Every time Su Mu sees it, he feels emotional and ashamed in his heart. After all, he can't work as hard as Tanjiro.

However, Tanjiro is not the only one training in the small yard today.

Li Hualuo Chanaihu, who was wearing tight clothes, also got up early, and, holding a sword, was thinking about something, or, it was not thinking, but more like a daze.

Next to it, the Butterfly sisters are practicing together. The elder sister is holding a sun wheel knife, and her figure is as graceful as a butterfly. From time to time, the blade is drawn towards Butterfly Ninja, but Butterfly Ninja's figure is more dexterous, always dodging her sister's attack quickly. The two of them were like two butterflies, one big and one small, dancing in the courtyard, very beautiful.

The yard wasn't that big, and with the activities of several people, it obviously felt a little crowded.

In fact, this yard is not small, and it is no problem to accommodate at least dozens of people for activities, but training is different from ordinary activities, and the requirements for the venue are far from ordinary venues.

"I'm going to change to a bigger house as soon as possible."

Su Mu murmured.

And as he came out, the eyes of several people also looked over.


Tanjiro was as respectful as ever.

 16 "Good morning, sir."

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu also stopped practicing and spoke respectfully.

Lihualuo. Chanahu remained silent as usual, but looked at him with wide pink and purple eyes.

"Keep training."

He nodded to Tanjiro, and then walked towards Sister Butterfly on his own.

As he walked over, Butterfly Chana Hui's delicate body tensed unconsciously.

"Continue to train according to the moves of 'Breath of Flowers'."

He looked at Sister Butterfly and said.


Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu immediately began to continue training.

Su Mu watched from the side, his eyes sized up Butterfly Kanae's tall and proud figure for a while, and then fell on the petite and cute Butterfly Shinobi.

Compared with the figure, Butterfly Ninja is obviously inferior to her older sister, but she has a cuteness that her older sister never had.

However, most of the time, this girl has a tight little face and a serious look.

Before, there were some smiles in front of my sister, but in front of myself, my face was almost tense all the time.

However, recently, her face has not been tense when facing him. Sometimes, she will also smile, and the two small dimples on her cheeks will appear inadvertently, always looking very cute.

Obviously, the relationship between Butterfly Ninja and him is gradually getting closer.

He even faintly felt that Butterfly Shinobi looked at him a little differently.

but what's the difference

I can't tell.


After yesterday's battle with the evil spirits, Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi have improved a lot. The training situation is obviously more aggressive than before, and their attack movements are more concise, not as gorgeous as before.

However, it can be clearly felt that the pair of sisters should be stronger.

Su Mu walked up to Butterfly Chanae who was training, and asked her to stop and keep the previous movement.

Butterfly Kanae stopped moving immediately.

Su Mu stepped forward, stood behind Butterfly Kanae, and pressed his hand on the opponent's arm: "This action of lifting the knife raises the knife too high, and it will take more effort, and if it is lowered, it will consume less effort. Some, and the knives will be faster when changing."

Butterfly Kanae nodded.

Su Mu patted the opponent's knee again: "Here, when attacking, try to press down as much as possible, so that the center of gravity can be pressed down and the body can maintain balance."

Su Mu said, stood up, and put his hand on Butterfly Chana Hui's waist: "You must straighten your waist."

At this moment, Butterfly Chanae's delicate body became more and more tense and stiff.

Especially when I felt the tall figure of my husband standing in front of me, and thinking about what my husband said when I left last night, my breathing became a little short.

Especially when I felt that my husband's big rough hand fell on the wound that I was holding the handle of the knife, the rough friction of the palm made Butterfly Kanae's face become more and more rosy.

A slight wind was blowing, and when the husband lowered his head, a strand of hair fluttered and fell on her face.

slightly itchy

Butterfly Chana Hui seemed to be unable to concentrate too much at this moment.

"Okay, remember what I just said, just continue training."

