"Ah, that's right!" Princess Alyssa seemed to have remembered something important, "The herald came before and said that the queen mother said that she would meet with the two of you later, and wanted to thank you in person for your efforts to protect the palace yesterday. .”

"I won't go. Originally, I went to the battle yesterday for personal reasons. There is no need to thank me." The queen made a statement immediately, "I'm going to go back to sleep later."

I have already roughly felt that this guy's work and rest are basically except for eating and sleeping, and there are only about one or two hours left for doing something serious or doing nothing.

"The Bullock classmate will go?" Princess Alyssa looked at me again.

"Well, it's rude not to go, we should go back almost today, and we have to inform your mother." I paused, "Your Highness, have you thought about how to arrange yourself?"

"I've decided, as before, to go back with you." Princess Alisa replied softly, "I'm going to talk to the queen mother again."

After what happened yesterday, I think the Elf Queen also knew about the fact that I took Princess Alisa to participate in the battle.

Maybe she will be angry about her daughter taking risks without authorization...

At this time, the queen said coldly: "Then call me when you are ready to go, and, later, I have something to tell you alone."

Rewards for meritorious deeds, those who see them have a share (3)

After a lapse of one day, Princess Alisa and I were once again led by the herald to the palace where the Elven Queen met outsiders.

Compared with yesterday, there are significantly fewer guards in the palace today-this makes me feel a lot more relieved.

But to my surprise, the elf queen wearing a veil did not stand on the throne at the end of the steps, but stood at the bottom of the steps surrounded by maids.When we reached the center of the palace, we were only a dozen steps away from her.

"...Didn't the other one come?" She noticed that the queen didn't come with her.

"She was injured in yesterday's battle and wants to rest and recuperate." I replied casually.

I feel that the elf queen seems to have relaxed a lot after confirming this matter.

"I am aware of what happened in the palace yesterday." She looked directly at me, her voice was calm, "For Your Excellency's deeds of standing up to protect this palace, let me thank you."

"It's just a little effort." I hurriedly gave her a military salute.

On the way here, I was thinking about the fact that the female lizard offended her yesterday and then blamed me for no reason, and I was also worried.But now that she came down to thank me in person, she probably didn't care about those little things anymore.

"I'll prepare some thank you gifts for the two of you." The elf queen waved her hand, and several maids brought out a beautifully decorated treasure box.

"I don't need it, Your Majesty." I replied solemnly, maintaining a salute posture, "If you are really going to thank me, can you listen to my request?"

When the Elf Queen heard my words, her eyes were obviously shaken for some reason. She glanced at Princess Alisa and then turned her gaze back: "Speak."

"I heard that Saidian is planning to form an alliance with my tribe and help us set up our defenses?"

"There is such a thing. I agree with Luo Lanqing's proposal."

I paused for a while, and said, "Then, can you please promise me to give us as much support as possible, and promise to provide shelter and assistance to my tribe when necessary?"

I've been worrying about one thing since the camp was attacked.

The valley where the Bloodaxe clan lives now may be attacked by the enemy at any time.

Compared with Saidian, who was hated by the elves and sinners, the situation of the Bloodaxe clan who was pushed to the knife was even more dangerous.The corpse of the devil king, the legion of giant beasts, the corpse dragon, and the magic sword—the enemy has already amassed a terrifying combat power. Once they break through the defense line of the valley, it will only take a few minutes for my tribe to be bloodbathed.

Not long after the conflict with Saidian was resolved, the clansmen who have just established a foothold in the new settlement have no other place to go. In order to protect this newly-built homeland, Saidian's support is crucial to us. important.

The Elf Queen breathed a sigh of relief after hearing my request: "Naturally, now we have a close relationship with your tribe. Since we propose an alliance, we will naturally fulfill our obligations."

"I'm relieved with His Majesty's words." I nodded, "Then, please allow me to make another request."

"and also?"

"Yes, it's about Princess Alisa..." I hesitated a little in my heart, and finally decided not to go around in circles and just focus on the main point, after all, that's why we came here in the first place.

The queen's eyes became visibly tense.

"I hope you can allow Her Royal Highness Alisa to decide whether she will stay or not by her own will." I bowed and said.

After a long silence, the Elf Queen spoke slowly: "...Take a daughter away from her mother and put her in a situation where she may die at any time—have you ever thought about what such a decision is like for me? .”

"Mother..." Princess Alisa's expression was mixed.

