"Well, the Horcrux that was destroyed just now is indeed the Lich's Horcrux, but it's not the one we're looking for." I said as I walked towards the rock wall at the end of the cave, "Azak is directly connected to Mudar's soul, from there The guy found where the Horcrux was hidden in his memory. When Azak transferred his soul power to me, he also left part of his memory to me, including the exact location of the Horcrux. The Horcrux outside seems to be Mudar chose one of his apprentices to transform into a lich, and then put the other party's horcrux outside to hide it, his own real horcrux..."

I found the location pointed by the memory left by Azak, and swung the battle ax vigorously at it.

The rock wall shattered in an instant, revealing a void—a hidden chamber.

"Here." I turned to look at them.

"It's really cunning." Roland said with emotion.

I shattered the rock wall of cover, opening a doorway large enough for one person to pass through.

After Roland disarmed the trap and defensive barrier at the door, we entered the secret room.

As soon as I stepped into this space, I smelled a faint smell of rancid blood.

At the same time, there was a strange rattling sound in the secret room.

The queen snapped her fingers, and a flame was summoned from the top of this space, illuminating the entire secret room.

The four walls and even the ceiling of the secret room were covered with blood-painted runes, and the remains of humanoid creatures and mummies were scattered in the corners of the room, which seemed to be sacrifices left by some kind of ritual.On the ground in the center of the secret room, ravines were plowed out to form a magic circle. The ditch that made up the magic circle was filled with gray powder—it was bone ashes. This huge necromancer circle maintained the two horcruxes separated by the lich. connection between.

The real Horcrux was placed in the center of the magic circle. It was a two-person-high pitch-black obelisk tower, and a seal composed of runes was suspended around the tower.

A skeleton wearing a robe looked at us across the magic circle, clapping his bones-only palms as if welcoming us, the clicking sound just now was the sound of his finger bones touching.

It was a possessed skeleton. Judging from this posture, the one manipulating this skeleton should be the owner of this secret room.

"Hey hey hey hey hey." The weird laugh came from the skeleton and echoed throughout the room, making the lich look like a dancing clown, "Oh my, I thought I caught a good chess piece, but it turns out Accidentally put my Horcrux in it, it was really put together!"

"Are you Mudar?" I asked him bluntly.

"Exactly." The skeleton admitted without hesitation.

This is the man who planned everything behind the scenes - Azak's memory told me so.

He was the one who revived Azak with the magic sword "Silent Tombstone", so he probably had something to do with the other magic sword "Desolation Contract" being sent to Alsena's hands.He is also the one who set up strongholds for researching black magic in the Wild of Beasts and Helgia, eroding our orc land, provoking conflicts between orcs and elves, and in the end he invaded our orc holy land and dug my ancestral grave , to blaspheme the heroic spirit of my ancestors...

I immediately gripped the tomahawk in my hand.

How many heads this bastard has are not enough for me to chop off! !

"Since I was found here by you, I can only accept my fate. Don't worry, there is no other way to attack. Welcome to my workshop, queen of dragons, ah, and... the daughter of the Alderson Lan family "He pointed the creepy skull head at Roland, "It's really thanks to you that you can dispel the traps and barriers I set up, it's amazing, it's amazing, Eland has taught a good daughter."

It seems that this guy has some information about us.

"Mudar Roverko, the most appalling sinner in the history of Saidian, apart from some past records, I also heard my father mentioned you before his death." Roland replied blankly.

"Oh? What did he say?"

"He judged you as a lunatic who is so cruel that even demons can't match it." Roland sneered at him indifferently.

"Hmm... Eland is the most talented apprentice under my command, but his vision remains at the mediocre level. I had seriously considered training him to be my assistant, but that guy found out that I was researching forbidden things. After the operation, I was directly reported." Mudar, who was attached to the skeleton, spread his hands helplessly, "It's a pity, it's a pity."

"That was probably the most correct thing my father did in his life. The only flaw is that he couldn't find a way to get rid of you directly." Roland said coldly, leaning on his staff.

"That guy died in the siege battle of the orcs because he insisted on defending the isolated city. I have always felt very sorry." Mudal shook his head and sighed, and then he laughed strangely, "But it's okay, he owes me, I can let him Come back, daughter, make your corpse into a puppet Lich, and after I defeat Saidian, use your hands to kill the rest of his family and blow up his tomb—it should be a good entertainment .”

"I guess you don't have this chance, because you have to pay with your life for the crime of disrespect to me." At this moment, the queen stepped forward and opened her majestic eyes.

"The dragon queen's anger? I'll be waiting anytime." The skeleton continued to smile strangely, and even saluted her, "The dragon blood on your body can help me complete a lot of research."

"I'm sorry, but you still have to pay for digging my ancestral grave!" I held a battle ax in each hand and sharpened the blade of the ax against each other. Messed up with the wrong person. Finding your horcrux is just the first step!"

