No need to guess, Su Mu probably knows who is coming.

With his eyes slightly closed, he silently enjoyed the comfortable feeling of the soft hands massaging the acupuncture points on his head.

Involuntarily, he leaned his head back.

It was as soft as cotton, and it pressed against the back of my head with great tenacity.

Zaomen Kuizhi, who was massaging Mujun's head behind him, had a slightly flushed face, and slightly drooping eyes under long eyelashes.

However, Zaomen Kuizhi did not dodge, but bit her lip slightly, and continued to gently massage the acupuncture points on Mu Jun's head.

She could feel that Mu Jun liked her massaging him like this.

And as long as Mu Jun likes it, she likes it too.

In fact, when facing Mujun, she always felt inferior in her heart, because, compared to Mujun, she was married and had children.

This made her always feel guilty naturally when facing Mu Jun.

She always feels that it is her honor that Mr. Mu "One Four Zero" can take a fancy to her, which makes Zaomen Kuizhi want to dedicate all the best things to Mr. Mu.

"Just now, the two girls who left were very beautiful."

While rubbing his head for Mujun, Zaomen Kuizhi said softly, while puffing up his chest slightly.

"Well, it's pretty."

Su Mu replied, the different temperaments displayed by the Butterfly sisters couldn't help but echo in his mind.

Very attractive indeed.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Su Mu opened his eyes, looking at the sunflower branch at the stove door with his eyes slightly drooping at this moment.

"Mrs. this jealous?"

"Not at all."

Zaomen Kuizhi blushed slightly, and then said in a low voice: "How can they compare to them, after all, I..."


Of course, Zaomen Kuizhi couldn't say the latter words, because Su Mu just stretched out his hand and hugged Zaomen Kuizhi's slender waist, and then, with a little force, pulled it against him. in his arms.

"No matter what they are doing, they can't compare to my beautiful Mrs. Kuizhi..."

Su Mu looked at the woman in his arms and said softly.

Being said by Mu Jun, especially the nasty and nasty love words, it made Zaomen Kuizhi blush.

It felt like my whole body was softening a bit.

However, before Su Mu finished speaking, there was a sound of footsteps.

Tanjiro looked at his mother who was being hugged by his uncle, and suddenly became a little at a loss.

And Aoi Zaomen also seemed to sense something, and couldn't help turning her head, seeing that it was Tanjirou, a look of panic appeared on her pretty face.

He couldn't help but let out an exclamation, escaped directly from Su Mu's arms, and ran to another room in a panic.

Looking at the graceful and beautiful back of Kuizhi leaving the kitchen door, a smile appeared in Su Mu's eyes.

After a long while, he withdrew his gaze from the back of Aoie from the kitchen gate, and landed on Tanjirou.

At this moment, Tanjirou was clearly at a loss.

These days, although I generally know that my mother and uncle are very close, after all, everything has not been exposed.

Tanjiro is also very entangled in whether his uncle is with his mother or not.

In this era, the restrictions on women are very high. Under normal circumstances, if a woman is widowed, she will basically not remarry.

It's just that Aoie Zaomen is Tanjiro's mother after all, and Tanjiro naturally doesn't want his mother to spend the rest of his life alone.

In addition, his uncle is very kind to their family, and Tanjirou also respects his uncle very much.

All kinds of relationships make Tanjiro feel like an ostrich when his uncle and mother are very close. As long as everything is not on the surface, he will treat it as if he didn't see it.

But now, he bumped into him suddenly, and Tanjiro didn't know what to do for a while.

Su Mu walked to Tanjiro's side and patted Tanjiro on the shoulder: "Let's talk."

After speaking, he turned and went to another room.

Tanjiro hesitated for a moment, but followed in anyway.

After entering the room, Su Mu took out a jug of wine and two glasses from the room.

After filling the two glasses one by one, he pointed to the seat next to him and said to Tanjiro who walked in:


The expression on Tanjiro's face changed for a while, and finally, he went to the seat next to him and sat down.

"Would you like a drink?"

He pointed to the cup of good wine in front of Tanjirou.

"Uncle, I don't know how to drink."

