Because his knife was pinched - the empress raised her hand and pinched the knife, using only two fingers.

"Eh? This...hell!?" The thief leader tried several times in astonishment, but no matter how he pushed or pulled the handle of the knife, the knife still seemed to be embedded in the stone Also not moving an inch.

Then the Empress exerted strength—she exerted strength on her fingers, and bent the broadsword with two fingers.The weapons used by these thieves seemed to be provided by the enemy, and they were relatively sophisticated. The steel used for the knives was very ductile, and it didn't break directly, but was bent by her.

"You, what are you!?" He watched his knife being shaken like chaff by a woman who folded two fingers in half, and tremblingly moved his gaze to the opposite corner of the queen's head.Maybe he still can't think that the other party is a dragon, but he should be more or less aware that he has provoked a target that should not be provoked.

The Empress didn't answer him, but she didn't do it either—she really didn't seem to be bothered with this kind of thing, although the bandit leader would be reduced to ashes in the fire if she just pointed her finger at it.She just turned her head slightly, her closed eyelids opened slightly for a moment and then closed again, the red-gold stream of light burst out, carrying the majesty of the dragon king.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The thief lost all color on his face after being glanced at by her, his whole body froze, and he let out a fearful cry.And the horse under him was frightened immediately, turned around and galloped a few steps, jumping wildly like an untamed wild horse.

The thieves leader was so frightened that he was unprepared, and was thrown off his horse in an instant. During the fall, he was kicked hard by the horse's rear hooves, making a muffled sound, like a sack thrown by a dock porter. It flew out like that, fell heavily on the ground, and then began to roll and howl.

But after howling a few times, he suddenly realized that he was in a bad situation. It seemed that the horse's powerful kick made his head so scared that he was scared out of his wits. Run in the direction they came from.

Humans can run so's still in the state of being kicked by a horse and breaking a few bones.

The other thieves were also killed by Mi Ruiya and me. There were only a dozen of them left. They all lost their will to fight, and they all rode out and started to run away.

No matter how fast Miriam and I can run, we can't outrun the horses, and the queen flies fast, but she is also out of control.

But they still couldn't escape.

I slapped the ground with my palm and summoned the beast soul.

The blood mist emerged almost instantly - after Azak borrowed necromancy to transfer part of his soul power to me, I obviously felt that my affinity for shaman spells has increased a lot .Whether it is establishing a spiritual link with the elemental spirit or using the beast soul summoning, it is much faster than in the past.In just five seconds, a whole pack of wargs appeared in front of me.

"Oh!" Miriya suddenly stared at this side, her eyes were shining brightly, she didn't know what she was thinking.

I didn't have time to control her, so I controlled the warg to scatter in the direction the thieves were fleeing, and started chasing her.

The speed of a human horse cannot be compared with that of a wolf, let alone with a person on its back.Soon I heard the trombone signals of the beast spirits taking their prey from all directions, and none of the fleeing thieves slipped through.

"It's done." I nodded, and controlled the beast souls to pull the thief back.

Most of the thieves had their throats bitten off by the beast souls, and they were brought back as corpses.Wargs specialize in hunting vital points and are extremely efficient in killing. Only a few thieves with quicker reactions managed to escape, only to have their hands, shoulders and torso bitten, dragged back and thrown on the open space, and then began to howl continuously.

I don't hesitate to kill them. They have already committed enough crimes for Arsena, the lord, to execute them from the beginning of actively attaching to the invading army. In addition, they have attacked innocent villagers. Scumbag's reason for showing mercy.

But from their mouths, they may be able to get some information about the movements of several other thieves, or even the enemy troops-after all, Wikas said that after these thieves who were raised up plundered the village, they would send some supplies and villagers' The team with the giant beasts as the main combat force should know something about the corpses brought to the enemy, so it is just a matter of keeping alive.

But Miria next to me is completely opposite to me. Her attention is not on those thieves, but on the beast soul I summoned.

