
'Zui Ping Qin Ye' hesitated for a moment, but finally picked up the chopsticks, sat upright, and began to eat in small bites.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' eats like a lady 16. The small mouth is slightly opened, taking small bites, giving people a feeling of chewing and swallowing slowly, but the speed and frequency are very fast. Obviously, the other party is thorough. hungry.

While eating at 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', Su Mu also came to 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' and looked at the cradle placed next to 'Zui Ping Qin Ye'.

"The child's name is 'Kuihei Inosuke', right?"

Su Mu asked with a smile, but there was something strange in his words.

In memory, 'Zuihei Inosuke' should be about the same size as Tanjiro, but it seems that the other party is still a baby.

Perhaps, it was because they were raised by wild boars that they matured more prematurely in order to survive.

In the anime, the performance of 'Zuihei Inosuke' is completely like an immature child. Compared with Tanjiro, it is far behind.

Perhaps, it can only be explained in this way.

"Yes, my lord, his name is 'Zuihei Inosuke'."

Hearing Su Mu's question, "Zui Ping Qin Ye" who was eating also hurriedly answered. When he looked at the child in the cradle, those eyes were full of tenderness, revealing the brilliance of motherhood.

"By the way, haven't you asked your wife's name yet?"

Su Mu asked again. Although he already knew the other party's name, there was no formal inquiry.

"'Zui Ping Qin Ye', adults can call it 'Qin Ye'."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' whispered.

Su Mu nodded, and his eyes fell on the child again: "Son, is it the same surname as your wife?"

In this era, children generally follow the father's surname and follow the mother's surname. Almost none, of course, are not uncommon. For example, some men who marry into the woman's family may have their children follow the maternal instinct.

But men who marry into marriage are also looked down upon by others. As long as men with a little dignity, basically they will not choose to marry into marriage.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' Seeing Su Mu's thoughtful expression, he thought that the adults had misunderstood him, and hurriedly explained: "The child's father is not worthy for the child to have his surname, and..."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' explained to Su Mu his miserable life, the husband who often abused the family, the mother-in-law who made things difficult... Of course, if he was alone, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' could bear it, but when a husband wants to fight The child, even when the child was about to be beaten to death, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't stand it anymore, and chose to take the child to escape, and that's what happened next.


Su Mu silently listened to 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' telling his tragic past.

Unknowingly, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' talked a lot, but the woman soon realized that she seemed to have said too much, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Let adults hear the joke."

"I don't think it's a joke, but I feel sorry for Madam."

Su Mu looked at 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' and said softly.

Although 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' has begun to get used to some of the words of the man in front of him, every time he hears these ambiguous words, his heart always trembles slightly.

Su Mu seemed unaware, staring at the slender figure of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye':

"If I had such a beautiful lady as Madam, it would be too late to take pity on me. How could I beat Madam?"

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' lowered his head slightly, not daring to answer the adults' words.


While the two were chatting, sometimes, Su Mu would ask some children's questions, and 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' would answer them gently.

At the end, Su Mu spoke again

"Madam, in the future, it will be very difficult to take care of the children alone."

"I understand, but as long as the child can be taken good care of, no matter how difficult it is, 'Qin Ye' can bear it."

"But then, the wife will suffer a lot, and the child's life will be very difficult."

Su Mu said softly.

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't help lowering her head slightly, a weak woman with a child is always difficult.

"How about this, how about I hire Madam to be my housekeeper? In this way, Madam's life will be settled in the future, and I won't have to worry about family affairs in the future."

"However, I have no experience as a housekeeper."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' said with some shame.

"It's nothing, Madam has the experience of being a mother, and the experience of taking care of children is enough."

Su Mu shook his head.

"Experience taking care of children?"

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' was a little confused, not knowing what it had to do with being a housekeeper.

"To be honest, my wife is pregnant recently. As you know, as a man, I am not easy to take care of. If I have my wife's help, it will save me a lot of worry."

Su Mu said involuntarily.

He also thought of Zaomen Kuizhi who was pregnant with his child.

"It turns out that my lord already has a wife."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' couldn't help but raise his head, for some reason, he felt a sense of loss in his heart, before, with Su Mu's performance, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' thought the lord was an unmarried man.


