The only thing that needs to be guarded against is what kind of strange move Azak will prepare. He has long known that the Queen is on our side, so it is impossible that he has not thought of any countermeasures.

I remember that he killed some giant beasts and transformed them into undead creatures that he manipulated, but what's the point of doing that.

At this moment, two pale figures flashed out of the herd of beasts flying around us, attacking us from both sides.

The Queen fluttered her wings again, and a wave of flames gushed out. The two giant beasts that attacked were instantly engulfed in flames, but they were not instantly scorched and then fell miserably from the sky like those thunder sculptures and synthetic beasts before. Instead, they fell silently. Breathlessly, he passed through the flames, dragging his burning body and forcibly rushing towards him.

Those were two synthetic beasts with withered bodies. The fire ignited their fur all over their bodies, but it didn't weaken their momentum at all. They didn't seem to feel any pain at all. They didn't scream or struggle. They just opened their blood towards this side. Basin big mouth.

At this moment, I was a little caught off guard. Fortunately, the support from the airship helped me, and the translucent bird-shaped elves who had been following me at both ends suddenly rushed out, like stone bombs thrown by a catapult General sacrificed his life and slammed into the two synthetic beasts, forcing them away.

"What's the matter, my flame didn't kill them instantly?" The queen seemed a little surprised.

"No, they're probably already dead." I faintly sensed that the undead creatures transformed by Azak were probably the ones that rushed towards us just now, that's why they didn't respond to the burns at all.

But the queen's flame is so powerful that it can instantly turn a laser carving into coke. Even undead creatures should not be able to maintain their shape if they are sucked into that hot wind.

I glanced in the direction of the airship and found that Roland was standing on the edge of the deck, looking at me through the barrier.

It was her familiar who helped me just now, and it was right not to leave the airship to help me.

Another sparrow-like familiar made with magic power flew towards me and landed on my shoulder. It looked so cute.

This is also Roland's familiar, her messenger. When I landed, Roland's voice rang in my head through telepathy: "Be careful, those are undead creatures. The enemy has covered them with magic in advance. Ice armor."

"Ice Armor..." I looked up after hearing her reminder.

After the first round of sneak attack, those undead creatures didn't hide any more and showed up one after another.This time I saw clearly that there were a dozen synthetic beasts, their figures were pale and reflective, because their bodies were covered with a layer of armor-like ice.

They used that layer of ice armor to block part of the damage from the flames, so that their bodies would not instantly turn into cokes that would shatter at the touch of a touch under the queen's flame attack, and they could drag their remnants to launch a suicide attack.

Normal creatures are unlikely to be able to use this tactic.Those ices would freeze their joints and freeze their skin, and even if their bodies could bear it, the heat of the giant beast would melt the ice armor.

But it would be fine to make them undead creatures. The dead bodies that lost their body temperature were driven purely by magic power, and covering them with ice armor would not have much effect on them.

It's really him, who actually thought of this trick!

The dead synthetic beasts rushed over from all directions, and they uttered a terrifying roar that was unique to undead creatures and could almost tear people's souls from all directions, which made me clench my teeth subconsciously.

Not only them, but other herds of beasts also surrounded them. Their staggered bodies formed a black curtain wall, blocking our vision in all directions.

"I came up with such a trick to prevent the flames..." The queen laughed jokingly.

Then her voice suddenly sank, as cold as an unsheathed blade: "You must have underestimated me."

In an instant, the crimson spherical domain suddenly expanded and swelled outward with her as the center, and a black-red arc of light flowed around the domain.Although there is no fluttering fire, the high temperature in the field is a tangible flame that surpasses all magic castings. The ice armor on the synthetic beast that touches the edge of the field evaporates instantly, and the undead body cast by necromancy completely carbonizes before it is ignited. , and was blown into pieces by the airflow expanding the domain.

This is the most powerful move I have ever seen the queen perform. It is an all-round domain attack without dead ends. It is the anger of the dragon king. Everything in the domain that she believes cannot be close to her is reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.But I only felt a warm current, and she really didn't lie to me, she would give me protection through a contract, so that I would be safe and sound in her domain.


I glanced over my empty shoulders.

