"Everyone..." Arsena showed a somewhat touched expression on her face.

Of course, there are other reasons for being confused.

"I'll go wherever my dear is, and be together with each other every day!" Vanessa jumped out of nowhere and rushed towards me.

I quickly raised my hand to press her forehead, and then quickly winked at Feilan: "Hey! Do it!"

"Tsk, why did you come out without authorization again? Be honest with me, Miss!" Feilan raised her hand skillfully and shot a magic rope from the devil's ring, trapping Vanessa tightly and preparing to kill her. pull back.

However, things did not develop as usual. This time, the rope failed to seal Vanessa's power. She suddenly turned her body into a black mist, and then Feilan's magic rope was caught in the mist. Dissolved and absorbed.

Finally, Vanessa, who got out of her body, reunited and formed, floating in the air and making a face at Feilan: "Liue, I am completely different from before, you bad guy can't trap me anymore!"

"You!" Feilan was irritated by her.

In this battle, this "succubus" devoured the magic power of the werewolf demon and the fog demon one after another, and its power grew by leaps and bounds. It seemed that Feilan had no other way to deal with her.

This also means...

"Come on, honey, let's continue!" Vanessa turned around and rushed over again.

"Go away, I'm talking about serious business now!" I had to stretch out my hand to push her away, but her arms wrapped around me like water snakes.

"Hey, after you finish talking about the serious things with them, we can do some unscrupulous things, let's warm up first!" Vanessa said with bright eyes.

...which means I have one more troublesome character to deal with.

However, it is not impossible to restrain her at all.

"Then, you are the only ones who want to go together. I will immediately ask Mr. Wikas to prepare the rooms on the airship." Arsena glanced at everyone present.

"No, wait a minute, there's another one," I replied pushing Vanessa, "I think you need a nice room..."

I was only halfway through when I was interrupted by a familiar voice not far away: "Brock, you boy! As my contractor, you didn't take the initiative to help me move the bed, you are not small."

We turned our heads together, and a certain dragon queen was dragging her coffin-like bed striding towards us.

"Just kidding, your coffin is full of gold. I don't know how many tons it weighs. How can I help you move it?" I sighed.

She is also preparing to leave for Helgia in pursuit of the Lich Mudar who planned her assassination.To some extent, she alone is worth thousands of troops.

"Ah, it's you!" Vanessa's attention suddenly turned to the queen, with an angry expression on her face, "If you hadn't been staying at my dear's house for the past few days, I don't know how many times I could attack him at night! "

It's really thanks to this empress who is occupying my house to live and die.

"Huh? You seem to have an opinion." The queen looked at Vanessa who was gearing up with great interest.

"Hmph, I'm stronger now, and I'm not afraid of you anymore! Let me take revenge for being scared to death by you before!" Vanessa, full of fighting spirit, used her magic power to form a scarlet pattern. The pitch-black sickle flapped its wings and charged towards the queen.

In the end, the queen just raised her free hand, transformed into a huge dragon claw, and slapped her down and pinned her to the ground.

"Look at the trick!" The physical attack didn't have much effect on Vanessa. She immediately collapsed, turned into black mist and escaped from the queen's claws, and then gathered into a ball again, and rushed towards the queen in turn.In the past, Vanessa had to turn into a physical body to launch an attack, but after absorbing the lord-level fog demon, she gained the ability to capture the target's magic power in the state of incarnation of black mist.

But in the end, the queen swung her claws at the black mist violently, and a large flame burst out from the claws, and the flame was thrown out with the movement of the claw, swallowing the black mist in.

"Wow wow wow wow! Hot! So hot!" Vanessa escaped from the flames, and she seemed unable to absorb all the queen's dragon flames.

The queen took the opportunity to jump up, grabbed her with the dragon claws, then moved her face close to her, and took off the black cloth covering her eyes: "Huh? I didn't seem to hear what you said just now. .”

"Hey!" Vanessa, stared at by the queen's red golden eyes, froze in the queen's claws.

On this day, Vanessa finally recalled the horror of being defeated by the dragon queen once, and the humiliation of being overwhelmed by the majesty in those eyes.

Resurrection (4)


Under the modulation of the dwarven maintenance team, the airship continued to sail at the highest speed in an overloaded state. After only one day and one night, we arrived at the border of Helgia at dusk on the second day.

We landed at the western border of the Northwest Territory of Helgia, and Arsena immediately summoned the communication officer here to inquire about the situation in the territory. Apart from her and Vikas, the only ones present were the support representatives. I still have Roland.

Judging from the communication officer's report, the current situation is not good, but it is not the worst either.

After the enemy broke through the strongest northern fortress, they were roughly divided into two groups.As the main force, the first group marched all the way to the capital with the fastest and most violent offensive. In just three days, they captured two cities along the way-if the delay in the information sent by the carrier pigeon is taken into account, the other nearby city may also be fierce. More good luck less.

Then another group spread out and pushed towards the commercial towns in the Northwest Territory, as if they were preparing to occupy the entire Northwest Territory as a base to ensure the logistics for advancing to the capital.

