Seeing Su Mu looking over, Purgatory Xing Shoulang also raised his eyebrows, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but he didn't say it after all.

And at this time, 'Yanzhu' mourning Yu Xingming and 'Shuizhu' Linlong Zuojinci were fighting fiercely with Yuhu.

At this time, the winding Wu, the ghost of the pot, and the jade pot have already changed their appearance, and their whole body seems to be covered with a layer of hard scales. Occasionally, when the scales on the body are cut by the Japanese knives of the last time, they will burst out for a while. Dazzling sparks.

On the contrary, the weapon of 'Yanzhu' Beimingyu Xingming has great restraint on the jade pot, but it is difficult for Beimingyu Xingming's attack to hit the jade pot.


The meteor hammer linked by the chain was once again hit towards the jade pot by 'Sorrowful Island Xingming', but was dodged by the jade pot and fell to the ground, directly smashing a huge hole in the ground.

The jade pot backed away, as if sensing something, raised its head suddenly, only to find that the few evil spirits he had just released through the body of the pot had all been beheaded by these 'Class A' swordsmen.

"How come so fast?"

Yuhu couldn't believe it. Just now, all its attention was focused on the side of 'Yan Zhu' Beiming Yu Xingming and 'Shui Zhu' Lin Taki Zuo Jinci, and it didn't pay that much attention to the 'Class A' swordsman.

In the jade pot's mind, even if the evil spirits released by it with the body of the pot were not the opponents of a few 'first-class' swordsmen, they could delay enough time, but obviously, the result was different from what he expected.

And as these 'Class A' swordsmen come to support, then its situation is a bit not good. It is already a bit of a disadvantage to fight against the two 'pillars'. If these 'Class A' swords are added Sir, the situation is probably even worse.

Thinking of this, Yuhu didn't hesitate any longer, took out the body of the pot in his hand, and then poured the body of the pot towards the 'Water Column' Lin Taki and the 'Yan Zhu' Beiming Yu Xingming, and the continuous water splashed out immediately. .

"Blood Ghost Art Blood Prison Bowl"

Accompanied by the bottom box of the jade pot, the splashed water immediately turned into a water wall like a cover, trapping 'Yanzhu' Beimingyu Xingming and 'Water Column' Linlong Zuojin in it


'Rock Pillar' mourned Yu Xingming and yelled loudly, swinging the meteor hammer and smashing it on the water wall.


A dull sound sounded, and the water wall was smashed into a depression, but it was not smashed.

Apparently, the 'water wall' that traps them is strong enough, and Beiming Yu Xingming also found that the air inside the water wall seems to be getting lower and lower with his breathing.

The 'rock pillar' failed to break through the 'water wall', and the 'water column' naturally couldn't break through either.

However, as the two Sunlun Sabers continued to slash on the 'Water Wall', the 'Water Wall' also began to ripple. Obviously, with a few more knives, the 'Water Wall' could be cut through.

Apparently, Yuhu also knew that his 'Blood Ghost Technique·Blood Prison Bowl' couldn't trap the two of them for too long, so after finishing using the 'Blood Ghost Technique·Blood Prison Bowl'.

Yuhu's body also whispered slightly, and at the same moment let out another low cry

"Blood ghost technique, killing fish scales."

In the next second, his figure flickered on the spot. The last second he was still there, and the next second, he appeared behind the 'Class A' swordsman Gao Cunhe Xia. The scarlet heart was held in the hands of the jade pot.

Almost without any hesitation, he swallowed it in one gulp.

And as the heart was devoured, the wounds Yuhu received while fighting the two 'pillars' also completely healed in an instant.

As for Gao Cunhexia whose heart was removed by the jade pot, he fell to the ground unwillingly. Before he died, he still maintained the posture of chopping, but the sun wheel knife fell on the jade pot, but it just splashed bursts of sparks .


The body defense ability of the jade pot is extremely amazing, and the sun wheel knife cannot cut through its body.

After beheading Takamura and Xia, Yuhu's body flashed again, appearing behind the 'Class A' swordsman Shinya Hashimoto again, with the same claw sticking out.

Hashimoto Shinya, who had been prepared for a long time, used the sun wheel knife to block the back of the 'Yuhu' figure at the moment when the 'Yuhu' disappeared from the original place. However, Yuhu seemed to have expected Hashimoto Shinya's defense 4.3 method, and its black ghost The claws suddenly disappeared, and they were already grasping at his neck.


The sound of bone breaking sounded, and it was true that Hashimoto Shinya's neck was directly broken.

Killing two people in succession caused 'Ran Zhu' and 'Shui Zhu' to have their eyes shattered. You must know that 'Class A' swordsmen are very precious in the Ghost Killing Team. Every death is extremely important to the Ghost Killing Team. Loss.

What's more, now two 'Class A' swordsmen have died in a row.

'Rock Pillar' and 'Water Column' wanted to stop them, but they were trapped in the 'Water Wall', and they couldn't be rescued for a short period of time.

But at this time, Yuhu had already set his eyes on Su Mu.

There was a cruel 'Jie Jie' laugh from the corner of his mouth, and his scarlet eyes were also staring at Su Mu

"Next, it's your turn."



PS: Thank you for the monthly pass given by the reader "I want to show bad", thank you for your support.

