When I removed the mask a little, I saw half of Miria's face, and subconsciously put the mask back on her.

"Why is it you!!" I felt my fantasy collapse.

This guy probably rushed out in the middle of the night, and his hair was not coiled up as usual, so I didn't recognize her for a while.

I forgot my inherent impression of her abnormality, she was a very powerful knight in the first place...

"What a disgrace, is my face so unwelcome?" Her voice sounded dissatisfied.

Honestly you're better off wearing a mask!I'm terrified just looking at your face, okay?

I touched the nipple to calm my mind, then frowned slightly and asked her: "I said you are a person who encounters this kind of bandit. Shouldn't you throw yourself into the trap excitedly?"

"How can there be an orc at the level of a bandit..."

"Okay, you don't need to say anything!"

Inter-chapter: The Werewolf Gu (1)

In the early morning, in the great desert, a dispute was taking place in a fortress built on rocks.

"This is different from what you promised us in advance!!"

The shabby hall was dimly illuminated, and the brown-black werewolf, who was as big as a bear, roared hoarsely at the male elf sitting firmly on the high chair, his voice rumbling like thunder, "I've had enough!"

Behind him stood fifteen werewolves with different shapes and colors, the only thing in common was the strange horns on their heads.

The anger of all the notorious Chiya bandits was pushed to the peak. Within a day, their number dropped from 36 to 16. Even when they were besieged by the knights of Helgia, they never paid such a heavy price.

Of course, the main reason why these bandits were furious to such an extent was that such sacrifices failed to bring them the slightest benefit.

Only a gray werewolf carefully reminded in a low voice: "The leader..."

While the other companions were aroused by the anger of the werewolf itself, he was still aware of the fact that the lives of all the people here were in the hands of the crazy elf mage sitting on the chair.

"Let all of you gain the supreme power, and let you plunder everything you want. This is the condition I promised you at the beginning, right? I gave you the evolution medicine I made with my own hands, and I also promised you to break into the game. From now on, Dean, you can rob money and women as you please..." The male elf surrounded by murderous eyes—Mudal made a strange smile on his face, and the tattoos covering his pale face were folded into folds, "You What else is there to dissatisfy, Zag?"

He sat on a high-backed stone chair at the end of the hall, behind which was a curtain with blood-stained runes drawn on it.

"But you messed with the medicine today! You still asked me to do that kind of mission to send you to death!!" Zag's eyes were bloodshot, and he almost burst into flames.

He also became suspicious when the weird elf who hired them handed him a bottle of black potion with a pungent smell. He first chose one of his men as a test subject, and the result was really As promised by the elves, the weakest subordinate who was dispensable in his eyes instantly gained enough strength to challenge him.Then the other members scrambled to pour those medicines into their mouths, and he was no exception—it had nothing to do with his will, the members of the bandit group were all outlaws, and the reason why the members obeyed him was purely out of fist The gap between soft and hard, if he doesn't accept this power, I'm afraid he will give up his position as leader on the spot.

Since then, the nightmare of the Chiya bandits began. Those potions made their blood flow from the devil, while strengthening them, they also threatened their lives at all times. Their wealth and lives were pinched by this damned in the hands of the elves.Mudar used the life of one member to make them realize this fact.

Therefore, when they were sent to be responsible for the task of "going deep into the enemy's camp at night to inquire about the enemy's situation, it is best to kill a few important people by hand", they could not refuse - those who refused would never be able to do so. Speak again.

"Since you get paid, you have to do some work. Those evolution medicines are made with the blood of the devil. They are truly priceless treasures. I just hope that you will have more contractual spirit when you do things after receiving such a reward." That's all." Facing Zag's anger, Mudar looked very calm.

This calmness also completely destroyed Zager's self-control, and the influence of demonization made him even more irritable.Realizing that he would continue to be called around, and even be consumed as a discarded child, his anger surged up like magma in a volcano.

"I'm going to die anyway, why not..." He growled from his throat, staring at the opponent's eyes with murderous intent pouring out, as if the most ferocious beast had been violated its territory.

In the next moment, he tensed all the muscles in his body, causing all the rough animal hair to stand upside down, and then jumped up with all his strength, and threw himself fiercely at the stone chair.

