"Is this the transparent world?"

He murmured inwardly.

In the state of "transparent world", the body of any creature is as if it is transparent. As long as you want to see it, you can clearly see the blood vessels and even the blood flow inside the opponent's body. In this state, people's perception will change Extremely sharp.

Obviously, Zaomen Tanshiro noticed something during his stay at Zaomen's house. Although he didn't do anything these days, there will always be a wave of fluctuation in a person's heart at certain times.

And these are the reasons why Zaomen Tanjuro was able to discover some clues.

Although Su Mu thought a lot at this moment, he soon recovered from the shock in his heart and looked at Zaomen Tanjuro.

Under the scorching gaze of the other party, Su Mu held Tan Shiro's hand tightly, and said seriously: "Tan Shiro, don't worry, I will take care of your wife and daughter."

"As long as I'm here, your wife and daughter will definitely not be bullied."

When he said this, his heart was extremely sincere, without any falsehood.

From the first time he saw Zaomen Aoizhi, he did have unreasonable thoughts in his heart, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

People have desires for beautiful things. It is not surprising that he has thoughts in his heart. After all, Mrs. Kuizhi is so beautiful and beautiful.

It's normal to have a little thought.

But that was just a thought that surfaced in his heart for a moment. From the beginning to now, he has never made any indecent behavior towards Zaomen Kuizhi.


He really didn't want the tragedy that happened to Zaomen's family in the future to repeat itself, whether it was the tragic death of a beautiful lady like Kuizhi at the hands of an evil spirit, or the lovely Nezuko becoming a evil spirit who endured cannibalism all the time. He won't let it happen.

He also hoped that after Tanjuro's death, a beautiful woman like Zaomen Aoie would lose her support.

"The most important thing for you now is to heal your injuries with peace of mind. What if your body gets better... In this way, I won't have to take care of your wife and daughter."

he said softly.

Zaomen Tan's burning eyes stared at Su Mu's face for a long time, as if he wanted to see through Su Mu's heart.

It took a long time to finally confirm that everything Su Mu said was true.


Zaomen Tanshilang sighed deeply, if he could cultivate his body well, how could he be willing to fight everything.

These days, I accidentally noticed that Su Mu had thoughts about Kuizhi, and murderous intentions appeared in his heart. After all, he was about to die. He definitely didn't want to see such a person with ulterior motives staying in Zaomen's family .

However, at that time, he didn't act immediately, but was hesitating and observing.

Tan Shilang at Zaomen thought that he was about to die, if Lord Mu really had any malicious intentions, he would eventually be unable to resist.

But gradually

During these sick days, he found that Su Mu was really trying to help him recover his body, and he also did his best to help take care of the child and his wife. At first, Tanjuro felt that the other party was fake, and it was full of lies.

But soon, Tanjuro fell silent.

The other party really likes his children, especially Nezuko, and his concern for the children is also real.

These cannot be done by falsehood, let alone concealed from him who has reached the 'transparent world'.

Although Zaomen Tanshiro can clearly feel that every time Mu Jun sees Kui Zhi, his heart will always speed up and his mood seems to be a little restless, but all the time, when the other party is facing Kui Zhi They all remained humble and courteous, and they never showed any steadfast behavior towards their wife, at least, when they were alive, they did not show any steadfast behavior.

Facing himself, the other party has really tried to find ways to help him recover his body these days. He has invited many doctors and found many good medicines.

So, gradually, Zaomen Tan Shilang understood that the other party was sincerely treating Zaomen's family, and he was indeed sincerely treating his wife and daughters, so he let go of his own murderous intentions.

"I hope that your words can always be practiced consistently."

Zaomen Tanjuro looked at Su Mu and closed his eyes slightly.

Su Mu wanted to say something else, but Zaomen Tanjuro waved his hand: "I want to sleep for a while now, you go out."

Su Mu had no choice but to take Tanjiro out of the room.

The moment Su Mu turned around, Tanjurou Kamado opened his closed eyes again, looking at the back of the other party leaving with his son Tanjiro in his hand, Tanjuro Zamodo's eyes were slightly complicated.

