"The number of people today is odd." Miria noticed me.

I was about to speak, but she continued: "Then let me practice with you."

"What?" I opened my mouth in surprise.

She... doesn't she hate orcs?

"What's the matter, Bullock, you don't want to?" Miria pressed the hilt of her waist and stared into my eyes, "You don't want to be lazy in my class alone, do you?"

"No!" I shook my head vigorously, "It's a great honor."

This posture, if you don't agree with it, you will be chopped down immediately...

"That's good." She took the wooden sword from the weapon rack, and walked towards me under the surprised eyes of other students.

What is she thinking?

"Let's get started." She stood a few steps in front of me.

"Hmm... Please advise." Confused, I also picked up the practice sword assigned to me.

She stood the wooden sword in front of her for a few seconds, and then took the lead in attacking.

It was just a blink of an eye.

She had already rushed in front of me, with the wooden sword pointed directly at my chest.

So fast!

The conditioned reflex cultivated by the rich actual combat made the body move before thinking, and I turned sideways to let the stab pass by.

Frustrated, she turned her wrist decisively and let the wooden sword sweep towards this side.

I hurriedly stepped back to create a distance, and the tip of the sword almost swept past my chest.

The swordsmanship is quite good, this female elf, you have to be more serious!

This time it was me who took the initiative to attack.

I adjusted my posture, took a step forward, and at the same time raised the wooden sword high and slashed at her.

She reacted quickly and raised her sword to block it.


The clashing wooden swords made a crackling sound, and I clearly felt that the sword in my hand had lost some weight.

"This..." I looked at the wooden sword in my hand in surprise.

I didn't use much effort just now...

"It's broken, the wooden sword has been eaten by moths for too long." Mi Ruiya was very calm.

"No, it feels like...it's not like this..." I looked at the broken part of the wooden sword and couldn't help frowning.

More than half of the fracture is quite flat, and it feels as if it was sawed in half, so it broke when it was hit.

"Anyway, it seems that there is no extra training sword." Miriah glanced at the empty sword stand, and then pressed her hand on the long sword at her waist. Guy. Then Brock, follow me to the equipment room, get the sword and come back to continue." She looked at me and said with a blank expression.

"If it's just to get a sword, don't bother you, teacher, you can go there, I myself..."

"This is my class, how could I let an orc move out of my sight?" She frowned slightly.

"I understand……"

"You guys continue to practice." After she ordered the students, she turned to me again, "You, come with me."

After she finished speaking, she turned and walked towards the door.

I always feel...something is not quite right.

Although such an idea came up, I really had no other choice but to follow.


Judging from the two classes I have attended, this swordsmanship teacher has always given others a cold and free and easy feeling in the class, with little expression change, short speech, and flat tone, but the teaching is very good.She has great prestige among the students, and her classroom discipline has always been good.

I remember that when I heard Roland introduce the teachers of this academy, she mentioned that like Roland, she is an elf who has experienced the war in the abyss, and she is also a knight of honor in this country.

In fact, judging from her usual upright standing posture and the kind of ability revealed in every move, it is enough to see that she is a well-trained warrior.

For that alone, among other things, I have respect for her.

But this kind of her... why is she walking in front of me looking defenseless now?

Walking in the corridor, looking at the back a few steps away, I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

She hasn't looked back since just now.

If we were to switch places, I would definitely feel uneasy about the person holding a murder weapon behind me who seemed to be hostile to me. Anyone who has received serious combat training should feel this way.

Maybe...it's because I'm very confident in my own strength...

I try to pull my mind toward the most plausible explanation.

We soon arrived at the equipment room. Miria opened the door of the equipment room with the key and led me in.

"As for the wooden sword, I remember that it should be placed in that box. There are several specifications. You can choose the one that suits you." She leaned against the door and pointed to the box in the corner at the end of the room.

"Okay." I walked over and squatted down, just about to open the box——


Suddenly there was a door closing sound from behind.

I turned my head in surprise, just in time to see Miriah put the key into the keyhole on the inside of the door, and locked the door with a click.

"Teacher, what are you doing?" I asked in a daze, "Why did you lock the door?"

"When I just opened the door, I felt that there was something wrong with the keyhole. I just wanted to check it again." She glanced here expressionlessly, "Please don't worry, you can just pick your things."

"Oh, oh..." I turned around in a daze and opened the box.

Then the whole person froze.

There is no wooden sword at all, and the whole box is full of inexplicable things. The props that can be seen at a glance include: ropes, shackles, collars, leather whips, candles, eye masks, and a ball connected in the middle. belt for what...

What the fuck is this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this's, this, this, this, this, this, this's, this, this, this's, this, this's, this, this, this, this's, this, this, this's, this, mother's mother!" ?

"Well, teacher, in this box—"

As soon as I turned my head, I heard a crisp and crisp sound.

It was the sound of metal breaking.

"Oh, I was not careful..." Mi Ruiya looked at me holding the half key, "I used too much force."

I was dumbfounded.

No, if you are not careful, the key is made of brass, and most people can twist it on purpose.How much effort did you use, the half of the key in your hand is almost twisted, isn't it?

But after all, I didn't say these complaints.

Because I saw Miria trembling slightly and pulled out the sword at her waist, and with the other hand took out the crystal that can activate the electric shock function of the collar on my neck: "I was actually locked in the same room with the orc... Don't mess around!"

You just don't mess around!I'm unarmed here, okay?

"Hey, hey, hey, wait, teacher, calm down!" I panicked all of a sudden, because it's really insensitive to be stabbed by an electric shock or stabbed in this kind of thing.

Wait a minute!It seems that she twisted the key off on purpose.

Doesn't this elf female knight who hates orcs wants to... take this opportunity to engage in a secret room murder case and erase me from here?

I can't help but feel a coolness slipping behind me.

Damn it, as long as she still has that crystal in her hand, it's impossible for me to beat her!


The crackling sound echoed in the airtight room.

I'm completely petrified.

"Oops, I accidentally broke the activation crystal."

Throwing the crystal on the ground and splitting it with a long sword, Miria said in a trembling voice.


She split the crystal...



I'm completely confused about the situation.

At this time, she took further action.


She threw the sword aside.

"Even the sword was accidentally dropped, so I'm unarmed." She said out of breath.

No, it was clearly thrown out by you, okay?

"Being locked in such a closed room with the orcs, but without any means of resistance, it's really terrible!"

Um?Is this guy scared?

From what I've seen of most of the elves I've met in this country, it's their normal reaction to be afraid of me.

But... Since he is afraid, why does this guy have such a flushed face, bright eyes, and gasping for breath?

I began to realize that the shaking in her body and voice didn't seem to be caused by fear.

Not good, very bad.

It is clear that the opponent has completely disarmed, but my intuition tells me that the elf in front of me is more dangerous than the one who came just now.

For the first time in my life, I had a fear of elves.

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