So Tanjiro pricked up his ears and listened carefully.

"Although Ji Guoyuan almost killed Gui Wu Tsuji, in the end, he still let Gui Wu Tsuji run away, which made Ji Guo Yuan blame himself very much.

Because, Ji Guoyuan thought that the reason why he was born in this world in a situation far stronger than ordinary people was to kill Onimui Tsuji, but he messed up, he failed to kill Onimui Tsuji No misery, but felt that many people lost their lives because of him, Ji Guoyuan realized that he was sorry for these people. "

"So, Ji Guoyuan chose to continue looking for Guiwu Tsuji in his later life, and tried to kill Guiwu Tsuji completely. However, human life is limited after all, but ghosts have unlimited life, so continue Guo Yuanyi found Zaomen Tanji, and gave Zaomen Tanji his earrings and the inheritance of the 'Breath of the Sun', so as not to cut off the inheritance completely."

"And Zaomen Tankichi also said that he would cherish the life guarded by Ji Guoyuanyi and continue the inheritance..."

After finishing speaking, Su Mu looked at Tanjiro: "Now, you understand, ghost, why is it related to the Zaomen family?"

Tanjiro nodded: "Because, the Zaomen family inherited the will of Ji Guoyuan, and Ji Guoyuan is a person who makes ghosts feel afraid. They will worry that the Zaomen family will inherit Ji Guoyuan's will." things are inherited.”

When he said this, Tanjiro couldn't help clenching his fist slightly: "So, the evil spirits will destroy the inheritance at all costs, and the Zaomen family will also become the enemies of the evil spirits."

While talking, Tanjiro stood up abruptly: "I will never let the evil spirits harm my family."

Looking at Tanjiro's appearance at this moment, Su Mu is also full of relief: "So, we can't sit still, let alone hope that the evil spirits can't find us. After all, this is not only about your life, but also about Tanjiro's mother. , brother, sister's life."

"Therefore, we must become stronger and hold the future in our own hands."

"I don't hope that one day, when the evil spirits come, we can only sit back and watch the things we care about be destroyed."

"I don't even hope that our happiness will be destroyed by evil spirits along with the smell of blood."



PS: Thank you readers for your support of the monthly ticket of "Kian Hong Yu", "Luo Wu of the Moon", "Flower of the Night" and "Little Pig George", thank you for your love.

Thanks to the readers of 'Pianhongyu' and 'Tiandihuang' for their reminders and support, thank you for your love.

Chapter 34: Breath of the Sun (2/6)

"Uncle, what should we do to protect our happiness from being destroyed."

Tanjiro stared at Su Mu with burning eyes.

"Inheritance comes from Jiguo Yuanyi's inheritance."

Su Mu said seriously:

"Also, Tanjiro, I hope you will work hard enough in the days to come, because you bear the burden of a family on your shoulders."

Su Mu patted Tanjiro on the shoulder and said seriously.

"I understand, Uncle, I will try my best."

Tanjiro nodded earnestly, but immediately asked again: "But, uncle, where is the inheritance of Ji Kuni Enichi?"

"Didn't your father tell you all this?"

Su Mu's eyes flickered unconsciously, and at the same time, he asked with a questioning tone: "Didn't your father entrust all of this to you that night?"

"Didn't tell me that."

Tanjiro shook his head.

"In this way, you will tell me what your father said to you that night."

"Okay, uncle."

Tanjiro didn't doubt anything, and directly told all his father's instructions that night.

After Su Mu listened one by one, his eyes fell on Tanjirou's face from time to time, observing Tanjirou's expression when he spoke.

After Tanjirou finished speaking, he sighed slightly, unexpectedly, the other party still gave him a hand.

In fact, when teaching Tanjirou to "permeate the world" at the end, Tanjuro can also take him with him and study together, so that he can also understand "permeating the world".

But in the end

Tanjuro didn't take him with him.

Just bring your own son with you.

As for Tanjiro passing on his father's teachings that night, it is not very possible. Among them, he can give him some explanations about 'breathing', but there is no way to teach him about 'penetrating the world' .

After all, Tanjiro himself has not reached the 'transparent world', how can he teach the 'transparent world'.

Only people like Tanjuro who have reached the "transparent world" can make people understand the feeling of entering the "transparent world".

After all, that is the 'transparent world'!

It is the 'supreme realm' that can only be reached after going all out and enduring pain.

