Bullock cart full of goods

Driving swayingly on the mountain trail.

Hanako, who was sitting on the bullock cart, and Nezuko stared wide-eyed at the passing scenery.

Unlike Tanjiro who once followed his father Tanjuro into the city to sell charcoal, Nezuko and Hanako have never been to the bustling town under the mountain

Therefore, along the way, the eyes have hardly blinked.

Seeing that Nezuko and Hanako liked each other so much, Su Mu also rubbed Hanako's head: "In the future, if I have time, I will often take you out to play."


The eyes of Hanako and Nezuko couldn't help but brighten, and their faces were obviously full of joy.

You know, in this era, women are not used to going out in public. In the past, when Tanjuro was still around, they were not allowed to go out.

"Of course, I can still lie to you."

Su Mu scratched the cute little Qiong noses of Hanako and Nezuko.

"Uncle is so nice."

"Thank you uncle."

Both Hanako and Nezuko thanked each other happily.

Seeing Hanako and Nezuko happy, Su Mu was also infected, and couldn't help but feel a little better.

"Uncle, why are you being so nice to us?"

Huazi stretched out her hand suddenly, grabbed the corner of Su Mu's clothes, and opened her innocent eyes.

"Then Hanako guess, why should I be so nice to you?"

Su Mu rubbed Huazi's small head with his big hands, smiling.

Hanako's cute little face also showed a small look of thinking. After a while, Hanako said seriously: "Uncle likes mother, that's why he treats our family so well."

"Hanako is so smart."

Su Mu patted Zaomen Hanako on the head: "However, the answer is not completely correct!"

Hanako raised her head and looked at her uncle with her big cute eyes.

"Uncle not only likes Mrs. Aoizhi, but also the lovely Hanako, Nezuko..."

"Of course, the most important thing is that I also promised Tanjuro that I must take good care of his wife and daughter, so I will definitely take good care of you and naturally treat you well."

Although the ox cart was moving slowly, it didn't feel that slow while chatting and looking at the surrounding scenery.

In the imperceptible passage of time, the town finally arrived.

He hugged Nedouzi and Hanako off the bullock cart, and told him: "When you get here, don't run around, and keep following uncle. If you get lost, it will be hard to find."


The two girls nodded hastily, but kept looking at the town.

For Nezuko and Hanako, they have always lived in a quiet mountain forest with few people, and there are few lively scenes like towns.

This is the first time Hanako and Nezuko have seen such a lively scene, and they are quite excited.

"Let's take this truck and sell it for money first. After the truck is sold out, I'll take you to the town for a stroll."

Su Mu patted Nedoko and Hanako on the heads.


Hanako and Nezuko nodded heavily.

Some time ago, Su Mu also stayed in this town for a while, and he also has some understanding of this town, and he also knows where to buy goods.

When I arrived at a shop specializing in harvesting mountain products, I met the boss who bought mountain products.

The store owner's eyes lit up when he saw such a big truck, especially when he saw the silver wolf king's skin, his eyes widened.

Su Mu followed the shop owner into the single room, after some communication, and after confirming a price, Su Mu sold the goods.

Seeing the happy expression of the store owner receiving the goods, Su Mu knew that the store owner should have made a lot of money this trip.

However, he didn't care about it. After all, the dumping of these goods was too time-consuming, and it was far from being sold as quickly as once, but it was just a loss.

Su Mu didn't pay much attention to money.

What matters more is strength.

As long as there is enough strength, the money in the hands of any rich man is a money bag for saving money for him.

After collecting the money from the sale, Su Mu also walked out of the shop, ready to take Nezuko, Hanako, and Tanjirou to play in the town, and buy some small gifts to go back.

However, as soon as he went out, Su Mu couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

Not far ahead, in the family where he was staying, an old man named 'San Lang' was lowering his head, talking to a young man.

Su Mu didn't care about San Lang's old man.


Set your sights on the young man.

The other party was wearing a tight black uniform with the word 'Mie' engraved on the back of the back, and a knife blade hanging from his waist.

At first glance

Su Mu immediately recognized that this was a swordsman from the Ghost Killing Squad.

A ghost hunter.