Tanjiro shook his head and said.

"Man, how can you not drink, drink some and try."

Su Mu smiled.

Tanjiro hesitated for a moment, but picked up the cup and took a sip. As soon as the wine entered his stomach, the hot feeling hit him, and Tanjiro, who was caught off guard, coughed continuously.

Su Mu quietly watched as Tanjiro started to cough after drinking a glass of wine. He also picked up a glass of wine and took a sip, slightly bringing the hot liquid into his stomach, making his cool stomach slightly warm. meaning

Qian, Xun, the first,, posted a "small" saying.! Resource''source?: Medium"? Turn?! Skirt "The most important thing about drinking is to taste it. It's like a cow's drink. After all, you can't drink anything. . "

he said quietly.

When Tanjiro stopped coughing, Su Mu said again: "Just now, your mother and saw it. What does Tanjiro think about this?"

Tanjiro lowered his head slightly, but did not speak.

"Let's have another drink. In this way, if you have any ideas, you will have less scruples."

Su Mu poured another glass of wine for Tanjiro.

This time, Tanjirou was not polite anymore, picked up a glass of wine, and poured it hard.

The spiciness of the drink almost made Tanjiro cry

"I don't understand..."

Tanjiro raised his head and looked at his uncle: " know my mother is..."

"A widow?"

Su Mu quietly picked up what Tanjiro had left, and then continued: "Widows can't remarry?"

Tanjiro didn't speak.

"Actually, speaking of it, I'm not afraid that Tanjiro will make fun of me as an uncle. The first time I came to Zaomen's house as a guest, I was attracted to Mrs. Aoizhi when I saw her."

"It's just that Tanjuro was there at the time, so I could only suppress everything until, after Mr. Tanjuro left, I couldn't bear it anymore."

"The reason why I follow Mr. Tanjuro's last wish to take care of the Zaomen family is not because I have such a deep friendship with Mr. Tanjuro, but because I fell in love with Mrs. Kuizhi..."

Hearing Su Mu finished speaking, Tanjirou's face turned green and pale for a while, and some of the doubts in his heart were roughly understood at this moment.

Also at this moment, Tanjiro understood why his father would look for him at the moment of his death.

Obviously, before his death, his father probably saw something.

The room suddenly fell silent.

Su Mu picked up the jug again, and poured wine into the glass in front of Tanjiro, but before it was full, Tanjirou snatched the jug away, and then, directly facing the jug, drank heavily.

The pungent wine flowed down his throat, making Tanjiro feel a lot of depression in his heart dissipate.

Tanjiro has always respected Su Mu, and because Su Mu supported the Zaomen family after his father left, Tanjiro was grateful to this uncle from the heart.

For a long time, in Tanjiro's heart, his uncle has a very high status.


Gradually, he found that Su Mu and his mother were getting closer, which made Tanjiro feel an indescribable depression in his heart.

Tanjiro, the eldest son of the family, has nowhere to talk about these depressions, so he can only rely on continuous exercise and training to forget them.

In fact, such hard training during this period has a lot to do with alleviating the depression in my heart.

Now, after my uncle told him all this, although there was a kind of depression in his heart, there was also a kind of anger.

But soon...

It turned into relief.

"Now, what is Tanjuro thinking?"

Su Mu watched Tanjirou quietly finish drinking a pot of wine and asked.

It was obviously Tanjiro's first time to drink alcohol, and he drank too much all of a sudden, as if feeling a little drunk.

Facing his uncle, Tanjiro couldn't help but raise his head: "Uncle, I really want to beat you up!"

"bring it on."

Su Mu said: "If this makes Tanjirou feel better, then beat him up."

Tanjiro couldn't help clenching 4.3 tightly with his fist, and even raised it, but in the end, he let go of it dejectedly.

After all, he didn't beat up Su Mu.

"I hope that uncle can treat mother better in the future."

Tanjiro raised his head and spoke seriously.

"of course."

Su Mu nodded.

Tanjiro took a deep look at Su Mu, finally shook his head, and staggered out of the room with a drunken feeling.

just to the door

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