Just one Miriya is enough for me, if there are another dozen of such masochists, I would rather die!

"Okay, these are not the point, Brock. The important thing is that you, as a prisoner of war, have already obtained too many privileges, haven't you? Imagine again, if it was not me who captured you at that time, but Miri The troops led by Ya, you may be treated like this now?"


I can't even imagine what will happen if it falls into her hands...

"So, what qualifications do you have to give me advice? I think you are living too comfortably here, so you think about what you have and what you don't have?" Roland crossed his legs at me, completely Put on a superior attitude.


What she said was so reasonable that I was speechless.

"It's in vain that I risked being impeached by the main combat faction and suspected by the neutral faction to fight for so many rights and interests for you, but you still lose your temper with me. I'm so hurt." She folded her hands and turned her bulging face to went aside.

"This...I'm sorry..." I was momentarily at a loss.

"If an apology is useful, what do the guards do? If I don't lick this foot clean today, I will never forgive you!" She shook the protruding foot at me reluctantly.

"Okay, okay...what a ghost!" I reacted suddenly, "How obsessed are you with the ****? And what you said above has nothing to do with the prank you played on me! Although it is true that I am a prisoner of war, I am also a cooperator of your plan, right? It is still true that the things you made on the spur of the moment delayed the plan and caused me trouble!"

"Oh, I actually realized it." Roland covered his mouth and smiled.

It's so dangerous, I was almost limped by her...

"Okay, okay, don't get excited. I said I was reflecting on it, it's the truth." She waved her hand at me, "You and I can talk about it, you are not really discouraged, right wrong?"

"You see it?"

"Stinky boy, it's 100 years too early to play the trick of playing hard to get with me. Your father wasn't even born when I went to the battlefield." Roland raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, that's it...well, I admit it, I just want to bargain with you." I simply nodded.

I was not surprised to be seen through. Most of the orcs are straight-hearted. We are more used to directly overwhelming opponents with intimidation. This kind of side-talking negotiation skills is not our specialty, and it is inevitable to be seen through.It would be better to say it so clearly, but I feel a little more relaxed.

"Let me be straightforward. In fact, I have considered compensation, and I have already thought of a plan. After all, I did something that I am sorry to you." Roland spread his hands towards me.

"Oh? Then let's hear it." I became interested.

Then she shyly put her hands on her plump breasts: "Just use this body—"

"Stop it, this joke is too corny." I cut her off blankly.

"I'm not joking with you." Her expression became serious, and she spoke lines that seemed familiar to me.

School life is not always beautiful, there are exams and exams (3)

"What?" I widened my eyes.

"I mean, I'll take any order you have."

"Any order?" I thought for a while, "Like Feilan's magic contract last time?"

"Yes, I also plan to use a magic contract." Roland stroked his lips with his fingertips, his eyes charming, "Any order is fine. Even if it is forcing me to take off my clothes, put on a shameful pose on the bed, and then By you from behind—”

"Stop!" I interrupted her as I felt the temperature on my face start to rise.

It's not surprising that she made such teasing jokes, but it's still too big for me who is conservative.

Does this elf have no shame at all?

I coughed dryly: "In other words, even if I ask you to help me escape back to my tribe with all my strength, or ask you to help me deliver letters to the tribe, is it okay?"

"Of course." She nodded, "But don't you think it's a bit wasteful?"

Ignoring the second half of the sentence, I stared into her eyes and continued to ask: "If you are found out doing this, it should be a lot of trouble for you, right?"

"Naturally, once it is discovered that I assisted you in escaping or privately contacted your tribe, which has a tense relationship with Saidian, I will probably be charged with collaborating with the enemy and treason and brought to the trial. These are the four major crimes." First of all, if you are caught, you will not even have the right to defend yourself, and you should be very familiar with the crime of raping an underage girl."

"I didn't commit a crime!" I gave her a white look, and then said seriously, "Are you serious?"


After a moment of silence, I crossed my hands again and leaned back on the chair: "Tell me, what is your purpose, or what is your condition?"

This concession is really too big. With her character who is more calculating than a fox, this matter cannot be unconditional.Since it is prepared in the form of a magic contract, there must be some agreement written in that contract.

"It's easy to talk to someone who understands. That's right, to be precise, the so-called compensation is to give you a chance to obtain this privilege. The condition is actually very simple, as long as you study hard." She smiled frankly.

"Huh? Study hard?" I was taken aback.

Isn't this topic a little too off-topic?

"That's right, as long as you study hard and get certain grades in the year-end exam, I will agree to any of your requests."

"Wait, why do you suddenly care about this? Didn't you say that I don't need to pay too much attention to academic issues?" I was a little puzzled.

"Well, I did think so at first, but I've changed my mind now." Roland's expression was a little serious, "Brock, do you remember that you were brought to trial because of Angelica?" At that time at the meeting, your words and deeds in the academy, even if they were only a little bit related to 'misconduct' or had suspicions in this regard, were taken out as side evidence to attack you."

"That's true." I nodded.

That prosecutor, Wen Sally, not only searched my dormitory, but also collected various monitoring crystals and testimonies of teachers and students, and collected a lot of so-called evidence as materials to attack me.Although those things were not used as a basis for conviction by the judges in the end, there is no doubt that they must have left a bad impression on the elves present.

"Then I realized that it's not enough to just ask you not to cause trouble in the academy. To change that deep-rooted prejudice, you may have to raise a little bit more requirements on your performance in this academy. You must try your best to make people I can't fault it. First, let's start with the most important and easiest thing to do, that is, studies. What's more, you and I can be regarded as a teacher-student relationship, and I also have the self-esteem of an educator." She As he spoke, he suddenly opened his collar.

