With that said, he trotted away with small steps.

Swaying a seductive figure.


After Kuizhi from Zaomen brought the breakfast, Su Mu was not polite, and immediately ate it with big mouthfuls.


A peeled egg was held by the fingertips of a white and tender hand and handed over.

Su Mu looked up, just in time to see Kuizhi's charming little face smiling at him

"Master Mu, here it is."

Su Mu stared at Zaomen Kuizhi's charming face for a long time, and the Zaomen Kuizhi's face was flushed, before he took the egg.

"Mu Jun, I'm busy with other things. If there is anything, please give me your instructions."

Zaomen Kuizhi said softly, and then trotted towards the yard with small steps.

Soon, they came to the wooden basin where the clothes had just been dried, and continued to dry the washed clothes that had not yet been dried.

The slight sunlight shone on the woman's charming face, and a layer of fine sweat beads appeared on the woman's fair face. The woman wiped her forehead to wipe off the once crystal clear sweat beads, revealing a woman's smiling face.

Seeing all this, Su Mu swallowed the peeled egg in one gulp, and looked at the beautiful figure of the sunflower branch at the stove door hanging on his toes, drying the clothes, for some reason, he felt a little ashamed.

a while

Su Mu shook his head with a smile, and shook off the faint shame that rose in his heart.

Chapter 48: A person's character will determine many things

The passage of time seems to be able to forget many things and make many things a habit.

I don't know when it started, Su Mu gradually began to integrate into the Zaomen family, and gradually, unconsciously, he became the backbone of the Zaomen family.


Scorching sun

A young man with dark red hair, wearing an Ichimatsu pattern coat, and a sun ring earring on his earlobe is still training seriously.

In the hot weather, the boy's forehead was covered with sweat.

But still silently persisted.

"Take a break."

A footstep came, and a gentle voice sounded at the same time.

The young man raised his head and looked at the tall figure in front of him: "I want to practice for a while, I feel that practicing the 'breath of the sun' under the sun seems to progress faster."

After hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help sighing: "But don't fight like this, pay attention to your body.

"It's okay, uncle, I know how to measure, if I feel unwell, I will stop."

Hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help saying with a bit of shame: "Compared to Tanjirou, uncle is really ashamed, I can't bear it without patience."

This point, Su Mu is sincere. Although he practiced hard during this period of time, he was far behind Tanjiro's self-discipline.

Every day, Tanjiro wakes up very early for training, except for resting and occasionally accompanying his younger siblings, he is basically training.

The degree of hard work made Su Mu feel ashamed.

Like Tanjiro, Su Mu persisted for a few days, but in the end he was too tired. In addition, the progress of simple training was too slow, so he did not train with Tanjiro.

"Compared to my uncle, I'm still far behind. Tanjirou is stupid in nature, and only by working hard can he catch up with his uncle."

Tanjiro shook his head, although his uncle did not work as hard as him these days, but his progress on 'Breath of the Sun' was much faster than him.

Hearing Tanjiro's words, Su Mu couldn't help but smile wryly. It's not because of his talent, but because of the attribute panel that he's progressing so fast.

In the past few days, besides accompanying Kamado Tanjiro for training, he spends more time in the deep mountains hunting prey.

It's just a pity that his hunting skills are not very good, and he has gained very little.


The more prey you can get with more attribute points, the harder it is to hunt.

In the past two days, he only obtained 0.2 attribute points, and added all the 0.2 attribute points to the attribute panel

Involuntarily, Su Mu's eyes fell on his attribute panel again

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 1.25 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 1.25 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 1.25 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 1.45 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Acquired attribute points: 0.03

As for the remaining 0.03 attribute points, it is only because, without reaching 0.1 attribute points, it is impossible to add points.

Although only 0.2 attribute points were added to the 'breath of the sun', in terms of effect, it seemed that he had been training for several months from morning to night, so he looked better than Tanjiro in 'breath of the sun' progress faster.

After all, although he is not as talented as Tanjiro in practicing the 'breathing' method, he is considered to be above average in the end, and his continuous practice for several months is naturally better than Tanjirou's practice for a few days.

"Come on, Tanjiro, I'll go see if your mother can help you."