"The familiar created by magic power is equivalent to the spiritual extension of the caster...Hey, these beasts you summoned should obey your orders completely?" After a while, she suddenly spoke to me.

For some reason, her face was slightly flushed, and her eyes were also flickering with excitement.

"What do you want to do?" I regretted asking this question—suddenly I had a bad feeling.

"I think..." This person who was always either cold and arrogant or unscrupulous started to twitch, blushing, and aimed at me with wet eyes, "...use it."

I swallowed the question "how to use" that came to my throat abruptly, because I had a premonition that her answer might have an irreparable impact and damage on my spirit.

So I ignored her, and turned to look at the bandit leader who was dragged back by the wolf spirit and thrown in the middle of the open space—this guy is still alive, he seems to have instinctively blocked the wolf with his arm when he was chased by the beast spirit The fangs that were biting his neck were not only kicked by the horse and broken his ribs, but also had an arm crippled. It looked very miserable.

I walked over, ready to start the interrogation.

But at this moment, the leader of the thieves twitched violently. Then, black smoke filled his body, and blood flowed from his mouth, nose, ears and eyes.

The intuition that I noticed the danger not only made me stop, but also turned around and ran a few steps away, grabbed Miria's waist who hadn't reacted, and brought her down.

A beast soul was under my control, and rushed over to press on the head of the bandit.

I only heard an explosion behind me, then I got up and turned around, and found that the beast soul had been blown away, and the bandit leader was gone. Blood, like a medicine undergoing some kind of violent reaction.

what's the situation?

Bandit Suppression Battle (4)

"That human just exploded suddenly, and the corpse turned into these black blood." The queen, who witnessed the whole process from a distance, told us what happened just now.

Fortunately... I did have a premonition of the danger that would happen before I let the beast soul pounce on it. If I hadn't withdrawn in time just now, I'm afraid I would have been blown up and covered in black blood. I can see the black blood It is quite dangerous.

"The black smoke just now is the magical power of the abyss. I'm afraid they have been casted by the magic spell of the devil." Miriya reacted, "The blood is cursed, so don't get it on it."

The devil's technique... Speaking of which, when Azak transferred his soul power to me, he also passed on part of the information in his memory to me. In his memory, I saw the lich named Mudar Image of demonizing spells being tested on werewolf bandits recruited in the past.I still remember those werewolves, when they were dying, their flesh would turn into corrosive black blood.

It seems that he also used similar spells on these ordinary human thieves, but according to what Roland said before, the demonized spells can't be tolerated by ordinary human bodies, but the enemy still uses everything without hesitation Yes, made these thieves into spell traps.It seems that when they are seriously injured, the spell will be activated, and their lives will be exchanged for the magic power of the abyss to infect their flesh and blood, and then burst out.

"Ah! Ahhh!" At this moment, the other thieves who were still alive began to scream violently, because their bodies also began to react and twitched uncontrollably.Witnessing the end of the leader, they also more or less foresee what they will become next.

This time my reaction was much faster, and I controlled the beast souls to rush over in time, bit them and dragged them away.

Finally, they were dragged to the edge of the clearing, only to hear a few explosions one after another, and the thieves followed in the footsteps of their leader. When the black blood splashed on the grass, the plants withered instantly.

"It's really disgustingly interesting." The queen frowned and commented.

It's really bad. I don't sympathize with these thieves, but through the effect of this vicious spell, I can feel a trace of the caster's aesthetics and values ​​that are different from ordinary people.

"By the way, how long are you two going to hold each other?" The queen turned her face again, and said this quietly.

"...Please show some respect." I also glanced at Miria who was holding my arm tightly in her arms.

I just let her go when I got up after lying down with my arms in a hurry, but she wrapped her hands around my arm instead.

Mi Ruiya was also sensible this time, and let go of me resentfully, without further entanglement.

"It seems that you have to be careful when dealing with this group of people. When you kill them, you have to kill them with one blow." There are no more survivors, and I gave up the idea of ​​​​interrogating information from the thieves. "There are four more thieves gangs, let's hurry If we eliminate them one minute earlier, we may save a group of villagers.”