? "Azak's descendant? It's just a little-known orc kid..." He seemed to have no interest in me at first, but then he laughed sinisterly again, "Ah, Azak's remnant soul is attached to me. I fell on you... I was really deceived by him once. Slowly and deliberately guarded against him and transferred him away from my side, but I was still hit back. If this is the case, if I catch you and torture me, Maybe it would be a good fun."

"You can just fantasize about this kind of thing in your head. What you really need to think about should be the last words you will say when you die at my hands!" I stared at him and said word by word.

"Oh?" He tilted his bony head towards me, as if he had heard a joke.

Vaguely, I heard another voice coming from the depths of my soul.

It was Azak's voice, and he said to me, "Do it!"

His thoughts remain deep in my soul, and I can't wait to use my hands to destroy the horcrux of this lich who blasphemed his soul.

I listened to that voice and strode forward. The surging life fire emerged from my body and turned into a blue translucent phosphorous fire. The phosphorous fire rose up and gradually gathered into a shape, finally transforming into a huge and vague half-length human figure , hovering behind me like a patron saint, holding a huge battle ax also shaped by living fire in his hand.

The power that Azak bestowed on me is churning in my soul. At this moment, the heroic souls of my ancestors are with me!

"Wash my neck and wait!!" Ten steps away from the obelisk in the center of the circle, I yelled, raised Azak's battle ax and slashed down, and the heroic soul behind me did the same.

The huge battle ax in Heroic Soul's hand smashed on the obelisk, and the obelisk shattered from top to bottom, and the translucent soul escaped.

At the same time, the puppet with the skeleton and broken strings fell down like a pile on the ground, and the skull of the bones rolled down.

"Hey hey hey...we will meet again soon."

Accompanied by weird laughter, his last words echoed in the secret room, and finally dissipated in the air.

Counter the rebellion for the future queen

Whose child cries every night, which gambling dog loses every day (1)

we won.

With the support of Saidian, Helgia, and the Shouya clan—and most importantly, with the secret assistance of Azak, we not only defended the valley where our tribe settled with extremely low casualties, but also Through Azak, he found out the identity of the man behind the scenes and destroyed one of the Horcruxes hidden by the other party.

It's just that this battle still left some doubts that were not considered in time at the time, including the whereabouts of the devil's corpse.

Obviously, the enemy did not concentrate all their efforts to attack the valley where our tribe lived. Not only did the attacking force not exceed our expectations, but the corpse of the devil king never appeared in the enemy's camp.

If you insist on thinking about it, you can list a few reasons.

Mobilizing thousands of troops and horses for an expedition often requires a considerable amount of supplies.The enemy's strongholds in the Wild of Behemoths are numerous but very scattered. It would be too resource-intensive and time-consuming to mobilize the troops cultivated by all the strongholds.

In addition, Mudar personally admitted that he did not fully trust the resurrected Azak. The reason why he transferred the opponent to lead a limited force to attack the city was more or less out of fear—in fact, Azak still He really thought of a way to get out of his control. If he had left the corpse of the devil to attack here, I am afraid that Azak would try to seize control of the corpse of the devil.

However, if we go on like this, a new problem will emerge.

Where did the corpse of the devil king and the rest of the enemy's troops go?

"We will meet again soon" - the words Mudar left when destroying the Horcrux made people feel concerned.

But right now, it doesn't hurt to put aside this kind of thing that you can't even think about for the time being.

Two days after the battle of defending the city, with the assistance of reinforcements arriving later, the cleaning and restoration of the canyon in the valley was almost completed. The villagers who temporarily took refuge on the border of Saidian also moved back quickly, and the tribe regained its previous vitality. , the tense atmosphere floating in the tribe since being attacked by the enemy with the power of the demon king has eased a lot.

After mourning for the war dead, everyone sincerely enjoyed the hard-won happiness.Among them, the most interested members are naturally the members who personally participated in the defense of the city, not only the fighters of our tribe, but also the allies from Saidian and Helgia who are still temporarily stationed in the canyon because of assisting in the aftermath. .

On the third day, when I came to the camp, I was surprised to find that there was a new huge tent, and there was an inexplicable noise inside.

I thought some kind of reception was being held inside, and with a little curiosity, I walked to the open door of the tent and took a look inside.

Then my eyes widened immediately.

The tent was full of people, not only the elves of Saidian and the knights of Helgia, but also the dwarves of the airship maintenance team, and even a lot of warriors from the tribe came.They gathered around a dozen tables, large and small. Different game props were placed on the tables of different sizes: cards, roulette, dice and even chess boards. There was a table at the entrance of the tent. A chip of color, a Helgian female knight sitting behind the table, seems to be acting as a clerk who collects money for chips.

It's actually a casino.

