"Got it, sister."

Butterfly stuck out her tongue and continued to practice.


"Master, you are here."

Su Mu also stood up, and asked with a smile. He originally thought that "Sorrowful Islet Xingming" would come back soon after hunting the evil spirits, but he didn't expect it to take so long.

"Master Mu."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' also clasped his hands together. Originally, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' wanted to say something, but when his eyes fell on Su Mu, he was slightly taken aback.

Because, it is obvious that Su Mu has an extremely oppressive aura on his body. With such an aura, even he feels a pressure in his heart.

"Mu Jun, your strength has improved again?"

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' couldn't help asking in doubt.

"In the process of killing the evil spirits, I have gained something."

Su Mu explained casually.

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' heard it, but I didn't think there was anything wrong.

Because there are too many ghost hunters who have achieved breakthroughs in the battle with evil spirits, and even improved their strength.

Of course, more evil spirits died at the hands of ghost hunters.

"Congratulations, Lord Mu."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' sincere congratulations, I feel happy for the improvement of Su Mu's strength.

Su Mu smiled, his eyes fell on 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming', and after a while, he smiled and said: "Master, do you have something to say?"

"There are some things I want to discuss with Mu Jun, but only you and me."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' clasped his hands together, with a smile on his face.

"Say it in the house."

Su Mu invited 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' into the house.

After entering the room, "Sorrowful Islet Xingming" didn't say it immediately, but first carefully observed whether there were others listening around.

Seeing the movements of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', Su Mu frowned slightly, not knowing what it was that could make 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' so vigilant.

After confirming that no one was listening, 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' looked at Su Mu.

"Master, what is it that troubles you to be so cautious?"

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' clasped his hands together, with a serious expression on his face:

"My lord wants to see you."

Su Mu was slightly taken aback.

However, I quickly realized that it was probably because of the 'breath of the sun'. After all, 'breath of the sun' is an excellent 'breath' for dealing with evil spirits, and it is also a 'breath' that is extremely restrained against evil spirits. It's not surprising that the killing team' master' paid attention and came here in person.

"No problem, I'll go tell Mrs. Kuizhi and the others that I'm going out for a while..."

Su Mu nodded, and wanted to tell Zaomen Kuizhi first, but was stopped by 'Sorrowful Island Xingming':

"I also hope that Lord Mu will forgive me. Before meeting the lord, I hope that Lord Mu will not have contact with others."

Su Mu was a little unswerving in his heart.

However, I can roughly guess the reason. Obviously, 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' is worried that the whereabouts of the 'Lord' will be leaked. If it attracts the attention of the evil spirits, it is definitely a very dangerous thing.

After all, the overall strength of the evil ghosts is stronger than that of the ghost killing team.

Of course, it's daytime, even if it's as strong as Oni Wu Tsuji, he can't show up, but he has to guard against it.

"Okay, I'll go with you now."

Although I feel somewhat displeased with the behavior of 'Bei Ming Yu Xing Ming' in my heart, I can also understand the reason why 'Being Ming Yu Xing Ming' is so vigilant.

Hearing what Su Mu said, "Sorrowful Islet Xingming" also breathed a sigh of relief. If Su Mu didn't want to go out with him to meet the lord immediately, but to meet someone else first, out of consideration for the lord's safety, this time the lord and Mu Jun There will be no meetings.


Under the leadership of 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', Su Mu quickly left the town and headed towards a nearby mountain range.


In the end, the two stopped at a manor full of wisteria trees halfway up the mountain.

At this moment, standing at the gate of the manor is a pair of girls who are exactly the same. They have almost the same appearance, with frosty white hair and white kimonos.

Su Mu also has some impressions of these two people. In the anime, when Tanjiro was conducting the assessment of the ghost killing team in Tengji Mountain, this pair of girls also appeared.

It's just that, compared to the image in the anime, the two girls now are more immature.

"This is the maid beside the 'Lord'."

Seeing that Su Mu's gaze fell on the two girls, the 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' next to him couldn't help explaining.

Su Mu nodded. In fact, he also knew that these two girls were not only the so-called maids, but also the daughters of their 'masters'.

"Let's go."

Su Mu spoke.

Led by the two maids, they walked for another minute and stopped in a room.

In the room, a tall man was kneeling with his back to them.

"My lord."