Fortunately, the latter did not go as smoothly as the group of troops that marched into the capital. They encountered unexpected resistance in the process of occupying the Northwest Territory—the mercenary regiments of the four orc tribes housed in Arsena's territory. Arsena, who hired the lord, was dispatched at the urgent request of the local sheriff before she returned.Like the town of Dusk Ridge where we used to stay, although it was also raided by a small group of enemy troops.But with the assistance of the Wolf Head Clan and the Luefeng Clan, the local guards quickly counterattacked and wiped out the enemies who raided the town.

After listening to the communication officer's report, Arsena looked at Wikas with a serious face, and made a decision on the spot: "Start the airship immediately, and we will set off now to support the capital!"

She looked very anxious. After all, the enemy was targeting the capital, and they were coveting her father's life.

But Wikas did not immediately order the knights to carry out the crown prince's order, but bowed slightly and advised her: "Your Highness, I believe that you should not aim to directly support the king's capital right now."

"Why?" Alsena's face was full of incomprehension, "Mr. Wikas, you heard it just now, the situation over there is much more urgent! Besides, the father is still in the capital, and now that the enemy is in front of him, why don't you come back?" Is there anything more important than the safety of your father?"

"Of course, Your Highness, they are your people." Wikas raised his face, "The defense force of the capital is much stronger than your territory. Although the enemy is very strong now, when you meet the Marshal The crusade army will be frustrated sooner or later. Our support force is only a drop in the bucket for the defense of the royal capital, but it can be of great help to your territory. You are Helgia's The crown prince is also the lord of the Northwest Territory, you have the responsibility to ensure the security of the territory. Now you should give priority to eliminating the reckless enemies in your territory."

"I..." Arsena hesitated after hearing what Wikas said.

Compared to Alsena who started to worry about his father's safety, Wikas, a professional soldier, was much calmer.

At this time Roland also made a speech: "The enemy adopted a surprise attack to seize the opportunity. Although this tactic is very powerful, it is very dependent on logistics, so they will spread out to attack the towns in the territory of His Highness. If we It should be more appropriate to cut off their supply method as soon as possible, and then encircle the main force of the enemy with the follow-up support troops. And..." She smiled at Arsena, "I don't think it's necessary to go too far. Worry about your father, King Filiant is a wise and decisive person, and he has the ability to deal with this situation."

I also stepped forward and patted Alsena on the shoulder: "Calm down, the most taboo thing about hunting is just staring at the prey and forgetting to observe the surrounding situation. We can just do what we should do now."

Arsena finally calmed down a bit, and nodded: "I see... Then, let's start contacting the important towns nearby, check the victims in the territory, wait until we find the location of the enemy troops, and then send them Break them down one by one."

"Obey!" Wikas took the order and saluted, then turned and left the room.

Having decided to give priority to the support of the territory, we temporarily stayed at the border and explored the situation in Alsena's territory first.

In this matter, Hergia's troops are more efficient than I thought. Wikas did not send scouts on fast horses, but let his werewolf knights take up these tasks.

The knights packed their clothes and individual supplies in leather bags, transformed into wolves, and rushed to different towns and villages at a speed far exceeding that of horses.In just a few hours, they came back one after another, bringing back some news about the enemy.

"...Your Highness, the situation is very bad." When Wikas returned to tell Arsena after hearing the report from the knights, he first made such an opening statement.

He had a gloomy face, his eyes were filled with a fierce light that couldn't be hidden, and he could feel that he was trying to restrain his anger just by listening to the voice.

"A fortress city has fallen?" Arsena slightly opened her eyes.

"No, what I said was terrible. It's not the battle situation, but the enemy's methods! In addition to attacking towns, they also hired bandits to attack villages!"

"Let the lawless attack the village? This kind of thing..." Arsena shook her head in disbelief.

As early as a few days ago in the battle of defending the city, we had already seen the enemy Chiya bandits as a means of replenishing combat power.But it is another matter to send these people to attack villages with almost no military force.The thieves themselves are unorganized and rejected by the law and order forces. They are not bound by law and morality. They are no different from locusts in this kind of war-these people can do anything.

"It's a battle on scorched earth! The Kaia knights met a small group of people and captured a living person. We have just tortured them, so the news should be reliable. Those thieves were raised by the enemy, and they were hired by the enemy a long time ago to establish a stronghold." At the behest of the enemy, they plundered supplies from the village, and then burned the land, and did not spare the villagers, those goddamn bastards..."

Wikas paused, gritted his teeth, and then continued, "They also slaughtered the villagers and transported the corpses to the enemy's troops... They used them as fodder for giant beasts. Four villages were destroyed!"

Resurrection (5)

Slaughtering civilians is not uncommon in the history of war. Even in the abyss war not far away from now, the orcs enslaved by the demon king once stained their hands with sin and blood when they invaded Helgia and Saidian. Blood—the old chief told us, I still remember the past that made him feel guilty all his life.The war at that time left indelible scars on both sides. Perhaps war really has no honor to speak of, but turning the blade of a weapon on an unarmed person who had nothing to do with the war—such an unjust atrocity can never be forgiven of.

