"Master Mu, take care."

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' hugged Su Mu with reluctance on his face.

Su Mu bent down and searched for the girl's lips, until the girl was completely out of breath, and let go of the body holding 'Ubuyashiki Nikka'.

"Going to leave."

He patted the small head of 'Ubuyashiki Nikka', looked at the slight mist in the other's beautiful eyes, and smiled freely: "However, we will meet again, won't we?"


'Ubuyashiki Nikka' also knew that she shouldn't cry at this time, and wanted to send off Mu Jun's departure, but when she thought of the other party's departure, she felt very sad inside.

After all, it is the girl who has just fallen in love with each other. At this moment, it is the most clingy time.

Su Mu leaned down slightly, bit the earlobe of 'Sanya Shiki Nikka', exhaled, and said softly:

"Next time we meet, I'm going to let 'Rixiang' get pregnant with some little idiots."

The girl's delicate body trembled slightly.

At this time, Su Mu also waved his hand slightly, and the figure walked away with steps.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' stood there and watched for a long time, even if his back disappeared, he still stayed in the same place.

"already left."

From behind, came the mother's gentle voice.

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' turned her head, looked at the noble, elegant and charming mother, and lowered her head slightly: "Mother, do you hate Mu-kun?"


'Ubuyashiki Amane' made no secret of her disgust.

Hearing this, 'Sanyashiki Nikka''s pretty eyes darkened slightly, she still hoped that her mother would bless her and Mu Jun's marriage.

Looking at her daughter with a downcast expression, 'Miyashiki Amane' couldn't help but stepped forward, hugged her daughter, and said softly:

"That swordsman is not a good person, 'Rixiang' should not be fooled by him."

When talking about this, 'Ubuyashiki Amane' felt a little bit guilty in her heart, she shouldn't have asked her daughter to persuade her yesterday.

She really didn't expect that the other party would eat up her daughter boldly.

Faced with his mother saying this about the person he likes, 'Ubuyashiki Nikka' directly pushed his mother away and turned his head aside:

"Rixiang is aware of whether Mujun is a good person. Perhaps, in the eyes of his mother, Mujun is a very bad person, but in the eyes of 'Rixiang', Mujun is a person worth relying on."

"What a silly boy, you are completely blinded by him."

'Ubuyashiki Amane' frowned tightly.

"is it?"

'Ubuyashiki Nikka' raised her head:

"But, mother, I don't care.".

Chapter 190: It must be very hard for my wife to take care of the children alone


A bustling city with a population of over one million.

In such a bustling city, there are quite a few people who just die normally every day, even if a few people are missing occasionally, it is quite normal.

Also because of this, it is very difficult to find the man-eating ghosts hidden in this bustling city~.

Su Mu didn't come here alone, he was accompanied by a 'Class C' swordsman 'Rui Nakazato' who was in charge of this place.

She is a very rare female swordsman in the Ghost Killing Squad.

The appearance is only above average, the only bright spot is probably the big chest.

In the Ghost Killing Squad, there are not many female swordsmen. This is also due to the inherent disadvantages of women. After all, women are inherently weaker than men.

"Senior, are you going to investigate the Eternal Bliss Cult now?"

'Nakasato Rui' looked at the tall swordsman in front of him respectfully, with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

After all, the swordsman in front of him had beheaded two evil ghosts in a row, which had never happened in the last hundred years of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Most of the swordsmen of the ghost killing team can become "pillars". Most of them become "pillars" by killing the "last quarter moon" of the twelve ghost moons. Only the people in front of them rely on beheading the "winding string" evil ghosts become 'columns'.

The strength can be described as powerful and admirable.

"Go and see."

Su Mu nodded.

'Nakasato Rui' immediately led the way.

The Wanshi Bliss Sect is only a small sect among the sects existing in Tokyo, and it is not conspicuous.

However, because of the appearance of evil spirits, the Ghost Slayer Squad paid a lot of attention to this sect.

of course

This kind of attention only exists during the day, and at night, whether it is monitoring the nearby swordsmen, or the "hermits" who are active in listening to intelligence and guaranteeing logistics, they will all evacuate.