Chapter 68: Ghost Slayer

Whenever the sun goes down and night falls, there will be evil spirits haunting and eating people.

Similarly, there are ghost killing teams to kill evil spirits and protect human beings.

Su Mu recognized the young man as a ghost hunter at a glance.

The reason why I recognized it at a glance

It is also the word "Mie" engraved on the clothes behind the young man, which means killing evil spirits.

In addition, there is also the standard weapon in the hands of the Ghost Slayer Squad, the 'Sun Wheel Knife', which can represent this person's identity.

Su Mu was not surprised why 'San Lang' came into contact with a ghost hunter. For this old man, Su Mu guessed that the other party was a 'hermit' earlier.

Now it seems that it should be right.

'Hermits' are mostly members without swordsmanship skills, responsible for the finishing touches after the ghost killing team fights with ghosts.

The ghost killing team is roughly divided into two parts.

One part is a combat unit that specializes in fighting evil spirits, also known as ghost hunters. Most of these people do not do production, but concentrate on improving their martial arts, strengthening themselves, and then looking for evil spirits to fight.

The other part is the follow-up support team. In addition to the 'hermit', this kind of team also has the 'butterfly house', which is responsible for providing treatment and rehabilitation for the injured team members, and nursing staff.

Like the 'Hermit', most of them are composed of members without sword skills.

Of course, the current "Butterfly House" is not called "Butterfly House". The name "Butterfly House" was called "Butterfly House" only when "Bug Zhu" was in charge of managing medical facilities.

In addition to 'Butterfly Dance' and 'Hermit', the Ghost Killing Squad also has a 'swordsmith' who specializes in making weapons

A 'cultivator' who specializes in cultivating young blood.

There is even a 'wisteria family' where you can rest specially when you go out

It can be said that the Demon Slayer Squad is a very strict organization, and the top member is the "master", and the "master" is held by the "buyashiki" family for generations.

Under the "Dangzhu" is the "pillar" of the top "strength" of the Ghost Killing Team.

Under the 'pillar' are the ordinary swordsmen of the Ghost Killing Team, and there is an extremely strict grade division, roughly divided into A, B, C, D, E, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, and Gui.

It is such an extremely strict organization that has been able to fight against evil spirits for thousands of years, and it has not yet been destroyed.

As if being watched, the young man suddenly turned his head, and his slightly sharp eyes fell on Su Mu.

Su Mu nodded slightly at him, but he sighed in his heart that he was indeed worthy of being a swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Squad, and his intuition was really sharp, and he noticed it just by taking a little extra glance.

Seeing Su Mu nodding to him, the young man also had doubts in his eyes. He didn't seem to know him.

The 'San Lang' next to him felt the young man's gaze, turned his head and recognized him, and said a few words to the young man next to him.

After the young man listened, he nodded to 'Sanlang', and then walked quickly.

"Hello... My name is Qianba Xiasheng, it's an honor to meet you."

The young man bowed slightly.

"Su Mu."

Su Mu nodded to him.

"Can we have a chat?"

Su Mu stretched out his hand, patted Nezuko and Hanako's small heads, and then said to Tanjiro who was not far away: "Tanjiro, take a look at Hanako and Nezuko, don't let them run around, I'll be back in a while."

After finishing speaking, he smiled at the young man and said, "Yes."


a separate room

Su Mu and 'Qianye Xiasheng' sat facing each other, while 'Sanlang' sat next to him, with a pot of tea placed and steam rising.

"Grandpa Sanlang told me that a few days ago, you saw a tragedy in a family..."

As soon as Qianba Xiasheng sat down, he couldn't wait to ask.

Su Mu nodded. On that day, after accompanying Tanjiro in the deep mountain to see the scene, he told 'Saburo' who lived at the foot of the mountain.

Because he had always guessed that 'San Lang' was a 'hermit', so he told 'San Lang' about this tragedy that might be caused by evil ghosts.

Now it seems that 'Saburo' should have taken it very seriously. He was in contact with the Ghost Killing Squad so quickly, and ghost hunters came immediately.

Su Mu couldn't help but sigh, the speed of the ghost killing team is really fast enough.


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