Hearing Mujun's words, Zaomen Kuizhi lowered her head even more, like an ostrich, her fair and tender face was as red as if she had applied blush.

"Master Mu...you are really bad, there is no such thing as you."

Zaomen Kuizhi reached out and pinched Su Mu's thigh.


Su Mu smiled, and told Zaomen Kuizhi to leave quickly.

Kuizhi at the Zaomen also hurriedly started tidying up his messy clothes. After all, he was busy in the vegetable field, and his clothes were also stained with a lot of dirt.


Back home, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Hanako and others were already waiting.

Being watched by the children, Zaomen Kuizhi's face was also red: "I'll go and serve the food."

Before Su Mu and the others came back, the sunflower branches at Zaomen had already been prepared, but because they had just wasted some time in the vegetable field, it should be a little cold.

Su Mu sat on the table, greeted Tanjiro, and Nezuko went to the table to wait for dinner.

Soon, Kuizhi from the kitchen door brought the food, and the hot food filled the whole room with a pleasant aroma.


The family eats together, talks and laughs, and is naturally very happy.

"Mom, why is your face a little swollen?"

Nezuko, who was eating, accidentally saw the side face of Zaomen Aoi, which was a little red and swollen.

"Have it?"

Kuizhi from Zaomen touched the side of his face and felt a little pain. He couldn't help but glanced at Mujun, then lowered his head and explained in a low voice: "It should be because I ate chili, maybe it's spicy."

"Is that so? After that, mother should eat less chili."

Nezuko muttered.

Zaomen Kuizhi's hand holding the bowl trembled slightly, and glanced at Su Mu resentfully.

Su Mu knocked on the head of Neidouzi, telling him to eat quickly, and then he walked out.

When Su Mu came in again, he came in with a hot towel.


Naturally, she came to Zaomen Kuizhi and began to help Zaomen Kuizhi apply her face.

"This way, will you feel better?"

The warm feeling of the hot towel combined with Mujun's caring words made Zaomen Kuizhi's heart warm.

Just thinking that the children were still eating at the dining table made me feel hot, and my head drooped, almost lowering to the bottom of the dining table.

At the dinner table, Nezuko couldn't help turning her head away from seeing the scene where her uncle cared about her mother.

Tanjiro lowered his head, feeling a little complicated in his heart, but soon, he was relieved again, maybe, this is good, at least his mother is taken care of, and it seems that his mother also likes his uncle very much.

Chapter 64: Met

Warm sunlight falls on the room through the windows.

inside the house

The plump Zaomen Kuizhi nestled tightly in the arms of the man.

The man was bare-chested, showing strong muscles and a tall figure, giving people a very safe feeling.

The warm sunlight fell on Kuizhi's beautiful eyelashes, and he opened his eyes in a daze.

He looked at Mu Jun beside him.

His face was slightly red.

Seeing that the other party was still sound asleep, she got up carefully and began to put on her clothes, because she was afraid of waking the other party up, Kui Zhi's movements were very slight.


The waist was tightly surrounded by arms, and Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't help struggling with his hands.

"Don't move."

Mu Jun's voice came, with a touch of domineering, when he spoke, his warm breath hit the back of her neck, which made her shrink her neck involuntarily.

It feels a little... ticklish.

"Mu Jun... hurry up and let go."

Zaomen Kuizhi said softly, she still has to get up to cook, if it is later, I am afraid it will be much later.

After all, the children need to eat, and they should prepare some nutritious food for Mr. Mu. After all, Mr. Mu has been very tired these days, so he must eat well.

It was just a break, but no matter what, she couldn't break the wrist of Mu Jun that was wrapping around her waist.

"Call my husband to listen, and I will let you go."

Su Mu leaned his head behind Kuizhi's head at the stove door, and the black hair that fell down fell on his face, with a delicate fragrance, which smelled very good.

Hearing Mujun's request, Zaomen Kuizhi's heart trembled.


A slightly gentle voice sounded.

Hearing this, Su Mu let go of the hand hugging the waist of Kuizhi Zaomen in satisfaction.

Breaking away from Su Mu like a little rabbit, but still not forgetting to take a look at Mu Jun.

There are several obvious nail scratches on Fang Wei'an's fast-eating body.

Su Mu stretched, feeling slightly unwell, and then realized that there were still a few scratches from his nails on his chest.

He hadn't noticed it before.

"Mrs. Kuizhi, you are really not honest at all!"

Su Mu raised his head, looked at Kuizhi from Zaomen who was lowering his head and blushing, and said jokingly.

"Mu-jun, didn't...didn't scratch you, did you?"

Zaomen Kuizhi's face was bright red, but her voice was timid.

Su Mu stretched out his hand, and hooked his finger against the sunflower branch of the stove door.

Kuizhi from Zaomen walked up obediently.

"It still hurts a little bit, Mrs. Kuizhi blows on it for me and it doesn't hurt anymore."

The kitchen door's beautiful eyelashes could not help but tremble.

But he still obediently came to Su Mu's side, and after brewing for a while, he mustered up the courage to approach the wound.

The warm air blew on the scratches of the wound, making Su Mu suffocate slightly, and his eyes could not help but fall on the shy but serious pretty face of Kui Zhi at the stove door.

It's really pleasing to the eye.


"Does it still hurt?"

After a while, with his mouth puffed out, his mouth was a little numb when he was blowing, Kuizhi raised his head and asked.

"All right."

Su Mu patted Kuizhi's head at Zaomen, and nodded in satisfaction.

Zaomen Kuizhi felt as if she had received an amnesty, and took a few steps back quickly.

Looking at the sunflower branch at the stove door leaving like a panicked rabbit, Su Mu smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, stretched his waist lazily, and then got up.

Opening the door, the figure of Kuizhi had long since disappeared, probably busy in the kitchen.

He doesn't care either.

Just at this moment, the door of the next room also opened.

Nezuko stretched her waist, revealing that cute little face, and then, Nezuko froze suddenly, but noticed that the uncle came out of her mother's room.

Su Mu also wanted to say hello.

But Nezuko shrank back into the room all of a sudden, and the door was also tightly closed.

Chapter 65: Just...a different father

Seeing Nezuko who suddenly retracted and entered the room, Su Mu also withdrew his greeting hand.

He probably understood Nezuko's reaction.

After all, although he and Zaomen Kuizhi behaved intimately before, they still kept a certain distance.

As it is now, coming out of Kuizhi's room directly at the stove door in the morning is probably equivalent to explaining clearly.

Obviously, for Nezuko, there are still some unacceptable results.

After all, his father Tanjuro died not long ago.

As soon as he came out of the door, Su Mu heard a sound of 'whooping' from the yard. Obviously, Tanjiro got up for training early.

"What a hardworking kid."

He couldn't help but sigh.


After Tanjiro finished his routine training in the morning, Kamodo Aoie also prepared breakfast.

It was a very hearty breakfast.

After all, once you start training, your nutritional requirements are very high, so eating should not be too simple.

This is also the reason why Zaomen Kuizhi was in a hurry to go out to cook.


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