"It's...the female elves in the camp." She replied in a low voice.

"If you just ask the female soldiers in the camp to draw, it is impossible to draw a book with a face that looks exactly like mine. Do you have any idea about this matter?" I continued to ask.

"Well... this..." She began to falter.

This kind of reaction is the same as not asking for it. It seems that she is indeed involved in this matter.

"If you don't tell the truth, you will have to be a windmill here today!" I threatened viciously.

"I, I just let them have some special dreams, and they drew the scenes in the dreams themselves!" She finally told the truth.

"Dream? What's going on? Explain it to me from the beginning."

Only then did Vanessa explain the matter in detail.

It turned out that this guy seemed to have inherited Feilan's ability to break the curse, and he had already figured out a way to break the seal of the ring and escape by himself.These days, she sneaked out almost every night when Feilan was asleep.

Originally, she was going to attack me at night like she did when she was in the academy, but at first she didn't know where my house was (later when she found out, she had to give up because the queen lived in my house), so she went instead Attacked the female soldiers in the Saidian camp at night.

In addition to men, succubi also attack women who have sexual fantasies.Having inherited this habit, she sneaked into the tents of the Saidian female soldiers, and used her abilities to make them fall into dreams that were not suitable for children.

Then, this goddamn "succubus" set all the male protagonists in the dream to look like me without exception.

Inside Sai Di'an's barracks, it seems that some restricted-level picture books have been produced in private to relieve stress, but at first they were only circulated in small circles, and the impact was not that great.But with Vanessa's unremitting "efforts", these female soldiers who were affected by her dreams began to make picture books inspired by their erotic dreams, and because the paintings were so vivid, they got more love in the barracks. audience.

At first, Vanessa stole a picture book from the female soldier's tent by accident. After realizing that the dreams she created would be drawn by others, she began to stare at the female soldiers who could make picture books, and worked harder to make a picture book for them. They design dreams.

And those female soldiers who were already very interested in this dream took these dreams as a gift from God and began to create diligently. As a result, various picture books based on me were published in places I didn't know. They were created one after another, and later even began to be mass-produced by printing, and gradually spread in Saidian's camp, causing a big trend.

These picture books were stolen from the tents of the female soldiers after she "reaped melons from sowing melons". In fact, there may be more than this number of picture books that have really spread in the camp.

"What the hell have you done!!" After listening to her confession, I grabbed her and shook her vigorously, making her spin rapidly.

"Wow wow wow wow!" she screamed loudly there.

The matter is finally found out, but...

Even if this "succubus" is stopped from continuing to do things, and she is asked to confess the authors of these picture books one by one, and then confiscate all the picture books and destroy them, the influence caused by the spread of these picture books cannot be eliminated.

"You guy, can't you do something less? How do you let me move around in this camp in the future?" After Vanessa finished walking around there, I stared at her and preached.

If I read those picture books in the future, or if the elf female soldier who was influenced by this girl's dream sees me... how embarrassing the scene will be.

She shook her head, recovered from the dizziness, raised her face and looked at me innocently: "No, I just let them experience how good you are, my dear. Although at first they were more or less There are some resistances, but you never imagined how active they became towards you in the dream. If they really saw you, they might... Hehehe!" She said to you as if she was asking for credit. Looking at me, I smiled triumphantly, "Now my power has become stronger. If you want, my dear, I can also connect you with other people's dreams."

"I'll be thankful if you're honest with me!" I held out my hand to let her continue spinning.

At this moment, Feilan flipped through one of the picture books she picked up casually, blushed and cast a contemptuous look at me: "Tsk tsk, pervert! You actually did such a ghost in someone else's dream!"

beast thing! "

"So this is all caused by her, and it has nothing to do with me!" I rolled my eyes helplessly.

Legion of the Undead (1)

After the offensive and defense on the first day, the enemy troops stationed on the outskirts of the valley remained motionless, and even delayed until the fourth day to organize the next round of offensive.

It is really counterintuitive.

In general siege warfare, there is indeed a tactic of delaying the attack until the opponent consumes resources, but that can only be established by completely besieging the city and blocking all supplies.

The valley currently guarded by the Bloodaxe clan not only has a large area of ​​residence as a production resource, but also has Seidian as an ally behind it, so they don't have to worry about staring at the enemy and fighting a war of attrition.

On the contrary, the place where the enemy troops are stationed is on the edge of the great desert. There is a lack of water and no grass grows, so it is impossible to establish a self-sufficient base.The enemy's main combat force is the raised giant beasts and synthetic beasts, and the demand for food, grass and fresh water is not small.According to the situation reported by the elf scouts, they seem to have put some giant beasts into hibernation to save consumption, but in order to prevent us from suddenly rushing out of the valley to launch an attack, they still have to maintain most of their combat power.

If this continues, let alone dragging back until our reinforcements arrive to outflank them, they will run out of ammunition and food themselves.