Kill this weak elf first, maybe there is still a glimmer of life, even if he dies, let him pay back the debt for offending him.The uncontrollable rage completely aroused his viciousness, he wanted to tear the opponent from throat to chest, dig out the opponent's heart and drain his blood!

Before Mudar had time to react, the werewolf's burly body and ferocious claws approached him.Zag grinned, he had already imagined the spewing blood and the screams of the invincible elf before him, and the joy of bloodthirsty desire to be satisfied spread in his mind.

But in the end he caught nothing.

He passed through Mudar on the stone bench without hesitation, and passed through the stone chair, as if his target was a completely disembodied ghost.

He was stunned the moment he fell behind the stone chair.

The mage isn't here at all, maybe not even in this fortress, it's just a projection talking to them.

"You see, you want to take the head of your employer at every turn, so you lowly bastards lack the spirit of contract." Mu Daer didn't even look back at him.

As soon as the words fell, an arc of light flashed through the curtain behind the stone chair, across Zag's neck, cutting the curtain and cutting off the werewolf's head at the same time.

The wolf-shaped head fell to the ground, black blood splashed on the curtain, and the werewolf's torso, which was maintaining the pounce posture, twitched a few times and then collapsed.

Then, in the eyes of the terrified werewolves, an orc with a broadsword came out from behind the blood-stained curtain.

"As I said, these people don't have any loyalty at all, and they are useless at all." The orc walked slowly to the side of the stone chair, and inserted the magic sword that easily chopped off the werewolf's head into the ground, Said the voice, his eyes without a trace of empty emotion swept across the corpse on the ground.

As he spoke, he suddenly swung his sword empty-handedly: "...After killing it, maybe it can be used a little bit."

The runes on the sword flashed cold light, and the corpse of the werewolf who had lost his head suddenly "returned to life" and slowly got up from the ground amidst the screams of other werewolves.

"No, they have a more efficient way to use it." Mudar replied lightly, "Dug out his heart and throw it to them."

The orc holding the magic sword——Azak glanced at him, and didn't raise any objection.

The corpse of the werewolf who stood up suddenly moved again. He tore open his chest with his claws, dug out the heart covered with asphalt black blood, and threw it in front of the werewolves.

The heart bounced a few times on the ground, and all the werewolves backed away a few steps in fright, as if it was a bomb filled with black powder.

"I, I'll give you another chance." Scanning the remaining fifteen werewolves, Mudar had a grin on his face.

Inter-chapter: The Werewolf Gu (2)

"I gave you demonized potions, but I haven't had time to tell you the real usage of these potions, because I'm really worried that it will affect the harmony within your team..." Mudal glanced at the werewolves playfully, and pretended to spread out He shook his hand, "But now that you don't even have a leader, I don't think you need to care about this issue."

The leaderless werewolf bandits looked at each other in horror.The leader's lessons learned from the past have completely destroyed their will to resist in person. They either looked at the leader's heart at a loss, or stared cautiously at the broadsword planted by the orc on the ground. Only the gray-white werewolf held tight Staring at Mudar's eyes, he wanted to observe the truth and falsehood of the other party's words from the changes in his pupils.

"I know that you will be so dissatisfied. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than the potion I gave you did not achieve the effect you expected. If the power you get can easily crush your pursuers, then these tasks I have delivered will not be worth it." There is no risk at all. Just imagine, if you alone gain the truly supreme power, no matter whether it is the orcs in that valley, the elves of Saidian, or the knights of Helgia, whoever If you dare stand in front of you, you can kill him with a wave of your paw, and you can enjoy all the women in the Saidian camp..."

Mudar said in a bewitching tone, the werewolves who listened to his painting hadn't realized that he said in the second half that there was only "you" in this fantasy, not "you".

"The potion makes your physique very unstable, but it also allows you to obtain part of the power and attributes of demons. Demons are species that evolve and strengthen by devouring their own kind. You have also inherited this. You As long as you eat the opponent's heart, you can greatly increase your demonization level and achieve a leap in evolution. Here..." Mudal spoke like a patient teacher, and he uttered every word clearly.He paused here, pretending to count the number of werewolves present.

"Well, fifteen hearts, if my research is as expected..." A strange smile appeared on his face, "It should be enough to evolve a demon lord."

A frightening and cold atmosphere immediately permeated the scene, fifteen hearts—if counting the heart belonging to their leader on the ground, only one heart can still beat in someone's chest.

