"I've seen it all. Uncle just slapped you."

Nezuko was dissatisfied, but she could see clearly.

Zaomen Kuizhi's face was also hot, and he unconsciously covered his buttocks behind him with his hands, and then he let go as if he had been electrocuted. Looking at his daughter's indignant eyes, he felt his heart tremble even more.


Su Mu came out of the room, spread his five fingers, raised his hand, facing the sun, the warm sunlight fell on his face through the gap between his fingers, thinking of the feeling just now, the corner of his mouth chuckled.

"In addition to buying some daily necessities, I also need to buy some good-looking clothes for Kuizhi. It's best..."

He squeezed his five fingers slightly, thinking of the dignified and shy appearance of Kuizhi at the Zaomen, it was really special.

In the past, with the character of the other party, he was absolutely unwilling.

but now


Thinking of the beauty of it, Su Mu laughed unconsciously.

Just immediately, the laughter stopped, and the eyes fell down unconsciously, and then, he walked forward quickly.

And following Su Mu's movements, behind him, several passers-by who seemed to be wandering nearby quickly followed.

Sensing the pursuit of several people behind him, Su Mu couldn't help but frowned slightly. After observing carefully, he walked towards a small alley.

And as Su Mu walked into the alley, the eyes of the few people who followed were all brightened, and they immediately followed.

The alley is deep and quiet, with few outsiders passing by.

Seeing this situation, the few people following also took out the daggers in their hands, and walked over eagerly.

"What do you mean?"

Su Mu stopped and stared at the few people with a gloomy expression.

"I've been short of money recently, I'm asking you for some money to spend."

A dark-complexioned man laughed "hehe" and kept playing with the dagger in his hand.

"I see your lady is dignified and virtuous, and I admire her very much. I hope you can let my lady accompany me to drink some wine to cultivate my sentiments."

The corner of the mouth of a strong and strong man next to him revealed a playful look.

Although the woman who followed Su Mu was dressed conservatively and only saw one face, her delicate appearance made people's hearts flutter. What's more, based on his vision, she couldn't see that her figure was even more slender. , that would be really cool.

Su Mu stood where he was, and moved his hands and feet slightly. Now, he roughly understood the reason for being followed by these people.

Probably because he just came to this city and was targeted by some gangsters here.

After all, he brought the Zaomen family with him, and he looked like he was the only grown-up man, so he was easy to bully, so he was ready to take advantage of himself.

At this moment, when I heard the words of these people again, hostility also grew in my heart.

"Take this kid down first."

The man with the dark complexion who was the first to wield the dagger waved his hands to command his subordinates.

The two muscular men stepped forward without hesitation, and one of them even said with a sinister smile: "Boy, I advise you to be more honest, this way, you will suffer less, otherwise, don't blame me for having heavy hands..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Su Muren jumped out and kicked the man's neck with a sharp whip kick.

The man subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, but was instantly sent flying by a huge force and fell to the ground.

When I looked at it again, both the hands and the neck of this person were already limp. Obviously, his hand was kicked off directly, and his neck was broken as well.

"The idea is tricky."

The leading dark man was startled, and couldn't help clenching the dagger in his hand.

After kicking a person to death, Su Mu kept walking, and instantly came to the strong man who had just shot with the person who was kicked to death.

This person has long been frightened by his instant ruthless action, without even thinking about it, he hurriedly turned around and tried to escape.

But before he took a few steps, Su Mu had already followed, holding his neck with both hands in an instant, and twisting it suddenly

With the sound of 'click', the neck of the other party was directly twisted, and the body immediately stiffened and fell limp.

As the two died without any resistance in an instant,

The remaining three, including the dark-faced man who was playing with the dagger, immediately turned pale. Without even thinking about it, they immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

At this moment, the three of them had already regretted not falling. What kind of fat sheep is this? This is simply not a human, but a ghost!

Even after killing two people, Su Mu only panted slightly, and stopped when he saw the three people kneeling on the ground begging for mercy.

It's not that they are going to let the three of them go.

It was because of the continuous mechanical and emotionless voice that stood out in my mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one person and get 0.1 attribute points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one person and get 0.1 attribute points."

Hearing this voice, Su Mu's emotions couldn't help being complicated, and his eyes fell on the remaining three people unconsciously.

he never thought


You can also get attribute points.

maybe thought


Deep down in my heart I refuse


will instinctively avoid it.

Chapter 75: The Winding Five. The Ghost of the Pot. The Jade Pot

"Forgive us, we don't know Mount Tai with our eyes."

"Please, spare my life, I have an 80-year-old in my family..."


The sound of pleading and crying woke Su Mu awake.

Su Mu raised his head and looked at the three of them with a silent expression.

Feeling Su Mu's gaze, the three of them were also panting, and their bodies shook like chaff.

next wonderful

Su Mu's body moved violently, and he pushed towards several people.

Seeing that Su Mu chose to kill in the end, two of them chose to run away, but compared to Su Mu's movements, they were still too slow, and they were caught up in an instant, and their necks were easily twisted.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the dark man with the dagger turned hard, raised the dagger, and stabbed Su Mu in the chest and abdomen.

Su Mu's body was turned slightly, and his left palm was a knife, which instantly cut the opponent's wrist holding the knife.


The sound of bones breaking was heard, accompanied by the shrill scream of the dark man.

Before the man came back to his senses, Su Mu was already bullying himself, pinching the other's neck with his wrist, and the sound of bones breaking instantly sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one person and get 0.1 attribute points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one person and get 0.1 attribute points."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill one person and get 0.1 attribute points."

Three consecutive unemotional and mechanical voices rang in my ears.

Hearing the sound, Su Mu also set his gaze on his attribute panel

Name: Su Mu

Physique: 1.5 (Physique of a normal adult is 1.)

Dexterity: 1.5 (Normal adult Dexterity is 1.)

Strength: 1.5 (Normal adult strength is 1.)

Spirit: 1.70 (normal adult spirit is 1.)

Cultivation method: the breath of the sun

Attribute points obtained: 0.53.

In this short period of time, he obtained 0.5 attribute points, and the ease of obtaining made Su Mu slightly dazed.

You know, it was only when he came to this world that he killed the first black bear he met to gain 0.1 attribute points. That black bear is more difficult to deal with than these few humans.

This made Su Mu feel even faintly impulsive.

but immediately

This impulse was suppressed by him.

Some things, after all, have some bottom line.


Although he won't kill innocent people indiscriminately, if he deserves to die, if he is a heinous person, for the sake of attribute points, he may not be willing to take them at will.


mountain forest

Qianye Xiasheng walked all the way, finally stopped, and landed in front of a cave, with a look of hesitation on his face.

These days, he pursued all the way, and finally found the trace of the evil spirit here.

At other times, he would definitely wait for other teammates to come over, and then go in to search together. After all, for ghost hunters, killing ghosts is never a solo effort.

It's just that at this moment, there is some hesitation, because it is daytime.

"If you encounter danger, get out in time, and you should be fine."

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