"Why were we suddenly attacked by dragons? We didn't provoke them, did we?" Arsena muttered as she stood beside her.

I am also wondering.We originally came here to chase after those bastards who committed crimes everywhere in Saidian, Helgia and the six major tribes, and finally dug up Lao Tzu's ancestral grave. Before the enemy could find them, two dragons sprang out out of nowhere and started fighting without saying a word.

Not to mention what the leader said just now that the dragons encountered by their entire expedition team just chased them away and didn't take his current food and drink. Just saying that the attack of these two dragons came to us is very intriguing.As Arsena said, we have never provoked these dragons at all, no matter how fierce and aggressive they are, they will not attack like this.

Of course, this may not be the worst thing.

"Since there are dragons infesting, then this should be the territory near the Kingdom of Dragons. We are on other people's territory, maybe there will be other dragons." I clenched the battle ax in my hand.

Thinking of this possibility, I feel a little uncertain. Hitting a black dragon will put us on the verge of life and death a few times. If we come to his team of dragons... I guess I can see my ancestors in the blink of an eye.

"One old man will open a ladle, and two old men will open a pair!" Mutafa raised his hammer and let out a heavy breath through his nose.

Why is it that the grand marshal of the kingdom is more reckless than an orc like me...

But seeing him so imposing, I also felt a little encouraged, and my heart began to deflect in an optimistic direction.There are no absolutes in the world, and we may not be so unlucky.

At this time, the sandstorm air flow that had been passing through our sides was suddenly disturbed, and the strong wind pressure almost knocked us to the ground.Accompanied by the sound of flapping wings, a giant red dragon slammed into the sand dunes less than fifty steps away from us, and the dust splashed by the wind rushed towards us like a sea tide.

No, not one, but three. Immediately after the red dragon, two blue dragons landed in two other directions at the same time.

The red dragon seemed very excited when he saw the unconscious black dragon on the ground, and opened his mouth with a deafening roar.Subconsciously, Mutafa and I sandwiched the unarmed Arsena back to back, and started staring back and forth at the dragon in three directions.

We were surrounded by these three dragons in a blink of an eye.

Look at what I just said...

This situation is no different from just now. Although the dragon was very fierce just now, we can at least rely on more people for two against one. Now we have lost even the advantage of numbers.

Do you want to take that black dragon as a human... dragon quality?In such a case, it would not be contemptible to trade the security of a defeated enemy for one's own.

But it still doesn't feel right, Long even has scales on his eyelids, even though he's passed out now, there's nothing we can do to immediately threaten his life.This also means that our hijacking has no restraint effect on these three dragons, but may provoke them to kill us directly.

I don't know if the airship was besieged by dragons that came out of nowhere like us.

"What should I do?" I lowered my voice, and for the time being, I still hope that the veteran knight behind me can come up with some solutions based on experience.

As a result, he also spoke at the same time, asking for my opinion: "Which one should we open first?"

"...Do you still think you can beat it right now?" I immediately began to wonder if this old guy had a brain hole.

"Of course we can't beat you, young man. But if we can take one away with all our might, it will let us die with dignity, don't you think so?" He said in a deep voice.

What he said was very reasonable, and I felt the great wisdom of the old man again.

That's right, since you have already stepped into the realm of death, and you have no strategy to use, you might as well fight bravely to the end!

I felt the fighting spirit surge up in my chest, as if someone was waving a battle flag inside.

"Your Highness, the old man tried his best to hold them back, you see the opportunity to break through—"

Just when Mutafa was halfway through explaining to Arsena, there was another loud bang not far away—the fourth dragon landed on the sand dune.

The scales of this dragon are green, and it is slightly larger than the other dragons. The moment the green dragon landed, the eyes of the other three dragons moved over.It can be felt that the status of this dragon seems to be higher than the others.

I couldn't help but my face darkened.

This can't be done anymore, and one more... Are you here for a dinner?There are only three people here, it's not enough for you to eat a dragon!

But at this moment, there was a new sound above our heads - the sound of engines from far and near.

We raised our heads subconsciously, and saw the airship slowly descending from the wind and sand rushing past our heads, and landed firmly on the sand beside us.