Su Mu nodded slightly, then took a step back and said.


When Su Mu's figure moved away, Butterfly Kanae let out a heavy sigh of relief. Just now, her intuitive heart was beating violently, and her body was a little weak.

Fortunately, Mr. left early.

Otherwise, Butterfly Kanae felt that her body would fall limp.


After giving some guidance to Sister Butterfly, Su Mu watched Tanjiro's training for a while, and also made some comments of his own, which Tanjiro quickly corrected.

"I may not go home at noon, so I don't have to wait for me to eat at noon."

After Su Mu guided Tanjiro, he said by the way.

"Where is Uncle going at noon?"

Tanjiro was a little curious.

"Go and see if there is a suitable house in the city. If there is one, change it. This house is too small."

Su Mu explained.

When Tanjiro heard it, his face was obviously worried: "But, it should cost a lot of money to change a house? There are so many at home..."

Su Mu patted Tanjiro on the shoulder: "Tanjiro, don't think so much, these are things that uncle considers. At the beginning, I promised Mr. Tanjuro that he would take good care of you. These are all what I should do, not to mention, Now that Mrs. Kuizhi is following me even more, I will treat you better."

"Yes, uncle."

Tanjiro lowered his head and said in a low voice, feeling a little moved in his heart.

In fact, at the beginning, he was quite critical of his mother and uncle in his heart, but his uncle's care for them and his mother these days made Tanjirou gradually let go of the little prejudice that remained in his heart.

Patting Tanjiro on the shoulder, Su Mu smiled, and glanced at Kuri Hanaro who was still holding it in a daze. Kanaihu: "Let's go, accompany uncle to see the house."

Lihualuo. Kanai raised her head, blinked her pink and purple eyes, and saw Su Mu's big hand stretched out in front of her, her little head tilted slightly

It seemed to be thinking for a while, but still seemed to be in a daze.

After a while, he stretched out his little hand and landed on the big one.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu smiled, and then took Li Hualuo. Chanahu's hand and went out.

Considering that Lihualuo. Chanel is still young and walking slowly, Su Mu also deliberately slowed down his pace.

Of course, in fact, he can directly hug Li Hualuo. Chanahu. After all, Li Hualuo. It will not increase any burden.

But after thinking about it, it was still not there.

I always feel that it is better to let Li Hualuo and Chanel stand on their own.

under the warm sun

Two people, one big and one small, walked on the busy street.

Even if it is still very early, the whole city is very lively, because 170 often go out to buy breakfast in the morning, and most of the neighbors around him know him. In addition, on weekdays, as long as he does not provoke him, he is very gentle, so say hello There are still many people.

Su Mu always responded with a smile.

Occasionally, someone would greet Li Hualuo Chanahu, but unfortunately, Li Hualuo Chanahu did not speak.

This made the people around look at Li Hualuo. Chanahu's eyes were a little weird.

of course

Even if you have some thoughts in your heart, you won't say them face to face.

"Kanahu is a little shy."

Su Mu always explained with a smile.

Lihualuo. Chanel raised her head, looked at Su Mu with pink and purple eyes, and lowered her head slightly. In fact, she didn't really know what it meant to be shy.


but can feel

This is my uncle's protection for himself.

As the wind blows, the cherry blossom tree shakes slightly, and a cherry blossom falls, swaying, and is about to fall to the ground.

A small hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the cherry blossoms.

Lihualuo. Chanahu held the cherry blossoms in one hand, and then tugged at Su Mu's clothes with the other hand.

Su Mu lowered his head in doubt.

The girl presented the cherry blossoms in front of the man as if offering a treasure.

The pink-purple eyes blinked, and it seemed that they still had no expression, as if they were still like puppets, without any expression of emotion.


Unable to utter any words.

But only small movements.


The girl in front of her was not really a puppet without feelings.

It's just that she has suffered too much, so the girl chose to close her heart.

And now

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