First of all, the enemy did not put their trump card in such an important battle-the corpse of the demon king is already very strange.

Seize the opportunity to steal the dragon's blood, and personally lead the troops to attack Saidian's palace in the air—from the previous actions, it can also be seen that Azak, like the legend, is an outstanding general who dares to take risks and kills decisively.In this offensive and defensive battle, there was not much time left for the enemy. With his past behavior, he should have put all his strength into a fight in the first two days.

At that time, all of us were ready to fight a tough battle, but in the end the offensive shown by the opposite side was tepid.

On the first day, he only made a tentative attack, and then confronted us inexplicably, and just shrank in the camp, making such an ineffective "drill" so that we were prepared.

What the hell is he thinking about?

Let me see the results of your practice (1)

After visiting Roland, the information obtained during the investigation was basically verified.

But I have one thing on my side.

"...I beg you, why don't you just go back to sleep?" I tried in vain to persuade the queen who put her arms around my neck and dragged me to the training ground.

"It's rare that the weather is so good today. It's a pity not to practice." The queen smiled happily, and threw me in front of her with all her strength.

The weather today is indeed very good, sunny, cloudless, and the moon phase is not a complete first quarter moon. The stars in the sky are very conspicuous, forming a bright crown of broken diamonds, which is very suitable for sitting in the open space Stars on the ground.

It was such a good time, but this female dragon dragged me to the training ground——

"Come on, I haven't practiced with you for a long time since we first met, just let me see how you adapt after drinking my blood." The queen gestured to me with great interest " "Come" gesture, "I have seen you have a kind of hand-to-hand combat in your orc camp before, I am very interested today, why not follow that rule."

— insisted on having an orc wrestling with me.

Looking at her excited look like she was drunk, not only did I feel a headache.

Normally, not to mention this time, the lazy female dragon had already slept on the gold two hours earlier, as if dead.

It's all because of Roland's bottle of medicine.

Although she didn't show any exaggerated reaction after drinking the bottle of medicine, it made her enter a strange state of excitement. At the same time, it seemed that she began to like physical contact inexplicably—from Roland's tent Since the conversation started, this guy hasn't stopped touching me.

So, it seems that the excitement and desire to touch after drinking that bottle of medicine, in the mind of this aggressive female dragon, inexplicably transformed into a whim that wants to compete with me in orc wrestling.

Such nonsense, of course, I am absolutely unwilling.

I tried to raise my hand: "Well...that kind of competition is called wrestling, because the rule is to throw the opponent to the ground to score points, and there are many personal fighting skills, so we generally don't allow competitions between opposite sexes."

And we're not a heavyweight at all...

Of course, I mean this guy is much heavier than me.

"Is it enough to knock the opponent down? Good!" She punched her palm eagerly.

"Listen to me, okay!?"

It's a pity that my shouting was completely useless. She looked me up and down eagerly, like a butcher looking at a domestic animal waiting to be slaughtered: "If you don't attack first, I will attack!"

As soon as the words fell, she rushed up aggressively.

I shivered, reached out reflexively, grabbed an arm wrapped around her and turned sideways, preparing to throw her over the shoulder.

Then when I was about to support her body with my shoulders, I encountered unexpected huge resistance.

Over the shoulder - I fell!Eh?Didn't move?This bitch is really heavy, work harder and try again!I fell—damn, or almost.Adjust your breathing, the next time you exert your strength, you will definitely succeed, one, two——

However, the queen didn't give me a chance, instead she hooked my arm around my neck and choked me: "Hey!"

Because of the height difference, I was immediately pinched by her and turned my head up, and my eyes almost went dark.

I can clearly feel the soft touch of her body against my back, and... the almost terrifying power emanating from her seemingly weak body.

Damn, even though I've felt it before, this guy's strength is too great.

Then she shrank my neck and led me to fall to the side. I suddenly felt dizzy, and then my body hit the ground heavily.

The queen who was still holding my neck and pressing on my back said triumphantly: "Okay, so I will get a point first."

Although she was forcing her to practice, but with such a power gap, I am convinced that I lost...

"I admit defeat, you can go back." After getting up, I raised my hands helplessly.

"This is only the first round. I remember that your 'wrestling' didn't end so quickly." The Queen's interest remained undiminished, and she insisted on me.

Tsk, it looks like she won't let me go back until I beat her to her heart's content.

"Speaking of which, your body is very strong, huh huh huh..." She smiled meaningfully, matching that flushed face, she looked very charming.

...But I was inexplicably reminded of the hooligan who succeeded in molesting the little girl. This wrestling forced by her made me feel like I was being sexually harassed in reverse.

In the second round, she pounced from the front again.As the party with an overwhelming strength advantage, she doesn't need to use any extra skills at all, she just needs to keep attacking in an upright manner and crush her opponent.

I dodged around her in advance, and then took advantage of her unpreparedness and hugged her waist from behind, preparing to throw her in a bear hug.

"Hey!" When I hugged her tightly, I suddenly heard her laugh excitedly.

This girl seems to have become a little abnormal after drinking that medicine.

Alright, then I'll make your head sober and see if I don't drive the two horns of your head into the ground!

But as soon as I let her feet off the ground, she struggled to regain her balance with a heavy heart, and then she grabbed my wrist and broke it hard, forcing me to let go.

