"It's up to you if you don't wear it, but I still suggest you wear it." The queen turned her head, "That chain mail is made of mithril, and the plate armor is made of orichallic copper. These armors should reduce your mortality rate." Cut it in half."

Orichalcum... Isn't it a rare metal as famous as Mithril?No wonder it is in the treasure pile, the value of these armors should be enough to replace a large territory.

But that's not the point right now.

"Death rate? What do you mean, I will die later?" I was taken aback.

"Yes, if you don't wear this armor, you should be 100% dead." She said confidently.

That is to say, if you wear it, there is still a normal chance of dying.

"What the hell do you want to do?" I felt my heart beat faster.

"I'm going to beat you up." The queen smiled at me and squeezed her tiny fists.

"...Why?" I couldn't help being surprised.

"Two days ago, an assassin stabbed me with a sword and then managed to escape. You should have heard of this, right? This is the first time I have suffered such humiliation as the Dragon King. I am very angry. I've never been so angry." The queen showed me a sword wound on her forearm.

Is it my illusion?Why do I feel that the smile on the face of this "little devil" seems to be getting darker and more sinister...

"Well, then what?" I swallowed.

"Then you and that assassin really look alike, whether it's face, body shape or temperament." The queen continued.


"So I'm going to beat you up."

"What kind of logic is this!?" I was dumbfounded.

After I figured out that I wasn't the one who did it, it ended up being beaten just because I looked like that assassin, which is too much.

"Anyway, you should change your clothes quickly." The queen urged me with a wave of her hand, "I would feel a little sorry for letting you be beaten to death wearing this prisoner's clothes."

"Please feel sorry for killing me!!"

Don't these reptiles have normal logical thinking?

"Whether you wear it or not, I'll do it. It's up to you whether you want to take care of it or not." The queen assumed a tyrant's tyrannical attitude,

It seems that this is not negotiable at all.

Damn it, that inexplicable orc assassin...why does he have a face that looks like mine?

"Don't worry, I'll take care of myself a little bit. I'll stick to this form. I won't use magic power or breath. If you feel aggrieved by just being beaten, just fight back. It's better to say that it's not for me." It's more interesting to talk... Ah, how about this!" She clapped her hands as if thinking of something, "If you can make me fall to the ground once, I will count it as your victory, and then you can ask for the same reward as me."

The queen climbed up a pile of treasures while talking, and sat calmly on the slope, looking down at me with dignity: "However, I think it's hard to say whether you can last until I enjoy myself."

I suddenly felt a taut string in my brain was touched—for an orc warrior, this can already be regarded as a challenge... no, it can even be regarded as a provocation.

"You don't need to let me go! Well, since you want to fight with me, I'll practice with you." Suddenly, I got fighting spirit, stood up straight and punched each other.

I have never been afraid of being sent to my door to challenge in my life!

"Well, at least your courage is commendable." The Queen chuckled, obviously she never considered that she would lose, and she didn't mean to hide this thought at all, "Then you put on your armor."

"I'm the only one wearing armor?" I frowned.

"After we become like this, the dragon scales will transform into skin, and can also transform into clothes. Although the touch is different, the strength of the dragon scales remains the same." The queen pulled out a dagger from the treasure pile, "This is also Made of Mithril."

After she finished speaking, she stabbed her palm with the dagger without warning.

Seeing the sharp blade sinking into her palm, I couldn't help but tremble with fright.

But the result was that not a drop of blood flowed out.

"This thing may barely hurt the young dragon, but it is absolutely ineffective against me." She calmly showed me her palm without a single scratch, "I was born with a suit of armor, you put on the armor, It's more fair."

Even Mithril's weapon can't hurt her, what kind of sword did that assassin use to stab her...

"But according to our customs, we have to be topless in a duel." I remembered this.

"...you are so brave to sexually harass me. I asked you to take off just now, but you refused 1 times, but now you want to fight me naked instead?" The queen suddenly lowered her face, "Why are you Don't just say you guys want to be naked

With lower body? "

"No, it's true." I suddenly felt speechless.

