The little girl also seemed to be very happy, and her pace became much faster.

"Follow up, be careful not to be spotted, and use invisibility if necessary."

"Yes, Mom."

That's right, it's not "stealth", but "invisibility"!

This is a powerful skill obtained by the stealth ants when they are upgraded to B rank. As the skill literally means, the figure of the stealth ants will disappear after the skill is activated. The "invisibility" that is originally a cheating skill is combined with "stealth" In terms of skills, it can be said that it kills the enemy invisible, soundless and tasteless!

There are almost no flaws in the combination of the two. Only the moment when the enemy is injured will they be aware of their existence, but only for a moment, because the skill "stealth" can greatly reduce the user's sense of existence, so in most cases the enemy even Unable to understand the situation, in their eyes, it was as if a wound appeared on their body inexplicably.

After walking for a while, I could already see the village clearly.

Because there is a field surrounded by wooden fences around the village, there are not a lot of trees that can hide the body and tall enough grass piles, so the four sneaking ants can only stop.

However, Qianyi has the skill "farsightedness". Through this skill, Lin Yu can clearly see the appearance of distant villages.

The little girl finally arrived at the village. She greeted the farmers who were working in the fields, and then ran back to her home.

It was a one-story earthen house surrounded by an earthen wall as tall as a person.

The earth wall seemed not very thick, and other houses in the village were also surrounded by such earth walls. Such earth walls could only withstand the attacks of monsters such as goblins and Granville wolves at best.

But if there are enough monsters, such an earthen wall will definitely not be able to stop them.

Not to mention the ant clan, even the weak ants can knock down these earth walls as long as there are enough numbers, not to mention, the ant clan can dig the soil...

As for the villagers in this village.

After a rough look, there should be two to 300 people.

Let Qianyi use "identification".

Most of their qualifications are C, their class is classless, and their level is between LV.1 and LV.3.

Health is between 20 and 40.

Except for a stronger man with a strength of 2, most adults working in the fields have a strength of 1, agility and intelligence of 1. In addition, most of them have no skills, and a few of them are also "slashing" , "Strike" and other skills.

One-on-one is similar to those Granville wolves, but because the level of these villagers is very low, two or three D-rank weak ants should be able to easily kill a person, let alone other ant species.

In other words, if he wants to, he can destroy this village very easily...

Chapter 93 Steal?It is equivalent exchange!

"Do you want to destroy this village, Mom?"

Eh? ?why do you think so...

The calm tone is like going to do a trivial thing.

Hmm... Maybe in their eyes, there is no difference between killing people and killing monsters in the forest?

But killing someone for no reason, I won't do such a thing!

And maybe there is no law on the protection of minors in this world, let alone a law on the protection of underage ants.

If you attack this village casually, it is likely to arouse the vigilance of the human race. It will be difficult if the identity of the ant race is exposed and the army and strong men of the human race come to attack.

In short, temporarily on standby!

"No, keep an eye on this village for the time being so we don't get caught."

"Yes, Mom."

While focusing on Qian Yi, Lin Yu thought about what he could do through this human village.

First of all, it is the information possessed by the human race, but this can be obtained from Gilly.

Then there are the crops planted by the human race, as well as the seasonings they may have, and some of their handicrafts...

The crops are actually not very useful, because even if they are ground into rice flour, ants can't make food such as steamed buns, and the number of wild vegetables and mushrooms grown in the magic soil is enough for the daily consumption of the ants.

But it will be different if these villagers have ready-made food like bread...I want to eat it!

Next comes the seasoning...this one is a must get too!

As for manual...

There seems to be a villager who is a carpenter in the village. There are many wooden furniture in front of his house. There are not many fancy ones, but they look very practical and of good quality.

Wooden chairs, wooden tables, and wooden beds!

Really want...

There is a lack of furniture in the castle. Although the ordinary wooden furniture does not match the castle, it is nice to have it.

So how do you get these furniture made by carpenters?buy with money?Trade with resources in the forest?