Then she grabbed my arm and threw it over my shoulder, which brought me into close contact with the earth again.

I lay flat on the ground in a daze, looking up at the starry sky, feeling a sense of frustration.

Although I have experienced the power of this female dragon before, I have also won consecutive championships in tribal wrestling competitions...

"It's not as challenging as I imagined. Although there is no curse this time, the strength of this figure is much stronger than when we first met, but you have accepted my blood anyway, so you can't show it. Do you want to be more presentable?" The queen looked down at me, with a trace of regret in her tone, "Why do I feel that you are weaker than when we first met?"

Hearing this sentence, I felt that somewhere in the bottom of my heart was ignited.

"Okay, then I'll be more serious this time, and I'll show you how powerful the Bloodaxe Clan's wrestling champion is!" I got up from the ground and stared seriously at her eyes, which were covered with black cloth.

I figured it out, although it was forced, it was still a competition anyway, and it is not the style of a real orc warrior to retreat just because the opponent is too strong.

Even if I can't beat this female dragon, at the very least, I will take a point from her.

"Hmph...don't just talk nonsense." She clasped her hands.

Let me see the results of your practice (2)

? This time I'm serious.

Although the two rounds just now were not a passive challenge, I was forced to wrestle with this female dragon. I really didn't seriously consider how to win her. I just passively dealt with her overwhelming power.

But wrestling is not purely a duel of strength, and skill is far more important in this sport than that.As the top fighter of the Bloodaxe Clan and the consecutive wrestling champion, how could I let such a novice throw me around?

What is the racial gap?Let this female dragon see how powerful we orcs are!

Inspired by my fighting spirit, I opened my arms slightly, put on a posture and roared: "Come on!! Let me show you the blood ax clan wrestling champion Li—"

boom! !

In the next second, the queen suddenly rushed forward, so fast that I couldn't react at all.She rushed into my arms from the front, knocked me to the ground with huge momentum, and pressed her body weight on me.

"Hmph, sorry, I didn't get serious just now." She who was pressing on me pushed me up and smiled wildly at me.

Tsk, indeed, there is still a big gap between the strength she showed just now and when she was fighting seriously. I was still too careless.

Immediately, I felt the blood rushing up, and I didn't care about the position she was pressing on me, so I yelled at her very imposingly: "Come again!"

boom! !

This time she suddenly bypassed my initiative, jumped up from the side, put her arms around my head and held me in her arms, and then quickly gave me a head-hugging throw.

"I'm sorry, but I still remember some of your competitive moves." The queen stood in front of me who fell on the ground with her hips crossed, "When I first confronted you, I tripped over you with such a trick. Don't think it will be so easy this time."

Tsk, I thought she didn't know skills because of her strength alone, so I underestimated her...

"Come again!" I yelled angrily again and got up.

boom! !

This time she entangled my arm, and then a pull made me lose my balance, and when I barely supported myself with my hands, she suddenly swooped and pinned me to the ground.

I was pressed down by her and lay flat on the ground, staring up at the starry sky in a daze.

The racial gap is relentless.

"I scored another point. Tsk tsk, don't you just say a little bit of big talk!" The queen got up from me cheerfully, and she could see that although she was only crushing and abusing me unilaterally, she seemed to be interested in this The new game is surprisingly enjoyable.

"Come again!!" I got up from the ground again after being completely aroused with blood and fighting spirit.

"Hmph, the result is the same anyway." The queen was still willing to continue to accompany her.

This one has to be won no matter what, I thought secretly in my heart.

The pain of being thrown to the ground over and over again made the Berserker crest on my arm glow dimly. Although it was only a little bit, my strength did increase as I competed round after round. Gradually getting stronger, and at the same time, I also feel that I am slowly adapting to this guy's speed and movements.

She just watched our orc wrestling a few times in the tribe, and then imitated the cats and tigers. She should not have many moves, and her proficiency is unlikely to be high. As long as I react in a timely manner and use The corresponding restraint skills...

This time, when she rushed over and wanted to wrap her arms around my neck again, I lowered my body suddenly, chose to pounce on one of her legs, and hugged her tightly.

"Huh?" She had obviously never seen such a technique before, and when she was surprised, her movements froze for a moment.

I didn't miss the chance, I hugged her leg and kicked it hard, forcing her to lift her leg, and knocked her to the ground.

When she fell down, she supported herself with her hands, but this time I also used the technique she had just used, flew forward and pressed her hard, and successfully made her fall to the ground.

Great, I finally won a point from this perverted female dragon! !

"Hmph!!" I couldn't help raising the corners of my mouth and laughing triumphantly at the joy of finally winning a round after all the hard work.

"Are you that happy?" A soft and pleasant voice floated faintly from the side.

"That's not—" I still had a smile on my face, and I replied casually.

Um?Wait, who is asking?

I turned my head to follow the sound, and the smile on my face froze.

Princess Alisa stood ten steps away, smiling at this side: "Good evening, Classmate Bullock!"

"Uh, good evening..." Because her smile was so powerful, I couldn't help but stuttered on the spot.

Beside her, Feilan was standing there with her arms folded—it seemed that the two of them often walked together because they often went to Roland to study in the past two days.

"Birds, beasts!" Feilan looked at me with a disgusted expression, and uttered a disgusted voice word by word.

... Don't patronize misunderstandings, you should listen to others talk about the cause and effect before you make a comment.

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