"Why did you win again!? You fang monster, did you secretly change your cards?" A female elf soldier boldly threw the remaining cards on the table, stepped on the chair and pointed at the orc on the opposite side of the table. question.

"Fuck you, I still doubt what kind of strange spells you use to get out of thousands. How can you get the bishop every time?" The orc on the opposite side was not to be outdone.

"If you have the ability to check cards!"

"Check it out!"

"I heard that a werewolf can tell if a person is lying just by looking at a person's eyes. I'm not at ease betting against you." At another table, a female orc looked suspiciously at Helgia who was sitting on the other table. knight.

"What use is this talent in a game of pure luck like dice?" The knight sighed, "Don't worry, ma'am, I swear on the knight's honor that I didn't cheat in this game."

Then another big table playing roulette was full of people of all races, a dwarf jumped up and down with his hands on the edge of the table: "Damn, this table is too high, I can't even see the roulette What time is it... Who over there, please pass that box over to me!"


The figure dressed in fine clothes was standing straight near the door. She turned her head and saw me, and immediately put on a bright look: "Hey, Mr. Bullock! You're here too!"

It was Arsena.

"What's going on here?" I asked in surprise, pointing inside.

"As you can see, a casino has been temporarily set up to operate it. In our supplies, there are some game props distributed to the soldiers to relieve stress. I often see people gathering in the camp to play cards and gamble for a small amount of money these days. So I came up with the idea of ​​temporarily setting up a place for everyone to get together and have fun." Arsena responded calmly with her arms akimbo, "But I really didn't expect the popularity to become so high, so I was planning to Those who paid for the provision of facilities turned out to be making a lot of money now, ahaha.”

After all, they had just won a battle, and most people were quite excited. With a reason to revel, it was irresistible whether it was a reception or a game at this time.

Speaking of which, this guy's ability to make money and his luck are really incredible. Most people would never think of setting up a temporary casino in this kind of place at this time...

"Is it really okay to open this kind of place?" I said worriedly.

Casinos are not prohibited in our tribe, but in general, such places are not very popular in the eyes of the public.After all, it's not uncommon for people to go bankrupt because of their addiction to gambling or even torn up their wives and children.

"Don't worry, this is not Helgia after all, and I don't want to cause disputes, so I made some restrictions." Arsena smiled and waved her hand, "Only soldiers from various units are allowed to register with their ID plates to participate. Individuals can only exchange for a limited amount of chips, and there is also a limit to the amount of chips that can bet once per game. Those who don't accept the rules will be invited out by the knights. Therefore, basically, people who come here are just gambling for fun. "

Well, this girl is pretty reliable for doing this kind of thing.If you get it right, I can't say much.

"It's a rare opportunity, Mr. Bullock, come and have fun, I'll accompany you!" She suddenly warmly invited me.

"Uh, I won't..."

I tried to decline, but Althena took my arm.

"It's okay, Miss Angelika and Miss Feilan are playing cards together in the corner, I'll show you there." She took my arm and walked inside.

Whose child cries every night, which gambling dog loses every day (2)

Arsena pulled me to a small table at the far end of the tent. Feilan and Angelica were actually sitting at the table playing cards with chips piled up in front of them.

From the expressions of the two people and the comparison of the shares of the chips, it is easy to see the current situation of the situation—Miss Feilan seems to have only about a dozen small chips left to bet on her clothes.

"Three human foot soldiers make up a paladin, and draw two new cards...Okay, I'm going to showdown!" Angelica had already made up her own cards.

"Huh?" Feilan, who was suddenly drawn into the final match and only had one chance to change cards, was obviously at a loss.

"What, a bad hand? But it was stipulated in advance that cards cannot be discarded...you suggested it." Angelica reminded her with a blank face.

I probably heard it from the side.

I have also played this kind of gambling game, and it was passed down from humans.Cards have dual attributes of race and arms occupation, mainly composed of three races: human elves and dwarves. In addition, there are several god cards and demon cards with special rules. Players use these cards to build up through several rounds of cards Play a specific card type to bet against each other.Then, in addition to collecting cards to upgrade and change cards, there should be tactical options for discarding cards. When the situation is unfavorable, you can cut off your tail in time and retreat, or use psychological tactics to make the opponent actively fold. The style of play is a game that tests gaming skills.

Under such rules, Angelica, who has the ability to infer emotions by observing the pupils of the other party, has a considerable advantage, while Miss Feilan, who likes to be brave but can't hide her weakness in her heart, can easily become a human being. She is a fat sheep that can be slaughtered, so this golden-haired girl took the initiative to propose a restriction that she could not discard cards, which shifted the focus of the game to the level of luck. To some extent, it was a clever choice.

It's just a pity that luck was not on her side today.

"The showdown is the showdown, who is afraid of whom!" Feilan's face was not very good, and she reached out to touch the pile of cards, "I will change the cards for the last time first, and I will gather five magic cards later to make you cry."

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