"Is there anyone who can eat such a piece of hind leg? It won't fit into the stomach at all." Feilan's face was full of disbelief.

"Actually, I can finish it too, although it will be a little bit reluctant." I confirmed.

"Are they going to graze? What do those wolves do?" Princess Alyssa looked curiously at the several wargs circling around the hoof cow herd.

"That one is used to manage the cattle herd to prevent the cattle from straying away. These wargs have been trained to patrol around the cattle herd all the time. If a hoofed cow walks out of the herd, they will scare it back." Tira Wa replied calmly.

"It's the same as a shepherd dog." Alsena nodded.

"If it's not a distant herd, there is actually no need for a wolf. The pastures near the tribe are eroded and no grass can grow, so the herdsmen can only drive the hoof cattle to a distant place to graze. It is a beast that eats hoofed cattle, so the shepherd brought the wolf to fight together in that situation. Far-flung herding is actually quite dangerous, but it is also beneficial. Hoofed cattle are group activities. If you graze a large group of hoofed cattle far away, there is When you meet other lone hoof cows, the lone hoof hoof cows will come back with the herd.”

"Hey, do you also use oxen to plow the fields?" Arsena asked suddenly.

"Plowing the fields?" Tilawa turned her head slightly, "Isn't that a man's job?"

Indeed, in the tribe of orcs, plowing is directly in the charge of men.

"Why don't you use cattle? I see that people in the village use cattle to plow the fields." Angelica asked, and I remembered that she lived in a human village.

"However, hooves are very irritable and sensitive when they are fierce, especially when they are driven out alone. If they leave the herd, they will run around when they are stimulated, and they will only trample the field into a mess." Ti Rava replied.

"But if it's done by a human, isn't it... very difficult?" Angelica asked.

"No, men are quick at plowing fields." Tilawa shook his head suspiciously, "I see that they all fixed heavy objects on the plows, put ropes around their bodies, and then ran directly in the fields. Ah, some men also like to let their wives beat him behind with a whip, so that they will be more excited... although I don't know exactly what the intention is."

"Why does it sound a bit perverted?" Feilan frowned slightly.

"The warrior battalion will also regularly let soldiers do this kind of work as training. Everyone likes it very much. They will also run races in the fields. I have done it too. I have always been No.1." I also joined this topic .

"...Do you also like being chased and beaten with a whip?" Feilan's face flashed a trace of disgust.

"I don't have that hobby..."

I feel that the atmosphere is really good at the moment. Sitting on the open-air lawn while having lunch and chatting makes people feel quite relaxed. After you say something to me, Tilawa, who was not very familiar with other people, naturally blends in Come in.

"Ah, by the way, you've already finished eating." Feilan suddenly turned her face away as if remembering something.

"What happened after eating?" I was a little confused.

"Then let's talk about it now, who cooks the best food?" Feilan suddenly fixed her eyes on me like a sword, "Come on, tell them that I am the one who cooks the best food!"

"Well..." As soon as I started talking, several pairs of eyes suddenly focused on me, and Angelica, who was sitting closest to me, reached out and grabbed my clothes.

Hey, why do you feel something is wrong?


The atmosphere was tensed all of a sudden like the strings on a bow, completely disappearing the joyful shadow just now.At the same time, my instinct to perceive danger was triggered again, and a chill ran down my spine.

I feel like I can't answer casually, but... I really don't like lying to people about this.

In the end, I made up my mind and answered honestly: "Yes... what Arsena gave me is the most suitable for my appetite."

Those air-dried raw hams with seasoning sauce and fried birds sprinkled with thick spicy seasoning powder, the seasonings are bold and unrestrained but wonderfully do not hide the taste of the top-quality ingredients themselves. I don’t know how to describe them specifically. In short It's the kind of dish that makes people feel the wild style unique to warriors. It's very delicious... It should be said that it's the first time I have eaten something that suits my appetite so much.

As soon as this remark came out, Arsena suddenly excitedly raised her hands as if agreeing to a duel and cheered: "Yeah!"

At the same time, everyone else showed more or less disappointment on their faces.

"Wait, isn't that right!" Feilan seemed to wake up suddenly, "You didn't make those things yourself at all!"

"Ah, that's right." Alsena finally came to her senses and suppressed the excitement.

"That's right, the chef you brought won." Angelica pouted.

"It's not right. The chef in the cooking class is not feeling well today. Mr. Wikas personally made the dishes for the chef and the people in the cooking class." Arsena recalled thoughtfully, "Wika Mr. Si is really good at cooking."

"You bastard... you actually like men!?" Feilan suddenly stared at me with wide eyes.

"It's just a dish made by a man." I quickly corrected her.

Man is iron, rice is steel (4)

"Then get rid of her, and what's left should be the best thing for this lady." Feilan raised her hand and pointed at Arsena, and began to pester her again.

"It's too much to exclude me!" Arsena was startled, "Is there no human right if you can't cook?"

"Anyway, what's left must be the best one for Miss Ben! Right, right!" Feilan's face with a serious expression got closer and closer, and she reached out to pinch my cheek, "Hurry up, Miss Ben It's the tastiest one!"

"You must be too competitive." I couldn't take it anymore, so I quickly pushed her down.

"Okay, Feilan, don't make things difficult for Bullock." Princess Alyssa helped me get rid of Feilan who was still stubborn.

Finally, I was able to calm down for a while, and I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The midday wind was blowing slowly, rustling the tree next to us.

