
After eating and packing up his things, Su Mu asked Zaomen Kuizhi to change into training clothes.

As for Tanjiro, he continued to practice "breath of the sun" in the yard, and Nezuko took care of his younger siblings.

Soon, Zaomen Aoi, who was wearing a simple kendo uniform, came out.

Seeing Zaomen Kuizhi wearing a kendo uniform, Su Mu's eyes couldn't help but brighten up. After all, Zaomen Kuizhi's figure is already excellent, and wearing this white and simple kendo uniform further brings out Zaomen Kuizhi's excellent figure. figure.

fair skin, black hair

The most important thing is the aura carried by Zaomen Kuizhi, which is a dignified and stable aura, which is very arousing.

Zaomen Kuizhi came out of the room a little bit shyly, especially feeling Mu Jun staring at her, she couldn't help lowering her head.

"I didn't expect Mrs. Kuizhi to be so beautiful in a kendo uniform."

Su Mu sighed slightly.

Zaomen Kuizhi's face was red, she lowered her head slightly, but she was a little happy inside.

"Turn around and have a look."

Su Murao said with interest.

Although Kuizhi at Zaomen was shy, he still walked around as Su Mu said.

"it's beautiful."

Su Mu praised again.

"Kuizhi will be very happy if Mujun likes it."

Kuizhi from Zaomen lowered her head and said in a low voice.

Su Mu stepped forward, and naturally grabbed the small hand of Zaomen Kuizhi.

Zaomen Aoie looked around with some guilt, and after confirming that Tanjiro, Nezuko, and the others were not here, she breathed a sigh of relief, and let Su Mu grab her hand.

Su Mu held the small hand of the sunflower branch at the stove door and put it in front of him, while gently scratching the woman's palm with his fingers, watching the woman's tender body suddenly tense with his fingers, Ruxue's skin seemed to be drunk Like wine, dyed with an intoxicating blush, it is really extraordinarily attractive.

It really makes people have an urge to bully immediately.

However, he didn't choose to bully. There will be more in the days to come, but he said very seriously:

"Practicing the 'breath of the sun' requires hard work, and it also requires a great test of the body..."

"I'm fine, I can hold on."

Kuizhi at the kitchen door pursed her lips and said seriously.

"Very well, then, let's begin."

Su Mu also nodded.

Kuizhi at the Zaomen also tensed up her pretty face, showing an extremely serious expression.

Su Mu was also satisfied with Zaomen Kuizhi's attitude at the moment, and said softly: "The so-called 'breath of the sun' is also a type of 'breath', called 'initial breath'."

"There are many kinds of 'breaths' in this world. Different breaths have different properties, and they all have their own strengths. For example, 'breath of rock' is best at defense, while 'breath of thunder' is best at speed and sudden explosive power... ..."

"The so-called 'breathing' is a technique used by the ghost killing team to fight against ghosts whose physical abilities are far stronger than humans. It is also called 'full concentration breathing'"

"The main principle of the 'breathing method' is to allow people to absorb a large amount of oxygen in a short period of time, so that people's physical fitness can be greatly improved, so that they temporarily have physical fitness comparable to ghosts."

Zaomen Kuizhi listened carefully, this was something she had never heard before.

"The 'breath of the sun' I taught you was created by Ji Guoyuanyi, and it is called the initial breath. This 'breath' is the ancestor and foundation of all breathing methods."

"Compared to other 'breaths', the characteristic of 'breath of the sun' is that it can emit the same energy as the sun, which is extremely lethal to ghosts.

At the same time, energy can also be attached to the blade to form a burning crimson blade, also known as 'He Dao'.

Once the 'He Knife' is pierced into the evil ghost's body, it will destroy the evil ghost's internal organs, causing the ghost's internal organs to suffer as if being burned by a raging fire, and make the ghost's body disintegrate directly, even unable to regenerate. "

"So, a swordsman who learns 'Sun Breath' can even kill evil spirits to a certain extent without the need for a sun wheel sword.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that the evil spirits are extremely hostile to the swordsmen who use the 'breath of the sun'. Once a swordsman using the 'breath of the sun' appears, the evil spirits will definitely find a way to completely wipe them out until there is no one left. ".

Chapter 53: I didn't say stop, how can I stop?

The spring breeze blew gently, and it fell on the person's face, which was slightly damp and slightly cool.

Su Mu looked at Kuizhi standing upright at the kitchen door, and said, "Do you know why I asked you to learn 'Breath of the Sun'?"

Kuizhi from Zaomen raised her eyes and looked at Mujun with confusion in her eyes.


I don't really know why Su Mu must teach her 'breath of the sun'.