Hey, you burned the little familiar Roland sent over!

Even if it is a demon lord, I will eat it for you (1)

The queen's big move instantly turned all the undead hybrid beasts into ashes, but at this moment, I heard the sound of breaking wind and wings from behind - different from the thunder carving and synthetic beasts. , the sound of flapping wings far above them!

Azak wants to kill the queen, the only sharp weapon is the magic sword in his hand - he needs to get close to the queen, and use the magic sword that can pierce the dragon king's dragon scale to stab the queen's vitals to win the battle. There is no doubt that the scarlet red field without dead ends is the biggest threat to him.

Therefore, if he wants to launch a surprise attack, the safest time is when the Queen has just used up this move, that is... now!

"Down!" I yelled at the queen before turning my head.

When we were doing riding training before, we had cultivated some tacit understanding. As soon as the queen heard my shout, she sank, and the height dropped several meters suddenly.

The dead dragon's poisonous breath passed over us.

I turned my head in vigilance, as I expected, the siege of those undead synthetic beasts in ice armor was first to force the girl to use the crimson domain, but to block our sight.At this moment, Azak, who was wearing a dark gray coat, and the corpse dragon he was riding finally broke out from behind the group of beasts that had been dazzled our eyes, and rushed towards us from the side.

"Horizontal two o'clock direction!" I immediately reported the position.

The Queen immediately turned her head and spit out fire bombs towards that side. Azak immediately controlled the corpse dragon to turn around in the air, brushing away the deadly fire bombs that were hard to catch, while hanging upside down on the corpse dragon's back and holding The magic sword was swung, and the sword's edge flew directly at the back of the neck of me and the queen.

I waved my warhammer without hesitation and slashed at him. The silent tombstone and the pitch-black battleaxe clashed with each other. The corpse dragon and the queen passed by. They looked at each other for an instant.

After being wronged, the corpse dragon suddenly turned its upside-down body back, and then raised its head and neck with an astonishing momentum, turning its direction almost vertically upwards, and the direction turned at a right angle. The wind spirit called by the shaman's power stirred the dragon The corpse's incomplete wings impacted its body, allowing it to maintain high speed under such a sudden turn.

This kind of dexterous and weird flying action is something that the queen and I can't do. At high speed, the flyer needs to withstand a huge acceleration for this kind of almost knuckle-like direction change, which is tantamount to hitting the ground or a wall at such a speed. city ​​walls.Even if the queen can bear such a force and dare to do this once, I will be shaken to the point of losing consciousness while riding on her even if my internal organs are not displaced.

But they are not afraid, both the corpse dragon and Azak are undead creatures resurrected by the power of the magic sword, the pressure of this flying action has no effect on them at all.

So when we turned around in a circling motion, Azak and the others had already climbed tens of meters and pulled away from us, and those synthetic beasts and thunder sculptures once again formed a curtain wall between us.

"Chasing?" the queen suddenly asked me.

"Don't chase, he is trying to lure us, don't be fooled." I replied decisively, "It's the same sentence, as long as we are under the protection of the airship, we are safe. He can't beat you head-on, so we can only Rely on the cover of our own legion for a sneak attack. We don't need to bite his bait, just slowly clean up his army, beat him into a bare commander, and see if he is in a hurry!"

Azak is a master of tactics and must not be underestimated. Right now we have the advantage of defending. The number of synthetic beasts and thunder carvings is being eroded by our defensive counterattack. It won't take long until Azak has no soldiers to use. When the time comes, solving him at that time is just a matter of finding the bag.

It's just that judging from the past fights, even if he is at a disadvantage, he will definitely find a way to reverse it.

As if to confirm my thoughts, there was a change in the valley below at this moment—the mist settled in the valley suddenly "boiled", and the invisible mist surged like waves, and then suddenly rolled up a vortex, and the center of the vortex Rows of fangs appeared on the periphery of the hollow, like the mouth of a rock-eating sandworm.Then the vortex turned into a tornado and rose from the valley. It rushed towards the sky with a strange roar that I had never heard before. The fog in the valley was swept away, and the army of giant beasts was blocked by artillery. Finally revealed.