Just when we were surprised, we saw Roland, Miria and the expedition team members standing in front of the railing on the edge of the deck.

"Are you all okay!" Miriah waved to us and shouted.

How is this going?

I stared blankly at them who were in peace with the giant dragon, and then at the surrounding dragons, only to find that except for the obviously angry red dragon, none of the other dragons showed any intention of attacking.

"Don't worry, it's just a misunderstanding, which has been resolved." Roland explained to us succinctly.

"I apologize to my subordinates for their recklessness." The green dragon looked at our faces one by one, and let out a loud but ethereal female voice in Common Tongue, "I am in charge of guarding the border of 'Oasis' The general Aila..."

Her words faltered as her eyes shifted to me.

"Wait! Catch that orc first!!" She suddenly changed the topic, and ordered in a deep voice to the blue dragon closest to me.

Before I had time to react, the blue dragon suddenly rushed over and pinned me on the scorching sand dune with one claw.

How to lose the dragon face riding (5)

The strength of the dragon's paw is really strong, I was caught off guard and was pushed down.Immediately, I supported my body with my arms, and only felt a dozen or so people standing on my back, but with the arm strength endowed by the activated Berserker's coat of arms, I still propped up bit by bit against the dragon's claws.

The blue dragon obviously didn't expect me to have such strength, so it put a little more energy on its claws immediately.

What is this green dragon doing?He said it well one second, and ordered someone to do it the next second, without even a buffer.

The surrounding area was also stunned by this accident.

Mutafa reacted the fastest, and he was unambiguous when the other party moved first. He swung the warhammer round and pointed at the side of the blue dragon's face that was pressing on me.The heavy blow exploded in the side of the dragon, and the loud sound was like a bell ringing on the clock tower to tell the time.The blue dragon was unprepared, he tossed his head and let out a howl, and the tension under his claws loosened, and I took the opportunity to prop myself up and roll out.

The blue dragon was enraged by the hammer, turned around and grinned at Mutafa, showing a mouth full of fangs.

At this time, I broke free and stood up in front of him. At the same time, I took advantage of the situation and raised the tomahawk from the bottom up. The ax hit his chin, and the blue dragon suddenly raised his head as if he had been hit by an uppercut.

Taking advantage of the moment when the blue dragon was dizzy when he raised his head, I repeated the trick and summoned the swamp of shadows under the blue dragon's forelegs, temporarily trapping his two "hands".Then Mutafa and I adjusted our positions immediately, double-teamed the head of the blue dragon from left to right, and waited for his head to hang down before hitting him a few times.

"Stop!!" At this moment, the green dragon Aila suddenly let out a dragon roar, which shocked us all.

At the same time, the red dragon and the other blue dragon also tensed up, posing for an attack.The scene was suddenly tense.

"Human, what are you doing?" Aila Mutafa asked Mutafa who attacked his subordinates.

"You do it first!" Mutafa unceremoniously smashed the hammer to the ground.

I also didn't expect that Mutafa, who had always blown his beard and stared at me, would come forward to help me at this time, and I was a little moved for a while.

"I haven't opened the head of this kid who molested His Highness, how can it be your turn to touch him?" Mutafa pointed at me again.

... Please give me back my emotion.

"Are you planning to cover him?" A cold light flashed in the green dragon's eyes, and he turned his head to the direction of the airship, "Just now when I came forward to stop it, you claimed that you didn't intend to offend my clan, why did you assassinate me two days ago? Will the prisoner of the Clan Queen be with you?"

This made us look at each other in blank dismay.

"I'm sorry, General Aila, we don't understand what you mean?" Roland stepped forward to act as the spokesperson.

"That orc came to the 'Oasis' two days ago, cheated us of our trust, but took the opportunity to assassinate our queen." Aila replied in a cold voice.

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on me.

"What?" I was immediately shocked.

Assassinate the Queen of the Dragon Clan?When did I ever do such a despicable act?

Although Roland couldn't hide his surprise, he calmly defended me for the time being: "It's impossible, we just set off here today, and he has been with us all this time. Your Excellency, please think carefully, if we Someone in Zhongzhen has offended the Queen of the Dragon Clan. Naturally, he ran as far as he could, how could he come back and throw himself into the trap? Have you...recognized the wrong person?"