If you haven't reached that level, you can't comprehend the feeling of that level at all.

"Tanjuro! Tanjuro, I treat you like a brother. These days, I have been taking good care of your wife and daughter, but you have never treated me sincerely! Obviously you can bring Tanjirou and I experienced the 'transparent world' together, but you only brought Tanjirou with you after all! It really makes me a little sad!"

Su Mu murmured slightly.


Looking at Su Mu who suddenly fell silent, Tanjiro thought he might have said something wrong and made the other party angry, and a look of worry could not help but appear in his eyes.

In the past few days, his mother has been teaching him to treat his uncle with the same respect as his father, not to make his uncle angry, and he must obey his words. .

Tanjiro is a very filial child, and he will naturally obey his mother's words.


After recovering from my thoughts, seeing Tanjiro's worried smile, he couldn't help but smile slightly, stretched out his hand, and touched Tanjiro's head: "Since your father didn't tell you about Ji Guoyuan's inheritance, then it's up to you." Let me tell you."


Tanjiro was shocked.

"The so-called inheritance left by Ji Guoyuanyi is mainly the 'breathing of the sun', and 'breathing' also includes the 'breathing' that your father taught you to pay attention to on weekdays. sword shape."

"Sword type?"

Tanjuro murmured, he didn't remember his father being able to do things like swordsmanship.

"Yes, the 'sword shape', matched with the 'sword shape' belonging to the 'breath of the sun', can exert the power of the 'breath of the sun'."

"The 'sword shape'..."

Tanjiro asked.

"The so-called 'sword shape' has always been hidden in the Kagura dance passed down from generation to generation by your Zaomen family."

"God of Fire Kagura?"

Tanjiro muttered involuntarily.

Naturally, Tanjiro is not unfamiliar with the "God of Fire Kagura Dance". It is a dance performed at the beginning of each new year to pray for the safety of "Master Fire God". There are twelve dance patterns in total, each In [-], when worshiping Lord Vulcan and dancing this dance, my father would always dance tirelessly all day long.

"This 'God of Fire Kagura Dance' is not only full of the initial breath 'breath of the sun', but also contains the twelve sword shapes that match it, and this is what Ji Guoyuanyi left for Zao The inheritance of the door family."

Su Mu patted Tanjiro on the shoulder and spoke seriously.

In fact, the twelve dance forms of "God of Fire Kagura Dance" do not represent the twelve sword forms of "Breath of the Sun".


Thirteen sword types.

Chapter 35: Understanding (3/6)

Tanjiro didn't expect that at the beginning of each new year, the "Fire God Kagura" dance presented to Lord Vulcan to pray for the safety of the coming year actually contained the inheritance left by Tsui Kuniichi, and his heart was shocked for a long time.

"Tanjiro, do you remember the 'Fire God Kagura Dance' danced by your father?"

Su Mu patted Tanjiro on the shoulder and spoke softly.

"I remember."

Tanjiro nodded. Since he was very young, his father taught him the "God of Fire Kagura Dance". I remember that at the very beginning, he was severely reprimanded by his father because of the wrong dance pattern.

"Very good, now you will demonstrate the 'God of Fire Kagura Dance' in front of me."

He spoke softly.

"it is good."

Tanjiro nodded, and began to jump up.

Su Mu stared closely, watching the turning of Tanjirou's footsteps, every movement, and at the same time, paying attention to the other person's breathing

Once... twice... three times...

It was only when Tanjiro was out of breath and could barely move that he was stopped by Su Mu. .


After stopping, Su Mu asked Tanjiro to tell him about the "breathing" that should be paid attention to when dancing the "God of Fire Kagura" dance.

Tanjiro didn't have any reservations, and told them one by one.

After listening, Su Mu also closed his eyes, and began to recall the "God of Fire Kagura Dance" danced by Tanjiro just now in his mind

blow with the wind

Su Mu, who closed his eyes, moved.

The clothes fly with the movement of the body

stepping in a special rhythm

The wrist shakes with the movement

Accompanied by the movement of the body, it is the rhythm of 'breathing' that Su Mu pays attention to.


I don't know how long, when Su Mu was immersed in it, a mechanical, seemingly emotionless voice sounded in his ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, learn the 'breath of the sun'"

The sudden sound brought Su Mu, who was immersed in it, back to his senses, and his eyes instinctively stayed on his attribute panel

Name: Su Mu

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