Thank you readers for the "Prosperous (●—●) World," who voted for a [-]-word update, and thank you for your support.

Thanks to 'Shui Hanhun' for the great rewards, and to 'Shui Hanhun' for the great support.

Chapter 120 Seven: Winding the Evil Ghost, Kill It

"Next, it's your turn."

Yuhu grinned and showed a ferocious smile at Su Mu.

In the next second, his figure disappeared from the spot in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had come to Su Mu's back, and his jet-black ghost claws grabbed Su Mu's vest directly.

"Be careful."

Next to him, Purgatory Xingshoulang couldn't help but said in surprise.

The trapped 'Rock Pillar' and 'Water Pillar' also had red eyes seeing this scene.


Su Mu turned around sharply, and slashed behind him with a knife.

And the jade pot seemed to have seen through Su Mu's knife, and its body just turned to the side to avoid Su Mu's knife. At the same time, its black ghost claws instantly caught Su Mu's back.

It's just that, as expected, the feeling of piercing the flesh and catching the beating heart of the human body is different.

Its ghost claws seem to have caught something hard.


The clothes on the back were torn open, revealing the iron plates wrapped around Su Mu's back and front.

Seeing this scene, Yuhu was also slightly stunned. Obviously, he did not expect this 'Class A' swordsman to have iron bars tied to his back and chest.

Ordinary 'Class A' swordsmen often wear tight-fitting clothes for the convenience of movement, so that they can hunt and kill evil spirits more conveniently. There are very few 16 who are so heavily armed.

After all, evil spirits are different from human beings. The greatest advantage of evil spirits lies in their almost inexhaustible physical strength and powerful healing ability. When dealing with evil spirits, wearing iron plates can certainly improve the defense ability, but at the same time, it will also reduce the mobility. Moreover, it will increase the operational burden and further reduce the endurance combat capability.

Especially when dealing with creatures with almost inexhaustible physical strength like evil spirits, it is even more important to kill them in a short period of time instead of confronting them.

Wearing iron armor, the defense is high, but because of the weight, the attack will be weakened.


Considering all the factors, the Ghost Killing Squad would never wear such heavily armed clothes when hunting down evil spirits.

But Su Mu is different. His physical fitness has already broken through to the limit of the human body. Although his continuous fighting ability has not reached the almost inexhaustible physical strength like a ghost, he can continue to fight for a long time.

Although the defense ability has broken through the limit of the human body, and the recovery ability and healing ability have also been greatly improved, but after all, they are still flesh and blood, and they will die even if they are killed.

That's why iron blocks were tied to the vital parts of the body.

And taking advantage of Yuhu's slight daze, Su Mu slashed at Yuhu's head again.

Yuhu raised his hand and cut it with a knife.

The blade of the Rilun Knife instantly slashed on the jade pot's scales that were as hard as diamonds.

sparks burst

But he failed to cut off Yuhu's wrist.

However, through the powerful strength of the sun wheel knife, it penetrated the whole body in an instant, and the jade pot was directly sent flying, breaking several big trees in succession before stopping.

After Su Mu slashed the jade pot with a knife, he immediately pursued it, holding the knife with both hands, and slashed in the air.

Still in the air, when he saw Su Mu chasing and cutting him with a knife, the jade pot immediately wiped the body of the pot hanging around his waist with his hand.

"Blood Ghost Art: Occult Pot Hell."

With the sound of the jade pot falling, a giant octopus the size of a house appeared instantly.

The octopus is very huge, especially the dozen or so tentacles are like thick vines.

As soon as the octopus appeared, it immediately swung more than a dozen tentacles and slashed at Su Mu.

Su Mu is in the air at the moment, and those tentacles can't change direction in the air when they hit them. Moreover, these tentacles are very flexible, seeing that they can't dodge, Su Mu gritted his teeth.

"Come on then!"

"The breath of the sun. The shape of the land. The scorching sun."

Holding the long knife in his hand, he slashed forward in an instant, and with the blade as the center, a fiery red flame burst out.


The blade split open the tentacles as thick as vines, and the black juice splashed all over his body.

One of the tentacles was cut off, and the huge octopus was in pain, and the remaining tentacles slashed at Su Mu again frantically.

Qian::Xun?;Shou. "Fat?" Small, say?! Resource, source,? Middle': Turn?; Qun Su Mu landed on the ground, rolled a few times on the ground, avoided several tentacles, and got up again At that time, the knees were slightly bent, and the ground was suddenly stepped on, and the body was instantly close to the octopus.

"The breath of the sun. The shape of the eight. Flywheel Yang Yan."

At this moment, the blade seemed to be swaying with the wind like a burning flame.

The swaying blade fell into the body of the huge octopus like a house, and immediately lingered upwards like a ignited flame.

only moment

The huge octopus like a house was directly shrouded in flames.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, kill the octopus and get 0.5 attribute points."

The familiar, mechanical and emotionless voice sounded in his ears again, which also made Su Mu feel slightly relaxed.

But at the moment when Su Mu relaxed a little, the figure of Yuhu reappeared beside him.

The ghost claws grabbed at his neck like a phantom.

Looking at the ghost claw that was grabbing at his neck, Su Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, almost without hesitation, he also raised his hand to grab the other's ghost claw.

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