Ghost Slayer: The Strongest Swordsman Author: Wild Cat Susu

Traveling back to the anime world of "Demon Slayer: Blade", he became a good friend of Tanjuro Kamado, but within a few years, Tanjuro Kamado's health became worse and worse, and Su Mu was able to help him while he was dying. He takes care of his wife and daughter.

Facing Zaomen Tan Shilang's request, Su Mu chose to agree.

However, in the face of this world full of evil spirits and the impending disaster of the Zaomen family, he can only think of ways.

Chapter 1: Properties panel

open one's eyes

It was dark all around, and only a little moonlight brought a soft light to this dark world.

the wind is blowing

With the wind blowing, the blown snowflakes hit the person's face like a goose feather, causing a piercing pain on the face.

There was silence all around, and occasionally the surrounding trees were overwhelmed by the snow, making a 'click' sound.

And this kind of sound looks so weird in such a dark night, people can't help but feel hairy.

The cold wind was blowing, and the freezing temperature made Su Mu's consciousness slightly clearer.

Looking at the unfamiliar environment in front of him, Su Mu felt a little dazed for a while.

Just a moment ago, in the scorching summer, drinking cold beer was refreshing.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, he came to this icy and snowy woodland.

The cold air around made Su Mu feel like his blood was going to freeze.

"This is where?"

Su Mu looked around, a little confused.

"Ta Tata..."

The sound of dull footsteps resounded in the silent night, which also surprised Su Mu, and ignored the doubts surging in his heart to look at the place where the sound came from.

With the faint light of the moon, Su Mu could clearly see what caused the movement.

A taller than average black bear

At this moment, he was walking towards him, his fan-like bear paws, and his burly body made him feel palpitations before he got close.

If he was slapped by this big black bear, he might be slapped in two.

But at this moment, the big black bear was looking at him with bloodthirsty eyes, which were looking at food.

Almost without thinking, Su Mu turned around and ran away, feeling an inexplicable sadness in his heart. He suddenly appeared here, and was chased by a big black bear, which made him feel an inexplicable anger in his heart.

However, at this time, he couldn't think so much anymore. The black bear was faster than he imagined, and before he could run a few steps, Su Mu already felt the howling wind from behind.

turn back unconsciously

Only then did he realize that the big black bear appeared behind him at some point, and slapped his head like a palm fan.

There is almost no doubt that if he is hit by this slap, his head may be smashed directly.

At this time, Su Mu also wanted to hide, but found that the speed of the bear's paw was much faster than he thought, and he couldn't dodge at all.

The howling wind made his face hurt, and the bear's paws that kept approaching almost shattered his eyes.


Just when Su Mu thought he would be buried in the bear's paw, a cold light flickered, and the bear's paw was snapped off at the root, and the spurted blood sprayed his face.

a while

Su Mu came back to his senses and found that it was a spinning ax that cut off the bear's paw and saved his life.

And the ax that cut off the bear's paw continued to rotate after the bear's paw was cut off, and finally chopped on a thick tree, almost fixed on it.


Accompanied by the slapping of the bear's paw, the black bear screamed violently, and together with the scream, a figure walked out of the snow.

The visitor had long dark red hair, a yellow and thin complexion, and a shallow scar on the left forehead. He was wearing a dark blue plaid shirt with an Ichimatsu pattern, and he wore sun wheel earrings between his ears.

The man appeared, first took a look at the howling black bear, then set his gaze on Su Mu.

"Are you... all right?"

At some point, the man appeared next to Su Mu, and spoke to Su Mu who was in a daze.

Su Mu stared blankly at the man in front of him, vaguely feeling that he had seen him before, and had a very familiar feeling.

But Su Mu is sure that he has never met the other party.

After a while, Su Mu realized why he was so familiar with the person in front of him.

The other party is very similar to a character in an anime that I have seen. It is the protagonist Tanjiro in the anime called "Demon Slayer: Blade".

More and more, I feel that the person in front of me is very familiar.


But at this moment, the black bear whose paw had been cut off roared loudly, and its majestic body moved towards the man who appeared.

The man was very thin, completely different from the black bear's majestic body. If he was hit, he might lose half his life.

But facing the black bear's collision, the man behaved very calmly, just raised his hand and slapped the black bear.

The man's palm seemed to be light and powerless, but when it landed on the black bear, not only did there come a 'click' sound of bone shattering, but the entire majestic body of the black bear was directly sent flying.

Looking at the big black bear that fell dozens of feet away, Su Mu rubbed his eyes involuntarily.

some unbelievable

However, Su Mu also reacted soon, and hurriedly picked up the ax that fell on the tree, and quickly came to the black bear with the ax in hand.

Without any hesitation, he chopped off the head of the black bear who was close to dying.

After all, I have seen a lot of TV before. After being rescued, many people were attacked and died by the enemy instead of killing the enemy immediately.

However, just after killing the black bear with an axe, a faint white light fell on Su Mu's dead black bear.

At the same time, a mechanical, cold, and emotionless voice sounded beside my ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the black bear and get 0.1 attribute points."

also at this moment

Su Mu discovered

A property panel appeared in my mind.

Chapter 2: Kamado Tanjuro

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 0.8 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 0.9 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 0.8 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 1.2 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Attribute points obtained: 0.1.

Looking at the attribute template that appeared in his mind, Su Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then looked happy, but seeing his own attributes on the panel, his expression was slightly bad.

However, Su Mu didn't feel any surprise about his attributes. After all, he had been in a sub-healthy state and rarely exercised. It didn't matter whether his physique, agility, or strength were less than ordinary people.

His eyes fell on the attribute panel, and Su Mu quickly landed on the 0.1 attribute point he had obtained.

Regarding this 0.1 attribute point, Su Mu also had some guesses, which should be related to the white light that suddenly appeared from the top of the black bear's head when he beheaded the black bear with an ax just now.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Mu discovered that the acquired attribute points can be added to himself.

After slightly hesitating, he chose to add 0.1 attribute points to agility.

Just now, it was because he ran too slowly that he almost died on the black bear. Up to now, Su Mu still has lingering fears.

And with 0.1 attribute points added to the agility, Su Mu suddenly felt a hot feeling between his brows, and then, this hot feeling turned into warm currents extending towards his body in all directions.

This sudden warm current came and went quickly.

When Su Mu came back to his senses, the warm current had disappeared, as if it had never appeared before. If it wasn't for the faint feeling that his footsteps on the ground were much lighter than before, Su Mu even thought that all this was an illusion.

Involuntarily, Su Mu's eyes fell on his mind again.

Sure enough, there were some changes in the properties panel.

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 0.8 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 1.0 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 0.8 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 1.2 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Attribute points obtained: 0.


"Sir, sir..."

Just as Su Mu was immersed in the attribute panel, a call woke him up.

come back

Su Mu couldn't help raising his head, only to realize that it was the man who had just rescued him from the black bear calling him.

"Thank you so much just now. If you hadn't made the move, I'm afraid I would have died just now."

Su Mu couldn't help but said gratefully, thinking of the scene where he was almost shot to death by the black bear just now, he still has lingering fears.

"this is nothing."

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