The next process went smoothly. With the help of the queen's movement speed and the familiar sent by Miria, our search efficiency is quite high.At dusk, we wiped out three groups of thieves, most of whom were intercepted in the wild in the mountains, so it was relatively easy to solve.

But when we found the last active bandit group, we encountered a little change.

The first thing that was noticed was a puff of black smoke rising from the mountains. As we accelerated the approach, we saw the village with fire.Thieves riding horses walked through the roads of the village and set fire to houses and fields with torches. One-third of the village was engulfed in flames. The surviving villagers ran in panic, and several thieves chased and fled in the fields on horseback. villagers.

We happened to run into this gang of thieves committing crimes in the village.

"Quick! Help!" I pointed in the direction of the field and couldn't help shouting.

The queen had already started a dive and forced landing, and landed on that field. This time the landing was different from the previous ones. It was quite urgent and there was not much buffer. When I landed, I fell directly on the back of the dragon. The head fell from the tower, and the spine was almost broken.

But I gritted my teeth and jumped off the dragon's back, and so did Miria.This time, I pulled out my battle axe and ran towards the thieves who were stunned by the queen's dragon posture without a word. Since I caught the current situation, I didn't even have to persuade them to surrender this time. I started the execution process directly. .

While I swung my battle ax to kill the thieves, I summoned the pack of wolves again with ease, chasing down the thieves who were still on their horses and began to flee.Miriah took the initiative to guide the villagers who had just been chased to evacuate. We came down urgently, and the scene was a bit chaotic. Not only the thieves but also the villagers were frightened by the queen's landing gesture. Miriah shouted, While pushing those who have not recovered, remind them to evacuate this battlefield in an orderly manner.

But at this moment, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a thief who took advantage of the chaos to go around the wheat field and ran towards the direction where the villagers were fleeing - there was a little boy who fell and fell behind, and this cunning thief wanted to catch him hostage.

The beast soul I summoned was a little far away from there. The situation was urgent, and I couldn't think much about it. I had to raise the pitch-black battle ax to summon the Spear of Dark Curse, and threw it before I could aim.

Fortunately, the Spear of the Dark Curse managed to hit him, but it missed the vital point that would kill him.The thief fell down only two steps away from the boy, and then suddenly began to twitch unnaturally, his body was filled with black mist.

I suddenly remembered the spells on these thieves, and couldn't help but hum in my head.

"Get up and run!" I was too far away, so I could only yell at the kid while controlling the nearest beast soul to rush over.

The little boy was crying and trying to get up, the movement was obviously difficult, and I saw blood flowing down his calf-his knee was injured!

Oops, it's too late for him to crawl to a safe distance, or for my beast soul to rush over!

Just as my heart was sinking, Miria ran over there. She was guiding other villagers just now, and she was much closer to that child than my beast soul.But when she got close to the kid, the thief's body exploded, and black blood gushed out.

Miria didn't have time to cast spells or do extra blocks, so she rushed out and covered the boy with her body.

Da Tan's black blood splashed on her back, staining her light armor, as well as her naked neck and hair.

Bandit Suppression Battle (5)

After protecting the human boy, Miriah got up immediately.The black blood spattered on her body, emitting white smoke, her brows were furrowed, obviously in pain, but she didn't groan.

She first glanced at the boy who was still in shock on the ground, and after confirming that he was fine, she immediately and decisively untied her light armor, took off the breastplate covered with black blood, and threw it away to prevent the blood from seeping into the gaps in the armor, and then grabbed He brushed his hair up, and wiped the back of his neck with his gauntlet-wrapped hand.

I had already rushed over, tore off the cloth from my leather armor, and began to help wipe the black blood standing on her skin.When I wiped off the black blood on the back of her neck, I found that the part of the skin stained with black blood had already turned dark gray, and these gray spots were still spreading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is the curse of the abyss system, and it is coming very violently.