"You, what are you doing?" I was stunned by her inexplicable behavior.

Then she reached into her collar, took out a roll of parchment from her chest and handed it over: "Well, yes, this is the magic contract."

The place where you hide your things is so weird!

Roland stared straight at me with an unabated smile on his face, as if he was expecting my reaction.

If you can feel that you are complaining at this time, you will lose.So I resisted the urge, and silently grabbed the parchment.

Damn it, with residual warmth...

"If you are serious about studying, you can persuade me to do it. Is it necessary to do this kind of nonsense?" I settled down, opened the contract and read it carefully, "Well... If I am in this year's If you get the top [-] in the basic level in the year-end test, and all subjects are above the passing line, I can order you to do anything."

So far it's no problem.

But then I couldn't help frowning: "Huh? If I can't meet the requirements, I will agree to any of your requests instead?"

"There are risks to be rewarded. This is also to urge you. As an educator, you have to take some measures." Roland looked over with a smile.

School life is not always beautiful, there are exams and exams (4)

"If you want me to do something, don't you just go through the collar?" I frowned.

"This is not a class. The collar can only control your body movements. The magic contract can complete more complex instructions, not only can control a person's language, but can even complete some psychological hints to change the other party's behavior to a certain extent. Thinking and memory. In other words... there are more ways to play, even if you are ordered to confess to Miria, it is still possible."

"..." These words made me vigilant.

Her tone didn't look like she was going to let me win at all.

And that kind of thing, I feel like this guy can really do it...

"I said it all just to urge you, don't be so suspicious." She noticed the change in my eyes and put on a harmless and loving smile.

This smile is really familiar, the last time I saw it was when she coaxed and tricked me to enroll.

"You don't plan to do anything, do you?" I looked her up and down suspiciously, "For example, it will hinder me from taking the exam normally..."

She looks like... No, it should be said that she is someone who can make troubles in it.

"Who do you think I am? Look down carefully. According to the contract, not only will I not hinder you in any way, but I will try my best to help you pass the test. Of course, the so-called 'best effort' is only within the scope of the regulations. Inside, although it is impossible to tell you the answers to the test questions in advance to help you cheat, it is still possible to give you a small lesson and summarize the test points."

I turned my eyes back to the contract and read it carefully, and found that what was written below was indeed consistent with what she said, and there was nothing tricky about it.

"Is there any problem? I have already made the biggest concession." Roland's voice made me raise my head again, "Or do you mean Brock, you don't have confidence in yourself?"

After thinking for a moment, I raised my head and looked into her eyes: "Hmph, who do you think you are talking to? I graduated from the tribal academy with the top grade of general subjects. Well, I accept this bet! "

The top twenty requirements sound a bit harsh, but I remember that the number of people in the basic level is actually not much at all.And it's the end of summer, since it's the end-of-year test, that means there are still a few months left, with my learning ability and experience, let alone the top twenty, even if I want to get into the top five, it's absolutely useless to follow the steps questionable.

"Then sign the contract." She spread her hands towards the parchment in my hand.

I bit my finger, dripped blood on the contract, and handed it back to Roland.

"It's more refreshing than I expected. Haven't you thought about what will happen if you fail one of the subjects?" Roland smiled and put away the contract.

"Hmph, you don't have to worry. You are the one. Given such a condition, didn't you think about the consequences of losing?" I responded with confidence.

"Because I believe in your character, Bullock, you probably want me to formally apply for a censored correspondence for you?" She smiled at me, "Although I personally think this step is still too early, but If it is an order bound by contract, I can only try my best to fight for you."

She even saw through this...

Then she narrowed her eyes slightly, and her smile became meaningful: "However, the premise is that you have to win. I don't think this is so easy to do."

Seeing her expression like this, my heart suddenly "thumped".

what's wrong...

Although I haven't noticed where the problem is, I can clearly feel that I have been tricked!

"Then, in these ten days, you should study hard for the exam. I'll wait and see." She nodded with a smile.

"What!" I jumped up from my chair in shock, "Ten days? Didn't you mean the end-of-year test?"

"Oh, has no one told you?" Roland pretended to be surprised and covered his lips, "The calendar used by elves is different from the public calendar used by other races. The astrological calendar we use is based on summer as a year. It’s the last season of the year, that is to say, it’s the last two months of the year for us now. You didn’t go to class these days so you don’t know, the college has officially closed to enter the year-end exam preparation stage. After ten days, it will be the comprehensive written test, and then ten days later, it will be the test of various practical classes."

I was dumbfounded.

Does that mean I have to learn a whole year's knowledge in ten days?

Damn, I've only been here for less than a month...

"In addition, there are magic courses in the practice class. Because of our racial talents, our elves have high requirements for magic courses. You should be fine, Brock?" She threw another question. hit.

It's over!I've never used magic at all...

I seem to have heard the death knell sound.

"One more thing, if you fail a subject, according to the school rules, the teacher will be arranged to provide targeted tutoring, and then make up the exam. Of course, this also depends on the teacher's wishes. I think if you fail some subjects, Bullock, you will The only one who is willing to tutor you is Miria, she can take care of all basic courses." Roland said and got up.

Be guided one-on-one by Miriah…

Isn't this a big crisis! ! !

"Hey wait!" I tried to stop her.

Ignoring my voice, Roland walked to the door, turned his head and smiled gracefully at me: "Then, I look forward to your performance, Classmate Bullock."

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