Then before it could react, I punched it directly in the chest.The crest of the berserker made me exert far more strength than usual, and I smashed the monster's ribs with one punch, causing its chest to collapse.

If it was an ordinary creature, this punch would have completely destroyed the vital heart and lungs.

However, to my great surprise, the monster was still able to move.It reacted, as if it was not afraid of pain at all, it used the two extra claws growing on its back to swing over.

I simply grabbed those two hands and twisted it again, breaking its arm joints and dragging it up from the ground, and then throwing it over my shoulder like a cannonball with the surge of power that was activated by the coat of arms. A brick wall in the distance.

The brick wall was broken, and the monster's body was deeply embedded in it, like a relief.

I am sure that most of the monster's bones have been broken by this time, and the rest of the internal organs have not all been broken and absolutely all moved.

But it still moves.

It struggled to move its body down from the wall. Its body structure was obviously that of a monster lying on the ground, but now its four arms were broken by me, and even its spine was twisted by me. With a bent and broken back, he used his two legs to support himself.

Even so, it still opened its mouth full of fangs towards this side, screaming horribly, and rushed over like crazy.

It's really creepy...

I clenched my fist, ready to blow its head away this time.

At this moment, Roland raised his hand, and thick vines grew under the monster's feet, entangled it tightly.Then the fire surged up, igniting the monster and the vine together into a bright torch.

The monster struggled in the flames, and its sharp neighing tore everyone's eardrums.

"Don't be dazed, kill that monster quickly!" Igna in the distance issued an order.

This time, the guarded orc warriors finally moved, throwing spears at the monster's body.

Ten seconds later, the monster finally stopped moving. The flames summoned by Roland scorched it and the vines, making it look like a statue made of coal.

I wiped the blood from my hands, and just turned my head to ask Roland if he knew what kind of monster it was, but she suddenly grabbed my arm and checked my wound.

"Hey, it's just a skin injury, nothing to look at." I tried to pull my hand back.

In the end, she stared at me seriously: "Idiot, your wound must be disinfected immediately! That thing is a ghoul, and the wound scratched by it will be infected!"


"The monsters haunting the Demon Realm were made by the wizards who followed the Demon King in the past using black magic from human corpses. They would feed on carrion corpses. If they are caught and bitten by them, they will be infected with the plague!" Roland turned his head to look. To Igna, "Go get the potion!"

Igna didn't hesitate at all, and turned her head to let Tilawa next to her get the medical supplies.

"This ghoul is probably newly made." Roland looked at the monster solemnly, "I have never seen a ghoul with four arms, they should treat this ghoul with a method similar to making synthetic beasts." The ghoul has made a transformation."

I looked at the monster that was burning like coke, and I kind of understood the enemy's intentions.

This monster is probably controlled remotely like a giant beast. It has been lurking in the body of the hoof ox, and mixed into the Shouya clan with the hoof ox.While the enemy is collecting intelligence in the tribe with the help of the controlled hoof ox, it is also waiting for the right opportunity. This ghoul can break open the hoof hoof and come out to act at any time.

If the people in the tribe didn't think that the hoof ox that sneaked in would be the eyes of the enemy, they would never have guessed that there was such a dangerous monster lurking here.This monster is not afraid of death, and its manipulator can wait for the opportunity to use it to assassinate some key targets after fully investigating the information.After the hoof ox as the familiar was exposed, the manipulator simply jumped the wall and let the monster show up to launch this surprise attack, killing one by one.

It's so dangerous...

But this time I dare not let go of my heart casually.

Is it really just that?Let hooves infiltrate to collect intelligence, let ghouls lurk and prepare to assassinate...

Then I realized an unresolved problem.

What method did the enemy use to ambush the cavalry of the Wolf Head Clan?

Alien Raid (3)

I sat down on the ground, quietly waiting for the medicine box to arrive, and then watched as Roland approached the carcass of the hoof ox that was on the fence stake.

"Hey, be careful!" Thinking of what happened just now, I couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Don't worry, it doesn't look like it can hide other monsters." Roland waved his hand at me.

This is true. After the hidden ghoul came out of the hoof ox carcass, it can now be clearly seen that the body of the hoof ox that we mistakenly thought was pregnant was actually unexpectedly shriveled, as if there was only a piece of leather wrapped around the skeleton. The wound opened by the ghoul also seemed quite empty.

I turned my head to look at the hideous ghoul that had been charred over there. Igna was directing a few orc warriors to remove the ghoul's body from the charred vines.

