"Brock..." The chief who walked across the bridge looked at me with sorrow.

I stood on the bridge and turned around, returning a firm look: "I see, chief, after I'm done, you go!"

I was chosen to die.

"I should have died in an honorable battle with you...I'm sorry!" the chief gritted his teeth in humiliation.

"I understand that the tribe still needs you to lead. You are not living just to survive, but for the sake of the overall situation! Take my share and fight together!" I raised my battle ax towards the chief, "Go now, I Come block those long ears!"

"Heroic warrior, the ancestors are with you!" The chief had tears in his eyes, "One day we will meet in the grassland where souls return!"

After the chief finished speaking, he turned around and ran towards the valley without looking back.

And I turned in another direction, looking at the forest at the bridge head.

The increasingly clear sound of footsteps indicated that the pursuers had arrived, and several flying arrows were shot from the forest.

With my thick battle-axe across my body, I blocked two arrows that pierced my throat, two that arced from above and pierced my shoulders, and the remaining arrows penetrated the bridge.

Hmph, it doesn't hurt or itch, the thin arrows of the elves with long ears are like needles to the strong orcs.

Elven archers in gray cloaks and silver masks appeared from the depths of the forest, and they drew arrows and bows one after another.

I took a deep breath, gathered my strength, and uttered a battle cry to the forest that could shock a woolly mammoth to death: "I am Brock, a warrior of the Bloodaxe clan! Who dares to fight to the death with me!"

This roar obviously broke the courage of these archers, and these elves stopped their movements for a moment.

A bunch of cowards!Let you see what a real warrior is!

I roared again, and charged at them with my ax in hand.

The archers hurriedly rearranged their positions, and the second wave of arrows, which arrived late, shot towards this side.

I deflected the arrows heading for the vital point with my tomahawk, charged across the bridge, stepped on the ground at the end of the bridge, and jumped up, leaving deep footprints on the forest land.

I dodged a few arrows with this jump, and at the same time shortened the distance to the archer closest to me—in less than twenty steps, I could rush over and chop off the opponent's head.

The archer trembled, and then screamed, turned and ran away without hesitation, but tripped over a tree root after not taking a few steps.

Um?This voice... is it a female elf?

Speaking of which, the troops sent by the forest elves who have been in conflict with our tribe are basically female elves...

But no matter if you are a man or a woman, you are a warrior when you step on the battlefield!What a shame to be so cowardly, it is a shame to the profession of warrior!

I couldn't help being angry from the bottom of my heart, I rushed forward and raised the tomahawk at her.

Since I am destined to die here, let me fight until the last moment. It is the long-cherished wish of every orc warrior to die on the battlefield!

You are the first sacrifice!

Just when my battle ax was about to drink blood, an invisible shock penetrated the side of my brain.

Suddenly, the world spun.

The tomahawk fell from my hand.

I can't stand still... I really want to sleep...

When my consciousness was blurred, I saw a figure in a long robe holding a staff not far away.

Elven... Mage...

"Finally caught it!" When I fell down, I heard the mage say this in a smiling voice.

In this way, I became the captive of the elves.


"The punishment for you has been decided, do you still want to remain silent?" The elf mage named Roland crossed his legs in front of me, and his sitting posture did not look very decent.

It was this elf who used magic to sneak attack and capture me alive, and then made a strange proposal at the trial meeting-let me be educated in the elf academy.

"What the hell are you thinking about!" I questioned the elf loudly, almost at a growling volume.

Whether it was on the way I was brought here or now that I am alone in the room with her, I really want to take advantage of her unpreparedness to subdue her, and then ask her for the escape route with the highest success rate, and then escape from this ghost place back to their tribe.

But now I can't even lift a finger.The mage carefully "ordered" me to keep sitting cross-legged in front of the desk, while he sat down on the desk and looked down at me.

This damn magic item collar makes me unable to defy her, I have to find a chance to destroy it...

"If you want to damage this collar, you should save it. This is Saidian's chief mage, which is my special magic tool. No matter if it is chopped with a knife or an axe, it will be fine if it is burned or flooded."

She saw through my thoughts at once, and smiled jokingly at me.


"To some extent, you should be grateful to me. It was I who tried my best at the trial meeting to save you from being imprisoned for life." There was a smile in her voice.

"Bah! I didn't ask you to do this!" I stared back ungratefully.

"Oh, that's really vulgar. At the trial meeting, you kept saying that you orcs are a civilized race, but you can't even speak calmly?" She smiled unabated, coping with it with ease.

I couldn't say a word of rebuttal immediately.

Tsk, although I am very unwilling, this elf's eloquence is obviously better than mine, I can't say no to her at all...