There is only one place for evolution, and only one person can live.

While the others were still at a loss in this icy atmosphere, the gray-white werewolf took the lead.He threw himself at the heart of the leader who was rolling on the ground, grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth.

Only then did the other werewolves react abruptly, and four of them swarmed towards him, but it was too late, the gray werewolf swallowed the whole heart with just a few bites, and the other werewolves fell from behind By the time he was there, it was impossible to pry anything out of his mouth.The four werewolves who threw him down simply started biting at him, trying to finish him first, and then fight for his heart.

Being suppressed by four opponents, the gray werewolf was unable to resist for a while.But after only two seconds passed, his body suddenly swelled up.He suddenly jumped up, facing the four werewolves biting and biting, and raised his claws to grab the throat of one of the werewolves that was biting his shoulder.With its huge grip, the claws pierced into the extension of the neck, reaching the cervical spine.

The bone suddenly protruded from his shoulder blades, and the new skeleton unfolded suddenly, with such force that it bounced off the remaining three werewolves—it was a pair of wings made of skeleton and membrane, with joints growing at the joints. With sharp barbs.

With the wings of a high-level demon, his body has evolved one step further in the direction of a demon.

The gray-and-white werewolf who had achieved rapid evolution roared and stood up, holding a werewolf whose spine was easily broken by him with one hand. Originally, he was the thinnest among the wolves, but now he became even bigger than their original leader. .

The opponent caught by him did not die, and the werewolf physique strengthened by the blood of the devil was still working hard to repair his body, allowing his broken cervical vertebrae to reconnect.But the gray-white werewolf didn't give him a chance to be resurrected. Another claw mercilessly stretched into his chest, digging out his heart.

He then shook off his opponent's corpse and stuffed a second heart into his mouth.

This time, his entire spine protruded from his back, and spikes grew section by section. Sharp bones protruded from the tailbone, growing into a long tail like a scorpion.

Every time he devours a heart, his body is one step closer to the devil. This evolution is accompanied by heavy pain. The magic power of the abyss strengthens him and erodes his body at the same time. This pain also stimulates his hunting ferocity , he turned his face that had become far from a werewolf, and cast his sinister gaze on the others.

The other werewolves were aware of the crisis, and some joined forces to attack this most threatening opponent, while others took another approach, sneaking up on other weaker opponents and trying to dig out the opponent's heart and eat it. Evolve yourself to gain the power to compete with him.

The accomplices who were originally helping each other fell into a fight to the death, and the roar of the beasts intertwined in the scene where black blood was splattered.

Mudar sat on the seat contentedly and put his face on his face to enjoy the good show, and he spoke to Azak who was standing by his side leaning on his sword: "When will we attack?"

"There are also werewolves among the enemies, so the time to attack is three days later, on the night of the new moon." Azak replied in a voice without the slightest cadence.

"The people I leave to you, and all the resources I leave to you, will be dispatched by you. Let's fight a good battle, the great orc hero." Let the former orc hero be assigned to destroy the tribe he once guarded The sense of irony made Mudar couldn't help grinning.

Mudar, whose magic power was sealed and exiled to the wild of giant beasts, made a bold choice after spending a long time unraveling the seals on his body—to seek refuge with the Demon King.

He searched for and incorporated other exiled sinners, went to the Demon Realm, and was successfully incorporated into the Demon King's command by virtue of his in-depth research on demons and his status as the former chief mage of Saidian.In the battle of the abyss, he led an army formed by demons and orcs to attack the former motherland.

Originally, everything went smoothly, and the army invaded Saidian's territory like a bamboo, destroying one city after another.Using a game of chess as an analogy, he can checkmate the country in just a few moves.But at that moment, a chess piece ignited and struck back at the faction it belonged to—an orc leader led his tribe to rebel against the Demon King, not only withdrew from Saidian, but also attacked him in reverse. Command an army of demons.

The orc leader had left a deep impression on him.

Inter-chapter: The Werewolf Gu (3)

The Demon King will not let the traitor go.

After the betrayal of the Bloodaxe Clan, Mudar had been ordered by the Demon King to get rid of them, but in the pursuit and interception of the Bloodaxe Clan, the opponent succeeded in breaking through with fewer victories and more lands.Afterwards, the orc uprising spread like a prairie fire, and many tribes that rose up were bloodbathed by the Demon King. As the first tribe to resist the Demon King, the Bloodaxe Clan managed to survive the desperate situation with nowhere to ask for help. at last.

