"Two arms?" I couldn't quite understand what he meant.

"I'll take a step back and just engrave the coat of arms on the two forearms. It only takes two hours to finish, and the wound will heal after a day of recuperation. This should be fine!" He stared at me seriously.

Only then did I realize that he was talking about only engraving the crest of the Berserker on my forearm.

"You haven't given up yet." I frowned slightly.

"Your aptitude is really suitable for mastering this power. I have considered it for you. You have been trained as a shaman, so you may have some resistance to the Berserker emblem that will affect your sanity when activated. But if you only engrave it like this If it’s a little bit, it won’t have so many bad effects.” Leilogard said to me, “Don’t worry, there are precedents for engraving only a small part of the coat of arms, and the benefits that can be obtained are quite good. Completely When activated, you can even kill a hoof ox with one punch!"

"What he said is true." Igna folded her hands on the opposite side and said briefly, "But the decision is still yours."

Hearing what she said, I also settled down and thought about it seriously.

I have already seen the effect of the Berserker's coat of arms on Raylorgard. It is indeed powerful enough to fascinate countless warriors.

If it's not forcibly arranged on me, I don't have any need to resist to the end.

"If there are people who need protection, it's not a bad thing to become stronger." Igna said again.

Hearing this sentence, I felt that something in my heart was touched.

I have faced monsters beyond my personal limits more than once, and more than once I have been in danger, and the people standing beside me at that time have also been in danger with me.

Just like when we faced the shadow king summoned by the elf mage sacrificed himself not long ago, when that monster caught Alsena, I had no time to save her.If it wasn't for Feilan's sudden bravery at the critical moment, Arsena might have died.

Looking back now, we can escape from danger again and again, and it is more or less dependent on a little bit of luck.

But luck will not always be on our side.If one day I encounter a similar situation again, if something happens to some of them because of my inability to do anything... then it is not possible to forgive myself by saying "I tried my best".

Now that you have experienced your own limit, there is no reason not to try to break through it.

"Okay." After thinking about it, I answered, "I am willing to accept the coat of arms."

"Great! You finally made a wise choice!" Relogard patted me on the shoulder overjoyed, and then took out the ointment for depicting the coat of arms and the blood-stained carving knife from nowhere and clapped At the table, "Okay, then without further ado—"

"I can do just engraving blood patterns, let me do it. You go and bring the shadow shaman here, he will be the one to perform the final bestowing ceremony." Igna suddenly interrupted him.

"Oh yes, sir, he can't get off the ground today after running yesterday, we have to ask someone to carry him!" Leilogard slapped his head.

Speaking of which, the shadow shaman was also forced by Igna to run around yesterday... Is it really all right?

After Relogard left, only Igna and I were left in the tent.

Igna found out the herbs for disinfection, and gestured to me across the table: "Bring it here."

"Oh." I stretched out my hand without thinking.

Igna turned on a lamp as extra lighting, wiped my forearm with a wet towel dipped in lotion, then dipped the ointment with a carving knife, and began to concentrate on drawing blood on my arm tattoo.

The skin sent a tingling sensation, which made me tense my muscles reflexively.

"Relax, or it will be difficult for me to draw." She said without raising her head.

"Oh." I took a deep breath, trying to relax my arms.

Then we were silent for a long time while she concentrated on carving my arm, wiping off excess ointment and blood with gauze, while I just watched.

But I didn't feel any embarrassment, but a little nostalgia.In the past, I was often injured all over by her hunting training. When I got home and sat on the stool, she would help me treat those wounds without saying a word, and then she would say to me to rest after the dressing was over. Go eat right away.

But today she started the conversation midway: "I heard about it."

"Have you heard?" I didn't respond for a moment.

"That silver-haired elf mage told me about what you experienced in Saidian today." Igna said while engraving the pattern.

"Hey, she didn't say anything strange." I immediately became vigilant, for fear that Roland would add more details to tease me.

"Don't worry, those are serious things." Igna's tone remained calm, but the movements of her hands visibly slowed down, "I already know that you worked hard there, before... I misunderstood you, sorry."

I froze for a moment, and Igna apologized to me, which was really the first time in her life.

"It's okay..." I scratched my head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Did you have a hard time during that time?" After another silence, she spoke, her tone as flat as talking about the weather.

"A little bit..." I looked up and thought about it, paused, and suddenly those faces that were noisy around me all day appeared in my mind, "But I feel pretty good now."

"It's obvious." Igna's voice that floated to her ears this time seemed to have a faint smile.