Let a monster hide in the body of a giant beast... the tricks those guys can come up with are really disgusting.

"For remote control, they must carry magic storage items such as gemstones or crystals that are used to maintain the spell and can be used as a source of magic power." Roland looked carefully at the hoof hoof's corpse, "Since even ghouls can hide It shouldn’t be difficult to sew a gem somewhere in the stomach or somewhere in the body, it is necessary to dissect the corpse as soon as possible before the spell on it disappears, and take out the magic item.”

"What are you going to do with it?"

"I have roughly analyzed the control spell they used. If I can find the source of magic power carried by this creature, I can trace the source of the spell with the help of the magic power trace of the above spell." Roland turned to look at me and replied.

"Can you get the other party out?" I was a little surprised.

"It's unrealistic to catch the enemy, unless the opponent is stupid enough to stay there waiting to be caught knowing that we have discovered it." Roland shook his head, "But for the time being, we should be able to find out the approximate location of their stronghold and place their stronghold Find it out. If they want to arrange such a bureau, they must set up a stronghold, just like the base we found in Helgia. They used the species of the Demon Realm this time. If they are forced to evacuate in a hurry, let the investigation team go and search They should be able to find a lot of key clues, judging from what they have done in the past two days, they are obviously afraid that we will investigate too many things."

I can also feel that the enemy is quite afraid of the investigation here. They deliberately infiltrated the Shouya clan that attacked their stronghold, and even assassinated the team of the Langshou clan who went to investigate the stronghold to suspend the investigation work here. Doing everything they can to keep us from getting their intelligence.

But now we have successfully seized an opportunity to fight back.

"You need to be more careful in the investigation, I think the enemy hasn't shown their cards yet." I expressed my concerns, "They must have some means that we haven't discovered, just relying on the controlled hooves and this kind of It is impossible for a four-handed monster to kill a group of wolf cavalry. They are so afraid of us getting information, maybe they will jump over the wall in a hurry."

"Indeed." Roland nodded, "If I were them, there must be a way to prevent us from finding out the stronghold they are using now. If possible, we should find a way to eliminate the two corpses as evidence now... Well , the best thing is to get rid of me too, and use the traces of the spells to track down the source of the magic power. This kind of fine work is only possible for me here.”

I understand now that the ghoul crawled out just now was indeed because the enemy exposed the means of infiltration, so the dog jumped the wall in a hurry, but targeting Roland was intentional, because Roland has the ability to find their stronghold.

Fortunately, their abacus didn't work in the end, and the ghoul was dealt with before we succeeded.

Just when I thought of this, I suddenly felt that the ground under my buttocks seemed to vibrate slightly.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, it's not unusual for the ground nearby to vibrate a little when the hoof hoofs run across the land near the fence where hoof hoofs are kept.

But then, the vibration became more and more obvious, although I was the only one who could feel it sitting on the ground.


Am I sitting down wrong or is there something wrong with my butt?Or... an earthquake?

In the Wild of Beasts, earthquakes are not too rare.

But at this time, I suddenly remembered one thing.

When I learned how to use shaman spells to purify the land with those shamans yesterday, I could always feel a subtle earthquake.

I became a little alert, and began to try to sense the "spirits" deep in the ground like those shamans taught me yesterday.This process took me 2 minutes, and the casting time of Shaman's elemental spells is already very long.

However, when I established a spiritual connection with the "spirit" in the land, I immediately noticed that something was wrong.

This time is different from yesterday. It can be clearly felt that the balance inside the land has been disturbed by something, because the source of the balance disturbance is much closer than yesterday.

That's right, it is indeed getting closer, and the position is also very shallow, and it seems to be getting closer and closer.

Strange, can the epicenter of an earthquake move quickly in the shallow surface like this?

As the source of the earthquake approached, the shaking on the ground gradually intensified to the point where people standing could feel it.However, the others didn't look too flustered. Igna lightly told the people around her to pay attention to the situation, and was ready to evacuate people in the camp area at any time when the earthquake intensified.Roland just looked at his feet more, and stabilized the staff in his hand.

They all took this shaking as a regular earthquake, but I, who had established a connection with the spirit of the earth, knew it was not an earthquake-I could feel that something was moving in the ground!A very large object is moving quickly in the shallow surface like a fish in water.Yes, this thing feels...alive! !

The shock source that disturbed the balance sensed by the spirit of the earth is very close, and it is rushing towards this side in a straight line.

I shivered and suddenly realized something.

It is difficult for wolf cavalry to be ambushed when operating in the wilderness, but what if... the attack comes from the ground?

