On our side, the mages, shamans, and archers who were originally arranged on the city wall not only lost their aiming vision, but also spells of ordinary scale would be swallowed by the fog demons, and lost the damage of enchanted arrows to huge monsters. Insignificant, the originally arranged firepower front suddenly lost its meaning.

If the enemy army is allowed to approach, when the siege station cars, armored giants, and flying stones smash the walls, we will face a raging herd far outnumbered by us.

But the day before, that is, the night I brought back the information, Roland came up with a countermeasure.

"These are not..." On the same day, after receiving the warning order, I went up to the city wall to ask Roland about the assigned responsibilities, but I saw an unusual scene.

The group of dwarves responsible for maintaining the Helgia airship ran back and forth on the city wall, and fixed metal...cannons on the city wall every twenty meters!

"It was my suggestion." Roland, who was supervising the defense work, responded with a smile to the stunned me, "I asked Helgia's side if there is a way to disassemble the artillery on the airship and install it on the city wall for use. "

"You guys with long ears are really good at calling people." The short but extremely strong captain of the dwarf maintenance team walked in front of us carrying a wooden barrel, paused for a while, raised his head and cast a dissatisfied look at Roland, "Ten The four ship-mounted cannons are converted into seated cannons, and they need to be adjusted until they can be used the next day, do you think it is an easy job!?"

Roland was not annoyed when he heard his complaints, but nodded with an elegant smile: "Thank you, everyone."

"Huh!" He snorted out of his nose, and didn't say anything more.

He had bags under his eyes, and he was obviously tired. It was obvious that the dwarves here had been working all night.

It's not just them, the orc warriors in the garrison are also there to help. In terms of physical strength, the orcs and dwarves are very outstanding. From the guys who fought and copied, we can see that we all have outstanding strength advantages such as warhammers and axes. Weapons.

"Want to help?" Out of kindness, I pointed to the wooden barrel on his shoulder.

In the end, the other party blew his beard and stared at him: "Don't touch it, layman! This is a powder keg! Do you want to go to heaven, boy!?"

"Fire, gunpowder?" I froze for a moment.

"Not many of you orcs have heard of it. This is a powder that can burn to produce an explosive effect." Roland explained to me in time, "The formula was originally made by human alchemists by accident, but it has not been widely used. .It was the dwarves who developed this kind of thing, they used gunpowder to make explosives to mine, and then invented this kind of artillery with gunpowder."

"Hmph, it sounds like you know everything." The maintenance captain who heard our conversation put the powder keg behind a nearby cannon and said dismissively, "You guys with long ears don't know this at all. The essence of things!"

"It is indeed impossible for us to understand this inefficient weapon. Elves are born with magic and bow skills. This kind of long-range weapon is not only cumbersome to us, but also extremely expensive." A cold voice floated from the side, "If It’s not the special situation like today, these things are simply useless.”

We followed the sound and saw Tolivia wearing half a silver mask standing there with a cold face and arms folded, followed by Adjutant Testa.

"Hmph, so you girls with long ears are ignorant! You will never understand the essence and romance of this kind of thing!" The inspection captain began to direct the other dwarves to load the cannon.

"What romance?" Tista, who was following Tolivia, frowned slightly, "Don't be rude to the general, she is the commander here!"

"Then it's not your turn to talk, little girl." The captain of the maintenance team glanced at Testa disdainfully.

"Little girl!? I'm 190 years old!" Testa frowned like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

"Wait until you grow plumper than our chopping board." After the inspection captain finished speaking, he laughed with the nearby dwarves.

"You bastards—ah, it hurts!"

Tista was about to explode, Tolivia raised her hand in time and knocked her on the back: "Don't be ashamed!"

"The defense line on the city wall can't just rely on these artillery. How do you plan to arrange the personnel?" I turned to look at Roland and asked.

"Not all spells will be affected by the fog demons. Ritual spells with sufficient power and land-based spells can still have a certain effect, and someone needs to maintain the enchantment. I will leave some mages who are good at these on the city wall. As well as the shamans and warriors in your tribe, Chief Walo will lead them to defend the city together."

"Then I also want to defend the city here?" I asked about my duties.

On the first day of fighting, we eliminated the werewolves hired by the enemy.Now, except for the air strike force, they should have no surprise force that can go directly from the side to the inside of the valley. We don't need to deliberately arrange a defense line in the rear like that day.

"You and that queen are the main forces in the air battle." Roland smiled slightly, "We will work with you to deal with the enemy's air strike force."


"Yes, we have disassembled the artillery of the Helgian airship, so naturally we need other firepower supplements. The mages and archers of Saidian are affected by the fog demon and can no longer play much role in ground defense. , so we are going to transfer this batch of firepower to the air combat troops." Roland said, pointing to the airship parked in the huge open space under the city wall, "We will use the airship as a sky fortress, and let the archers and mages carry it on the ground." Here, go to deal with the enemy's air combat units."