I was stunned for a moment. In my memory, Igna has almost never smiled in front of me.

I subconsciously moved my gaze away, and Igna, who came into view, was still expressionless.

It's me... Did you hear me wrong?

Doubtful (1)

I awoke the next morning with tingling in both arms.

I raised my arms, and what came into view was the intricate coat of arms tattooed on my hands, glowing dark red, like lava that had cooled halfway.

After such a night, the skin wound carved on my hand has already healed most of it under the superior physique of herbs and orcs. What really hurts me is actually the spell cast on it by the shadow shaman.

According to Lerogarde, this is because the coat of arms has been activated all the time. The symptoms will last for about two days, and then the blood streaks will gradually stabilize.In the future, this coat of arms will only be activated when it comes into contact with one's own blood, or when the body is triggered to cause severe pain and anger.

He also gave me a bracelet with a blade made of mammoth ivory. The blade is relatively blunt and will not hurt people with ordinary touch, but if you hold it in your hand and press it hard, it can still cut the wound .

I raised my hand and stretched my fingers.

Fortunately, apart from a little pain on the coat of arms on the forearm, everything else has no effect.

Roland said yesterday that the investigation work here will be finished in a few days, so let's take advantage of these few days to do more work on the land purification.

In addition to using the magic props of the elves, those experienced shamans also taught me how to communicate with the land by calling the "spirit", and by guiding the power of the land itself, the eroded land can be restored to its original balance.It's just that during our experiment yesterday, we discovered that there seemed to be a slight earthquake in the depths of the ground. Although it was not to the extent of triggering an earthquake on the ground, it still had an impact on the fine adjustment we made with spells— ——Earthquake phenomena are not particularly rare in the Wild of Beasts, which is one of the reasons why the efficiency of using shaman spells to purify the land is relatively low.

Just when I finished washing, someone opened the curtain of my tent and broke in: "Lord Brock!"

I turned my head in amazement and saw Tilawa standing at the door of my tent.

Um?What is she doing here?

For a moment, I felt confused, but then, I noticed that her expression was obviously a little anxious, and her breathing was a little short, she might have been running all the way here.

"What's wrong?" I asked quickly.

"Yesterday, yesterday, something happened to the team of the Wolf Head clan on the way back! Lord Igna is convening people to discuss, please come with me immediately!" Panting, Tilawa raised her hand and pointed outside the tent.

"What?" I was taken aback.

Yesterday we distributed the spell scrolls and crystals made by the Saidian Temple for several tribes to purify the land, and taught those shamans how to use them. let's go.Among them, the residence of the Wolf Head Clan is the closest to the Shouya Clan. Normally, they should have arrived at their own tribe by nightfall last night.

I left the temporary living area of ​​the camp with Tilawa, and came to the big tent where Igna sent out the call. Arrived at the scene, Igna and Lerogard's expressions were very dignified.

"Everyone is here, so I'll get straight to business." Igna glanced at me and said straight to the point, "It's been roughly confirmed that the team of the Wolf Head Clan has been killed."

I heard the shocking news before I could sit down, and I couldn't help being dumbfounded on the spot.

In contrast, Wikas and An Erwei, who were mainly investigating cases, reacted faster, and immediately gave Igna a look of "please explain".

"At midnight last night, the sentry at the border of our settlement saw a fireball rising in the direction the Wolfshead clan was leaving as a signal for help, and immediately sent a cavalry team to check it out." Igna glanced solemnly Everyone present, "Then just a few minutes ago, the cavalry team came back to report the situation, and they found a lot of blood and a huge deep pit at the scene, and the team of the Wolf Head Clan was gone. There was a lot of blood found at the scene , and there is no trace of a pursuit battle, from these clues we speculate that the team of the Wolf Head Clan was ambushed and attacked, and I am afraid that no one survived."

The horrifying atmosphere was compressed and solidified in this tent, and I felt my scalp tingle a little.

The Wolf Head Clan was killed...

The Wolf Head Clan is a clan famous for breeding excellent breeds of wolf and training elite wolf cavalry. Except for the accompanying shaman, the team they sent this time are all brave wolf cavalry.

If they just encountered a difficult enemy by chance, the wolf cavalry team should not be completely wiped out, because the wolf runs very fast, and the only way to wipe out the wolf cavalry team before it has time to escape is to rely on ambush.But it is not easy to ambush the wolf cavalry. First of all, there are very few terrains suitable for ambush in the Wild of Beasts, and secondly, the trained wolf is extremely sensitive to smell.