That fog demon... is attacking us!

At the same time, I noticed that in the siege tide composed of giant beasts, there was a huge chariot dragged by a mountain beast, and an altar was set up on the chariot. On it, I saw several haggard elf sinners, They were skinny and lifeless as if their blood had been drained from their bodies, and their movements and postures were as rigid as puppets under the hands of a clumsy puppeteer.However, they were all holding their staffs high at this time, and the ends of the staffs shone with a strange purple light.

This is simply not the posture that a living person should have. Did Azak turn the elf sinner who was in charge of casting spells in the barracks into an undead he manipulated?

These Liches should be the manipulators of the Fog Demon, and Azak is manipulating them.After the battlefield on the ground was suppressed by artillery and the air battle also suffered a defeat, he decisively transferred the fog demon in the valley to the air battlefield, trying to break the deadlock.

"It's really imposing." The queen also saw the fog monster rushing towards her, but she was still able to handle it with ease.

Although the demon lord has the ability to swallow flames and breath, his flying speed is far behind the queen. To the queen, this is not a difficult opponent.

But at this moment, a frightening roar sounded above our heads—the climbing corpse dragon circled right above us, and rushed towards us vertically under the cover of the giant beasts in the air.

Attack from up and down!The two heads of the corpse dragon opened their mouths to us at the same time, and the breath of death was ready to go.

It's a bit tricky, which side should I deal with first?

At this moment, Vanessa flapped her wings and rushed out from one side of the sky, rushing towards the surging fog demon.She carried a black sickle with dark red spider web patterns, and used the blade to cut across the periphery of the fog tornado. It was hard to imagine that a sickle could cause any damage to the formless fog, but the moment her sickle cut through the fog, However, the sickle sucked away a large cloud of mist as if it had generated a strong gravitational force. At the same time, the dark red lines on the sickle suddenly lit up with red light—her sickle can extract the magic power of the fog demon!

Demons are a race that devours each other to increase their own strength. At this moment, this little "succubus" is actually planning to hunt this demon lord!

Even if it is a demon lord, I will eat it for you (2)

But thanks to this girl, after her sickle passed across the tornado-like fog demon, the fog demon that was attacked by her immediately let out a sharp roar as if feeling pain, and her long snake-like body bowed unnaturally. Got up, did not continue to rush towards us.

As a result, we were freed from the dilemma of attacking from top to bottom, and concentrated on dealing with the corpse dragon charging down from above our heads.

The poisonous mist with the breath of death spewed out from the mouths of the two heads of the corpse dragon, converging into a deadly torrent, but the queen raised her head at this moment and spit out a fire bomb, which scattered the torrent of poisonous mist from the front , and finally stuck to one of the heads of the corpse dragon.Dazzling flames bloomed with the explosion, gorgeous like fireworks, and the shot head was burned to ashes in an instant.

The queen's second breath was ready to go, and Azak urgently controlled the corpse dragon whose head had been burnt to rotate, changing its posture from a vertical dive to a horizontal one.The corpse dragon fluttered its wings, and turned its direction again in an almost angled manner, dodging the fireball and quickly moved away from us.

The ability to resolve this pincer attack and even counterattack is largely due to Vanessa's help.I turned my head and looked in Vanessa's direction, only to find that this girl was also looking at me.She flapped her wings and floated in the air, holding the sickle in one hand and making a scissors-like gesture with the other hand in the corner of her eyes, and winked at me as if asking for credit.

Hey, don't be cute on the battlefield, be careful of being attacked later...

In the end, I just finished thinking this way, and just turned my head back to look at the fleeing corpse dragon, when Vanessa screamed: "Hey, help me! Come and help me, dear!"

I turned my head back again, only to see the tornado-like fog demon that was attacked by Vanessa. I don't know whether it was irritated by Vanessa's sneak attack or driven by the demon's cannibalistic instinct, and unexpectedly changed its target without authorization. , turning around like a water snake swimming in the water, turned the swirling mouth towards Vanessa.

And Vanessa, who was still posing to me a moment ago, immediately lost her momentum just now, flapping her wings anxiously and flying around like a headless chicken, in order to avoid the impoverished fog demon behind her .