Different from the previous hysteria, after a day of long thinking, the Elf Queen seemed much calmer about this matter, but she still resisted her daughter's decision.

But at least, he could finally have a normal conversation with her.

"Just yesterday, you yourself were nearly killed, Your Majesty," I echoed calmly.

"You want to say that because I owe you this favor, I should listen to your opinion?" The elf queen frowned slightly.

"No, what I want to say is..." I said, pointing my finger at Princess Alyssa beside me, "The person who protected you in that assassination and saved you from killing yourself was your daughter !"

"..." The elf queen didn't answer for a while.

"Student Bullock?" Princess Alisa looked over in surprise.

"I think she played a key role in yesterday's battle. Someone should have reported it to you, Your Majesty." I looked at the silent Elf Queen and continued, "If she didn't shoot that key at the critical moment With one arrow, the battle situation at that time is destined to be reversed, and that assassin may drive straight into this palace and take your head off."

Although only a hypothesis, my bluntness caused the queen to frown slightly.

"If there was a slight deviation at that time, she might have died at the hands of that assassin before me." The queen replied coldly, "She is the princess of this country and the future of this country. If anything happens to me, she will die." Inheriting everything from me, then she will have the responsibility to protect this country. Now, I am the queen, and I am the one who takes on this responsibility. This order should not be reversed."

"But you are also her mother!" I responded immediately, "This is a war against your country, and your life has long been targeted. Your own mother is in such a dangerous situation, you You know your daughter best, do you think she can be indifferent? She can't forgive those enemies who are staring at your life, that's why she stood up, Your Majesty."

Princess Alisa stared silently into her mother's eyes.

"I..." Rarely, the Elf Queen showed some hesitation on this topic.

"Your Majesty should remember my sister, the female warrior who brought the messenger to declare war on you in this place before." I pointed to where I was standing, which was where Igna was standing at that time.

"I remember that incident very clearly." The queen answered in the affirmative.

? "I was brought up by her alone. She is a cold person by nature, so our relationship has never been very close, but she is the only important family member I have alive now. Not long ago, the demon king reappeared incident, she was the commander of that legion, and was seriously injured in that attack. When I first learned about this..." I said slowly, lowering my brows, and my eyes naturally became fierce I got up, "I had a thought in my mind, and this idea is still ringing in my head until now - to find out the culprit who planned this matter, and chop his skull with an ax with my own hands! So we can I understand what His Highness thinks." I looked into the eyes of the elf queen and said.

Rewards for meritorious deeds, those who see them have a share (4)

"Are you trying to blame me for not being able to understand my own daughter's thoughts, or even being inferior to an outsider like you?" The Elven Queen asked me a slightly sharp question.

I shook my head: "No, I think you should be able to empathize with her more than I do, but you have never considered her in the same position as you. I think if something happens to His Highness, you It's impossible to spare the enemy. When the villains raided here yesterday, when His Highness came to me with a bow and arrow, I saw real anger in her eyes—she couldn't forgive those villains who were eyeing your life. Just as You want to protect her wholeheartedly, and she also wants to protect you. Do you think her intention is wrong?"

For a moment, the queen avoided my gaze: "I don't intend to blame her for her filial piety, but as I said, she is the hope of this country, and she shouldn't shoulder such responsibilities now."

"If I can't even protect my own mother, how can I have the face to protect this country?" Princess Alisa said at this time.

Her voice was very soft, but it made her mother's eyes widen slightly, and she couldn't help looking away.She and Princess Alisa looked at each other for a few seconds, and smiled wryly: "...I didn't expect to hear words similar to your father's from your mouth."

"Father?" Princess Alisa froze for a moment.

"Back then, the orcs and demons almost fought here. He asked me to take you back to the city of Osara, and then lead the army to resist... At that time, you were only this tall." The elf queen slightly raised her hand and gestured, Eyes fluttering, "I persuaded him at the time, saying that the country could not lose its king. He told me that he would have trouble sleeping and eating as long as he thought of the enemy's sword and ax approaching his wife and daughter. If Lian stood up at that time If he doesn't have the courage, he doesn't even deserve to be a father, so why should he be a good king." She looked into her daughter's eyes and let out a sigh of relief, "After so many years have passed, you are really getting closer to him. It looks more like it."

"Because I am the daughter of my father." A faint smile appeared on Princess Alisa's face.