Now the enemy is very afraid of being collected by us. They want to cut off the possibility of being traced back to the stronghold. The best way is to destroy the evidence as soon as possible...or get rid of Roland.

The source of the earthquake stopped when it moved deep into the soles of our feet.

A sudden cold current surged through my whole body, I jumped up from the ground suddenly, then rushed to pick up Roland who was still in a daze, turned around and ran away from the fence.

Alien Raid (4)

"Wow! Brock, what are you... doing?"

Not only was Roland frightened by my actions, but everyone around him also cast surprised glances at me.

For a moment I wondered if I was thinking too much, but the next moment the crackling sound from behind answered for me.

I turned around a little and saw that the soil where Roland was standing just now spewed out like a volcanic eruption, and the sand rushed to a height of nearly five meters.In the flying sand, a huge snake-like monster rushed out of the ground, broke down a part of the fence from bottom to top, and devoured the hoof ox carcass that Roland was observing just now.

It was a monster in the shape of a worm, so thick that it took several people to hold hands to hug it, but the surface was covered with pieces of interlocking mineral scales. There were no eyes at the end of the elongated body, only eyes. A circular bloody mouth.

After swallowing the hoof ox and part of the fence, the monster immediately opened its mouth again and turned to Igna. Its mouth was a bit like a flower bud, divided into many petals to open and close.

It was only then that I discovered that there were several rows of fangs arranged in circles in its mouth, extending inward, and the inside of the multi-petal "lips" on the outside were also full of fangs.

I have never seen such a huge and ferocious monster, it seems that if you look at it, you will have a nightmare. Such a terrifying appearance even dwarfs the species of the Wild Beast.

"Spread away! Its target is that corpse!!" I yelled over there in desperation.

Igna reacted quickly, and immediately ordered: "Scatter!"

She and the soldiers decisively gave up on the charred corpse of the ghoul that was still entangled in the vines, and fled in all directions.At the same time, the monster really opened its terrifying mouth and rushed towards the corpse, devouring it and the ground below.Its body kept spinning, and following that momentum it burrowed into the ground, its body drawing a flowing arch bridge on the ground.Its body is very long, but it got into the ground very quickly.During this period, several quick-response warriors were attacking it with longbows and spears, but the mineral skin was so hard that it was like a pair of armor. The arrows and hairs jingled on it, but It can't hurt the slightest bit of its body.

The two corpses were swallowed up, together with the magic source props carried in their bodies, those guys were really afraid that we would find their stronghold and collect information.

As expected, the enemy kept a hole card. I'm afraid they let this kind of monster lurk on the only way for the wolf head clan team.As long as it hides underground, the Warg cannot perceive danger.Although the accompanying shaman can perceive abnormalities through the shaman's elemental spells, the premise must be to suspect in advance as I did just now and then use spells to establish a spiritual connection with the "spirit" of the land.

But what kind of monster is this?

It's just that right now I don't have time to think too deeply about this issue, because it started to move rapidly underground again, and the ground kept shaking.In my telepathy for the land, that guy was approaching me.

Immediately, the hairs all over my body stood up, and I carried Roland on my shoulders and continued to run.

"Even the rock-eating sandworm can be controlled and used as a weapon. The enemy really paid a lot of money." At this time, Roland seemed to have regained his composure on my shoulder.

"If you know what that is, please explain it to me, Luo Baike!" I yelled while running wildly.

"They are monsters in the Demon Realm just like ghouls, and they are the works of the Demon King. They can move through the ground and ambush the creatures on the surface... Well, can you run more steadily, put your shoulders on my stomach to let me I'm a little out of breath." Roland didn't seem to be able to speak very smoothly, and he turned to me in the middle of speaking and raised his opinion.

"It's better to be out of breath than to be chased for insects! That guy has been chasing us!" I yelled at her, not daring to slow down a bit.

"Can you feel its position?" Roland looked a little surprised.

"Of course you can. If I hadn't noticed it in advance, you would already be calling mom in its belly, okay?"

"So it's a shaman's spell." Roland understood.

"Damn it, it has already destroyed those two corpses, why is it chasing us?"

"Probably because they are unwilling to lose a game like this. Forget about the controlled giant beasts and ghouls, even this rock-eating sandworm is used. If there is no tangible result at such a large cost, they should It's hard to go back and explain." Roland suddenly smiled wryly, "The head of me, the chief mage of Saidian who has thoroughly studied their spells, should be a good result for them."

"So it's safe for me to leave you and feed that monster now?" I yelled at her.

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