If his health can recover, he will naturally drive away people like Mu Jun who have unreasonable thoughts about Kuizhi from Zaomen, and keep them as far away from him as possible.

but now

He was afraid that his health would not recover, but he felt that maybe, after he left, his wife and children would not be short of someone to take care of them.


do not know why

There is always some resentment in my heart.

After all, his wife is so beautiful and his children are so cute, and he still wants to watch them grow up.


But not for a few days.

Chapter 21: No need to cover up

After coming out of the room and coming to the courtyard, the cold air outside the house woke up Su Mu's slightly dazed spirit.

He really didn't expect that Zaomen Tanjuro was so keen.

"As expected, he is indeed the only ordinary person who has reached the 'transparent world' besides the Ghost Killing Squad."

He murmured slightly.

Although the other party didn't do anything to him, it still made Su Mu's heart tense.

At this moment, he couldn't help but start to examine himself.

Maybe it's because of knowing the future direction of the world and understanding of what will happen in the future, deep down in my heart, there is inevitably a kind of arrogance in my heart, and I always habitually look down on these people subconsciously.

It is always inevitable to underestimate the people here.

I always feel that everything is under my control.

But he completely forgot that the current self is still very weak, just an ordinary person, and has no capital to surpass others at all.

at least

With the current strength, it is still not possible to look down on others and underestimate others.

Fortunately, Zaomen Tanjuro didn't mean to kill him. If the other party wanted to kill him, don't look at the other party who is dying now, as if he can't stand up, but if he underestimated the other party based on this, he would definitely die.

Perhaps although the opponent has never practiced swordsmanship, he cannot fully exert his own strength.

But as a person who can open the 'stripes' and has reached the highest realm of the 'transparent world', even if he is dying, the burst of strength is not something he can resist.


The current self may be instantly beheaded by the opponent without the power to fight back.


Taking a breath, he secretly reminded himself that no matter what, he only had one life.


really died,

But there is no chance to come back.

In the case of weak strength, it is better to be cautious.


After the announcement with Zaomen Tan Shilang, Su Mu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Perhaps it was because of his feelings towards Mrs. Kuizhi that he always felt guilty when facing Zaomen Tanshiro.

Such a heart made him feel a little depressed for no reason.

But now, after making it public, he no longer feels too much pressure in his heart.

After all, in this day and age, it is really difficult to lose Tanjuro as the pillar, only a weak woman, and to take care of so many children.

In fact, in the anime, after losing Kamado Tanjuro, the Kamado family really lived a very hard life.


After Zaomen Tanshilang passed away, he didn't have to feel too much guilt for choosing to take care of Mrs. Kuizhi.

After all, with such a large family, in this era, no one is willing to raise so many oil bottles.

As for myself, let alone let them eat or drink spicy food, but I will definitely not live a life of hardship and hardship like in the anime.

Speaking of it, it can be regarded as my own care for the Zaomen family.

If the people here find out, I'm afraid they will give themselves a thumbs up and call themselves a good person.

Although, I have a dirty heart that is greedy for Mrs. Kuizhi's beauty.

But what?

She's so beautiful and young, her husband is about to die, what's wrong with her own thoughts?

While thinking about it, he seemed to feel something, he couldn't help raising his head, and his eyes fell on the courtyard.

Mrs. Kuizhi's frail body was carrying a bucket of water to the kitchen with difficulty.

Although the woman was wearing very simple and generous clothes, even so, she couldn't hide her fiery figure.

Especially the clothes in front of the chest, because of the woman's proud figure, even if the woman's clothes are loose, they will look extremely tight here, but the loose clothes will look a little tight.

Before, when seeing Mrs. Kuizhi, Su Mu would always dodge unconsciously. After all, with the existence of Zaomen Tan Shilang, he always felt guilty.

But now, after making public with Kamado Tanjuro

I don't care anymore.

Anyway, Zaomen Tanshilang already knew what he was thinking, so there was no need to hide anything.

Since Zaomen Tanjuro acquiesced.

Then what are you still guilty of?

Involuntarily, his gaze sized Zaomen Kuizhi's body, looking very bold and piercing.

Perhaps it was because I helped take care of the Zaomen family during this period of time, and because of my own existence, the Zaomen family had a backbone, and Mrs. Kuizhi's complexion was not as pale and weak as when she came to visit.

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