It's just that things have come here. Although they are not ready yet, they are already like this.

Thinking of this in his heart, his gaze fell on Zaomen Kuizhi again.

Falling behind the busy back of the other party, seeing the virtuous figure of the other party in the kitchen, the mind became a little more peaceful for no reason.

Chapter 110: Prove it to me

There is nothing to say about Kuizhi's culinary skills at Zaomen, it is excellent.

After eating, Su Mu asked Kuizhi from Zaomen to take a good rest.

While eating, Nezuko's beautiful eyes dangled back and forth between the mother and the uncle, vaguely, it seemed that there seemed to be some differences between the uncle and the mother.

But what are the differences, Nezuko can't tell.


in the afternoon

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi visit again.

They have already dealt with other things, so they can concentrate on practicing, and begin to accept Su Mu's guidance wholeheartedly.

Su Mu stood in front of the courtyard, looking at Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu in tight clothes.

"Since you have already decided, there is nothing to say, let's start training."

He opened his mouth.

Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobu also immediately stood up straight, ready to accept Su Mu's guidance.

"Now, you run around this yard... a hundred laps."

Hearing his words, Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly could not help but frown slightly.

Butterfly couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but said directly: "Sir, shouldn't we be taught how to hunt evil spirits? How can we make us run?"

Obviously, Die Die Ren disapproved of Su Mu's decision to let her run. After all, she came here to learn the skills of hunting evil spirits, not to run.

140 Hearing Die Die Ren's words, Su Mu couldn't help showing a sneer.

He didn't say anything, but stepped forward and patted Butterfly Shinobu on the shoulder.

Butterfly endured the intuition of being pushed by a huge force, and her petite body suddenly became unstable and fell to the ground.

When she fell to the ground, in order to support her body, her little hands even rubbed on the ground. Immediately, bloodstains were drawn on the girl's delicate skin.


Butterfly Kanae immediately helped the fallen Die Ren up, and at the same time, she couldn't help but raised her head and glanced at Su Mu.

Su Mu just shook his head and said nothing.

Feeling the pain from the little hand, Die Die could not help biting her lip tightly.

"If you can't even balance your body, how can you talk about learning how to hunt and kill evil spirits later on?"

Su Mu looked at Butterfly Ren who was trying not to cry because of the pain, and sneered.

Butterfly Shinobi and Butterfly Kanae obviously haven't suffered much before. The skin of the sisters is very delicate, and it's obvious that they haven't done any physical work.

It is conceivable that the physical fitness of the sisters is not good.

The practice of "breathing method" is not without requirements, and not everyone can learn "breathing method".

You should know that the principle of the "breathing method" is to inhale a large amount of air to expand the lungs to the limit, thereby promoting blood flow and body temperature to rise, and to exert the maximum power of human body functions, thereby increasing strength and speed to achieve the ability to compete with ghosts.

If you don't have a good enough body, it won't work.

Just now, he just used the strength of an ordinary person to push Die Die for a while, but the other party couldn't stand firm. It can be seen that his physical fitness is not good.

"Also, if you can't even run, how will you learn how to hunt evil spirits later?"

"I can do it."

Butterfly stood up hurriedly, bit her lip, and spoke seriously.

Su Mu raised his eyes, looked at the girl who seemed to be a little angry, and said calmly: "Then prove it to me."

Butterfly gritted her teeth and started running around the yard without saying anything.

Seeing her sister running away, Butterfly Kanae did not follow up immediately, but bent down to Su Mu, and said with a little apology: "Please don't be angry with my sister, sir. Since I was a child, my parents have loved her very much." ', 'Tolerance' has never suffered any wronged since childhood, so that's why..."

"So, I have wronged your sister?"

Su Mu looked at Butterfly Kanae calmly.

"Sir, I didn't mean that, I meant..."

Butterfly Chanae hurriedly explained.

But before Butterfly Kanae finished explaining, Su Mu waved his hand: "If you feel wronged, you can leave at any time, well, don't say anything, go run with your sister."

Butterfly Kanae opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything, and immediately stepped forward to follow her younger sister Butterfly Shinobu.

Although the whole yard is not big, a hundred laps is not an easy task for an ordinary person.

At the beginning, it was nothing, and I didn't find it very difficult, but as the "number of laps" increased, soon, the two girls began to be out of breath.