Su Mu didn't answer right away, but gently grabbed the opponent's small hand, and his eyes fell on the proud figure wrapped under the loose kendo uniform.

Kuizhi from Zaomen blushed slightly, and lowered her head unconsciously.

There was a tame smell all over his body.

It seems that the other party will not resist what he wants to do.

"Because, I hope that if one day I leave, you will be able to protect yourself."

He opened his mouth quietly.

Hearing this, Zaomen Kuizhi was very moved, she never thought Mu Jun would think so far for her.

At the same time, it seemed that he suddenly realized something, and the little hand couldn't help grabbing Su Mu's hand nervously: "Mu Jun, you... are you leaving?"

The woman's small face was full of nervousness, and there was a pitiful look in her eyes, as if a kitten that had been abandoned by its owner was gently rubbing its head against the bottom of its owner's trousers, hoping that the owner would not abandon it.

Stretching out his hand, he gently lifted Zaomen Kuizhi's chin.

The warm sunlight fell on the woman's body, reflecting the ups and downs of her curves.

Su Mu put down the hand that raised his chin, then hugged the sunflower branch of the stove door, put his mouth against the crystal clear ear of the other party, and blew a breath of hot air

"How can I be willing to leave Mrs. Kuizhi! Now, if I can't bully Mrs. Kuizhi someday, this day will be boring to death. I still want to bully Mrs. Kuizhi for the rest of my life."

Kui Zhi's delicate body tensed up in an instant.

The words were obviously intended to be bullied, but Zaomen Kuizhi felt that these words seemed to contain honey-like sweetness, nourishing the heart.

"I didn't mean to leave just now, but I hope that Mrs. Kuizhi has some self-protection power. After all, if some accident happens one day, I can't show up by your side in time to protect you, and if you suffer any harm, Then I really regret it."

"I...I will definitely practice hard so that Lord Mu won't worry."

Zaomen Kuizhi bit her lip: "I still need to practice to be very strong, and I still want to protect... Mu Jun."

After hearing this, Su Mu couldn't help but look slightly at Kuizhi's blushing face.

"Then I can look forward to it."

He opened his mouth softly, and then patted Kuizhi's hand: "Then, the training begins now."

Because Zaomen Kuizhi has not been trained before, and his physical fitness is very poor, so the fastest training is very simple

After the simple training is completed, the learning of 'breathing' will be carried out.

First of all, the simplest exercise is naturally to start from the standing posture with the sword raised.

Zaomen Kuizhi immediately followed Su Mu's request, picked up the sword, and began to prepare for training.

"This posture is wrong."

Seeing Kuizhi's sword gesture at the kitchen door, Su Mu couldn't help shaking his head.

The opponent's gesture of holding the sword can't exert the strength of the arm at all.

Su Mu stepped forward, put his hand on Kuizhi's shoulder, and pressed down slightly: "Center of gravity, press down as much as possible."

Kuizhi from the kitchen door lowered her eyes slightly.

Su Mu began to correct the movement of Kuizhi holding the sword at Zaomen little by little, and only showed a smile when the other party was completely standardized.

"From now on, keep this action, and keep it still."

"In this way, you can get used to the action of holding the sword, and the next time you hold the sword, your body will have the instinct to hold the sword correctly."


Zaomen Kuizhi bit her lip and agreed.


In the beginning, it was not difficult for Zaomen Kuizhi to maintain a posture of holding the sword still.

However, with the passage of time, I only felt that my arm became more and more sore, and the hand holding the wooden sword became heavier and heavier.

As time went by, the originally light wooden sword gradually seemed to be as heavy as a mountain.

Soon, a fine line of sweat appeared on Zaomen Kuizhi's forehead.Keeping one movement for a long time makes Zaomen Kuizhi feel like his whole body is falling apart

at last

No matter how much he persisted, Zaomen Kuizhi felt that he could no longer maintain the previous movement of holding the sword.

"Mu... Mu Jun, I can't do it anymore, really... I really can't do it."

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Zaomen Kuizhi put down the wooden sword in his hand and half knelt on the ground.

At this moment, sweat almost soaked her clothes completely.

"I... I really can't do it, I have no strength, let me... let me rest for a while."

Kuizhi half-kneeled on the ground, raised his head, looked at the Mujun not far away who supervised his training, and begged.

"Ta Tata..."

Mu Jun walked over with strides, looking down at her.

"Are you really out of strength?"

Qian; Xun: First? Send?, Small: Say! Resource. Source. 'Zhong? Turn'? Skirt "Really, I really have no energy at all. "

"But, I think you still have some strength."

Su Mu opened his mouth softly, and at some point in his hand, there was an ax for chopping wood. Under the setting sun, the blade of the ax exuded a chilling chill.

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