But on the morning of the fourth day, something weird happened.The enemy's camp was filled with thick fog, and it was impossible to see your fingers.Sidian's scouts regularly sent the familiars to the enemy every day. Originally, nearly half of them would be blocked by the barriers and traps set by the elf sinners, and they could only bring back limited information. This time, none of them could do anything. detect any condition.

The fog was unusual.Compared with the edge of the desert where the enemy is stationed, the valley where we are located has more water sources and vegetation coverage, and the humidity should be much higher than where the enemy is located. If there is fog on their side, there should also be fog on our side However, the fog just covered the enemy's camp, and it didn't mean to spread outward at all. No matter how you looked at it, it was man-made.

That morning, three hours after the fog, after the elf scouts tried various methods but failed, Roland asked me for a commission, hoping that I could go to investigate—strictly speaking, she hoped that I could use the Queen's A pair of eyes with see-through ability to detect the enemy's situation.

So, instead, I asked the queen to approach the enemy camp to check the situation while training with me.

"...Can't you just kill him back and forth? After so many days of not beating, I feel like mushrooms are growing on my body." She replied after hearing my request.

"No, the enemy's forces are all concentrated there, who can guarantee that such a killing will not lead to nothing?" I seriously rejected this proposal.

"The enemy who stabbed me is right in front of you. Do you know how long I have endured it? Now you only use me as a scout. In your eyes, am I so useless? Facing an enemy of this scale, even the whole body And you can’t even retreat?” She seemed to feel aggrieved by standing still for so long, and began to show dissatisfaction with my admonition.

If we use a tough attitude here, I'm afraid it will cause even greater backlash. How can we persuade her.

At this time, I suddenly and inexplicably remembered the content of the book I got from Miria before, showing weakness—maybe it can produce unexpected effects.

So I quickly waved my hand at her: "No way! How could I doubt your strength? It's not that you are useless, but I am useless. If the two of us directly raid the enemy camp, you will be able to escape unscathed , I may not be able to come back alive, can you show some understanding to you, a useless contractor? Besides, you are our trump card, and the trump card is reserved for the last and most critical time, isn't it? "

"That sounds nice. Didn't you coax me to deal with those miscellaneous soldiers in the previous battle?" Although she said so, her brows softened obviously.

"That's just because you're too bored. Look, didn't you wipe out all the air raid troops with your fingers?"

"Hmph..." She raised the corners of her mouth playfully, and suddenly took a step closer, tiptoeing close to my face, which made me feel a little nervous, "Do you think I can't see the little plan in your heart? Even if I dare to coax you, it’s really you.”

It's reasonable to be seen by her, as long as she doesn't feel disgusted, it's fine, and this is also a part of showing weakness.

"Ahaha." To this, I could only smile wryly and raise my hand to express my surrender.

"Hmph, that's all, let's accommodate you one more time." Fortunately, she listened to my words in the end.

I didn't expect the content written in that book to be really useful...

So we set off from the training ground, flew over our fortifications and walls in the valley, and approached the enemy camp outside the mountain pass.

Just in case, I also used the beast soul summoning to make two lightning sculptures, and followed them as extra guards.We don't need to hide our faces. Although the total air combat power in the hands of the enemy is very dangerous to us, as long as we keep a good distance, there will be no major problems.The flying speed of the Queen is far higher than that of the Corpse Dragon and the Thunder Sculpture, and the fire bombs she breathes have a range that is difficult for the enemy to reach.If the enemy chases us out, we only need to hit one shot and run away. They have nothing to do with us.

Soon we will be able to see beyond the mountains.

It is indeed very unusual. Today's weather is actually sunny, the air visibility is very high, and the high-altitude view is excellent. Looking towards the direction of the desert, you can clearly see the scene more than ten kilometers away.However, the enemy camp less than two kilometers away from us was completely surrounded by a cloud of white mist.

The fog gathered together in a cage shape, and according to the scout's report, it had existed for more than three hours.Normally, even if there is thick fog in this arid area, it will dissipate in less than an hour as the temperature rises during the day.Through this weird thick fog, I couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

"Can you see it?" I asked the Queen.

"No problem, don't underestimate my eyes." The queen replied calmly.

So we kept a distance of about two kilometers from the fog and began to circle around the perimeter of the camp.Occasionally, we can still hear the roar of giant beasts coming from inside.

"Huh?" After going around half a circle, I heard the queen suddenly make a surprised voice.

"What's the matter, did you find anything?" I asked immediately.

The queen was silent for a long time, then she replied quietly: "Those beasts in the camp...are fighting each other."

Legion of the Undead (2)

"Fighting?" I couldn't help being stunned when I heard the Queen's description.

"Well, that's not quite accurate." The queen slowed down a little in the air, and looked carefully in the direction of the enemy's camp, "What I saw was a lot of animal pens, and each animal pen There are a group of wild beasts biting a wild beast in the open space, and the eaten beasts were killed without any resistance... A lot of them have died, at least dozens of them."

