With entering the 'breathing' state

Looking at each other, at this moment, both of them can feel the vague sense of oppression brought about by the strengthening of the other's physical strength.

"Uncle, be careful."

Tanjiro bowed and said seriously, he obviously understood that his uncle would not make the first move.

"bring it on."

Su Mu nodded.

In the next second, Tanjiro stepped forward.

At this moment, the speed of this young boy's body burst has already surpassed that of a normal and strong human being. Like a vigorous cheetah, it appeared in front of Su Mu in an instant, and the wooden sword in his hand swung down in an instant, directly cutting towards Su Mu Su Mu's neck.

This is the way Tanjiro trains to fight these days.

Because, from what my uncle said, those cruel evil spirits are almost impossible to kill. Only by cutting off their necks with a sun wheel knife, or letting them bathe in the sun, can they be wiped out.

Therefore, the habit of fighting is also accustomed to cutting people's necks with swords.

Although it's just a wooden sword

Although the wooden sword is covered with a thick layer of white cloth, if such a wooden sword is struck on a person's fragile neck with all its strength, it is very easy to die.

Although Tanjiro felt that his uncle should not be slashed by his sword, but when he made the move, he still kept some strength so that he could withdraw it in time.

Su Mu raised his eyes, looked at Tanjiro's slashing sword, raised the wooden sword in his hand with a light stroke, and then blocked Tanjirou's sword by raising the wooden sword casually:

"Go all out, Tanjirou."

After all, Tanjiro is still a teenager, and his physical fitness is not as good as that of a normal adult man. Although he has practiced the 'breathing method', his physical fitness has been enhanced to a certain extent, but the practice time is still short after all.

Of course, because of the practice of the 'Breathing Technique', it was able to erupt enough combat power in a short period of time, far exceeding the combat power of a normal adult, and even two or three of them may not necessarily be their opponents.

But don't forget that Su Mu, who is facing him, also practiced the 'breathing method'.

Moreover, his own physical fitness has long surpassed that of a normal adult, and the 'breathing method' he exerted is also stronger.

Under such circumstances, Tanjiro will not be his opponent if he exerts his full strength, let alone when there is still power left.

Therefore, when Tanjiro is aware that he has spare energy, he will remind him in time.


Sensing the gap between himself and his uncle, Tanjiro let out a slight breath, clenched the hilt of his sword slightly, and his eyes became sharper at this moment

Now that I know I can't hurt my uncle


He's going to do his best too.

Chapter 56: Uncle will not be disappointed

"Bang bang..."

In the courtyard, two figures intertwined with each other and collided continuously, with a dull sound, as if the air had suddenly burst.

At some point, the wooden swords in their hands broke and were thrown away.

Both of them are not good at swordsmanship, so they don't care about it. Moreover, without the wooden sword, the pure physical attack is more arbitrary.

The two kept fighting on the field, and the figures of the two could be seen flickering in the courtyard, sometimes avoiding, and sometimes separating.

Most of the time, it was Su Mu who was attacking.

Tanjiro is more about dodging.

"Uncle, it's amazing, brother, I'm afraid I won't last long."

Nezuko stood where she was, looking at Tanjiro who was forced to dodge by her uncle, and couldn't help but exclaim.

"Tanjiro is also very good."

Zaomen Kuizhi caressed Nedouzi's head with his hand, and then set his eyes on the tall figure: "Mu Jun, it's great."


In the eyes of Nezuko and Zaomen Aoi, Su Mu pressed Tanjiro to fight again, and even Tanjiro had almost no power to fight back, and was always dodging.

But for Su Mu in the field, he didn't see it that way.

Originally, in Su Mu's view, his strength was far stronger than Tanjiro's. In fact, he was indeed much stronger than Tanjiro.

But Su Mu was very dissatisfied with the result of the battle.