Under the shade of the trees, I looked at the horizon beyond the settlement where the sky and the wilderness intersect, where the faint cloud lines formed ripples like fish scales.

It's been such a long, long time since I've been back to Wild of the Beasts.When the tribe was still here in the past, in the past like this time, I used to hunt for half a day and find an open space to light a fire to cook. If I had prey, because the internal organs of the prey were not easy to preserve, I would directly use it to make fresh ones. Ingredients.After a good meal, I will set up a warning trap around me, and then lie down and squat for a while-for me, that is the most relaxing time of the day.

Thinking about it this way, I suddenly felt a little sleepy, and couldn't help but yawned a lot.

"Brock, do you want to sleep?" Angelica immediately noticed my movements.

"Ah, let's sleep for a while." I nodded.

Anyway, it's still a while before work starts in the afternoon.

"In that case..." Upon hearing my words, Angelica revived like a warg smelling the aroma of barbecue, knelt up beside me and waved to me, "Come on! "

"What?" I was at a loss.

"Here, I'll use it as a pillow for you." She patted her thigh and said to me with bright eyes.

"Huh?" I was taken aback by her proposal.

At the same time, out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the faces of the others changed slightly as if they had been stabbed by a needle, and they focused their attention on this side.

"Hurry up, come on." Angelica still greeted me with a face of course.

"No, I'll just sit and meditate for a while." I thought about it, but still refused.

This is too much trouble for her, and... I always feel that other people are staring at me, which makes me feel uncomfortable.

I regretted just saying that, because Angelica immediately showed a shocked expression, her eyes drooped in disappointment: "Really..."

Before I had time to think of any words to respond to, Feilan's mocking voice came first: "Haha, girl, I'm afraid you'll panic when you put your short and thin legs on the pillow, no matter what..." Feilan As Lan spoke, he glanced at me suddenly, and then immediately looked away, "You have to reach my level."

"Hmm..." Angelica raised her head and puffed up her face in dissatisfaction, like a puffer fish.

"Ah, I have the longest legs!" Arsena raised her hand suddenly, and then sat up straight on the tablecloth, "Mr. Bullock, you can try it."

Forget it, if a werewolf knight commander passes by here, I will be torn to pieces on the spot... Thinking of this, I can't help but hesitate a bit.

Princess Alisa has been in a regular kneeling posture since the beginning. At this time, one hand was raised in front of her chest, her eyes were looking at me, her mouth was slightly opened, and she seemed hesitant to speak.

As for Tilawa, she was dumbfounded: "Everyone...are you so proactive?"

"You are forcing me to use my trump card." A voice that had not been heard before suddenly appeared beside me.

"Angelica?" I turned my head in surprise, and found that Angelika had transformed into an incomplete werewolf form. Her originally petite body had become exquisite, with animal ears growing out of her ears, and outstretched forearms and legs. Soft and dense animal fur was covered, and a fluffy wolf's tail protruded from under the skirt.

Everyone else showed expressions of surprise, especially Tilawa, who discovered Angelica was a werewolf for the first time, was so shocked that she covered her open mouth with both hands, unable to say anything.

"Okay, Brock, come to the pillow." She put the fluffy tail on her lap, and then said to me in a completely different voice than usual, which sounded like an order.

"This one……"

Seeing that I was still hesitating, she simply reached out and grabbed my collar, and pulled my head towards her lap: "Come here!"

I didn't expect her to move like this, so I couldn't help but leaned over and fell down. I put my head on her thigh with the wolf's tail, and it felt like falling into a ball of soft cotton.


Omg the softness...

I was immediately stunned by the unexpected wonderful touch.

I immediately recalled the experience of stroking the fur of Angelica who had completely turned into a giant wolf after hunting the Thunder Eagle. The perfect touch made me amazed.

And in her incomplete werewolf form, this tail is still as soft and delicate as before, so that I can't move my head while I am resting on this tail.

"How do you feel?" Angelica looked down at me.

"Well, um..." This comfortable touch made drowsiness gradually occupy my consciousness.

"Hey, girl, you are too bad." Feilan, who seemed to feel that she was being compared, immediately expressed her dissatisfaction.

"It's called talent." Angelica didn't care.

Angelica reached out and touched my hair with her paws, also covered in soft fur, which made my head feel even more dizzy.

...Well, let's just sleep like this.

Such thoughts appeared in the hazy mind that began to appear.

And just when I was about to obey this thought and slowly close my eyelids——

"What are you doing?"

A cold voice fell from the sky, like a rain of knives raining down from the sky, and a sharp blade was stabbed in front of my face.

I opened my eyes suddenly in the horror of an explosion, and then tremblingly moved my gaze to the direction of the sky.

"Lord Igna." Tilawa suddenly got up and saluted respectfully.

That's right, Igna's face appeared in my field of vision—she was standing next to the kneeling Angelica, overlooking me with my head resting on her lap, the expression on that face... I don't think I need to describe it anymore.

In short, that look is like looking at a dead person.

I couldn't get up just now, and I immediately jumped up like an electric shock.

Igna glanced around the crowd with no expression on her face, and then turned her gaze back again, her eyes suddenly became cold again: "It can be seen that you enjoy it very much."

"No, this, this..." I couldn't think of an explanation for a while.

"Okay, no need to say more, come with me, I have something to confirm with you here." Igna said coldly while looking at me.

Man is iron, rice is steel (5)

"Confirm? What's the matter?" I blinked twice.

"Just come." Igna's face showed a little impatience.

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