"Okay, no kidding." With a triumphant smile, she adjusted her sitting position slightly, "Speaking of business, you should have understood at the trial meeting, I want you to study this matter in my academy—— "

"I refuse!" I interrupted her loudly before she could finish speaking.

"Rejected? Saidian Central College is the most prestigious institution in this country. There are so many elves trying to get in. How dare you say you refused?"

"I'm not an elf!"

"Oh? If you refuse, your tribe might be wiped out. Is it okay?"

"What!?" I was startled.

"Hmph, you are finally interested in the topic." Roland smiled.

"Stop talking nonsense! What did you say about my tribe being wiped out?" I immediately asked.

"Answer me a question first. If your tribe and the elf country Sadie go to war, which side do you think will win?"

I fell silent again.

The answer to this question is too obvious, the country of the elves, the country of the forest, Saidian is a big country with a long history, and our blood ax tribe is a small tribe that was exiled due to the drought at 1.5 years ago and only settled in the valley a few years ago. If there is a war, our Bloodaxe clan has almost no chance of winning.

"The valley you occupied without authorization is on the border of our country. Because it is not suitable for elves to live in, our country has not incorporated it into its territory. But I think no elves would like a group of orcs living near the border. You know , the orcs used to be a race led by the Demon King, and they have always been sworn enemies with us elves."

"But the devil is dead! We have long been freed from the slavery of the devil. Our ancestors rebelled against the devil at that time and exchanged their blood for today's freedom. Our tribe had to migrate here because of the drought in the north , we just want to live on the land, and we have no intention of invading your country at all."

"But I don't think many elves will believe it." Roland finally got off the table, "To tell you the truth, our country has put on the agenda the proposal to fully expel you, but some people are hesitating. There will be casualties. If this can be resolved peacefully, everyone will be happy."

"Then why don't you do that? It's because you never gave us a chance to negotiate peace! You rejected our envoys. All along the valley, only heavily armed troops have been approaching. It's an ambush, isn't it!"

As I said that, I got angry and rubbed against the ground again.

"Haven't you realized it?" She shook her head and sighed, "What kind of orcs exist in the traditional concept of elves, after the trial, you should understand a little bit now, right?"

I was speechless.

"Come on, these picture books and novels are the best-selling books about orcs created by our elves. Read them, and you should have a deeper understanding." Roland took a few books from the bookshelf. on the floor in front of me.

I looked at those books and couldn't help petrifying the spot.

"Elf text is more difficult for you to read, but you should be able to imagine the content of the book just by looking at the cover?" Roland stood beside me, bent down, and said to me with a smile.

Every book on the floor had male orcs and female elves drawn on the cover, and they were all pretty... ugly.


I reached out tremblingly, took a picture book and flipped through it.

"Oh, you're very discerning. This "The Elf Princess and the Seven Strong Orcs" was the best-selling book at that exhibition." Roland laughed, and at the same time began to explain the plot to me.

The content of this book is roughly like this:

Once upon a time there was a beautiful elf princess whose father married a new queen after her mother died.

The stepmother learned through the magic mirror that the princess is the most beautiful elf in the world. Because she was jealous of the princess's beauty, she recruited her men to kidnap the princess and throw her into a deep forest to fend for herself.

The lost princess was tired and fell asleep on the side of the road.

Seven strong orcs found the princess.

The terrible orcs tied the struggling princess into the cave.

Ten pages of content that is not suitable for children are omitted here.

The cruel queen learns that the princess is still alive through the magic mirror, disguises herself and takes the poisoned apple into the forest.

As a result, the queen was also captured by the orcs.

Another ten pages of inappropriate content.

The princess and queen lived a very miserable life ever since.

Congrats, congratulations.

"Congratulations, congratulations to your mother!" I was so angry that I threw the book to the ground.

"By the way, the one who mentioned the author is the prosecutor at the trial. Drawing manga is her side job."

"Is it her? I'm going to tear that bitch apart! This is completely distorting the facts!" My anger almost overflowed the small office.

By the way, can this kind of thing be released?This country's control over speech and publishing is too loose. If I were a prince and aristocrat in this country, I would definitely let the author of this kind of work be imprisoned!

"Please calm down, there are actually worse ones." Roland patted me on the shoulder, and pulled out a few picture books with even worse covers from nowhere, "They're all heavy mouthed."

"Why are there all such messy books!" I thumped the ground hard.

"As long as you orcs appear on the stage, they will become restricted no matter what." Roland shrugged.

"Does it mean that our existence itself is restricted?" I was a little desperate.

"Of course, after all, orcs are the kind of country that once conquered any intelligent species, from queens and princesses to civilian women, they will not let them go—"

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