The enemy has easily trampled on this bottom line, not only re-igniting the flames of war, but also re-enacting the scene of hell in the past.

When Vikas relayed the news back, I saw a fierce anger flash in Arsena's eyes that I had never seen before.

"Organize the troops immediately..." She tried to calm herself down before speaking, but the suppressed voice still showed the shock in her heart, "Go and wipe out those thieves! All of them!"

"I have asked Lailia to organize a team, but there are still five thieves who are scattered to attack various villages. The area span is not small. Even if we use the mobility of werewolves to wipe out one by one, it may take a lot of money." Four or five days." Wikas returned.

"No, the longer the time goes on, the more villages will suffer. Send more people! Since there are five waves of thieves, send five teams to go at the same time!" Arsena instructed.

"Your Highness, in that case, it will cost a lot of manpower!" Vikas frowned slightly, "We still have to support the towns attacked by enemy troops!"

Unlike towns, villages are much more scattered, and many may be in remote locations.If the bandits raised by the enemy targeted the villages, they would naturally also be active in those places.To wipe them out quickly in one go, support troops will be dispersed to those areas.

"But those villagers are also my subjects, and their situation is even more urgent." Arsena obviously understood this truth, but she still clenched her fists unwillingly.

? "I can understand your feelings, but the enemy deliberately used the thieves to search these villages and let them commit atrocities. The main reason is to hope that we can disperse our troops to rescue. If we do this, we will hit They have their hands full." Wikas said seriously, "And the reason why those thieves can be so rampant is that in the final analysis, they rely on the enemy's troops to contain the guards of the town. As long as they defeat the enemy troops on your territory, those It's only a matter of time before the mob breaks up. Our manpower is too small, and a small team is already at its limit."

"But..." Arsena lowered her eyes, but was speechless.

Although Wikas' strategic analysis as a general feels a little cold, it is very correct.

Towns are far more defensive than villages. At first glance, they are not that critical, but looking at the entire battle situation, if strategic towns or even fortresses are captured or destroyed by the enemy during our rescue of villages, the loss outweighs the gain.

At this time, Roland spoke up: "It is true, but there is a solution for both."

"A solution for both?" Arsena and Wikas looked over at the same time.

"Just send out our most mobile units to eliminate those thieves, and at the same time, others take airships to support the attacked towns." Roland raised a finger, "Isn't there one of us who is the fastest and Is there any reliable combat power?"

"Ah!" Arsena showed a look of sudden realization.

That's right, if Her Majesty the Queen is willing to help, as long as she has accurate information and her flying speed, she may even have a chance to catch up with the main force in time after clearing out those thieves.

Of course, I have to follow her if she moves. If I fly from the sky, I don’t need to be restricted by the roads on the ground. It doesn’t matter if I am not familiar with the situation of this territory, as long as I have a map and accurate location information. .

"This is indeed feasible. She is still sleeping. I will ask her when she wakes up." I nodded.

It's easy to persuade that female dragon. Now that I've gotten along with her, I'm somewhat used to her temper. Her purpose is to get rid of the Lich Mudar who offended her. As long as she understands that her actions will make the enemy unhappy That's it.

"I'll go and find someone to take care of you to go with you. If someone sends a familiar to assist you in the investigation, it should improve the efficiency a lot." Roland smiled and said to me, "Although I really want to go with you personally , but this time I, as the leader of Saidian's support team, can't go away. It's almost dawn at the moment, you go to rest for a while, and after the queen wakes up, you can persuade her later. Let's meet up next to the airship in the morning."

"Okay." Without thinking too much, I nodded.

Then the next day, I tried my best to persuade Her Majesty the Queen to be willing to help this favor, and when I took her to the airship, I found that apart from Arsena as the client and Vikas who accompanied her, only Roland and Miria were standing there.

Yes, Miriah, I want to emphasize it because it is very important.

Roland saw me and smiled at me.

"..." I was silent for a moment.

Now that I think about it, she also smiled at me like this when we were parting yesterday—a troublesome smile.

"Roland, didn't the helper you mentioned come? Then there's no other way. The time is urgent. Your Majesty and I will leave now. Farewell, no need to send it off!" I spit out these words in one breath, and waved at the people present He waved his hand and was ready to go.

But at this time Miriam took the initiative to take a step forward: "I am Miriam, the royal guard knight of Saidian. It is a great honor to assist you in carrying out the mission this time."

"Oh, Brock, look, there are people here." Roland spread his hands at Miria.

I saw it but I don't want to admit the fact ah hey!

"Wait, if you send a familiar to investigate, a professional mage should be more suitable!" I could only stare at Roland and questioned.

"I can't help it. None of the mages under me have the experience of working alone with orcs. I'm nervous. I'm worried that there will be some problems when we cooperate." Roland said with a smile, "If you just use the familiar to investigate, Miriam can also do it." oh."

"What about Feilan?" At this moment, I suddenly felt that the golden-haired girl was pretty good.

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