Legions of behemoths...cannibalizing each other?

And judging from the fact that the eaten beast did not resist, it seemed that the enemy had deliberately arranged this.

what happened?Is it because there is not enough food and grass, so the method of self-discipline is adopted to reduce consumption, and by the way, the meat of wild animals is used as a priority?

It doesn't make sense. Azak once passed through this valley with his army, and he also led the Bloodaxe clan to defend here. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack.It has only been less than a week since the enemy has been stationed here. It is not unreasonable that the logistical supplies cannot last even a week for such a siege expedition.

Even if it is [-] steps back to say that their supplies are really in danger to such a point, it is the next best thing to let the troops use such meaningless internal friction. It is better to put all the troops into an attack immediately. Valley, they can seize all the resources in the valley.Even if we burn all the food and grass when we evacuate, they can at least capture a strategically important area, and they can also look forward to attacking and plundering Saidian, which is thousands of times stronger than starving to death in the wilderness.

What the hell are they up to?

Could it be that they want to use this kind of self-mutilation to create the illusion that we are desperate or civil strife, let us relax our vigilance, and lure us out of the city to attack?

No, not quite.Even if we really decide that they are out of ammunition and food, the best choice for us is not to go out of the city to wipe out them, but to continue to hold the valley and wait for them to kill themselves more easily.If you want to lure us out, you shouldn't continue to procrastinate here and pretend to be mysterious. Instead, it is more appropriate to pretend to retreat.

And this unusual fog...what the hell is going on?

We continued circling until we turned around and found nothing more.Then, a large group of creatures suddenly appeared in the camp shrouded in mist—the controlled Thunder Sculptures. Besides, there were actually a group of synthetic beasts—flying synthetic beasts with a very uniform appearance and a vigorous body. The shape and the heads of three ferocious carnivorous beasts of different types, and several abyssal pythons attached to the tail, in addition to the huge membranous wings growing on the back.Although the flying is not as light and flexible as the Leidiao, the size is far above the Leiduo, and the number is at least thirty.It can be seen that the enemy already has the ability to mass-produce synthetic beasts to form an organization.

If you are besieged by such monsters, the queen may still have a way to escape, and if I am not careful, I will become a takeaway snack delivered to my door.

"Oh, we've been discovered." The queen said faintly, "Shall we go back now?"

She didn't kill without thinking on the spot, it seems that she still remembers my instructions before departure.

But at this time, I suddenly came up with an idea on a whim: "Let's shoot a fire bomb at that camp."

I always feel that this fog is very weird, let's test it now.

"Huh? Didn't you say not to confront them right now?" the queen asked suspiciously.

"It's rare to come, let's just send a shot before leaving."

"Hmph, maybe it was you who I killed, and now you are the one who wants me to hit you again... It feels like you are a little bit of a slap in the face. Did I say that I have been too kind to you recently?" There was a little dissatisfaction in the Queen's voice.

"Then do you want to have a shot?" I glanced at her.

"That's it!" Her voice rose again.

As I expected, the belligerent Her Majesty would not refuse such an offer at all.

The queen turned her neck and opened her mouth, the blazing fire was as bright as the sunrise, a fire bomb spewed out from her mouth, drawing an untraceable trajectory and rushing into the fog covering the entire camp two kilometers away.

I've seen the power of the Queen's breath before. It can kill a Thunder Eagle in an instant, and it can also disperse the dark clouds that occupy most of the sky. If you want to blast into this camp, it should be able to disperse a lot of fog and blow up Two or three tents.

But this time, when the fireball rushed into the white mist, it was as if a bull had entered the sea. Not only did not a single echo come back, but even the mist did not dissipate.

"What's going on here? My flame... has dissipated." The queen seemed a little surprised.

I was also taken aback. Although I expected that there would be problems with this cloud of fog, I didn't expect such a result at all.

If possible, I would like to experiment and observe more, but right now those Thunder Sculptures and Synthetic Beasts are already rushing over aggressively, ready to kill me.

That's all, let's get some useful information for the time being, it's time to put oil on the soles of your feet.

? "Okay, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, go back quickly." I patted the queen on the back.

But at this moment, the queen's stubborn temper came up: "Wait a minute, I will try again! How could my breath be blocked so easily!"

"Hey, stop making trouble!" I was startled, "The enemy is about to rush to my face! Go away!!"

In the end, she still refused to listen to persuasion and continued to fire three rounds towards the camp—the result was the same as before, as if it had been absorbed by the mist, without any effect.Finally, she lost her temper and vomited towards the herd of beasts chasing her as if venting her anger. A poor Thunder Eagle couldn't dodge it and was blown to ashes on the spot.

At this time, the synthetic beast rushing to the front was less than 500 meters away from us. In order to avoid being dragged off the queen's back by it, I had to control the Thunder Carved Beast Soul I summoned to rush out to block it. .

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