It was that leader who led the remnant army evacuated from Saidian by relying on his excellent strategic level, allowing his tribe to barely survive the desperate situation.

When the situation of the battle was completely reversed and the civilized world assembled all its forces to launch a counterattack, he decisively chose to defect.In the decades after the end of the Battle of the Abyss, he and the remaining sinner apprentices returned to the Demon Realm, built the Mage Tower, and managed to inherit various "inheritances" of the Demon King. Later, he found a collaborator ——Jaron, Prime Minister of Helgia, who covets the king's position.

Relying on the financial and personnel support provided by the great lord, he was able to establish many hidden strongholds in the Wild of Giant Beasts and Helgia, capturing the creatures of the Wild of Giant Beasts and the Demon Realm for control and breeding.

In addition to hoarding combat power in this way, they also partnered to arrange some quite large-scale conspiracies.

One of them is to send the magic sword "Desolation Contract" to Princess Helgia who is studying in Saidian. They plan to use this to severely damage Saidian and get rid of the heir to the throne of Helgia by the way. Jaron seizes power from the bereaved king.Then, with the help of the corpse of the Demon King, they can control the power of the Demon Sword for their own use, and take down the two most powerful countries in the civilized world in one fell swoop.

——As a result, the "Desolate Contract" that was sent to the past disappeared for no reason, and there was no disturbance in Sai Di'an. On the contrary, Jialong's affairs were exposed and he had to choose to flee. The useless princess suddenly became the crown prince.

Afterwards, they chose another tactic, provoking the relationship between the orc tribe on the Wild of Beasts and Saidian, prompting the orc tribe to send troops to Saidian, intending to use the orcs to consume the troops supported by Saidian and Helgia, and finally Raise troops to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

As a result, the conflicts between the two sides continued to heat up, and when the war was about to break out, the orcs inexplicably reached a settlement with the elves, and formed an alliance with Helgia.

He still can't quite figure out what went wrong and made these perfectly seamless plans fail.

He could only vaguely feel that in this series of inexplicable developments, something was against him, something... not quite right.

In short, all their investment in these plans was in vain. Instead, the six major tribes, Saidian, and Helgia were provoked all over the place. When these three forces united to eradicate their strongholds one by one, they even found the magic land by following the vines. At times, they are literally cornered.

So he had to make a desperate move—resurrect the orc hero who had caused him a lot of headaches, and use his talents to obtain the blood of the dragon king to revive the corpse of the demon king.

Mudar, who was sitting on the stone chair, turned his head and glanced at Azak who was leaning on the magic sword by his side.

The orc's eyes were as hollow as a frozen deep well, facing the hell scene where werewolves were biting each other and trying to take out each other's heart to eat, he didn't even blink his eyes. When the "Silent Tombstone" revived him, it also reawakened his memory and consciousness, retained his experience and talents during his lifetime, and at the same time sealed all his emotions.

Without warning, those empty eyes glanced at Mudar.

"You shouldn't take away such an important strategic weapon according to that human being's will." Azak said in a deep voice, "That human being has no ambitions, no long-term vision, and is useless, and—"

"It's not trustworthy, that's true. Among so many mediocre people, Master Jialong can be regarded as incompetent to a certain extent." Mu Daer continued with a sneer, "However, manpower, logistics, weapons, layout... everything Everything is backed by gold, and nothing can be done with the corpse of the devil in hand." He raised a hand and made a gesture of counting money, "Before that master's pocket is emptied, he still exists It's worth it. At least for now, his request cannot be granted."

"Without that corpse, the attack here would be very difficult, and the valley is easy to defend and difficult to attack." Azak continued in a calm tone, "If it cannot be captured in the first few days, the enemy on the other side will The reinforcements will arrive, and by then this side will be in a dilemma."

"It's fine if you can hold them back...Of course, I'd rather you capture that valley, and set fire to that forest and the mediocre waste living in it." It seemed that he had imagined that kind of situation, Mudar's A distorted, happy smile appeared on his face again.

"I'll do my best." Azak replied, his voice flat as if this difficult task had nothing to do with him.

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