Su Mu nodded, and was also keenly aware of the flickering loss in the eyes of 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', and a smile could not help showing 200 at the corner of his mouth:

"I don't know what madam thinks about it?"

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' hesitated slightly, glanced at the thinking child sleeping in the cradle, and finally nodded.

As a weak woman, she doesn't really have much choice.

Su Mu also showed a smile, and gently scratched the little nose of the child in the cradle: "The child is very cute, I like it very much, why don't I just be the child's godfather."


'Zui Ping Qin Ye' didn't expect the adult to make such a request, he was taken aback for a moment, and then showed joy.

After all, she knows what adults are capable of. If 'Inosuke' can have a godfather like an adult in the future, it will be great for the future of 'Inosuke'. "

"Don't you want to?"

Su Mu raised his head, slightly puzzled.

"No, I just didn't expect that 'Inosuke' is really honored to have a godfather like an adult."

Su Mu smiled, looked up and down, and said with a bit of teasing: "'Inosuke' is even more honored to have such a beautiful mother."

'Zui Ping Qin Ye' lowered his head slightly, his face blushed slightly, but he was not as frightened as when he was teased by the man in front of him at the beginning.

I also understand that the other party seems to like to tease others in character, always saying things that make women blush and burn.

At first, she was really worried that the man in front of her would force her, even humiliate her.

But after getting along gradually, I realized that the other party is not the person I imagined.

in fact

The other party is a good person.

Chapter 190 Eight: Unable to Monopolize Seniors

Su Mu and 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' left the private room one after the other after eating.

It was the store owner who greeted them with a slightly teasing look.

Apparently, the store owner was a little bit wrong.

Faced with such gazes, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' just lowered his head slightly. After all, this kind of one man and one woman together always reminds people of their ambiguous relationship.

But it's not very easy to explain.

At this time, 'Nakari Rui' had just woken up, and she was wearing loose clothes, but it was hard to hide her fullness.

Seeing the senior come back with a woman, the pretty face of 'Nakasato Rui' visibly froze slightly.

"Senior, this is..."

'Nakari Rui' looked at 'Zuiping Qinye', the eyes of the woman who had just become a young woman were full of scrutiny.

Especially seeing the child in the arms of 'Zuiping Qinye' made 'Nakazarui' think of something bad.

"This is Madam 'Zui Ping Qin Ye', she was rescued from the evil spirit 'Shangxian' yesterday."

Hearing Su Mu's explanation, 'Zhongli Ruyi' felt slightly relieved. After all, the woman in front of her was so beautiful that she felt insecure. The woman is obviously a lot worse. If the only advantage is said, it is probably bigger breasts than the other party.

But not too much.

Therefore, when 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' appeared, he felt very insecure.

Especially when the other party was bringing a child with her, 'Nakali Rui' even thought for a while that it was the child of the senior and this lady.

This made 'Nakazarui' panic for a while.

Until now, 'Nakazato Rui' found out that when she handed herself over to her senior, she didn't know much about him. She only knew that he was a very powerful swordsman who could kill other 'pillars' even with difficulty. The 'shangxian' evil ghost who killed him didn't know anything about the other aspects of the senior, and he didn't even know whether the senior had other women.

"So it's Mrs. 'Kinba', my name is 'Nakari Rui', madam, just call me 'Rui'~々."

'Nakari Rui' stepped forward and hugged the arm of 'Zui Hirakotoba', when he saw the child in the arms of 'Zuihira Kotoba', he also loved it: "Wow, what a cute kid, what's his name?"

"The child's name is 'Zuihei Inosuke."

Seeing the child being liked, 'Zui Ping Qin Ye' was also happy in his heart.


After introducing the two to each other, Su Mu also proposed to 'Zhongli Ruyi' that he wanted to go back. After all, Tong Mo, the 'Shangxian' evil spirit, had already been killed, and the task had been completed, so he didn't have to stay here any longer.

"'Rui', would you like to go back with me?"

Su Mu couldn't help asking.

'Nakasato Rui' couldn't help showing a look of hesitation on her face, but in her heart she was looking forward to going back with her senior.

However, as a swordsman of the Demon Slayer Squad, the area she is in charge of is here, and it is impossible to leave at will.

"It may be necessary to make a statement to the headquarters and hand over your responsibilities before you can leave."

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