"I don't care if you're real or not. If you dare to do that, I'll ask someone to throw you into a prison right away! Put on your armor, now, immediately!" She ordered like a tyrant, and moved her wrist again, "Hurry up, I Can't wait any longer."

...It seems that we can't completely follow our rules here.

That's all, since it's someone else's territory, let's do as she wants.And the opponent is the Queen of the Dragon Clan, so she must not be taken lightly by being deceived by her appearance.

I changed the prison clothes according to her wishes, put on the chain mail, and then put the full-body armor on my body one by one and buckled it up one by one.

"Okay!" I called her when I was ready.

The queen who turned her face away while waiting for me to change turned her gaze back.

"Very good." She stood up on the pile of treasures, and raised the corners of her mouth calmly.

I tensed my whole body and put on a fighting stance.

When I dealt with that black dragon, I had some experience fighting against giant dragons, so I should start with—

boom! !

I was still thinking about the on-the-spot strategy in my mind, but the pile of treasures under the Queen's feet exploded without warning.

Among the gold, silver and jewels flying all over the sky, an afterimage of her figure was drawn, and it rushed towards my chest like a shell.

Beat you without discussion (4)

The first time I attacked her was to hit my breastplate with the dragon horns on her head.

I didn't have time to defend myself, so I was hit hard, and immediately felt that I was hit by a battering hammer rushing towards the city gate.The whole impact was transmitted to me, and I flew backward like a cannonball, directly hitting another hill piled up with gold coins and jewels. The hill collapsed due to the impact, and the gold coins poured down like sand, cover me.

Even with the protection of the indestructible orichanite armor and mithril chain mail, the dull pain of the impact still took my breath away for a moment.

There are such swift and fierce creatures in this world... Whether it is speed or strength, I have never seen it in my life.

Now I finally understand the "good intentions" of this little dragon queen who specially asked me to wear this armor-if I am really topless as traditional... No, even if I put on a layer of ordinary clothes If the steel armor bears it hard, there may not be a good breastbone left.

Gold and silver are much heavier than other metals, and the gold coins covered on my body are also unusually heavy. I endured the pain in my chest and struggled out of it. As soon as I pushed aside the gold coins on my body, I saw the queen naked. Standing in front of me with both feet, I have been waiting for a long time.

Before I could react, she jumped up suddenly, turned around in the air, and kicked the side rib of my breastplate.This time I flew sideways, feeling the shock again that made my ribs ache.I rolled out along the ground, my armor rattling.I feel like I've turned into a tin man, and now it's about to fall apart.

Just as Mutafa and I can use blunt strikes to inflict damage on a dragon covered in dragon scales, this armor is also invulnerable, but it still cannot completely remove the impact damage.No matter how hard a man wears armor, he will still break his bones when he falls from a height.To deal with blunt blows, you have to rely on cushioning to absorb the impact.

But to be honest, with the strength of this monster queen hitting me, I think that let alone stuffing cotton in the armor, even if my body is made of cotton, I will inevitably be beaten to pieces by her.

I have hunted the woolly mammoth with the strongest charging power in the Wild of Beasts, and I have also fought to the death with Rerogard, who is also considered a top player among berserkers... But no matter which opponent I have, it is far less exaggerated than her strength .

This time the queen didn't launch a chase. When I got up from the ground, I saw her walking calmly, as if walking in her own garden.

In just a few seconds, I have already died twice at her hands.

"It's worse than I imagined. According to this, I'm afraid you will die before you start." She sighed with some regret.

After hearing such a provocation, I suddenly felt a surge of anger in my heart. I gritted my teeth and tensed my muscles ready to go.

Her attack power is too exaggerated, and there are not many opportunities to find out her attack methods by observation, it is better to launch a fierce attack as soon as possible.

Let you experience Lao Tzu's ancestral split spine technique!

The moment she stepped into my attack range, I rushed out like a liger, lowered my body and raised my arms to sweep towards her, hugging her while preparing to give her a fierce hug and throw.

However, my offensive was abruptly stopped here - the other party didn't move and did nothing, but after being hugged by me, he remained motionless.

