Su Mu patted Li Hualuo Channaihu's head, and said with some pity.

Lihualuo. Kanaihu still didn't speak, but the girl's head unconsciously arched towards the big hand placed on the small head, as if feeling the sense of security brought by the wide palm.


Welcome Lihualuo. Chanel's dinner is over, and everyone returns to their rooms.

Lihualuo. Kanaihu also has a room of her own, which was cleaned up by Zaomen Kuizhi tonight, and it was very clean.

"From now on, this will be your room."

Kuizhi at the kitchen door brought Lihualuo. Kanaihu to the room, said softly, then pointed to the folded clothes on the small cabinet in the room and said: "If you want to change clothes, you can wear these old clothes from Nezuko Clothes, because it’s too late today, I didn’t have time to buy them for Chanahu. Although these two clothes are a little smaller for Chanahu, but I will make it for a night. I will buy one for Chanahu tomorrow. When I have free time, I will make another one for you..."

Kuizhi at the Zaomen began to fall to the chestnut flowers. Kanaihu spread out the quilt on the bed, and said softly.

Lihualuo. Kanaihu just stood there, listening and staring blankly, feeling the warmth in the words, feeling, the warmth infiltrating the heart like the spring breeze blowing on the face, really... so comfortable ah!

I never thought that one day, someone would take care of myself like this.

I have never enjoyed the feeling of being cared for so much.

"Okay, good night, Kanaihu, I wish you a good dream tonight."

After the bed was made, Kuizhi at the kitchen door said softly to Lihualuo. Kanaihu, seeing that Lihualuo.

Today, Mu Jun had already told her about Li Hualuo and Chanahu's experience, which made Zaomen Kuizhi feel sorry for her.

When leaving, Kui Zhi gently closed the door.


When the sound of leaving footsteps gradually disappeared, the girl was still standing there in a daze.

I don't know how long it took, but the girl seemed to have just recovered from her trance. She looked at the house in front of her, and was in a daze. Like a luxurious palace.

Small room with complete facilities.

warm bed

small cabinet

A small dresser.


There is also a floor mirror.

Lihualuo. Chanel walked over unconsciously. Under the floor-to-ceiling mirror, there was a figure of a young girl. The girl was wearing a slightly small dress. (Zhao got it) Probably, it was the clothes of that Nezuko.

Although it was someone else's clothes, she still liked them very much. The clothes were really clean and comfortable to the touch.

Never have I enjoyed wearing such comfortable clothes.

This made Lihualuo. Chana feel like a dream, and couldn't help but look at the girl in the mirror.


Some don't know themselves anymore.

In my memory, my face is dirty, my clothes are tattered, my hair is tied together, messy and fluffy, like a little beggar is disgusting.

but at this moment

The dirty little face was gone, and instead she was a girl with delicate skin like porcelain.

Although, his face was still pale, and his body still had scars from various whips.

Slender figure, soft waist, straight and slender legs...

This made Lihualuo. Chanel feel a little bit at a loss, is this still me?

Stepping to the bed, stroking the quilt with hands, feeling the warmth of the quilt...

Close your eyes

feel it all.

The girl silently clenched her hands tightly.

She wanted to... tightly grasp the warmth of all this.

She didn't want to live again, that miserable dark life like a wild dog.


In the life of being... cared about.

She knew that once she had enjoyed it, she would never... be able to live without it.


Muttering like a dream, she was deeply grateful to the man who brought her to such a life, deeply grateful.

And willing to do anything for it.

no matter what

It will be all right……

The girl hugged the quilt tightly, and gradually fell into a deep sleep with the warmth of the quilt.

Chapter 79: Mrs. Kuizhi Wearing a Collar, Offer Your Loyalty

night falls

The earth was plunged into darkness.

When in the deep mountains, whenever darkness falls, there are basically few places where light can be seen.

but different in cities

Even in the dark, there are still many places where the lights are flickering, as dazzling as daytime.

Su Mu stood by the window, looking out quietly.

"Ta Tata..."

Footsteps sounded slowly outside the house, pausing slightly at his door, as if he was thinking about something.

Soon, it seemed that he had made up his mind.

"Da da da……"

The door knocked quickly.

"The door is open, Mrs. Kuizhi come in."

The door was slowly pushed open, and a plump woman in a maid's costume walked in timidly with her head bowed.


dare not look up.

Su Mu turned his head and looked at Kui Zhi from the stove door, with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Mrs. Kui Zhi, you are really pleasing to people, and you are actually wearing such clothes."

The woman's face was as red as hot.

"come over……"

A slightly low hoarse voice sounded.

Kuizhi at Zaomen hesitated a little, but walked over anyway.

Come to Su Mu and stand by the window with him.

Su Mu stretched out his hand and pointed outside:

"The scenery in the city is indeed very different from the scenery in the mountains. The night in the mountains is very quiet, but here, it is a bit lively."


Zaomen Kuizhi gave a low 'hmm', and then said in a low voice, "The children all like to be lively, but they still don't quite adapt to this place."

"It's always like this. After all, living in the mountains all the time, getting used to everything before, and coming to a strange place, you won't be used to it."

"Ok, I know."

Kuizhi from Zaomen nodded.

Su Mu laughed, grabbed the waist of Kuizhi from the stove door, and pulled it in front of him: "Here, you can see the scenery farther away."

Kuizhi's chest was pressed against the window, and the heavy weight was pressed against the window sill, making the window sill bear a weight that it shouldn't have.

In the night sky, the stars are shining.

Under the night sky, city lights 107 shine.

All the scenery has never been seen in the mountain village, which makes the eyes of Zaomen Kuizhi gradually become hazy.

Su Mu approached Kuizhi from behind, put his head on Kuizhi's earlobe, blew a little breath of hot air, looked at the hot and red earlobe of the other party, looked at the ruddy face that seemed to be bleeding, and couldn't help but gently With a slightly hoarse voice, he said, "Is the night view of the city nice?"


Zaomen Kuizhi gasped for 'breath', at this moment, her heart was beating very fast.

Breathing is also messy.

Su Mu smiled, and untied the tie that was tied around Zaomen Kuizhi's hair. As the tie was removed, Zaomen Kuizhi's jet-black hair fell down to her buttocks like a waterfall.

Su Mu grabbed the black hair of the sunflower branch at the stove door, wrapped it around, and sighed at the same time

"Beautiful hair."

Zaomen Kuizhi didn't speak, just made a dull 'hum' sound from the tip of his nose.



The cold wind blowing from the window made Su Mu shiver involuntarily, and unconsciously hugged the sunflower branch of the stove door tightly.

It seems that only in this way can I bring myself some warmth.

The cold wind comes and goes quickly.

After the cold wind disappeared, Su Mu let go of the sunflower branches on the stove door: "It's still quite cold at night, so let's close the windows."

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