"you are wrong."

"I've mispoken?"

"Well, you were killed by them."

The cold tone and cold words instantly woke up the little girl.

"Well... I'm too weak."

"Didn't you bring a dagger? Just use it to become stronger."

In this world, not everyone has the courage to become adventurers, and even fewer dare to enter the forest to hunt monsters.

That is a real life-threatening, and if you are not careful, you may be killed by a sneak attack by a monster.

Monsters are born with fighting consciousness, because they grow up and fight in dangerous areas like forests after birth, so monsters under the same conditions are generally better than adventurers.

The human race itself is weaker than monsters. They will be afraid and panic, and once they are injured, they will amplify all kinds of negative emotions.

Therefore, in order to protect oneself, several conditions are required to go to the forest to explore.

One is weapons and armor. Entering the forest with bare hands is tantamount to suicide.

The second is medicines such as bandages and detoxifying herbs, and adventurers with conditions will even carry props that restore health and even restore mana.

The third is a companion. A lone adventurer is either an all-around master or a fool eager to die.

Gilly only has one dagger, which is fine if she is picking herbs outside the forest, but if she is fighting monsters...

"Will my sister be with Gilly?"

the little girl asked in a low voice.

The encounter with the goblin before made her a little scared even now.

"No, you want to become stronger alone."

Chapter 98 Only by feeling pain can we become stronger.


The dagger pierced into the slime, crushing the two kernels.

The slime lay down limply, and the liquid splashed in all directions.


The yellowish slime splashed all over the young girl's face, and she screamed and quickly shook off the slime.

After removing the slime, he habitually glanced at the attribute panel, and saw that his level had been upgraded from LV.1 to LV.2, and the upper limit of his health had increased by ten points.

Finally upgraded!

Sister Bai Yu was right, defeating a dozen slimes would allow her to level up.

Compared with goblins, slimes are simply too weak, and even they can easily deal with them. The only disadvantage is that they are transparent and hard to find.

The little girl looked up at the sky.

The sun is almost setting.

In the future, I will look for a while to see if there is any slime, and I will not be able to fight when I can't see anything at night.

And just as she was thinking so.


Varied!what sound!

The voice from behind startled her, she quickly clenched the dagger with both hands, and nervously looked at the grass where the voice came from.

The sound is getting closer.

Then a green figure jumped out...no, it should have been...thrown out?

yes!It's goblins! !

The little girl saw the little green-skinned monster and the...

Goblins are right.

The bad scene of being cut by a goblin with a stone ax and knocked unconscious by a wooden stick was recalled all of a sudden, and Gilly felt a little weak in her hands and feet.

At this time, the goblin also stood up from the ground, staring at her fiercely with its teeth bared.

Ah, this goblin is empty-handed, it doesn't have any weapons!

If so, maybe I can beat it myself?


The goblin didn't give her more time to think, and suddenly opened his mouth full of fangs and rushed over!

Gilly was startled, and subconsciously stabbed the dagger forward.



There was the sound of a dagger piercing into the body and the screams of goblins.

Success, success?

Daggers and knives were soaked in warm blood.


what!It's not over yet...

Gilly pulled out the dagger, and the goblin staggered back two steps with a scream. The dagger had just pierced into its left abdomen, and blood was pouring out at this moment.

It looked at the dagger in Gilly's hand with some fear, turned around and seemed to want to run away, but as if it saw something terrifying, its body froze again.

"Ah! Don't, don't try to escape!"

A young girl's immature voice came from behind.

Then a dagger pierced its chest.

"To die, to die!"

The dagger kept thrusting in and out.

"Kill you, kill you!"

The little girl's voice was a little excited, and when the goblin fell to the ground, she knelt on the ground and stabbed the dagger more than a dozen times, and then slowly stopped until her hands lost strength.

She was panting heavily, her lips and hands trembling uncontrollably.

His whole body was more or less stained with goblin blood.

"Success, success..."

It took a while to finally regain her composure, and after wiping the unexplained tears off her face, Gilly pulled the dagger out of the goblin's mangled belly.

She looked at her attribute panel, this time it was upgraded by two levels, from LV.2 to LV.4.

The maximum health attribute has been increased by 10 again, and the maximum mana has been increased by 5 points.

Goblins are really strong, even without weapons, they are terrifying, but no matter what, he was finally able to defeat the goblins.

Probably frightened by the sudden battle just now, Gilly stared at her blood-stained hands in a daze for a moment.

After recovering, she looked at the goblin's body.

Full Goblin teeth can be recycled.

So the little girl endured her nausea and stuck the dagger into the goblin's mouth...

It took a lot of effort to dig out the two rows of blood-stained teeth of the goblin. After picking out the broken, misshapen and broken teeth, there were only fifteen intact teeth left. If they were sold to the town, they should be It can be exchanged for four or five copper coins.

Then there's goblin meat.

The meat can only be sold to people in the village, or to other nearby villages. After all, if it is taken to towns for sale, the meat will spoil on the road.

But if I want to train in the forest, I definitely can't waste time going back...

What to do with the meat?

I don't have any matches on me, so I can't eat either...

It can only be thrown away.

And finally the goblin's...

There is no way to preserve this, only to let it rot.

Gilly's eyes moved to the object and then quickly moved away.

After disposing of the goblin's corpse, the sun had already set, leaving only a little light on the horizon.

Gilly cleaned up the blood on her body with sand, and after it was completely dark, she found a tree and climbed up.

After simply eating a piece of bread to satisfy her hunger, she planned to go to bed early. To prevent falling from the tree, she tied herself to the branch with a rope as before.

There are many mosquitoes in the forest at night, and Gilly is a little thankful that she brought an ointment that can repel mosquitoes.

After applying the ointment to the exposed skin, the little girl closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep.


Lin Yu and Qian Yi were hiding behind a tree, secretly watching the little girl in the distant tree.

"Mom, don't you plan to go back?"


Anyway, there's nothing to do when I go back, and it's actually quite fun to watch the kid explore carefully in the forest.

Because there are a total of eight stealth ants hiding in the distance this time, including Qianyi, Gilly is actually not in danger. Even the goblin during the day was thrown by Qianyi for her to practice.

Easy first and then difficult.

Let her get used to fighting first, learn to fight, and then slowly reduce the intervention of the sneak ants until her life is in danger.

Although there is no armor, no recovery props, and no companions to fight side by side, as long as you don't die, these are not bad things. Rather, this kind of training is more meaningful and can make Gilly stronger.

But there is a little bit of mother, no... my sister has to say a few words!

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