"Okay, uncle."

Tanjiro nodded, looked at the back of his uncle leaving, and continued to train hard. Ever since he knew there were ghosts in this world, and knew the relationship between the Zaomen clan and Ji Guoyuanyi, he was also worried that one day the evil spirits would strike and hurt him. His family, so Tanjiro desperately hopes to become stronger quickly, and then help his uncle, help his mother, and protect his younger brothers and sisters.

Su Mu nodded, looked at Tanjiro, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, even though Tanjiro might not be very good at talent, just because of Tanjiro's hard work, this serious and enthusiastic state, what he will take in the future Achievement will not be bad.

At this moment, I also probably understand why, in the world of "Ghost Slayer: Blade", the Ghost Slayer Team has sacrificed generation after generation of sacrifices for thousands of years and cannot be killed. , will end up in the hands of Tanjiro.

Sometimes, a person's character can really determine many things.



PS: Eight chapters were updated yesterday. For a handicapped author who can only write one chapter in more than two hours, he is not lazy at all. Except for necessary meals and sleep, he basically codes in the small black room .

At present, I am still paying back the small black house, and I am working hard to repay the owed chapters.

It's just that the conditions for adding more flowers to the number of flowers are really inappropriate. The conditions for adding one more flowers to one hundred flowers are too low, because I set the conditions for adding more flowers according to the number of free flowers in my account every day. I am an eight-star diamond member. There are only 110 or two flowers in a day. In the author's opinion, most readers may only have one or two stars, and there are only dozens of flowers in a day. This setting should be no problem. After all, 90.00% of readers only read books silently, not I love throwing flowers, but I didn't expect that some readers would be so proud, there would be thousands, tens of thousands of flowers, this is really unbearable.

Moreover, if there is such a condition for adding more, it is too unreasonable to finish this book without finishing it.


Reset the conditions for adding changes.

Flowers changed to 1000 flowers plus one more

Evaluation vote 100 plus one more

Monthly tickets are still five plus one more

One tip plus one update, depending on the number of people, no matter if it is a reward of one yuan or five yuan, it is one update, and if it is more than five yuan, two updates will be added.No more updates, some bosses are too arrogant, and the handicapped author is a little scared.

Tell me about the chapters that are currently owed

The flowers are currently 22. When the conditions for adding more were set, it was [-] flowers at that time, and [-] chapters were owed.

The monthly ticket is currently 98. When the conditions for adding more were set, it was 23 at that time, and fifteen chapters were owed.

The evaluation vote is currently [-], when the conditions for adding more were set, it was [-] at that time, and [-] chapters were owed.

At present, there are seven rewards from seven people, and seven chapters are owed. Among them, a giant rewarded [-] points, and two more chapters need to be added, so eight chapters are owed.

A total of 56 chapters are owed.

Eight chapters were updated yesterday, four chapters are guaranteed to be updated every day, and four chapters have been added.



The total owed chapters are: 52 chapters.

Chapter 49: Impulsive confession

Su Mu walked into the room

Zhuxiong, Mao, and the sixth wife were playing in the room. When they saw Su Mu coming in, they also shouted in unison:

"Hello, uncle."

The children's voices were obviously friendly.

It is obviously different from the previous one with a bit of alienation, and even a trace of admiration can be clearly seen in the children's eyes.

That is a young child's natural admiration for his father.

Although, he is not the biological father of these children.

"Takeo, Mao, Liu is too good, you guys continue to play."

He smiled at the children, and his eyes fell on the living room. The decoration in the room was simple, without luxury, even a little shabby, but it was cleaned cleanly. Even if there were children making trouble, it was still spotless.

On the table in the room, a cup of brewed tea was still steaming. Obviously, the owner who made the tea hadn't gone far.

Sniffing his nose, he could vaguely smell a fragrance, and Su Mu also roughly understood where the sunflower branch at the stove door went.

come to the kitchen


In the small kitchen, a gentle woman is wearing an apron, busy in the kitchen.

The woman had jet-black and smooth hair, and her cheeks were white and tender, and her cheeks were much rosier than before.

The long-necked dress wrapped the woman's plump and mature figure.

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