'Sorrowful Island Xingming' bowed slightly, lowered his head, and spoke respectfully.

Obviously, Beimingyu Xingming respected the man in front of him, both in behavior and psychology.

And at this time, the man who had been kneeling with his back turned to them also got up and turned his head slowly.

Chapter 110: Joining the Ghost Killing Squad, Class A Swordsman

The kneeling man turned around slowly, showing his face in front of Su Mu.

its face

It can be said to be a little scary.

It was supposed to be an extremely handsome face, but it seemed that something had happened to it, causing it to be covered almost entirely with purple scarred skin from the bridge of the nose up, moreover, the skin was wrinkled, like..., that old tree bark generally.

The bridge of the nose is down, which is normal, but it also looks a little pale.

Such a face, for those who meet for the first time and are unprepared, it may be frightening directly.

"'Xingming' get up, don't be too polite."

The man turned his head, and first spoke softly to the 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' who kept bowing respectfully.

The man's voice is very warm and light, and when people hear it, they will unconsciously feel another very comfortable feeling, which seems to have the effect of soothing people's mood.

Under such a voice, even if the other party has an extremely terrifying face, he will feel less scary, and even feel kinder.

"Yes, my lord."

'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' just stood up, but even so, he still lowered his head, and it could be seen that the strongest 'pillar' of the ghost killing team had great respect for the man in front of him.

This kind of respect has already come from the bone, from the heart.

It can also be seen from this that this man is a person with great means, or a person with great personal charm, which is why 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' respects him so much.

The man's eyes moved away from 'Sorrowful Islet Xingming' before falling on Su Mu

"Your Excellency is Mu-kun. My name is Yoya Shiki, and Mu-kun can call me Yaoya Shiki."

Yuya Miyayashiki bowed slightly to Su Mu, and said gently.

Like a breeze blowing across his face, Yoya Ubuyashiki's voice made one's heart relax, and even let his guard down.

Feeling this, Su Mu couldn't help but shudder slightly.

"Su Mu, I've seen 'Fu Yaozai'."

Su Mu stood where he was, and spoke calmly.

"Please sit down."

Ubuyashiki Yoya pointed sideways at the seat next to him.

Su Mu nodded, and also came to the seat next to Yashiki Yaozai to sit down, and "Sorrowful Islet Xingming" came behind Yayashiki Yaoya, staring at him with pale eyes, his muscles tensed, and he was vaguely vigilant The expression seemed to be worried that Su Mu would hurt Yaoya Miyashiki.

Feeling this, Su Mu couldn't help but frowned slightly. These days, he got along with 'Sorrowful Island Xingming' fairly well, but he didn't expect that the other party would be so worried about him.


It's not that I'm worried about myself, but that I'm wary of anyone who will hurt Yoya Miyayashiki.

This made Su Mu's gaze turn to Yasuya Ubuyashiki again.

At this moment, Su Mu thought of many things.

If I remember correctly, the "Lord" of the Demon Slayer Squad has always been the "Ubuyashiki" family, and there has never been any other surname as the master.

It can even be said that the Ghost Killing Squad is to some extent considered the private arm of the 'Ubuyashiki' family.

It's just that this private armed force carries some kind of spiritual belief, that is to hunt and kill evil spirits in order to protect human beings.

Moreover, it seems that the ancestor of the ghost, Ghost Dance Tsuji Mumai, seems to come from the 'Ubuyashiki' family.

Moreover, since then, the eldest son of the 'Ubuyashiki' family will be relatively short-lived.

Among them, is there any relationship?

Thinking of so many things in an instant made Su Mu feel extremely wary of this seemingly gentle person in front of him.

And with the vigilance rising in his heart, he looked at 'Ubuyashiki' again with a different gaze.

"The 'breath of the sun' that Mujun knows is something that our ghost killing team is very eager to get. If the swordsmen of the ghost killing team can learn the 'breath of the sun', they will increase their strength in the process of dealing with evil spirits. , can also reduce casualties by one point, and can protect more people who may be hurt by ghosts...~々..."

Yuya Ubuyashiki said softly.

Yuya Ubuyashiki did not ask for "Breath of the Sun" in this regard, but explained that the Demon Slayer Team's desire for "Breath of the Sun" is entirely based on righteousness. Hesitantly presented the 'breath of the sun'.

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