In terms of size, that fog demon can swallow several Vanessas in one gulp. This scene is like a giant python chasing a little mouse.

Tsk tsk, let you get carried away!Let you look concave on the battlefield!

You can't beat it at all! ?

However, it is a bit difficult for this girl to deal with a lord-level demon that is enough to influence the strategy of a battle alone.

"Let's deal with that fog demon first, and save that idiot over there first." I made a decisive decision.

"Hmph, do you really care about that girl? Why, is her safety more important than solving the enemy's commander?" The queen asked me meaningfully.

"At this moment, we can't pursue deeply. That fog monster is also a hidden danger. If we just stare at the corpse dragon and chase after it, we may be outflanked by that thing again at any time." I glanced at the corpse dragon's position and was beaten. After detonating a head, it distanced itself from us again by relying on its weird flight path, and was surrounded by thunder sculptures and synthetic beasts, "And that girl just covered us, wait until she is eaten you Favors can’t be repaid.”

If this fog demon, which is immune to ordinary magic and arrows, attacks the airship, things will become very difficult. We must find a way to solve it as soon as possible.

"What you said makes sense. And it happens to be..." The queen circled in the air with a smile, turned around, and swooped in the direction of the fog demon, "I have some debts with this guy!!"

She still seems to be brooding over the fact that her breath was swallowed by the fog demon.

It's not that Vanessa is just being chased and doesn't know how to fight back. After dodging a few times, she suddenly turned around, her wings stretched out, and five or six black and red magic circles flashed around her body instantly: "Look at the trick!"

Several magic bullets with condensed magic power were shot out from the magic circle, and all of them blasted into the open mouth of the fog demon tens of meters away.

Instant magic bullets, no extra spells and ritual actions, the color of the magic bullets is very similar to the magic bullets that the werewolf demon spit directly from the mouth, it seems that she can reproduce to a certain extent after absorbing the demons The opponent's moves.

However, those magic bullets fell into the mist demon's mouth and disappeared. It's no wonder, after all, this fog demon can even swallow the fire bullets that the queen spewed, which can instantly kill a thunder eagle.

Then, the huge cloud-like body of the Fog Demon suddenly split into a small cloud of white mist. In the mist, a black-red core flickered—it was the magic power of the magic bullets that Vanessa shot into its body.Then the small group of white mist suddenly transformed into a human silhouette with wings, which looked like a sculpture of Vanessa made of mist.

"Huh?" Vanessa was taken aback by this weird scene.

The "Vanessa" made by the mist suddenly stretched its wings, and the black-red magic power flowed to the wings, and then the wings flapped, turning the magic power into magic bullets and "throwing" them out.

"Hey!" Vanessa instinctively twisted her body amidst the exclamation, barely brushing past those magic bullets.

I was dumbfounded - this fog demon actually has the ability to return the devoured magic power back to the attacker.

The mist-transformed Vanessa quickly disintegrated after firing the magic bullet. It seems that this counterattack was only a one-off.

"Ordinary breathing can't solve it, this time it will take some effort." At this time, the queen who rushed towards the fog demon opened her mouth, brewing a breath.

"Wait a minute!" I suddenly felt something was wrong, and patted the queen on the back to stop her.

But it seemed a bit late for me to make a sound. A white rainbow-like blazing pillar of fire gushed out from the Queen's mouth, and slammed heavily on the fog demon's long snake-like torso.Not only that, the queen also swept the fog demon from head to tail with a pillar of fire, and made a full-body barbecue for it.

I can only pray in my heart that the breath of this scale can make the body of the fog demon collapse.

However, things went against my expectations. When the Queen stopped, I saw that the Fog Demon was still floating there, with blazing flames wrapped in its long snake-like body. It looked like countless lighthouses flickering in the fog on the sea. .

This time the fog demon split a large cloud of mist, and the flames also flowed and concentrated into the cloud of mist, and then the cloud of mist quickly transformed into the silhouette of a giant dragon, opened its mouth to us, gathered The fire within it is ready to explode.

"Damn, this is all right!?" I was dumbfounded.

Even if it is a demon lord, I will eat it for you (3)

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