"is it?"

Butterfly Kanae just listened to her sister quietly.

"I don't know what that great hero looks like..." Butterfly held her sister's arm and muttered, her eyes full of curiosity.

Butterfly Kanae just smiled.

"My sister is about to reach the age of marriage. These days, my mother has been looking for her, and I don't know what kind of family my sister will marry in the future."

"Let me tell you, those little boys, how can there be a big hero, but my sister is a well-known beauty in the town. If the big hero is not good enough, she won't be worthy of my excellent sister."

Chapter 90: The Girl Who Never Smiled

After practicing in the courtyard for a long time, Su Mu gradually adapted to the sudden increase in strength.

He clenched his fist slightly, feeling his increased strength, and felt joy in his heart.

Turn around and look towards the room.

The window of my own room has just been opened~.

Zaomen Kuizhi was standing leaning against the window, the already tall and straight waves were more conspicuous because of the thin clothes, and all this, Zaomen Kuizhi obviously didn't know about it.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu's heart was also very hot, and he returned to the house immediately without any hesitation.

Seeing Mujun approaching the house aggressively, Kuizhi immediately closed the window and leaned against the window, as if feeling something was coming, his footsteps were slightly weak.

Su Mu pushed open the door, and sure enough, he saw that Kui Zhi had gotten up at the stove door.

"Didn't I let you continue to rest?"

He whispered, his voice slightly hoarse.

Under Su Mu's scorching gaze, Zaomen Kuizhi uncomfortably stroked the hair on his forehead with his hands, and lowered his head.

Seeing this, Su Mu also stepped forward, approaching Kuizhi's side at the stove door.

Zaomen Kuizhi is tall and tall, but compared to him, it is still a lot worse, probably at the position of his shoulders.

Therefore, standing in front of Kuizhi at the kitchen door, he could basically look down at him from above.

At night, she couldn't see clearly, but in the daytime, the girl's clothes set off the charm of the other party more and more conspicuously.

Especially a pair of legs wearing black short socks. The white skin and black socks are in sharp contrast, making the legs look slender and slender.

This kind of black socks, if a woman with short legs or bad legs wears them, not only will she not feel good-looking, but she will feel disgusting instead.


If a girl with long and straight legs wears it, the charm displayed can hardly make people look away.

"Mu-jun...I'm going to make breakfast for you guys."

Zaomen Kuizhi said in a low voice.

"What breakfast to make, feed me first."

He whispered.


Under the warm sunshine, Nezuko, Hanako, Kurihanakana and others got up early.

At this moment, the faint movement in the room made people blush.

"Sister, what is uncle doing?"

Hanako held her sister Nezuko's hand, her eyes were curious.

"Kid, don't ask, my sister will take you elsewhere."

Nezuko hurriedly picked up Hanako, stayed away from the noisy room, and before leaving, she did not forget to drop the chestnut flower. Kanao also pulled her away.

In the courtyard, Tanjiro is still working hard on training, Takeo, Rokuta, and Shigeru are also watching his brother train in the courtyard.

Following Nezuko holding Hanako and bringing Kuri Hanara Kanai over, Tanjiro also stopped training.

"Mom, are you still awake?"

Tanjiro couldn't help asking, he came to the yard for training when he got up in the morning, but it was his uncle who was earlier than him, but the uncle went back after practicing soon.

"do not know."

Nezuko replied uncomfortably.

Tanjiro was puzzled, but he didn't continue to ask, but continued to start serious training.

With these days of practice, Tanjiro felt that his grasp of the 'breath of the sun' was getting deeper and deeper.


In the room


Su Mu breathed a long sigh of relief, only to feel that his whole body was as light as melting into the clouds.

He lowered his head slightly.

At this moment, Kuizhi's eyes had been tightly closed, her slender eyelashes were blinking slightly, her pretty face was rosy like blood, her whole body was lying soft like noodles, as if she had no strength left.

Su Mu smiled "hehe", with indescribable satisfaction on his face, then lowered his head, and said a few nasty love words in the earlobe of Kuizhi at the stove door, which only made the blush on the woman's face more conspicuous, and then she got up.

Put on your clothes, walk out with comfort, and close the door gently by the way.


When Su Mu left the room, Kui Zhi, who had kept his eyes tightly closed, opened his slightly lazy eyes slightly, and he breathed a sigh of relief, like a fish about to die of thirst.

Slightly lowering his head, he looked at the side of the bed. The black socks he was wearing before had been torn apart and thrown on the ground randomly, stained with a lot of dirt.

She lowered her head and touched her calf lightly. There were slight bruises on several places on her slender and fair legs, especially her knees. Probably because she had been kneeling for too long, she still had some soreness.


He wanted to get up, but just as he moved, Kuizhi took a slight breath of air-conditioning.

In the end, I had no choice but to lie on the bed helplessly.

Raising her eyes slightly, looking at the closed door, the woman's eyes were slightly resentful and satisfied.


As in the past, when I went out, I bought some food at a nearby shop and brought it back.

The food bought is very plentiful.

"They're all over for breakfast."

He greeted the crowd.

Tanjiro also finished training, washed his face, and came over quickly.

Zhuxiong, Mao, and Liutai also ran over on short legs.


"Nezuko, why don't you come over for breakfast?"

Seeing that Su Mu was still standing still, he asked Nezuko who was being held by his younger sister Hanako.

"I don't eat your food."

Nezuko turned her head away, as if she didn't want to talk to him.

With just one glance, Su Mu roughly understood why Neidouzi was like this, and a slight embarrassment appeared on his face.

However, he was thick-skinned, so he didn't care, but called Hanako and Li Hualuo. Chanahu to come over for dinner.

After all, Hanako couldn't bear the hunger in her stomach, so she quickly threw her sister away and ran over with her short legs.

As for Li Hualuo Chanahu, he was very obedient and obedient. When he waved to Li Hualuo Chanahu, the other party had already walked over.

ask for flowers

The whole family, except Aoi Zaomen who was still resting in the room, and Nezuko who was sulking began to eat.

Su Mu ate very quickly, and finished eating in a while.

After eating, I stopped by Lihualuo. Chanahu's side. Because Kuizhi at Zaomen couldn't get up today, Lihualuo. own hair.

As for Hanako's hair, her sister Nezuko has already taken care of it.

I have to say that Nezuko is still very ingenious.

"In the future, I still have to learn to comb my hair by myself."

Su Mu came to the side of Li Hualuo Chanahu who was eating and said softly. While talking, he began to arrange Li Hualuo Kanahu's hair, combing his black hair into double ponytails, and then, using red ribbon tied up.

Seeing Kuroba Falling, Kanaihu was still wearing Nezuko's old clothes, frowning slightly.

He remembered that when he took Zaomen Kuizhi for a stroll in the city yesterday, he bought some new clothes for him.

"Kanahu, I remember buying some new clothes for you. When I came back yesterday, I forgot to tell you."

Su Mu couldn't help but patted his head.

"Let's go and change into new clothes."

He took Li Hualuo, who had just finished eating, back to the room, and handed some clothes to her to change into, before walking out the door.

Lihualuo. Chanahu still stood in place like a puppet, but her pink and purple eyes blinked slightly.

a while

The girl came to the bed in a daze, hesitated for a moment, and took off her clothes.

Started to put on new clothes.

I have to say that Zaomen Kuizhi has a good eye, and the clothes bought for Lihualuo. Chanahu are very good.

After changing clothes, Lihualuo. Chanahu stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room and turned around slightly.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Lihualuo Chanaihu's pink and purple eyes were confused for a moment, but then she liked it.

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