She smiled at me too, and wrote, "I should go back."

"Yeah, it's getting late." I looked up at the gradually dimming sky.

Angelica got up and walked out of the woods.

This is almost the edge of the forest, and she also walked through this forest, so she probably doesn't need my escort.

Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered one thing: "Oh, that's right!"

She stopped and turned around.

"This forest seems to be infested with ferocious beasts. It's better not to go too deep for a walk in the future." I remembered that I found the scratches of wild beasts while hunting today.

She blinked a few times, then nodded at me.

"Then let's go."

I waved my hand and watched her go.

Although I can only write on the ground and don't talk much, it's been a long time for me to communicate with normal people.

It doesn't feel bad.


The next morning, I took my usual seat in the back corner with a large space around.

This course is a general study of continental biology, and it is the first one I have taken since I came here.

According to what Roland said, I don't care too much about the need for my studies here, I just need to obey the rules on the surface and live in peace with the teachers and students here.

I have taken similar courses in the tribe's academy in the past, and I have some travel and hunting experience myself, so I plan to take this class casually.

I just hope that the teacher in charge of the class is at least a normal elf... Yesterday's experience left me with lingering fears.

The bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom through the front door.

The students who were still noisy a moment ago became quiet in an instant.

And I was stunned in place.

The silver-haired female elf in front of the podium looked around the auditorium, and then her gaze stayed on my side.

The dean of this college, Ms. Roland, looked over the many students, with an elegant smile on her face.

Um?Was this class originally taught by her?

Also, since he is the dean, it is normal for him to teach courses.

If it was her who sincerely hoped for the reconciliation between the elves and the orcs, she probably wouldn't have caused any strange incidents for me...

I don't know why I feel a little confused when I think of this.

"Class is over, everyone, please turn to page No. 30." Roland's lecture began.

... The first half hour of class passed almost in a blink of an eye.

"...That is to say, the werewolf itself is not an independent race, but a specially-made human being infected with the werewolf curse. This curse allows their body to change into a wolf form. After human beings are infected with this curse, various Symptoms, including canine teeth becoming abnormally developed, hair thickening, becoming more hyperactive at night and showing bloodthirsty feral instincts, most of the time werewolves will behave like ordinary humans. Their danger lies in their The intensity of the curse on their bodies will change with the phases of the moon, and the wildness lurking on them on the night of the full moon will rise to the extreme. If they directly witness the full moon at this time, the power of the curse will be out of control, causing them to lose their minds and transform into wolves uncontrollably This kind of curse has never been observed in our elves who rarely communicate with the outside world, and dwarves who are naturally resistant to magic and curses..." Roland in front of the blackboard spoke in a cadenced voice Clearly summarizes the key points of the class.

I stopped writing and looked at the podium again, and I couldn't help but nodded my head in admiration.

The speech was so good that even I, who was just going to listen to it casually, was submerged in it unknowingly, and took notes together with other students.

She explains in a very organized way and interacts with the students. Not only that, she also uses her extensive knowledge and knowledge to quote from many sources, which is very fascinating.

This is not surprising, after all, she has lived for many years, both in terms of experience and teaching experience must be very rich.

At this moment, she just stopped, and her eyes seemed to glance towards this side inadvertently.

The moment she met my eyes, she suddenly narrowed her eyes, making her eyes sharper.

You can't be thinking of something impolite - I don't know why I read it in her eyes.

Could it be that this female elf can read minds?

I lowered my eyes guiltily and turned my attention to the textbook.

Speaking of which, the teaching materials for elves are really well written, with detailed pictures and texts, and a unified standard to classify and summarize the creatures introduced in the book. For example, the danger level of creatures for their elves is uniformly classified as safe, low-risk, There are five levels of danger, high danger, and extreme danger, marked with green, yellow, orange, red, and black. For example, the level of werewolves is dangerous orange, while the high-level demons and dragons written in the next hundred or so pages are black Well, the whole book is arranged according to this level. This point alone is of great practical value, and our orc-related textbooks only have some illustrations containing basic information.

"The above is the whole content of this chapter." Roland glanced at the wall clock on the wall, "There is still a lot of time, let's take this opportunity to preview the content of the next lesson together, please turn the textbook to No.80 seven pages."

I also flipped through the book with other students.

What kind of creature will be explained in the next lesson, the number of pages is so low that it must be too dangerous——

My thinking was cut off when I saw the first two lines next to that page of illustrations:

Biological common name: Orc

Hazard Class: Black (for women)

?????Orange (for men)



"What the hell is this broken writing!!" I got up angrily, grabbed the long row of tables and threw it hard, and the female elves in the classroom screamed and fled in all directions...

— I almost did.

You really look down on us for writing us as dangerous as dragons and high-ranking demons, and only for women! ?