Hehe, naive!Who would trade with monsters!

So there is only one answer.


Gilly did not go out after returning home, presumably to take care of her mother.

It's getting dark.

The villagers who went out to farm also returned home one after another, and the rooms of these hundreds of families began to light up dimly.

The light was only on for about half an hour and then went out.

When it was late at night, I felt that the villagers should have fallen asleep——

Several figures flashed quickly in the darkness.

They first found the house where the carpenter was, and the wooden furniture was placed in front of the house.

Qianyi uses the skill "Magic Backpack".

Several small wooden chairs and a wooden table were taken into the different space, as for the remaining wooden bed.

Qian [-], Qian [-], and Qian [-] each found a good location, and under the faint moonlight, three gray ants carried the wooden bed.

They will carry the wooden bed back to the castle in the fog overnight.

Qian Yi silently watched the figures of his younger sisters carrying the wooden bed disappear into the night.

Then she jumped up easily and jumped into the earthen wall of the carpenter villagers. Because she maintained the skill "stealth", she didn't make any sound during her actions.

In the small yard of the carpenter, there are a lot of trunk wood piled up, and there are some unfinished wooden furniture.

So many wooden furniture must not only be sold to the villagers in the village, there should be other villages or even towns nearby.

Qian glanced at the yard and walked to the door of the carpenter's house.

The door was bolted from the inside.

She stretched out her foreleg and slammed into the crack of the door, breaking a big hole, and at the same time, the wooden peg inside the door was also broken in half by the blow.

The blow that was supposed to make a loud noise didn't make any sound because of the "Silence" effect of "Stealth".

The gray ant calmly opened the door and walked in.

The layout of the room is very simple. Entering the door is the combined room of the hall and the kitchen. There are two rooms on the left side. You can hear snoring from inside, which should be the bedroom.

Qian Yi went straight to the stove, with only a small jar beside him.

This should be the seasoning that my mother said.

So put this small jar into a different space.

Then, with a snap, he threw the corpses of the goblins and Granville wolves that he had casually killed on the road on the kitchen floor.

Equivalent exchange.

Mission accomplished, next...

Just as he was about to leave, he glanced at the other two rooms on the right.

all come...

If you search more, maybe there will be something that mom is interested in?

Although she doesn't talk much, she is confident that no one knows her mother better than her.

If it were a mother, she definitely wouldn't just leave empty-handed.

So I checked two rooms one after another.

One is a small bathroom that should be used for showering, and there is a large bucket of water in it, and the other is a utility room, where there are some miscellaneous objects such as farm tools, ropes, and wooden barrels.

However, one of the wooden barrels caught her attention. The wooden barrel was tightly covered by a wooden lid, but she could still smell a strange aroma when she got close.

Qian Yi stretched out his forelegs to pry open the wooden cover, and the aroma became more obvious. looks like wine?

Although she hadn't seen it in person, the knowledge she was born with allowed her to recognize what the liquid in the barrel was.

He wanted to put his forelimbs into the barrel, but he seemed to feel that his forelimbs were dirty with dirt and dust, so he went to the small bathroom next door and stirred his forelimbs in the bucket.

After feeling clean, he went back to the utility room, dipped some of the liquid in the barrel, and then put his forelimb into his mouth to taste it.

It's a bit bitter...and it has a sweet aftertaste.

It seems that the degree is not very large.

It seemed that she had fallen in love with the taste of wine, so she dipped her drool-stained forelimbs into the barrel again, and took another sip before she was satisfied.

Mom might like it.

So he put the wooden lid back on and put the barrel of wine into a different space.

After leaving the utility room, after thinking about it, he threw a Granville wolf carcass on the ground, then closed the door and left the carpenter's house.


The next day.

Xiyi Village was a little busier than usual.

The only carpenter in the village had a happy expression on his face.

"Miracle! This is a miracle!"

Pointing to the five Granville wolves and three goblin corpses in the hall, he spoke excitedly to the surrounding villagers.

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