Obviously he has the strength to overwhelm Tanjiro, but whenever he is about to completely knock down Tanjiro, the opponent can always find a way to counteract his own attack cleverly.

At first, Su Mu thought it was a coincidence

But gradually

Su Mu discovered that although Tanjiro was not as strong as himself, compared to himself, the opponent was able to use his own strength almost fully.


The opponent seems to be born to fight

Whether it is the grasp of the timing or the time of the shot, we can always grasp the fleeting opportunities.

However, in the end, the difference in strength was too great. In the end, Tanjiro was exhausted, so Su Mu seized the opportunity and slapped him on the chest.


Tanjiro staggered back, his face turned pale for a moment, and finally he lost his balance and fell directly to the ground.

Su Mu withdrew his palm, walked quickly to Tanjiro, and helped Tanjiro up.

"Is it okay?"

he asked concerned.

"No, just rest for a while."

Tanjiro shook his head, and at the same time said with a wry smile; "The difference between Tanjirou and Uncle's strength is too far."

"It's not my uncle's opponent at all, even if I try my best, it won't work."

Su Mu listened, but shook his head involuntarily:

"Tanjiro, you are already very good. If you have the same strength as me, I am afraid that I will lose."

He wasn't lying, Tanjiro's grasp of fighting opportunities was almost innate, as long as he found an opportunity, he would always be able to seize that fleeting opportunity.

On the contrary, he is far inferior to Tanjiro in terms of fighting.

The reason why he defeated Tanjiro was only because of his comprehensive physical fitness.

Hearing what his uncle said, the loss in Tanjirou's heart also dissipated a lot, and moreover, he also gave birth to a little pride.

yes!His current strength is far inferior to that of his uncle, but how long can he last in the hands of his uncle? Moreover, he is still young, and in the future, he will definitely surpass his uncle.

"Uncle, I don't know, how is our current strength compared to those evil spirits?"

Su Mu glanced at Tanjirou, and he could see the expectation in the other party's eyes.

"It's still a long way off."

The strength of the evil spirits is far stronger than imagined. Among them, the powerful ones are not even the opponents of the "pillar" in the ghost killing the enemy.

"So, we still need to work hard."

He patted Tanjiro on the shoulder encouragingly.


Tanjiro nodded heavily:

"I will definitely not let uncle down."

Su Mu smiled, rubbed Tanjiro's head, then turned his head, and saw the charming young woman standing on the threshold, frowning slightly

"Didn't I let you rest in the room? Why did you come out?"

"Hey... I heard the kids said you were fighting with Tanjirou, so I was worried, so I ran out to have a look..."

Zaomen Kuizhi lowered her head slightly, her white and tender chin almost touched the conspicuous mountain.

"You have just finished training and your body is weak. The most important thing now is to rest. I just told you to rest and run around. You are really disobedient."

Hearing what his uncle said, Tanjiro also looked at his mother, saw his mother's slightly pale face, and said in agreement:

"Mother, uncle is also doing it for your health, so you have to listen to what uncle says."

Zaomen Aoi couldn't help but cast a glance at Tanjiro, her lips were slightly pursed, and then her eyes glanced at Su Mu again, with a bit of coquettishness.

The charming eyes that seemed to be angry and resentful looked over, making Su Mu's heart slightly warm.

Chapter 57: The Night

Come unknowingly

The doors of every house were closed.

The hut in the deep mountain, which had been bustling all day, also returned to calm.

Su Mu was lying on the bed alone, feeling his throat was dry, thinking of the dignified figure of Zaomen Kuizhi in his mind, he couldn't help but feel agitated.

The constant intertwined thoughts in his mind made him unable to sleep at all.

He turned over and forced himself to rest.

But tossing and turning, just can't fall asleep.


Taking a deep breath of turbid air, Su Mu no longer slept, and he couldn't fall asleep at all without venting.

Pushing open the door, walked out, and walked directly to Kuizhi's room.

Eyes fell on the door of Kuizhi

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