The cavalry was able to respond in time to send a signal for help, but failed to send even a single survivor to report the situation, and there was not a single body left at the scene... I really can't imagine what kind of ambush the murderer used.

"About this matter, there is a detail that needs to be mentioned." Igna continued, "The route back for the team of the Wolf Head Clan is not the same as that of other clans. Before going back, we entrusted them with one thing, which is to take a short detour to investigate the ruins of the stronghold we captured before, and then the messenger eagle will come back and report to us about the situation there, because we originally planned to go there this afternoon. Take the guests there to investigate. The place where the wolf head clan was ambushed and killed was halfway to that stronghold, and they followed the route we provided them."

"Does this mean...the information has been leaked?" Roland said softly.

"That's right." Igna nodded expressionlessly, "Although this entrustment is not a secret, it was only mentioned within this tribe. The team of the Wolf Head Clan set off shortly after receiving our entrustment. , if there hadn’t been an information leak on the spot when we proposed the commission to them, it would be hard to imagine that the murderer could lay an ambush on that route in time enough to completely wipe out a team—”

Halfway through Igna's speech, there was suddenly a dispute in orc language outside the tent.

"Get out of the way! Don't stop me! I want to see the chief!"

"The chief is discussing important matters with his guests!"

It seemed that someone had a dispute with the soldiers guarding outside the tent.

"What kind of guests, our information has been leaked. The most suspicious people are the strangers who set foot on our land! At this time, we should gather them together and check them out. Why did the chief talk to them about this matter? !?"

Doubtful (2)

Orc disputes are always loud, so this movement can be heard clearly in the tent.

Both An Erwei and Wikas looked puzzled, obviously they didn't understand the orc language very well.

Only Roland understood the dispute outside, and cast his eyes on Igna meaningfully: "It sounds like someone here has a problem with us."

With a sullen face, Igna let out a long breath, and ordered outside the tent: "Okay, let him in."

Only then did the soldiers outside let go, and then a tall orc with a scar on his face broke into the tent.

"Gnaru, what do you mean by breaking into our meeting?" Igna asked him coldly.

"Chief, sir." The scar-faced orc named Gnaru gave a symbolic military salute to Relogard and Igna, then glanced at Roland and the others without concealing his hostility, "I apply for complete Check out these elves and humans who set foot on our territory, detain them for inspection, and search their camps."

This time he used the lingua franca, and finally understood his purpose. Both An Erwei and Wikas frowned at him, and there was a faint atmosphere of tension in the air.

"Why?" Igna asked blankly.

"Now it is certain that the team of the Wolf Head Clan was entrusted by us to investigate from the inside. And these outsiders are very suspicious! I don't think it is appropriate for the two of you to talk about this matter with these people, but All of them should be controlled immediately and examined." Gnaru simply raised his hand this time and pointed at Roland and the others, "We must find out the spies immediately, otherwise we will not be able to explain to the Wolf Head Clan!"

"Gnaru, although you have been guarding the reservation, I should have informed you of the agreement we reached with Saidian and Helgia. They came to help us according to the agreement. When we landed They have already been checked by personnel, and their actions these two days are completely under our arrangement, their suspicion is not that great, I don't think it is necessary to do that." Igna replied with a blank face He changed his expression, and then added another sentence, "And you are acting too much now, restrain yourself a little."

When the five clans sent troops to Saidian before, they all relocated a lot of people from their own clans, but most of the population still stayed in the reservation. This Gnaru is probably one of the people who stayed here. commander.

For the orcs staying here, the news that the six major tribes shook hands with Saidian and Helgia is just news, and they don't know much about the detailed process. I'm afraid they are subconsciously aware of this matter. There is no real sense of the matter. After such a thing occurs, it is natural to cast doubts on outsiders first. When the serial disappearances occurred in Helgia before, those humans also suspected that they migrated to the nearby of orcs.

"I chose senior knights who have been with me for more than five years this time, and they will have no problem." Wikas said, staring into Genalu's eyes without flinching.

"Me too. My team is full of old people who have worked in the Law Enforcement Agency for more than 40 years. It is impossible for them to have spies." An Erwei also responded.

"It's not up to you to say that there will be no problem." Gnaru narrowed his eyes menacingly at them, and the atmosphere was a little tense.

"We don't have a large number of people. After entering your tribe, we have been very cooperative in accepting your arrangements and inspections. To be honest, I think it is more likely that the people in your tribe got mixed up with ghosts." Roland calmly Said.

"What did you say!?"

Her analysis immediately ignited Gnaru's anger, and Gnaru took a step towards her hostilely.

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