It's daytime now, but 'Nakazato Rui' won't be afraid of the terrifying 'Shangxian' evil spirit. After all, even the ancestor of ghosts, Kiwu Tsuji, can't bask in the sun.

This is also the reason why the evil spirits never dare to be too rampant.

After all, no matter how powerful the evil spirit is in the dark, when the day comes, it can only be like a shivering mouse hiding in the dark, praying for the warm sunlight not to shine on it.

Under the leadership of 'Zhongli Ruyi', Su Mu quickly came to the place where the Bliss Cult is located.

This is a sect with about 250 people. When Su Mu and 'Zhongli Rui' came over, they also attracted the attention of the sect personnel here.

Soon, a member of the Bliss Sect came over.

"My lord, try not to speak ill of the leader in front of them. These believers are very devout to their leader."

Beside, 'Nakasato Rui' reminded in a low voice.

Su Mu nodded, his eyes also fell on these believers.

It can be seen that these people are not evil spirits, but real people, but these people don't know that the leader they worship is a man-eating evil spirit.

If it wasn't for accurate information, it would be hard to believe that there was a rather cruel evil spirit in this seemingly peaceful sect.

Moreover, this cruel evil spirit is also their leader.

Accompanied by 'Zhongli Ruyi', Su Mu got acquainted with the Wanshi Bliss Sect, but unfortunately, there was no trace of 'Shangxian II' Tong Mo.

Obviously, even the ferocious 'Shangxian' ghost can only hide in the dark shadows during the day, looking at the warm sunshine outside in fear.


When passing by a room, Su Mu heard a nice singing voice.

This made Su Mu stop slightly.

The voice is melodious, like the clear sound of water dripping from a mountain spring in a pool, lingering in my ears.

"This is a newly joined member of the Bliss Cult of the World."

'Nakari Rui' explained in a low voice next to her: "Because she couldn't bear her husband's domestic violence and her mother-in-law's troubles, she took her children to the Wanshi Bliss Sect late at night, and was personally summoned by the evil ghost 'Shangxian'..."


Su Mu nodded, but didn't care too much.

"However, on the second day, someone found the bodies of her husband and mother-in-law in the nearby forest. Their necks were directly twisted. They seemed to have seen something horrible before they died, with obvious fear of..."

'Nakari Rui' continued to introduce, obviously, this 'C-level' female swordsman knows a lot about the situation of Wanshi Bliss Sect.

"You are very good."

After hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help but praise.

Hearing Su Mu's admiration, 'Zhongli Rui' had a happy expression on his face, but he still lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice: "Compared to seniors, 'Zhongli Rui' just did some insignificant things."

Su Mu couldn't help but glanced at 'Nakasato Rui', she had a pretty face, but she was used to such beauties as Kwai Twig and Butterfly Kanae, 'Nakasato Rui' seemed ordinary.

The only advantage of a woman is probably the larger chest.

It can be seen that this female swordsman seems to admire him very much, and he may be able to take down this female swordsman with a little bit of willingness.

But obviously, he doesn't have much will in this regard right now.

Soon, Su Mu followed 'Zhongli Ruyi' to a courtyard.

Under the cherry tree.

A gentle and plainly dressed woman is sitting on her knees, with a cradle placed in front of her.

The woman hummed and sang in style, looking at the baby in the cradle from time to time with gentle eyes.

The beautiful singing voice was sent out along with the woman's voice, and spread far away.

Su Mu also stopped.

"It's a beautiful song."

Su Mu couldn't help but sigh.


'Nakasato Rui' next to her also nodded, looking at the woman in front, 'Nakasato Rui''s eyes were full of jealousy.

Even if the kneeling woman is just a back view, she is extremely attractive.

The upper body was stretched straight, but the plain and simple clothes outlined extremely attractive curves.

seems to hear movement

woman turn around

An extremely beautiful face was revealed, but the only pity was that the corners of the woman's eyes were still somewhat bruised.

"This is the woman who was subjected to domestic violence that I mentioned to Mr. Mu."

ask for flowers

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