Zaomen Kuizhi's face flushed slightly, even a little hot.

Su Mu's expression froze as well, obviously he didn't expect that Neidouzi would run into Kuizhi's room at the kitchen door today, and he was also a little guilty.

"Then I... go back to sleep."

He said in a low voice, about to go back.


It's just that the footsteps have just moved, and the girl's soft voice has come, and it seems to be a little sleepy

On the bed, Nezuko also just sat up from the bed, her black and messy hair hanging down her shoulders

Delicate and beautiful face, slightly thin pajamas showing white wrists, different from the maturity and charm of Zaomen Kuizhi, it exudes more youth and vitality.

At this moment, a pair of beautiful eyes that were slightly confused looked over

"It's so late, what is uncle doing here?"

Butterfly rubbed his eyes with his hands, staring at his uncle suspiciously.

Su Mu forced a smile, first glanced at Kuizhi Zaomen, and was looked at by Mujun's eyes that were begging for help, Kuizhi Zaomen's face also turned slightly red, and she couldn't help lowering her head, how could she have the nerve to explain those things to Neidouzi? .

"Well, I'm hungry, so I want Mrs. Kuizhi to get me something to eat."

He explained.

"Yes, uncle."

Nezuko muttered: "But, it's so late, and mother is also very tired."

Su Mu smiled mischievously.

Kuizhi at the Zaomen lowered her head, a little afraid to look at Mujun.

"Then I'll get something to eat myself."

"Well, uncle, thank you for your hard work."

Nezuko said softly.


When Su Mu closed the door and only his mother was left, Nedouzi couldn't help but snorted heavily: "It's a good thing I'm here today, otherwise, uncle will definitely bully you again."

Zaomen Kuizhi forced a smile, and looked at Nezuko with some resentment.

"I'll go see what your uncle is doing, and see if I can help."

Kuizhi from Zaomen said in a low voice, and after finishing speaking, before Neidouzi could say anything else, he ran out quickly.


Nezuko pouted and sat on the bed angrily.

"I was always on guard against my uncle bullying you, but you are rushing to let my uncle bully you. It's really maddening."

Nezuko was very angry.


Su Mu left Kuizhi's room at the stove door, somewhat depressed.

But before he took a few steps, there was the sound of crisp footsteps behind him.

Su Mu couldn't help turning his head

Sure enough, it was Zaomen Kuizhi who ran out of the house, and as he ran, the cotton pajamas trembled.

Quite tempting.

As soon as he came in front of him, Zaomen Kuizhi threw himself into his arms and picked him up.

Su Mu caressed the black and soft hair of Kuizhi from the kitchen door: "Why did you run out with such little clothes on?"

"Doesn't Mu Jun want to eat supper? I just want to come out and make some food for Mu Jun."

Zaomen Kuizhi said in a low voice.

Su Mu leaned over slightly, and put his mouth next to Kuizhi's ear:

"Don't Mrs. Kuizhi know what I mean by eating supper?"

As he finished his words, he could clearly feel that Zaomen Kuizhi's earlobe heated up rapidly and turned red, and began to feel hot

"Kuizhi is willing to make it for Mr. Mu every night."

The woman lowered her head, her voice was as low as a mosquito flapping its wings.

"In my room tonight."

He whispered softly.

Kuizhi at the Zaomen hesitated, bit her lip, and whispered, "Then... what about Nezuko?"

"Nezuko is getting old, just let her sleep alone."

"Is that bad?"

Zaomen Kuizhi said in a low voice.

"Then you can't leave me alone all night."

Su Mu muttered.

Hearing this, Zaomen Kuizhi struggled for a while, and finally lowered his head: "All listen to Mu Jun."


Su Mu looked at the well-behaved Zaomen Kuizhi, and couldn't help laughing.


Nezuko waited in the room, but before Kuizhi came back from the kitchen door, she couldn't sit still anymore, so she put on a coat and ran out.

Outside the door, it was quiet.

She ran to the kitchen first, but there was no one in the kitchen. She seemed to have thought of something, and then hurried to her uncle's room.

ask for flowers

Hearing the movement in the room vaguely, he knocked on the door almost without hesitation.

a while

Su Mu just opened the door, looked at Nezuko who was wearing a coat, and said with a bit of complaint in his tone, "It's so late, why don't you go to rest."

Nezuko couldn't help but look up.

At this moment, Su Mu's upper body was bare, showing extremely muscular muscles.

The tall and muscular body came with an extremely hot breath, making Nezuko's breathing hard for a while, and the long eyelashes trembled slightly because of the girl's rapid breathing, and she almost instinctively moved back.

It's just that one couldn't stand steadily, staggered a bit, and was about to fall to the ground.

Su Mu immediately stepped forward, clasping Nidouzi's slender waist with his big hand like a cattail fan.

Perhaps it was because the clothes were too thin, Nezuko's body could vaguely feel the warmth of the palms touching the waist.

This made Nezuko panic, and his eyes became bewildered, especially at this moment, he felt that his uncle was filled with some kind of strong hormonal atmosphere, especially at this moment, just a little closer, he felt that strong sense of oppression, It made her a little out of breath.

"Be careful, don't fall."

Su Mu loosened his grip on Nezuko's waist and said.

It's just that I put my hand back slightly unconsciously. Although I just touched it briefly, I felt that Nezuko's waist was unreasonably soft, and the waist was too thin.

I didn't notice it carefully before.

It took a long time for Nezuko to come back to her senses, looked up, and glanced at the gesture of holding the door ajar, and then blocking the door with her body.

Then, with a small body, he slammed directly into the door.

Su Mu was also taken aback, fearing that Nidouzi would hit the door and break it, so he hurriedly opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Nezuko broke into the room in an instant, and immediately saw Aoi Zhi, who was wearing clothes in a panic.

He looked up again, looking at his uncle who was helplessly spreading his hands.


Nezuko snorted with a heavy nose, and then looked at Kuizhi Zaomen: "Anyway, I won't allow uncle to bully you today."

Kuizhi from Zaomen raised his head, glanced at Mu Jun, lowered his head slightly, his face was as bright red as if stained with blood.

Looking at Nezuko who was pouting, and then at Kuizhi at Zaomen, Su Mu suddenly had a feeling that the couple was raising a child.

Very weird.



PS: Thank you readers for the monthly pass given by "I, My Taste", and thank you for your support.

Chapter 140: It's a pet, a pet raised by Mr. Mu

Because of Nezuko's presence, it was naturally impossible for anything to happen this night.

Of course, a night of suffering is inevitable.


"Nezuko, I really care about you."

Holding Zaomen Kuizhi in his arms, Su Mu whispered into Zaomen Kuizhi's ear.

After being said by Mu Jun, the round earlobe of Kuizhi Zaomen was also slightly hot, and he took a careful look at Nezuko, and after confirming that his eyes were closed, as if he was asleep, he relaxed a little.

"It would be great if Nezuko cared about my uncle as much as he cared about you."

Su Mu sighed slightly.

The sunflower branch at the kitchen door raised its head, and glanced at Su Mu coquettishly. For a moment, the woman's charming style made Su Mu's heart hot.

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