What are you afraid of.

'call! '

Almost feeling something, the silver wolf immediately put its tail between its legs, its eyes full of fear.

A few days ago, a human broke into its territory.

As the wolf king, he was extremely angry, and led the pack of wolves to hunt the human who dared to provoke him.


They were all brutally killed by each other.

Only it escaped by itself.

But unexpectedly, within a few days, that terrifying human brought another person over. From then on, no matter how it escaped, the other person could always track his location in the end.

Not long after the silver wolf king's figure disappeared, two figures rushed out from the forest.

One was tall, wearing a fur coat, and the other was a boy with fiery red hair, an obvious scar on his forehead, and clothes with an Ichimatsu pattern.

It was Su Mu and Tanjiro.

"Which direction did you run?"

Su Mu stopped, turned his head, and looked at Tanjiro behind him.

Tanjiro closed his eyes, sniffed his nose, opened his eyes after a while, and pointed to the left front with his finger: "I smell the wolf's scent in the left front."

"very good."

Su Mu nodded, and followed Tanjiro with him.


Not long after, the silver wolf king who had been running away appeared in front of him and Tanjiro.

And with the appearance of Su Mu and Tanjiro, the silver wolf king, who was almost the size of a calf, immediately stood up with hair all over his body, standing like a silver needle.

The silver wolf's four hooves pawed the snow restlessly, and the wolf's mouth opened, revealing the cold and ferocious wolf teeth.


Silver Wolf yelled in the direction of Su Mu and Tanjiro, as if threatening them.

But the restless eyes of the other party have already completely betrayed the other party.

"If you kill this wolf, you should be able to sell it for a lot of money. In this way, the cost of moving out of here should be no problem."

Su Mu drew out the ax hanging from his waist, stared at the silver wolf in front of him and said.

"Uncle, this wolf is not easy to deal with, or I will also attack. Although I am not as strong as Uncle, I can share some of the pressure."

Tanjiro said the same.

"Need not."

Su Mu shook his head.

It's not that he doesn't want Tanjirou to share the pressure, but he's afraid that the other party will kill the wolf king by mistake, and then his idea of ​​obtaining attribute points will be completely defeated.

He didn't just need to sell the silver wolf skin for money, but more importantly, the attribute points obtained by killing it.

Seeing what his uncle said, Tanjiro didn't insist, but he tightly held the ax in his hand, as if he was ready to strike at any time.

The silver wolf probably also felt that if he continued to escape, he would be overtaken. Moreover, if he fled in such a embarrassing manner, his physical strength would continue to lose. In the future, he might not even have the chance to resist, so this time the silver wolf did not flee.

Instead, it kept making low, threatening sounds.

"This wolf is almost mature."

Seeing the state of the silver wolf, Su Mu stepped forward, clenched the ax with five fingers, and said.


As Su Mu got closer to the silver wolf, the roar of the silver wolf became deeper and deeper, and his forelimbs continued to move.

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, Silver Wolf couldn't bear it anymore, stomped on the ground, and rushed towards Su Mu.

Apparently, it was already planned to make a desperate blow.

The silver wolf stepped on the ground with all four limbs, every time it hit the ground continuously, every time it stepped forward, the speed of the silver wolf was accelerated, and when the silver wolf reached Su Mu, it was like an arrow.

Especially when he was approaching Su Mu, he jumped up suddenly, and his open fangs were filled with chilling silence at this moment.


Also in an instant.

Su Mu's ax also slashed down violently, and a faintly hot flame flickered on the edge of the axe.

The figures of a man and a wolf also crossed at this moment.

Su Mu stopped and landed.


Behind him, the pounced silver wolf fell to the ground, but the head was separated from the body in an instant, and large swathes of blood gushed out from the neck.

The silver wolf that lost its wolf head was obviously dead, but its strong vitality had not completely disappeared, so that the silver wolf's body was still shaking.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, beheading the silver wolf king and gaining 0.2 attribute points."

Hearing the cold, mechanical sound coming from his ears, Su Mu also slowly put away the axe.


PS: Chapter 3 will be updated today.

Chapter 61: Looking forward to it more and more

"Ding, congratulations to the host, beheading the silver wolf king and gaining 0.2 attribute points."

A cold and mechanical voice sounded in my ears.

Hearing this, the corner of Su Mu's mouth couldn't help showing a smile. Killing this kind of powerful prey can get far more attribute points than killing ordinary chickens and ducks.

Over the past few days, he has gradually figured out the rules, the stronger the life that he kills, the more attribute points he will get.

However, although killing chickens and ducks gives very few attribute points, they can accumulate slowly.

Killing a powerful prey like the Silver Wolf King, although gaining more attribute points, is relatively more dangerous.

"I don't know how many attribute points will be gained by killing an evil ghost."

Su Mu couldn't help murmuring, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Smiling and shaking his head, Su Mu then set his gaze on his attribute panel.

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 1.25 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 1.25 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 1.25 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 1.45 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Attribute points obtained: 0.53.

These days, in addition to the 0.2 attribute points obtained by killing the Silver Wolf King just now, killing other lives on weekdays also accumulated 0.3 attribute points.

Seeing so many attribute points he had accumulated, Su Mu was excited. Finally, he couldn't hold back the impatience in his heart, and directly added all the 0.5 attribute points he had obtained to the 'Breath of the Sun'.

Qian: Xun,. Shou.' Send? "Small! Say? Resource' Source: Middle. Turn:. Skirt with 0.5 attribute points added to the 'breath of the sun', instantly, as if covered by a tripod Himself, making a deafening sound, made his consciousness feel a little trance for a moment.

At the same moment, a large number of cultivation memories began to appear in his mind.

At this moment, he seemed to have experienced countless days and nights, repeating the experience of practicing the 'breath of the day', from morning to night, day and night.

With these experiences constantly reverberating in his mind, his understanding of the 'breath of the sun' is also constantly deepening.

It lasted for about a few minutes before slowly ending.


With the end, Su Mu also took a deep breath. The pain in his head just now seemed to be torn, which was really uncomfortable.


Feeling the sense of power coming from his body, as well as his vague understanding of the 'breath of the sun', all made Su Mu happy.


Su Mu couldn't help but take a step forward.


The sound of howling wind came from my ear, and my speed was obviously much faster than before, not only in speed, but also in strength.

Although his strength has been improved, Su Mu also feels that he is not quite used to the sudden increase in strength of his body, and it will take a while to master it.

Satisfied, Su Mu once again set his sights on his attribute panel

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 1.5 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 1.5 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 1.5 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 1.70 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Attribute points obtained: 0.03.

Now, his overall physical fitness has surpassed more than half of a normal adult.

Don't underestimate this half, this is already a very terrifying improvement.

What's more, this is just the beginning.

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