Calm down, calm down, there is no point in doing this, it will only make the situation worse.This group of long ears is just such a group who hold on to this prejudice and send a generation of men to the battlefield as cannon fodder. Didn’t I know it a long time ago...

I kept reminding myself like this repeatedly in my heart, and forcibly suppressed the urge to flip the table in my body.

"Student Brock, what's the matter? Are you shaking all the time? Are you feeling unwell?" Roland "accidentally" noticed my abnormality, and asked with concern.

This guy pretends to be confused while pretending to understand.

"No, I'm fine, I'm just a little cold." I kept my face cold and tried my best not to twitch the muscles on my face.

"Is that so? It's summer now..." She smiled and said very familiar words, and suddenly clapped her hands, "Ah, come to think of it, aren't you an orc, Bullock?"

The only one in the audience is me, a strong orc man who is two circles bigger than any of the female elves in front of me. You can see me all the time, don't make it seem like you just remembered, okay?

"Then come to the podium, it's easier for everyone to understand with a physical model." She smiled meaningfully at me and made a gesture of invitation.

I couldn't help being taken aback.

What is this guy going to do?

"What? Is there any inconvenience?" Seeing that I didn't respond immediately, she asked.

"No..." I hesitated and stood up slowly.

I can't find a reason to refuse.

I walked along the aisle to the podium, and the female students sitting in the aisle seats all squeezed into the inner side of the long row of seats as I walked.

I turned and stood in front of the podium and glanced at the auditorium.

The female elf students avoided my sight one by one.

Those of you who are not pregnant should also have some common sense of physiology...

Well, on my side, I should almost get used to it.

"Then, as you can see, the transfer student Brock who has been in class with us these days is an orc. I believe everyone has a certain understanding of orcs." Roland began to explain.

I think that kind of understanding should be called misunderstanding.

"At present, the orcs have not been classified as a primate race by the alliance. Does anyone know what the alliance determines the primate race and the civilized race? Classmate Monier."

A female elf student stood up gracefully: "The criterion for a primate race is to have at least one set of systematic and translatable language and characters, and the vast majority of individuals in the race have the ability to master this language. Civilized races The criterion is to have at least one sovereign state dominated by that race based on that."

"Perfect answer, you work very hard."

Roland gave her an approving look, and the female elf student sat down with a happy face.

It seems that she is quite respected by the students...

Roland continued to explain: "Based on this standard, orcs are qualified to be classified as a civilized race. However, they are not even classified as a primate race in the classification of the alliance. The reason is still that the orcs However, in human countries, more and more scholars are calling for the rectification of the orc name, because there is a lot of evidence that several existing orc tribes have assisted in the past. Alliance against the Demon King."

There was a commotion among the students in the auditorium. Obviously, many of them were hearing this kind of thing for the first time.

"Student Bullock." At this moment, Roland suddenly clicked on me.

"Well... here!"

I responded subconsciously, and glanced at Roland beside me, only to realize that she was also looking at her with knowing eyes.

"Is there any relevant statement in your place?"

That's it!

I was enlightened at this moment, understood her true meaning, and nodded quickly: "Yes, our ancestors rebelled against the Demon King during the Battle of the Abyss, they used their blood to bring freedom and independence to our tribe, they are our heroes! "

With a dubious expression, the students began to whisper.

Yes, the estrangement between us and the elves stems from past feuds, and that strange misinterpretation is also a product of this historical origin.In fact, after the demon king was defeated, there was no need for the two races to hate each other. However, due to the lack of communication and understanding, the mutual understanding between the two races remained in the past.

Roland is giving the students here a chance to learn about us orcs through the lectures.

Although it is impossible to completely reverse the prejudice all at once, it is also a very important step for them to have a basic understanding.We orcs are no longer the bloodthirsty and warlike barbarians who were enslaved by the devil in the past. We are also a race yearning for peace and freedom. At least we must first popularize such a concept for them.

"Then about the characteristics of orcs, as you can see, first of all, orcs have a tall body that is difficult for humans, elves, and dwarves, Brock."


"What is your height?"

"Two meters to one."

"According to the current statistical information of the alliance's biological community, the average height of orc men is more than 1.9 meters, which is nearly fifteen centimeters higher than the average height of elf men. And the physique standing here is also top-notch among orcs. In addition, orcs, especially men, are above the above three races in terms of physical strength and self-healing ability. I believe everyone has heard of the most commendable point of orc men..." Roland He paused at this point, and the corners of his mouth curled up slyly, "It's still a certain body tissue whose size far exceeds that of other races."

The atmosphere in the classroom turned abruptly, and fell into dead silence in an instant.


With a frozen expression of disbelief, I slowly turned my head towards her as if my neck joints were rusted.

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