants, acid liquid ants, armored ants...A qualification appeared among them?

Chapter 82 Then, Xiaolei's answer is yes!

Among the 300 eggs laid this time, there are 80 weak ants and 60 worker ants each, 33 army ants, 22 acid ants, 20 armored ants, 5 soil-digging ants, and [-] sneaking ants.

Well, let's start with the iron ants and the acid ants...

Among the 22 armored ant eggs, there are no A qualifications, but there are 10 B qualifications!It can also be said to be 10 little tears?

The rest of the armored ant eggs are C quality.

Then there's the acid ants.

what! A qualified ones are inside!

Could it be a daughter who is as outstanding as Akahito?Ah, I didn't say Xiaolei wasn't great!

There are also 10 acid ant eggs with B qualification, and the rest are C qualification.

The next word is army ants.


this is...

this is!

what!Another A qualification! A-qualified army ants!So there is more than one egg with A qualification?

It's a bit like drawing two SSRs out of ten in a row in a card game...

is it okay!Can I be so European!

Great!Not African anymore!

But having said that, can army ants also have A qualifications?Obviously, the highest qualification before was only C qualification.

correct!The remaining army ants may also...

Well, the rest are C's and D's... not even B's.

Then there are weak ants and worker ants...

The proportion of D qualifications among the weak ants and worker ants seems to be much higher, and there are a few of them with C qualifications, other than that, there seems to be nothing special.

Well, then this production... the result of the card draw is like this!

Three hundred draws. There are two SSRs, and SRs also have 25. Hey... If you want to calculate it this way, it doesn't seem to be considered Europe?

I, I don't care!I am European!


"Mom, it seems that we will have many more talking sisters in the future."


Since Chitong and Xiaolei can speak, it is very likely that A qualification and B qualification can speak, right?

But wait... There are 27 eggs with A and B qualifications this time, which means... 27 more daughters will call me mother?

Lin Yu felt his scalp tremble.

Well...what a strange feeling...

But thinking about it, it seems... not bad?Ehehe, being called mommy by so many cute daughters...

Well, wait a minute, I suddenly thought of a more troublesome problem.

That is - the name!

Since they can speak, they have to be named for the convenience of communication.

27 names... It always feels very troublesome, and there will definitely be other B qualification daughters in the future.

It is very troublesome to come up with a name, and it is also very troublesome to remember the name...

Ah, by the way, I don't need to worry about such things alone now.

"Do you want to name your sister?"

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