"But after he went out in person...he couldn't come back." Pain flashed in the Queen's eyes for a moment, "Tolivia only brought back his bow and sword back then, and I don't want to go through that kind of thing again. "

Princess Alisa walked towards her mother slowly, as if to comfort her, she reached out and grabbed her hand and held it in both hands: "Mother, I met many people in the college, classmate Angelika, classmate Feilan , they all lost their fathers in that war, the citizens of this country, suffered the same pain as us. And now, they also stay on the front line. Soldiers who fought, they also have their own families. I am this Princess of the country, now is not the time for me to stay out of it, queen mother."

"Everyone in our tribe is also ready to fight to defend their homeland." I also persuaded, "His Royal Highness Alisa signed the truce agreement in person, and she has a high reputation among our tribe. The elves once treated us orcs There are some misunderstandings, but now, Saidian and our tribe have formed an alliance and reached a united front. I think that if His Highness is present, it will be of great help to the coordinated operations of both sides. Moreover, I am willing to swear on the glory of my warrior, I I will risk my life to protect His Royal Highness."

"How do you want me to believe it?" The queen looked over.

"I promised you that I would try my best to quell the conflict between the six major tribes and Saidian, and I did it at that time." I knew that I must not show any timidity at this time, so I raised my chest and pointed my thumb at it, "If your Highness makes any mistakes, I am willing to listen to you."

"Mother." Princess Alisa also looked into her eyes seriously.

After a long, long silence, the queen sighed softly to her: "Your temperament is exactly the same as your father's in this aspect. Looking at it like this, even if you are locked up, it won't help."

At this moment, she turned her head and gave her eyes to the two maids standing in the back row.

The two maids stepped forward, each holding a long black box, and the other two maids stepped forward to open the box.

In one chest stood a longbow, in the other a short sword in sheath.

Princess Alisa opened her eyes in surprise when she saw it: "This is—"

"Your father's relic." The elf queen said softly, and when she cast her eyes on the two things in the box, her eyes, which were rarely emotionally fluctuating, were suddenly filled with nostalgia and sadness, and almost tilted out, "This is Sadie An's sacred object, it was brought from Beizhou Island when our ancestors crossed the sea and migrated to this continent. It is also your father's meritorious weapon. Sir Tolivia said that he used that bow to shoot through the Demon King s eyes."

"Father, his bow and sword..." Princess Alisa stood in front of the maid, looked at it aloud, and murmured, but couldn't bear to reach out to touch it.

"Take it." The Queen suddenly said.

"Huh?" Alisa showed a little surprised look.

"I've kept these two things away all these years, so as not to think about them. I also don't want you to touch weapons, but maybe this is just my wishful thinking." The queen looked at her and said calmly, "...the result is still I want to give it to you. If you insist on going, just take this."

I was a little surprised. She prepared these two things from the beginning and let the maid keep them behind.It shows that before we came here to persuade her this time, she had already considered the possibility of her giving in.

She should have thought a lot about what happened yesterday.

"Mother!" Princess Alisa frowned when her mother finally let go.

"However, since you have no military experience, I will not entrust you with any command power for the time being. I am going to entrust you to Luo Lanqing for arrangements. You have to listen—"

Halfway through the queen's words, Princess Alisa walked over, stretched her arms around her shoulders, and gently hugged her mother.

"Thank you, Queen Mother. I'm sure, I will come back safely." She said softly.

The queen stopped talking, and reached out to caress her daughter's back.

After the mother and daughter separated, the Queen looked at her and smiled softly, with a little helplessness: "Now, you should be satisfied."

Princess Alisa also looked at her with a smile.

"Okay, I have something to say, I'll tell you later, now you go down with your father's things." She said, slowly, cast her eyes on me, "I, still There are some things, ready to chat with the guests."

As the object of her gaze changed, the temperature in her eyes dropped significantly, and the warm atmosphere surrounding her disappeared instantly.

I glanced left and right to kill the guards with a chilling look on both sides, and somehow my back felt a little chilly.

Rewards for meritorious deeds, those who see them have a share (5)

After Princess Alisa left, I stayed in the palace, carefully feeling the changes in the surrounding atmosphere, and faintly aware of a sense of crisis.

"Is there anything else your Majesty needs?" I tried to ask the Elf Queen in a calm tone.

"I have something to ask you." The elf queen looked into my eyes and said.

"What?" I had a vague premonition that what she was going to ask would definitely not be a topic I wanted to discuss with her.

"Alyssa, she stayed at your residence for one night, that's what happened." She said coldly.


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