As the older sister, Butterfly Chanae is fine, and she can still persist.

But as the younger sister, Butterfly Shinobu was panting heavily, and her pace couldn't help but started to slow down, and even almost stopped.

"If you can't hold on, just stop, no one will say you."

A plain voice sounded nearby, causing Butterfly to bite her lip tightly with her white and tender teeth.

Butterfly didn't say anything, just gritted his teeth and ran forward silently.

Although my legs felt as heavy as if they were filled with lead, and my chest seemed to be on fire with every breath I took.

Although, she stops, no one will say her.

But Die Nin is still unwilling to stop.

No one would blame her, but if she stopped, it would be impossible for her to forgive herself.


Even in difficult times, Butterfly Ninja gritted his teeth and never gave up. If he couldn't take it even after running a hundred laps, what about learning the ability to hunt and kill evil spirits later.

The hatred for evil spirits that surged in her heart made Die Die Shinobi overflow with infinite motivation, as if telling her:

Hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer.

Su Mu stood by the courtyard, watching the scene where Die Ren gritted his teeth and persisted, and couldn't help nodding his head slightly. Of course, Die Ren's physical fitness is a little weaker, but this tenacious spirit alone makes people look at it highly. The stimulus of hate is concerned.


Finally, after running one hundred laps, Die Die could almost feel that her legs were not her own, and she instinctively wanted to stop and rest.

"Don't stop, continue walking slowly for two laps."

At this moment, the indifferent voice sounded again.

Butterfly Shinobi and Butterfly Kanae also immediately gritted their teeth and began to walk slowly.

Su Mu nodded, and was quite satisfied to see that the two were still obedient. If the two insisted on stopping, he would hit him, and the two who wanted to hit continued to walk slowly for two laps.

After all, if you run a hundred laps at once, if you stop suddenly, your heart will probably not be able to bear it, and sudden death is very likely.

After walking slowly for two more laps, Butterfly Kanae and Butterfly Shinobi couldn't bear it anymore, almost instinctively wanting to sit on the ground to rest.

Butterfly Chanae is okay, she can barely sit on the ground to rest, although she is out of breath.

As for the younger sister, Butterfly Shinobi was about to sit down when her eyes turned black and her body was shaking and she was about to fall down.

Butterfly Kanae hurriedly wanted to help her sister, but she was too tired, her body seemed to be filled with lead, and she could only watch helplessly as Shinobu was about to fall to the ground.

At this time, Su Mu's figure suddenly appeared, and directly hugged the butterfly.

The petite, exquisite, soft and tender body was hugged in her arms, like a piece of extremely soft nephrite jade, and there was a faint scent from the girl's body.

"The body is so fragile."

Looking at the closed eyes covered by long eyelashes, Su Mu couldn't help shaking his head.

"'Forbearance' hasn't suffered much since he was a child. Dad and mother used to love 'Forbearance'..."

Butterfly Kanae next to her hurriedly defended her sister.

Su Mu glanced at Butterfly Chana Hui: "As an older sister, you must love your own younger sister just as much, and that's why your younger sister has become so squeamish."

Butterfly Kanae lowered her head slightly, but still bit her lips and said: "Shin, very strong.".

Chapter 110 Five: Compared with my sister, she is far worse

Die Ren wakes up leisurely, and what meets her eyes is her sister's gentle face, which makes Die Ren's purple eyes slightly confused.

"I remember, I was running and I just stopped to rest..."

Butterfly murmured.

"You, you were in a coma at the time."

Butterfly Chanae gently poked her sister's head with her hand:

"If you can't hold on, just stop, why do you have to work so hard?"

When saying this, Butterfly Chana Hui's eyes were a little doting.

Die Ren gently hugged her sister's waist from behind, feeling the warmth of her body, Die Ren murmured in a low voice: "I can't stop."

"I must take revenge."

Hearing what her sister said, Butterfly Kanae felt distressed for no reason, the blow that night was too cruel for her~.

These days, every night, my sister 'Shin' would wake up from the nightmare, and every time she woke up, her face was extremely pale.

Although I don't know what kind of dream my sister had, but Butterfly Kanae can also have some guesses.

"No matter what, my sister still has to pay attention to her body."

Butterfly Kanae spoke seriously.

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