Indeed, in this way, we can minimize the influence of the fog monsters summoned by the enemy on us.

At this time, an orc dressed as a shaman poked his head out of the sentry tower, and shouted loudly to everyone on the top of the city wall: "The enemy has entered the valley!!"

Fog Attack and Defense (2)

Although it is impossible to observe the specific position of the enemy with the naked eye, when the enemy's army enters the valley on a large scale, the shamans can detect the distance of the large-scale vibration by communicating with the "spirit" of the earth, thousands of giant beasts, and It is impossible for the shaman not to notice the movement of the blunt and heavy siege equipment moving on the land. In addition, the unique terrain of the valley restricts the enemy's marching route. It is still possible to roughly judge the advancing line of the enemy army. .

I also concentrated my mind and tried to communicate with the elemental spirit.This city wall was built by the mages led by Roland directly using the rocks and land in the valley as materials through magic techniques. It is integrated with the mountains on both sides, and its foundation is connected to the earth.Therefore, standing here even if you are far away from the ground, you can easily connect the spirit with the "spirit" in the land.

About 2 minutes later, like other shamans, I sensed the breath of the elemental spirit in the land, and then I also sensed the vibration transmitted along the ground about two kilometers away. The valley advances towards this side unhurriedly.

At this moment Vak ran up to the city wall, and the diagonal tops of his helmet were painted red, representing that he was now coming as the chief's herald.

"Arm!!" He yelled at all the sentry towers on the city wall.

The shaman in charge of security and I can detect the advancing position of the enemy army, and the old chief who is a senior shaman naturally knows it too.

"Defense!!" The orderlies on the sentry tower passed on the order with their powerful voices.

"Tsk, did the orcs just shout when they delivered the order?" Tolivia, who was standing near the sentry tower, stuffed her ears with her fingers, her brows were slightly wrinkled, and her face was full of displeasure.

"It's so simple and convenient. If you are jealous, you can also send orders in this way." I glanced at her.

"Hmph." Tolivia gave me a blank look, took out an arrow from her quiver and shot it at the sky.

The arrow rose into the air, made a sharp whistle, and shone red at the same time.

At the same time, Saidian's soldiers who received the order in the city took action, a small part rushed to the city wall, and most of them rushed to the airship.

"You are responsible for the defense on the city wall." Tolivia ignored us after she gave her adjutant an order, and turned around and went down.

It seems that she is going to board the airship to meet the air strike force.

"Hergia is really generous to allow you to remove the artillery and easily lend it to us as a fortress against air raids." I looked at the airship docked below and said with emotion.

I originally thought that it was used to protect Arthena's safety, so that the knights could escort her to escape when the situation was critical, and they would only help us within their capabilities.

"Now we don't need to think about retreating anymore. Chief Valor has received the Eagle Book. The reinforcements of the Shouya clan will arrive within a day before the other tribes, carrying Helgia's troops and knights. The ship is also approaching the western border of Saidian. As long as we survive this day, we will win." With an excited smile, Roland raised his hand and patted my shoulder, and then his eyes became a little serious again , "So this battle is the key to victory or defeat. I'm afraid Azak will fight to the death within this day. This time, he should go out in person."

"I will treat him well." I nodded, "Then what should my team members do?"

"You can arrange those children by yourself. They are nothing more than defending the city wall and dealing with air raids..." Roland hesitated, "Or is it better to let them serve as relatively safe logistics?"

"No need, they have all grown up a lot, and now they can all be independent, and I will assign tasks to them." I waved my hand.

I quickly imagined the arrangement in my mind. Arsena, Angelika and Tilawa formed a group to guard the city wall, and together with other warriors, they went to deal with the enemies who tried to climb the city; Vanessa could fly, Princess Lan and Princess Alyssa know how to attack from a distance, and they can be assigned to the air combat team. Although Feilan is afraid of heights, it shouldn't be a problem to just stand on the deck and cast a few spells.

The defense of the city wall has entered a battle state. Under Roland's command, the mages on the city wall activated the enchantment.The shamans who received the defense instructions cast their spells, causing hard thorn-shaped rocks to grow on the ground outside the city wall. This could not stop the enemy's advance, but it could somewhat hinder it.

"The enemy is already one kilometer away." I reminded Roland.

The place where we built the city wall, in addition to the relatively narrow location, which can limit the scale of the enemy's attack, also has an advantage that the canyon outside here is in a straight line for nearly a kilometer, and there are very few bunkers on the ground, which is very convenient Fire covered.

"Then, everyone in Beishan Kingdom, thank you." Roland smiled at the captain of the dwarf maintenance team who had prepared the artillery. "The enemy has brought siege equipment, so we have to strike first."

"Great, I can finally fuck the fuck!" The dwarves had obviously been gearing up for a long time, and immediately lit up the fireworks, signaling the dozen or so cannons on the city wall to fire.

