If she can dig out her heart to prove herself, she is even willing to dig out her heart and show Mu Jun a look.

Seeing Kuizhi at the Zaomen with reddened eyes and weeping silently.

Su Mu handed over the collar unhurriedly.

"I like dogs, because once a dog recognizes its owner, it will be very loyal to its owner."

"So, Mrs. Kuizhi..."

"Will you be as loyal to me as a dog?"

Su Mu calmly looked at the reddened eyes, weeping silently, full of grievances, Mrs. Kuizhi.

"If you are loyal, please offer your loyalty."

"Please offer your allegiance and let me see.".

Chapter 80: From now on, everything depends on you

Zaomen Kuizhi stared blankly at the things in Mujun's hand.

There was no response for a long time.

That thing was not bought by Mu Jun because he wanted to raise a dog.


for her.

This made Zaomen Kuizhi feel at a loss~.


There is a feeling of being humiliated.

"Mrs. Kuizhi, will you always be loyal to me?"

Su Mu raised his eyes and squinted at the woman in front of him.

Seeing the other party biting his lip slightly, his watery eyes with obvious grievances, watching the other party's fair face quickly turn red due to shame.

Unconsciously there is a bit of playfulness in the eyes

"If you are loyal to me, it's like I prove it."

He spoke softly.

"If you can't even do this, how can I trust you?"

He opened his mouth quietly, stretched out his hand gently, and placed it on the white chin of the sunflower branch at the stove door, feeling the tenderness from the chin.

since following myself

I can be described as [-]% caring.

Except for a little simple work, basically it is rarely asked to do work.

In the past, the hands of Zaomen Kuizhi had obvious cocoons due to hard work, but now, after such a long period of cultivation, they have already become white and tender. All of this is inseparable from my love.

chin raised

Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't help closing her eyes slightly, and her beautiful eyelashes trembled slightly.

She should have agreed to all of Mu Jun's requests.


The request this time... is really

It really made her feel ashamed.

It made her whole body feel weak and hot.

At this moment, Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't imagine how ashamed she would be if she agreed to Mujun's request.

Su Mu was not in a hurry, but gently stroked the hair of Zaomen Kuizhi, which was as smooth as a waterfall, vaguely feeling the increasingly intense psychological activities in Zaomen Kuizhi's heart at this moment.

He kind of likes the Zaomen Kuizhi, the feeling that he obviously refuses in his heart, but he has to do it.

Obviously very virtuous and gentle, but also a charming and charming look.

The contrast between temperament and charm gave Su Mu a very exciting feeling in his heart.

at last

Seems to figure it out.

Zaomen Kuizhi slightly opened her red eyes, her delicate and beautiful face was full of shame.


Or pick up the thing Mujun threw on the ground just now, and hold it in the palm of his hand.

look at what's in your hand

The kitchen door is full of sunflower branches, full of shame, shyness, nervousness...

All kinds of emotions kept reverberating in Zaomen Kuizhi's mind, and in the end, they all lingered into an inexplicable sense of excitement.

This kind of stimulation, lingering in his heart, made Zaomen Kuizhi feel a strange emotion in his heart.


Kaomen Kuizhi closed his eyes

Put things on.

The moment he put this thing on, Zaomen Kuizhi unconsciously had a strange feeling in his heart.

It feels like facing Mu Jun again...

There seems to be a feeling of looking up.

Su Mu lay lazily on the bed, looking at Mrs. Kuizhi who was full of shame and wished to find a hole to get in immediately, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth

"That alone cannot prove Mrs. Kuizhi's loyalty!"

Originally, it was already enough to be ashamed, but Mu Jun's words made Zaomen Kuizhi calm down a little bit, and became confused again.

Kuizhi at the Zaomen raised her head involuntarily.

Looking at Mu Jun leaning on the bed, he looked at the other party with interest and playfulness.

Probably at this moment, the other party is looking forward to what he will do...

She opened her mouth involuntarily, wanting to say something, but in the end, she couldn't speak and could only lower her head.

"Mrs. Kuizhi, if you like someone, you have to do anything for him."

"Anything is fine."

"As for me, control is very important. Whether it is body or mind, I have to dedicate myself to me. I want to know what is my psychological position in you..."

Zaomen Kuizhi bit her lip tightly with her white and tender teeth.

Because of too much force, the delicate lips were bitten a little, and the bright red blood was flowing out, making the sunflower branch at the kitchen door at this moment like the delicate rose stained with blood.

And at this moment

However, he had a strong feeling of holding this beautiful rose in the palm of his hand, and then, breaking it into pieces bit by bit, completely holding the beautiful things in his own hands.


A low, weak voice like a mosquito's wing

Spread out gently in the room.

very low voice

But it has a feeling that makes the blood excited to the extreme.

"It's... well done."

Su Mu stood up, couldn't help but praise, only felt the blood throbbing all over his body.

Stretching out her hand, she gently stroked the smooth hair of Zaomen Kuizhi, and then gently pressed the back of the other's head and rubbed it.

"Mrs. Kuizhi...you really did a great job."

"I like it so much."



The warm sun shines on the earth.

The night passed quickly.

Su Mu put on his clothes and walked out of the room refreshed, feeling a sense of satisfaction in his whole spirit.

"It's really...too..."

"... moistened."

It was completely different from other feelings, and made him feel that his whole soul was fluttering and trembling.

There is a feeling that the soul is sublimating.

Lazily stretching his waist, he exhaled a breath of turbid air comfortably.

After the pressure was released, the whole person felt a lot more relaxed.

The air feels much fresher.

"Let's go and prepare what the child will eat in the morning. It is estimated that Zaomen Kuizhi will have a hard time getting up this morning."

Su Mu glanced into the room, then gently closed the door, smiling slightly.

For his own woman, he is naturally distressed, of course, sometimes, he will be rough, and there will always be some evil tastes.

Walking out of the door, in the yard, Tanjiro had already gotten up for training.

For this, Su Mu really admires it in his heart. After all, in a short period of time, he can persist for a day or two, but if he persists like this, and there is no one to supervise him, he can still persist, but few people can do it.

"Hello, uncle."

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