After listening to it, Aila seemed to think that what she said made sense, and the chill in her eyes faded a lot.

"You, come forward." She turned to me and called.

I strode up fearlessly, stood in front of her, and looked up at the majestic golden eyes of the green dragon.

Anyway, I have never done the assassination of the dragon queen, I am not afraid of the shadow crooked.

Ayla slowly lowered her head and approached me, and began to examine me carefully.

"Be careful, general!" The blue dragon that I patted once had learned my strength, and reminded Aila.

"It doesn't matter." Aila swung her long neck to look at me from side to side, and almost pushed me to the ground and searched me.

"...Indeed, there is a little difference, like a little younger." She said in a deep voice, "But it is really too similar, whether it is appearance or breath." She pondered.

"Anyway, I haven't done that kind of thing." I responded calmly.

"I've only seen that prisoner twice, so I'm not sure yet." Aila raised her head again, "But anyway, I have to hand you over to our queen, and she will decide. The queen's order is to see the wounded Her prisoner was taken back and executed by her own hands."

Looks like the dragon didn't intend to ask for my opinion.

There is no point in resisting. It would be a big trouble for us if the few dragons on the scene joined forces to attack us. This is another family's territory. I am afraid that she may call for new support at any time.

"Wait!" Before I nodded in agreement, Arsena suddenly ran over and blocked me with her arms outstretched, "If you want to take Mr. Bullock away, then I will go with you too!"

"The 'Oasis' does not allow foreigners to set foot in it, and recently the queen was assassinated again." The green dragon responded coldly, "Except for this orc, the rest of the people must wait here."

"You launched an attack on us first, and now you want to take our people away without end. We can't stay out of this matter." Roland walked to the bow of the airship with his staff, "I request to send a representative to go with us." .”

Aila stared at Roland without saying a word.

Roland didn't back down: "As witnesses, we can prove his innocence. In addition, we are also here to track down the enemy's tracks. Maybe... we can provide some clues to what happened to you."

After Roland made such a statement, Aila closed her eyes and thought about it.

After a long time, she responded: "Accept the body search. If you don't carry weapons, I can allow a small group of people to travel. Others, including your vehicle, stay here and are subject to surveillance."

"As long as our safety can be guaranteed." Roland nodded.

"Of course, but only if you are innocent." Aila replied.

"Talisha, go and treat Huskar." Aila turned her head and explained to the red dragon not far away. The red dragon named Talisha immediately walked to the black dragon lying on the ground, and bent over to check his condition.

Afterwards, Aila looked at the blue dragon that we beat up: "Nare, you go and call another formation! There are not enough people here!"

The blue dragon understood, turned around and ran a few steps, fluttering its wings and flying.

"Olo, you will be responsible for the body search later." Aila gave instructions to the last blue dragon.

Let a dragon search us?How to search for this, one of their claws is thicker than our arms...

Just when I had such doubts, the blue dragon nodded, and then its huge body suddenly shrank like a puffed cowhide pouch, and its bones, skin and flesh quickly changed from a reptile to a dragon. In the end, a female human-like appearance wearing light blue clothes and dragon horns on her head appeared abruptly in front of us.

"Please cooperate." Amidst our stunned gazes, the blue dragon Oro in human form scanned us with golden eyes and said lightly.

How to lose the dragon face riding (6)

Under Aila's command, more dragons gathered.The blue dragon named Oro began to count all the people who were scheduled to go to the Dragon Kingdom. As the representative and spokesperson of the investigation team, Roland naturally went there in person, and Miria accompanied her.Arsena insisted on going with me, and Mutafa, who was the guard, naturally asked to accompany me.Then, after learning that I was going to be taken as a suspect to a place full of reptiles that could swallow me in one bite, the three girls who sneaked onto the boat also expressed their willingness to go with them.

In addition to them, there is actually a group of people who have nothing to do with themselves who have taken the initiative to sign up for this "style tour group" - the expedition team that led the way for us at this time carried forward their spirit of exploration. Talk to Aila.

"Hey, ma'am, we want to have a discussion with you!" Xiufeng, the spokesperson of the expedition, waved to Aila, followed by a group of dwarves.

"...It's you?" Aila looked down at them.

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