A few dwarves with "I'm very professional" written all over their faces shook the handle on the base of the cannon and fine-tuned the direction of the muzzle of the cannon filled with shells and gunpowder, roughly facing the position of the enemy's current advance line of one kilometer.

"Let you all experience the power of the modified Dragon Roar Cannon!" The maintenance captain excitedly pulled the lead rope at a distance.

No sound.



Everyone present was silent for a moment, and the scene was a little awkward.

"Damn it!" The maintenance captain angrily pulled out the hammer from his waist and threw it at the cannon.

The hammer hit the butt of the cannon, and it flew to nowhere with a bang——

Then the artillery burst out with a deafening explosion, a long flash of flame shot out from the muzzle, and the heavy shells escaped with an elusive speed.

Taking the sound of the cannon as a signal, other cannons fired one after another.

The shells shot into the fog one after another, hitting the advancing line of the enemy army one kilometer away, and the blowout dust and gravel broke through the fog and flew into the sky—it was truly extraordinary power.Accompanied by the wailing of the giant beast, I sensed a momentary stagnation in the vibrations transmitted from the ground.Apparently, the shells we fired managed to hit the advance vanguard of the enemy.

"Cough!" After a short delay, the maintenance captain stroked his beard and coughed lightly, then turned his head and said to us without changing expression: "This is how the Dragon Roar Cannon is activated."

"Oh." I replied blankly.

Fog Attack and Defense (3)

"Keep firing!!" The maintenance captain commanded the shelling, "Damn it, reload it faster! We can't see those bastards, so they'll come close while we can!"

"Uh, I said..." I tried to talk to him.

"What are you doing, boy? Didn't you see that we are busy?" The inspection captain turned his beard and stared at me.

"I think since there are so many cannons, it's good to divide them into two groups and fire alternately to shorten the fire gap. You can see that the area where the enemy walks is quite narrow, so there is no need to fire all at once." I pointed to the distance to remind him.

The inspection team leader was stunned for a moment, then he figured it out: "You are a fucking genius!"

No, no, most people want it!

The maintenance captain raised new fireworks as a command signal, and the artillery arranged on the city wall was divided into two groups and began to fire alternately. The tactic of replacing mages and archers with shelling was quite successful, blocking the enemy's advance to a large extent.

By cracking the enemy's tactics of using fog demons, the geographical advantage of the city wall defense line can be maintained. In this way, the key to this battle has turned to the air battlefield.The dozens of cannons refitted in a hurry are not enough to deal with air raids. If the enemy's air raid troops can successfully deal an effective blow to the artillery defense line on the city wall, then the ground troops can break through the city wall and drive straight in; Staying until the reinforcements arrive can give the enemy a good taste of double-teaming.

"Continue, continue!! Let them know the power of the Dragon Roar Cannon designed by Lao Tzu! Huhahahaha!!" The captain of the dwarf maintenance team was aroused by the powerful sound of the cannon.

However, during the interval between loading shells, a voice floated faintly, pouring cold water on him: "How dare you call the Dragon Roar Cannon with such a power?"

"Who the hell? Do you have an opinion!?" The captain of the maintenance team heard this question, and turned his head unconvinced, "Are you going to say that you have heard a real dragon... Roar..."

When he saw the other party, his speech speed slowed down, his voice became quieter, and then stopped.

The queen who climbed the city wall leisurely with her arms folded stood beside me, looking at him with eyes covered with black cloth: "What's the problem?"

The face of the maintenance team leader covered by a beard twitched, as if it was in pain.

He turned back slowly, and coughed dryly: "Well, the name is always...should it be a bit more imposing?"

"I said when will the thief named Azak come out? We have to wait for the other side to show his face before attacking?" The queen looked at me again, impatiently pointing her finger on her upper arm, when she heard the news of the enemy's attack Since then, she has been in a state of ready to go, ready to rush into the middle of the enemy line at any time.

"Even if you are in a hurry, you can't kill him in a hurry, okay? We have to wait until the enemy's air strike force appears, and then fight with the airship. The force that came out to chase us yesterday is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Go without support. If you say it, you will become a living target." I persuaded her in a calm voice.

"Huh? You said I would become a living target?" She seemed very dissatisfied with this statement.

"No, it's me, I'll be a living target." I could only point to myself, "Anyone in the melee will come and plunder me, and I'll die!"

"It's really a useless contractor." She sighed, but she didn't continue to be stubborn.

"You're getting more proficient at coaxing her." Roland's teasing voice rang in my head.

"Sir!" At this time, a female elf dressed as a mage hurried over, saluted Roland and reported, "The enemy's air combat troops have come out, and the initial estimate is [-]."

Roland's mage troop had been using familiars to monitor the enemy's movements, and when the enemy's air raid troop broke through the fog, she immediately ran over to report.

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