Miria's breathing obviously became more rapid and difficult. She took off her gauntlet, covered the back of her neck with her hand, and chanted a spell lightly, with a faint light in her palm, applying healing to herself.But her healing technique is obviously only at the emergency level of the battlefield, and it can't stop the spread of the curse at all.

In just a few seconds, the gray spots spread to cover her neck, and spread along her chin to her face.

Miria swayed suddenly and fell forward.

"Hello!" I quickly reached out to support her, her consciousness was already blurred, I could only put her on the ground first, and without caring about anything else, I tore off the lining under her armor to check the situation.

The elf female knight's shoulders with clear lines and muscles were exposed, and many old scars could be seen. It was a bit obvious that the injuries were not shallow at the time. She participated in that war like Roland. It is not a rare thing. There were millions of victims in that war, and it is considered very lucky to be able to survive.

But this time the situation was not optimistic, the gray spots of the curse had spread to her back, she was soaked in cold sweat, and her breathing had begun to become difficult.The curse caused by black blood was probably refined by a wizard who is proficient in this way, and it is specially used to kill people. If it is hit, it will become very violent, like a poison that seals the throat when it sees blood.

This is not a situation I can handle. I subconsciously looked to the side, but suddenly remembered that there was no Roland's familiar this time.This time is different from the past, she also has to manage the team that supports Saidian in Helgia, until now I realize that although she rarely acts with me, she has been helping me most of the time. Crucially, but this time when I needed her help, she was no longer around.

No, this matter is my responsibility... If I hadn't been negligent in intercepting the gang of thieves, this kind of thing would not have happened.

Damn it!

"I have to take her back immediately!" I immediately picked up Miria, and turned to the queen, who had already crawled over.

The thieves nearby have been wiped out by my beast souls, so the village is considered safe now.

"Where are you going? She doesn't seem to be able to last long." The queen, who was maintaining the body of a dragon, lowered her head and looked over majestically.

I froze for a moment, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

In order to save time, we are preparing to support the main force of the attacked town and move separately to eliminate the thieves. Soon after we set off, the airship should also set off for the supporting town. That town is not close to here, even if it is The queen's speed also takes two or three hours.

As for Miriya's condition, it seemed that she couldn't even last a quarter of an hour.

"Oh, it seems that I have to explain here today." At this time, this guy suddenly hummed in my arms, and squeezed out a weak and wry smile.

"Don't talk yet, hold on. Let me look at the map, let's go to the nearest town to try our luck!" I hugged her and sent her up, ready to move her to the dragon's back.

But Miria shook her head: "If you find a priest in the town church, even if you know the purification technique, he will not be much better than me. Such a violent curse cannot be solved without professional paladins and high priests. I am very happy." Clear. Stop, this is very dangerous, maybe I will become like those thieves... I probably won’t be able to cause you any more trouble in the future, sorry, actually I also know that you reject those things, but I It's just... I can't help it..." Her breathing became disordered, her eyes opened and closed, as if she was very tired.

"That's enough, shut up! This kind of serious talk like last words is not suitable for you pervert." I interrupted her roughly as usual, but this time she didn't have the strength to pester her unreasonably, but her consciousness changed. It got blurred.

I was about to carry her on the back of the dragon, but when I turned my head, I was surprised to find that the dragon had disappeared, and standing there was the queen in human form.

She opened her mouth before I asked the question: "It's absolutely too late for you to move her out now, I thought of a way to try."

Right now, Miria is already unconscious, so she just stared at me seriously with her red golden eyes.

"what way?"

"Dragon blood." She said simply, "Dragon blood can suppress ordinary curses and poisons. This kind of curse should not be as powerful as the curse on the sword that stabbed me at that time. Maybe feed her to drink dragon blood." Blood will help."

Indeed, Roland also mentioned that dragon blood is a legendary magical medicine in potions. The enemy even used a huge army to take the blood of the dragon queen in front of him, just to activate the corpse of the demon king.Different from the curse of the magic sword made by the horn of the devil king, this kind of curse is just a curse created by a mage, and it may be directly suppressed by a powerful potion.

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