The queen of the dragon clan's current body shape is almost the same as that of a human child. It seems that let alone I use all my wrestling skills, even if I just slap me casually, she may fly away on the spot.

But I feel like I'm hugging a solid and intact pillar now.

This guy...is it so heavy! ?

"I can't move anymore? It's me instead." She smiled and grabbed my two forearms covered with gauntlets with her small hands, and she used a brute force to wrap me around her body. Opened his arms and smiled at me.

My heart sank.

Then she suddenly grabbed one of my arms and twisted hard, and my feet were off the ground immediately.I was grabbed by the arm by the laughing dragon queen like throwing a hammer a few times, and then threw it.

This time she obviously aimed at a treasure pile on purpose and threw it.

I hit the hill made of gold coins and rolled down to the ground, buried by the gold coins and treasures of the landslide again. This time the waterfall generally engulfed me several times more gold coins than the previous one. Fortunately, with this hard body The armor helped me bear most of the weight.

I can't beat her in a head-to-head one-on-one, and I don't even have a one-ten-thousandth chance——I'm already convinced in my heart.

I don't have the means to completely hurt her, and her strength and speed are overwhelming to me, not to mention that she is not serious on the premise.

In fact, I have already lost. If this was a life-and-death duel, without the protection of this armor, I would have died several times if she attacked me a few times.

However, I did not lose my fighting spirit.

Even if the details are not completely in accordance with the custom, this is still a sacred duel. Now that the challenge has been accepted, giving up easily is a blasphemy against the duel.

I actually had the strength to struggle out of the buried gold coins immediately, but this time I was not in a hurry to get out of this state, but adjusted my breathing to relieve myself from the pain and think calmly.

So far, I have encountered opponents and prey that are stronger than me more than once.In any case, at least outsmart the prey - this is the hunter's criterion.

She never took this "duel" seriously, and she just treated it with a playful attitude from the beginning to the end, taking pleasure in beating me up to vent her anger.She never considered the situation where she would lose, and she had no sense of crisis at all, so even the simplest trap could lure her into the bait.

"Tsk tsk, it looks like you want to play hide-and-seek with me this time." After the queen finished speaking, she actually started digging.She has a lot of strength, but her figure obviously limits her digging speed.

Taking advantage of this gap, I reluctantly moved my arm under the burial of the gold coin, fumbled to remove the gauntlet from the forearm, and pushed it upwards.

The queen quickly dug out the exposed gauntlet first, took the gauntlet as my hand, grabbed it and pulled it hard, trying to pull me out from under the gold coin.

But when she exerted such strength, she grabbed the gauntlet that I had taken off and fell backward because of excessive force.

At the same time, I took this opportunity to launch a surprise attack from under the pile of gold coins. I stretched out my gauntlet-off hand and grabbed the queen's ankle and yanked her hard, causing her to lose her balance and knocking her down.

Beat you without discussion (5)

This is a hunting technique of our orcs - use a small amount of sand to bury your body in places with many beast footprints, use bait to lead the prey to a suitable position, and then take advantage of its unpreparedness to surprise and grab the back of the prey The legs knocked it over.This is a technique of four or two strokes. It does not require stronger strength and weight than a giant beast to make the prey fall to the ground, and then take the opportunity to suppress the prey and give a fatal blow.

Following this one simple trick, I managed to trip the Queen of the Dragonborn.Naturally, I would not let go of this chance of victory that had finally appeared, so I jumped on top of her.I pressed one hand on her chest, and the other hand covered with mithril gauntlet clenched my fist, and punched her forehead with all my strength.

Against dragons, a powerful blunt blow to the head is most effective.

Then my fist was finally taken by her.

From the moment I fell to the ground until I punched her head, she didn't show a trace of panic from the beginning to the end. When I threw my fist, she just blocked a hand with a blank face. in front of his own face.Out of respect for my duel opponent, I didn't hold back this punch. On the contrary, it can be said that I poured all my strength into it, but she just blocked it with one hand, as easily as if I was catching someone else. An apple thrown to her casually.My gauntleted fist was a stark contrast to her slender hand, but I just felt like I was hammering on an anvil, unable to push an inch.

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